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As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words. Here is what he said:
My beautiful ones please don’t forget my goodness. I know right now it seems as if the world is in chaos and all is lost but this is not the time to forget that I love you and I am kind and I will never forsake you.
I want you to remember the times past when you thought it was over and yet you made it. Take your eyes off the trouble and put them on the answer. You are changed from the glory you express now into the greater glory you will express not by staring at the problems of the world but by looking at my face. If you set your focus, which is your single eye, upon me, then your whole body will be full of light. Staring at the darkness will not let any light into any situation. You must remember that no matter what it seems like outside it is heavenly inside you. I dwell in you and I am not leaving. We are one and what I joined together no man can put asunder.
My little ones my beloved one told you that you are the light of the world and you are the city set on a hill. If you surrender your light to the darkness then what chance do those who are blinded by the world have in finding their way? Remember dear loved ones that I am the one who made the light and there is none who can put it out. The darkest night does not put out the dimmest candle. You must stay focused on the light until the darkness is nowhere to be found.
I know I have told you these things many times yet so many of you are still not listening. You are looking at the media and the news and believing what they are showing you is truth. It’s all lies. It is called programming for a reason. They know what they are doing but their time is short and their pretend kingdom is collapsing. They show you things as they wish they were not as they really are. They don’t wield any power at all and the only way they can hurt you is if you give them your power to do so. Don’t give into fear and empower a powerless enemy.
Do you remember how my Son told the disciples to pray? He said of me “thine is THE KINGDOM, thine is THE POWER and thine is THE GLORY! How many kingdoms did he say there are? How many powers did he say there are? Did you forget that my Son destroyed all the power of what you call the devil? Did you forget that my son said “all authority was given unto me in heaven and in earth? So how many powers are there? There is one!
You believe there is some evil power fighting against good and trying to destroy my kingdom but this is not so. The only thing you are fighting is wickedness in the hearts of greedy men who want to rule over you with fear and intimidation. The only thing you are truly fighting is ignorance of the fact that it was finished, it is finished and will always be finished.
If you will hear there is a place of rest where all things are done. As it is written those who believe enter into rest. As long as you remain in this rest you are abiding in the secret place. If you think you have to come out of this rest and fight against some evil power you are no longer in rest.
Remember where you are. You are in Christ and you are seated in heavenly places far above all things. You are above and you are not from below. You are in the world but you are not of the world system. You are a spiritual being, the children of God and not the lowly peasants you have been told you are.
Those who would like to rule over you want to keep you divided by race and gender and religion and anything else that will keep you fighting and out of rest. Your power is in rest and your power is in the spiritual realm which creates the physical realm. This is why they want you to think you are a lowly human being and not a god from God. Knowing who you are gives you power over the lower realm because of the rank of your spirit. Knowing you are from above gives you power over all things below.
So my powerful ones: Rest in me! Remember my goodness to you! Let go of the fear message and lock yourselves into the truth message. It is a message of love and peace and prosperity. It is a message of hope and encouragement. The gospel is the good news and there is no bad news in the good news. You are my glorious ones and you will not fail.
We are entering the day when all things change. It will be heaven on earth just as my beloved one asked. He also asked that I not take you out of the world but protect you from it.
Think about these words written in scripture:
Those who fear the LORD are secure;
He will be a refuge for their children.
The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;
My God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.
I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.
My children set your mind on things above where you dwell in me and I dwell in you. You are safe and secure in me and have no reason to fear. You are in my hands and no one can touch you! Remember my loved ones to encourage each other. The storm will soon be over and a new heavenly earth is waiting. Remember it is written: I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is set on me! Rest in my perfect peace!
This is the end of the words he gave me to share with you today.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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