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Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Gathering

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

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Ephesians Chapter One

3. All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.

Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.

So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.

He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.

God has now revealed to us his mysterious will regarding Christ—which is to fulfill his own good plan. And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth. Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan.

Hebrews Chapter Eight

And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the LORD.’

For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already.

Proverbs Chapter Twenty Four

19. Don’t fret because of evildoers; don’t envy the wicked.

For evil people have no future; the light of the wicked will be snuffed out.

Psalm Forty Six

9. He causes wars to end throughout the earth.

He breaks the bow and snaps the spear; he burns the shields with fire.

“Be still, and know that I am God!

I will be honored by every nation.

I will be honored throughout the world.”

Psalm Thirty Seven

1. Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong.

For like grass, they soon fade away.

Like spring flowers, they soon wither.

Trust in the LORD and do good.

Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Commit everything you do to the LORD.

Trust him, and he will help you.

He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,

and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

Be still in the presence of the LORD,

and wait patiently for him to act.

Don’t worry about evil people who prosper

or fret about their wicked schemes.

Stop being angry!

Turn from your rage!

Do not lose your temper, it only leads to harm.

For the wicked will be destroyed,

but those who trust in the LORD will possess the land.

Soon the wicked will disappear.

Though you look for them, they will be gone.

The lowly will possess the land and will live in peace and prosperity.

    The days we live in are extraordinary to say the least. I have had so many people reach out to me in fear and worry. Many are hurting mentally, financially and physically, so in my prayer time today I asked Father to give me words of encouragement to help them. He gave me the scriptures that we just read and then asked me to listen and write and publish his words for all to hear. Here are his words: He said:

    My dearest ones, when you are troubled just remember my plan. Remember what day you are in. It is time for gathering. It is time for all things on earth to be in subjection to me as they are in heaven. This is what my Son prayed. He asked that my will would be done in earth as in heaven and he also prayed that I would not take you out of the world but that I would protect you from the evil that is in the world.

    You are in the beginning days of a brand new age. These are the days when the evil is removed from the earth and the righteous will shine like the noonday sun. It is the new beginning where all things are gathered into one. Things in heaven and in earth.

    So my beloved ones, I ask you to listen with your whole hearts. The upheaval in the world is necessary for the darkness to be removed and the righteous to reign. The light is shining bright and those who hate the light are scattering and trying to hide from the light. This time there is nowhere to hide for my light is filling the earth and all darkness will be removed.

    My loved ones don’t be afraid. There is nothing to fear. Do you remember that it was written that all men are appointed to die and after this comes the judgment? Do you also remember it is written that if one man died for all then all were dead? Your death is behind you, not ahead of you. You will never experience death. Even if your body goes into the grave you will never know because you are already one with me and complete with me and the only thing waiting at your last breath is the ecstasy of being engulfed in the most brilliant light and deepest love that you could ever imagine. There is nothing to fear.

    My chosen ones: I need you to see past the events taking place in the world today and look forward to your calling on the other side. When all the wickedness is removed from the physical realm there will be a rebuilding like never imagined. Not only of physical things but of the minds of the people who will have to unlearn all things and relearn truth. So I need you who are teachers to be ready to teach. I need you who are builders to be ready to build. I need you who are good at encouraging to be ready to encourage. Most of all, I need all of you to love those who are hurting with all your might.

    Some of you have been asking to come home and to miss the events taking place in the world but if you would be willing to stay I would really appreciate it. I need you to stay and help me on the other side of these events. I need mature people who understand what it’s like to hurt and what it’s like to face discouragement and fear of the future.

    The events happening will lead to a glorious future and I need people who will be willing to help those who are in total shock because all the systems of the world will change and it will be hard for some to accept. Most are much more attached to the system than they realize.

    I will also really need those of you with spiritual experiences to explain to those who haven’t had them. In this gathering of all things together, what you call the heavenly realm will be merged with the physical realm. Many will begin to see things they have never experienced and will be afraid. I need you to comfort and teach them as these days unfold. Many of you have already begun this journey and have seen angels, messengers and even family members who are in heaven come to you and encourage you. Can you imagine what unbelievers who have never experienced these things will feel when it happens and they have no place in their minds to understand these things?

    Remember it is written that everything that can be shaken will be shaken so only things built on truth will remain. I need you to dig deep and find courage to meet these events in faith and not in fear. Remember that there is nothing to fear.

    Encourage yourselves by knowing that earth is being transformed into the image it once was. In the beginning I made the heavens and the earth. They were intertwined. So it shall be again. In the future there are no wars, no famine, no hatred, no corruption, no sickness or disease and all will know me from the least to the greatest just as it was written. I will work through my people to accomplish this so I need you to allow me to work through you to change the earthly into the heavenly.

    So I am asking you my beloved ones: Will you help me? Those who know what is happening will you encourage others who don’t know without judging them? Will you patiently teach them understanding their weakness and frailty? Remember that it is written: The Kingdoms of earth have become the kingdom of our God and his Christ. It is time for all these kingdoms to be gathered together into one and into the authority of my Son. As I said unto my Son “sit at my right hand until I have put all your enemies under your feet.”

    Finally my loved ones: Once again I say, “Don’t be afraid!” It is a glorious day that you live in. Rejoice and be glad because the gathering in underway!

    These are the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

PS: A special thank you to Dan, Frank, Carolyn and Esteban. Each of you is a heavenly gift given to me by my loving Father and I love and appreciate you more than you will ever know!

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