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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ruling From Peace

     As I was praying today and having an amazing time in Father's presence He began to speak to me and told me the following:

     My son, speak unto my children the following words and listen carefully as you write them down. This is very important for you and them to know.

     My children, my beloved: How I long to gather you. Not to take you out of the world but to gather you unto myself and rule with you. I long to show you the goodness of my kingdom and the light of my glory; I long for you to know the exceeding greatness of my love toward you and for you to know my unending passion for you and all whom you love.

     I see my children, I see, I see. I know many of you are weary. Many are weak and tired and ready to give in. You have said in your hearts “What is the use? Why not just quit and give up? Why must we endure all these things?” I know every hurt, every discomfort, I know because I bore them for you.

     The reason that you are weary and worn is because you have labored for labor’s sake and not labored to enter into my rest. Most of you are trying to do the work and have not surrendered to being the work. You are my workmanship created to be the work and not do the work. You are trying to build a kingdom when you are the kingdom. You think you will enter in because of much labor when the way in is to rest in the work that was accomplished in you and to become intimate with me in this rest so that you may bear my fruit.

     Oh my beloved, don’t you know how I long for you sit with me in my throne and watch your problems disappear, lost in the glow of my love for you? Take a moment and take a deep breath and breathe in my presence. Can’t you feel me? Can’t you see me? Don’t you know I am always with you?

     I am changing you from a church that does into a church that is. You will go from feeding the hungry to being food for the hungry. You will become rest for the weary and health for the unhealthy. My kingdom is my presence. I live in you so wherever you are my kingdom is. You are the portals of heaven where sinners can look into your face and see me. You are the light of the world and I have placed you in this dark world to shine as lights.

     Don’t be afraid of the darkness. Keep your eyes on me. If your eye is single your whole body will be full of light. Focus on the light and look away from the darkness. Become the light and let those in darkness look upon you and be delivered.

     Many of you have gone here and there searching for the power to heal and deliver and have not realized that that power is inside you. Like it or not you are a river that flows. If you look at the light you will overflow with light. If you look at the darkness your banks will overflow with darkness. Look at the light my children. Look at the light.

     Do you want peace in your world? Look into the eyes of the Prince of Peace and stop looking at the destruction in the world caused by the Prince of darkness. There is more power in you than you could ever need but you can’t see it because you are looking for it outwardly instead of inwardly.

     In your heart is my secret dwelling place and I love meeting you there. Did I not say to sing and make melody in your heart unto the Lord? I live in your heart and when you make melody in your heart you make melody in my home. Fill our meeting place with love songs and we shall dance together there.

     Now you are asking what shall we do? I’m so delighted that you asked. It’s time to cast your cares upon me. It’s time to take my yoke and my burden. When I purchased you I didn't just buy your good days and your worship. I bought your problems, your dilemmas, your anxiety, your fears, your broken dreams and destructive habits. Did I know you had all of these? Yes I did, that’s why I bought you so that I could free you from these things. I counted the cost for you and gladly paid it with a price above and beyond the asking price. You are so worth it and this will be revealed to you in the eternity to come. So lay aside all these cares and worries. I am here to reveal myself to you as your Father. Yes I am your King and your Champion. Yes I am the Lord of the hosts of heaven and I am your commander in battle but I am also your Father, and you are my children.

     Listen closely. The Kingdom is a family. The Kingdom is a family. The Kingdom is a family. I planted a family in the earth to rule over it. The first family planted here failed. The last Adam brought forth a family of winners who will take over this world from East to West and from North to South.

     Don’t you see who you are my beloved? You are the family I sent into the world to overcome it and subdue it and to rule over it. I will rule with you and through you but you will only walk in the kingdom power when you understand the purpose of the kingdom. I rule from the throne inside you. Look no further than the Spirit that dwells within you for all you need. I am not in heaven that you should bring me down or down below that you should bring me up. I am inside you and ready to rule through and in you. You can rule the outside by surrendering to me inside. Give me the throne of your heart and I will establish my kingdom in you and then will begin to rule the things around you. Out of your heart flow the issues of life. When I take the throne of your heart I will assume the throne of your life. Sickness, disease, poverty and any other thing that troubles you will fall away from your life from inside out. The kingdom will advance from the throne inside you and fill the world around you.

     Understand my plan my children. Rest on the inside equals power on the outside. The force of my peace will be established in your hearts and then it will flow into all areas of your life. I planted a Garden of Eden in your hearts. It’s up to you to watch over it and let it grow. The tree of life is planted in the middle of the garden of your heart. Eat from it every day and live forever.

     The other tree still brings forth death. If you think you can be more like me through knowledge it will still bring forth darkness. You don’t need knowledge to be like me. I created you in my likeness and image. It’s not what you know. It’s who you know. A little child who knows me is more powerful than a scholar who only knows about me. Learn of me for I am meek and lowly. You don’t need great knowledge to know me.

     A child who can’t even read or write or speak is cared for by his Father who holds him in his arms and loves him. From the minute the child is born all the Father has belongs to the child. A Father doesn't hold his child and think of what can this child do for me? He holds him and says in his heart. “How can I build an inheritance for my child?” See how simple the kingdom is my children? It’s a Father in love with his children and children in love with their Father who wants to go adopt other children into his family to share his love with the world and to establish the family of God in the earth.

     Cast off your worries my beloved. Let me comfort you with my Spirit. Let me carry the load you are bearing. Let me show you of my goodness and give you bread to eat that you didn't labor for and water to drink from the well of life. Let me lead you to green pastures and cause you rest beside the cool waters all provided by my love for you. Let my peace rule your heart and my kingdom will rule the world. Labor only to enter into my rest, that is your work. When cares come to your mind resist them and return your heart to a peaceful state. Cast down every imagination that brings failure to your mind. You are victorious and defeat should never enter your thoughts.

     Come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Did I not say that I rested on the seventh day? What day is it my children? We are beginning the time of rest. The great harvest will come soon and my glory will cover this earth. The peace of the kingdom will begin to flow from each of you and many will be brought into the family by your testimony. Those who know their God will do mighty exploits. Knowing is the key. Not knowing about but knowing through relationship and fellowship. They will say of you as they did of the early disciples. These men and women and children have been with Jesus.

     Once again: Rest my children. Don’t do the work. Be the work. Be the finished work of your Father. You are the sons and daughters of my love. Be not afraid my beloved. I am with you and in you and will never, ever, ever leave you. Love one another as I love each of you. Pray for one another and lift each other up. You are one body. Take care of your wounded members. Restore those who fall. Walk in peace my children. Walk in peace and rule from that peace. I love you my beloved. Rest in my Love.

For more information please visit our website at:

Monday, August 26, 2013

Wedding Bells: A message to the bride.

     As I was praying today I was listening for the voice of my Father who always speaks to me when I pray. I ask questions and worship and as he begins to speak I write down his instructions. Today was different because as I was worshiping the voice of Jesus my savior  came to me loud and clear. Here are the words he spoke to me:

     It is time for my bride to make herself ready and I need your help. I want you to start telling her how lovely she is in my eyes. Change her with kindness and love. Explain to her clearly what she is worth to me.

     False shepherds have told her she was dirty and sinful and ugly. They have told her she was ugly because of sin and is not appealing to me. This is far from how I feel about her. These are lies. All lies. She is washed in my blood and holy unto me.

     Have I not shown these things to you in your life? Do you not see the beauty in the one you love? Don’t you see how lovely she is  and how amazing she makes you feel when she laughs? How her smile lights up your day and you feel more full of life when she is around. See how she makes you feel when she tells you that you are handsome and desirable? That is how my church feels to me. 

     She needs to know that I desire her. No woman wants to marry a man who finds her unattractive. My bride has hid herself from me because false shepherds have made her feel useless and ugly. I need you to change this my son. Go from place to place and tell those who are born again and washed in my blood that they are beautiful in my eyes. Tell them how much  love them and desire them. Tell them how I long to dance with them and to laugh with them. Make them feel my heart and know that my love covers all their flaws. I love my people and I want them to know it. 

     As my bride discovers my true feelings for her she will remove any undesirable thing out of her life because she doesn't want any hindrance to our love. It’s time to show my bride her beauty and take away all feelings of reproach. At my cross both blood and water mixed together flowed from my side. Blood for her purchase and water for her cleansing. She is gorgeous in my eyes and my heart beats with anticipation of the great wedding day.

     I have heard about enough of those who insult her but I  will give them space to repent because of their ignorance.  No man takes kindly to his beloved being dishonored and insulted and it is time for these things to change. 

     So go into the world and tell her that her groom has sought her and found her and given his life to purchase her.  Tell her how lovely she is in my eyes. Tell her how I long to live with her for eternity. Tell her to look at me so I can lose myself in her lovely eyes. Tell her to sing to me so that I may enjoy her sweet voice.

   Tell her I am hidden in the secret place and her worship will bring her to me.  Tell her that I visit her in the night and sing songs of love over her. Tell her that my love for her endures forever and my heart for her will never change.

     Tell her I come soon but no one knows exactly when because the time of the wedding is determined by the bride and not the groom. When she feels in her heart that she is ready the wedding will begin. Until then I wait and watch and listen. Tell her to hurry my friend. Tell her I am longing for her. The groom is at the altar. How long until my bride meets me there?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Reign With Me

As I was praying on August 16 2013 the voice of my Father came to me and said unto me the following:

     My son my beloved, preach to this people and tell them that now is the time to stand up. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time to preach deliverance of the captives. Now is the time to force the will of my kingdom upon the world. Tell my people to become violent in their faith.

     When I spoke the world into existence it was not a quiet act. The universe rumbled from the power of my word and the heavens were blasted into place by the fierceness of my word. When I said let there be light it exploded into existence with great shaking and noise and celebration.
It’s time my people understood that my word spoken in faith is powerful and full of great force.  Be not ashamed to speak forth my truth into the world. Tell my people not just to speak my word but to declare it with nation shaking force. I said I would once more shake the heavens and the earth and you all are my shakers.

     So be bold as lions and harmless as doves. Lions don’t whisper. Go into the battle with the shout of victory and drive the enemies of the kingdom from the land. Chase them from one corner of the earth to the other until they hide in caves and quiver from fear; until they cry hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne. Now how do you suppose they will see my face? Did I not say that I would make my face to shine upon you? Have you not all witnessed me shining forth in each other?

      I am with you my people and I will declare once again that my kingdom was established when I put my son upon his throne.  Will you be the generation that finally understands what day you are in? It’s time to establish my reign and my kingdom and to establish righteousness and truth in the earth. Be not afraid. Only believe and proclaim the salvation of your God and watch my enemies scatter.

     I say again: Be not afraid my children. Be bold and courageous for your God is a consuming fire and the fire of my presence is in the preaching of my kingdom. Where my kingdom is preached my power is revealed. Be bold my children! Be bold! Stand together with your shields side by side and march in step as one organized army and show the salvation of your God unto this world.

      The people are blinded by the enemy and it’s up to you to drive him away so that the gospel can be clearly seen. Strengthen one another and uphold one another and become one with me and with each other. Let the battle cry be heard throughout the earth and let my glory come from inside you and know that your hour has not come; it has always been.
The enemy deceived my church into looking into the future when all these things have been available since the resurrection of my son. My power is not waning, it is constant. When the right message goes out then my power will go with you. I will confirm the preaching of the kingdom with signs of mass repentance, mass healing, mass deliverance and will not limit you. I will perform whatever you are bold enough to believe and declare.

     As the church awakens unto their righteous state then will death will be driven from earth. Did I not say that death would be the last enemy defeated? Did I not say to be carnally minded is death? Once the mind is renewed to righteousness then death will no longer have dominion.  Are these words hard to hear? Jesus is the resurrection and the life and if the resurrection lives within you then why should you have to die? It was appointed for man once to die and they did upon that cross. If one died for all then all died, so why do you surrender to an enemy that was defeated long ago?

     Repent my sons and daughters and believe the true gospel of the kingdom. There is no death in heaven. There is no sickness and no poverty.  Rule this planet from your position of seated in heavenly places. You are not from down below, you are from up above. You are not beneath; you are one with my son and my spirit and with your father.

     So rise up children and show the courage of your older brother who defeated all these things. Drive sin from your lives and from the church. Let holiness become the lowest standard not the high mark.  Put the things out of your lives and set aside every weight that hinders you and run the race before you for the finish line is in sight and the eternal prize awaits those who cross it. 
     Remember my children: I love you and I am with you and for you. I am your exceeding great reward and I am all that you need to overcome. Be strong in my power and in my holiness and walk in the light of my love so that all things are put under your feet. 

     Let my kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Turn earth back into the paradise I created it to be. It is up to you my children. The earth was given into the hands of men and will stay there until a generation that is willing to rule overcomes all and delivers the kingdoms of this world into the hands of their King.

I hope you are encouraged by these words.

Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please visit our website at:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What is Worship?

I was praying today and was wondering and thinking in my heart about worship. There must be more to it than singing and dancing and lifting our hands. I know in the bible in John Chapter 4 Jesus said the following:

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

So what I was wondering is this: What is worshiping in spirit and in truth, and why does God our Father who has all things seek worship from us?

As I was meditating on this my best friend the Holy Spirit spoke to me two scriptures: Jesus is the way, the Truth and the life and He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit.  I placed the words truth and one Spirit in italics because He spoke them louder than the other words. 

As we are in a habit of doing I thought about it and pondered and wondered and finally when all else failed I decided I would just ask Him and he said to me:

My son, my beloved. I love you with all my heart. I will teach you about worship and why it is so important. 

In your day people sing songs and call it worship but there is so much more to worship. The word worship itself means to bow down and many people sing to me with their lips but they don't bow down to me with their lives. I don't need worship for my sake. I am self existent and do not need words or flattery to make me feel better about myself. I completely understand that I am God and don't need anyone to tell me who I am. 

To truly worship me is to lay down your life and let me live through you. It is an attitude of the heart and not just what you say or do or a song or a dance. Worship is letting go of your purpose and plans and letting me decide all things about your life. Worship is seeking my will and not yours. Worship is done in love and is a loving surrender to me not because I am almighty God but because you love me and because I love you and want better for you than you want for yourself. 

As you "bow down" your life to me in every area of thought, expression and action then your whole life becomes filled with my truth and your life becomes one beautiful song to me. I love you so much and you can't hear them but I write songs with beautiful melodies to the beat of your heart because of my love for you. My love for you is greater than any person has ever fully known. My love for you sent my son to a cross to "bow down" his life for you and when you "bow down" your life to me then the cycle is completed and we are officially in a relationship. 

Remember, I bowed first to you because of my love for you. Even though you were in sin and separated from me my love for you was so great that I had to reach for you with all I had. That is why it is said today when a couple gets married that they come together at the altar. It is a relationship ritual of love. 

Jesus came to the altar first and took away every hindrance that could keep you from meeting him there. As you come to this altar of love called the cross, and you lay down your life and allow your own plans and desires to be crucified with my son you join him there in marriage. You become one. You no longer have two sets of plans for life but one. 

So everything you do in life becomes worship because you do it in love for me. When you sing, that is worship. When you dance, that is worship. When you encourage someone that is worship. When you feed the hungry that is worship. When you heal the sick and raise the dead, that is worship. Remember I said that if you did it to the least of these you did it unto me? Worship becomes your lifestyle and you are filled with my love and my glory. 

This is why I seek worshipers. Worshipers become one with me and get to spend eternity in the embrace of my love and in the joy of salvation. The more you know my heart you know that I do all things because of love. Worship brings you into my presence so that I can reveal my love for you even more. 

As with any couple there are rewards for expressions of love and adoration. A husband in love with his bride will lay down his life and then overcome death, hell and the grave for her. A wife who discovers this great love will fall deeper in love with her husband will meet him at the cross and give up the right to rule her own life so they can be together. They become one spirit. 

Love is the song and worship is the dance we dance together. I worshiped you and bowed down because of my love. You bowed down to me when you discovered that love. You sing to me and think about me and tell others how great I am and I speak blessings over you and tell everyone in heaven how wonderful you are. You build my kingdom on earth and I build your mansion in heaven. You sing your song of worship to me and I rejoice over you with singing! See how wonderful worship is? It's all about the love we have for each other. And now shall we bow to each other as we dance for eternity to the sound of heaven's orchestra?

I hope you are encouraged by these words. 
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

for more information please visit our website at:

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Song, The Faith, The River

     April 18, 2012: I am sitting here at my computer praying and waiting on the Lord’s voice. I have my headphones in my ears to block out the noise from the next room. I feel that warmth in my heart and I know His voice is speaking so I tune in. Here is what He says and the conversation that followed:

     My son, my beloved, can you tell me, where does music come from? Where does the song you sing come from?

     I know the answer is not from the recording I’m listening to and I am not sure but I think he is referring to the songs that I write, so I ask: What do you mean Lord? Suddenly I see what He means, I suddenly see a new song forming in my spirit and beginning to bubble out of my heart.

    "That’s right, He said, the song lives inside you if you are singing or playing it. It was born out of the heart of the one who first created it, just like the songs you write, but what physical location does it exist in before it comes out of your mouth or off the strings of your instrument?:

      "That’s right my son,It's inside your heart. Focus on the place of the song as you sing it. Before you ask I’ll tell you why I’m asking." 
     (So I began to look inside my heart at the words and music were flowing from deep inside of me.)

     He began to speak again and said:

"The songs in your heart live in the same place as your faith. That’s why music is so powerful. It can penetrate your very spirit and the songs that I have given you to write are born inside your spirit."

     "Now this is why I’m telling you this. The place where faith for miracles comes from is the same place where the songs live. You can learn to pour faith out for healing the same way you pour out a song out of your heart."

     "It’s not a great mystery. You have known for a long time that faith lives in your heart but you didn't know how to release it. Speak it out like a song my son with the same emotion and anointing that you would pour out a worship song. Speak out faith filled words and watch miracles flow out of your inner being. It’s the river of life that I spoke of. It will come to you like a song does."

     "When you first write a song it starts tricking out a word or two at a time and you go over it and over it until you have it perfected and then you sing it out with power."

     "Faith is the same way. Put words of faith in your heart to draw from. The same way you feed on music and words feed on my miracles. Look into the spirit and draw out whatever you need my son."
     "The reason the river of life is unending is because it is in you but it does not begin in you. It flows through you from heaven. Its source is my throne as I told you in scripture. Learn how to tap into that river and let it flow through you like a song. At first it will be a drop or two at a time, then a trickle and then a gushing fountain. This is the reason why so many miracles happen while people are worshiping me. The power for miracles flows from the same well as the song does."

     "I wish all of my sons and daughters would learn to be an open stream and not a dam. Rip the valve off the faucet of your spirit and let it flow my son. I want to fill the earth with my glory and you are the pipe that I flow through. Will you open up and let me flow? Will you be willing to let me tear down the gates that dam up the flow of the Spirit? Just say yes and I will break down the hardened walls that hold back the flow."

    "I promise you it will be the greatest joy of your life and remember you get to drink first out of all that flows. Will you say yes my son? Meditate on these things and talk to me about it tonight. I love you my son. I love you. I love you."

I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace!
I love you all,

For more information please visit our website at:

Multiplication, A vision of April 17 2012

     It was April 17 2012 and I was praying and spending quiet time with Father and as I was listening He started speaking and we had the following conversation:

     Take your eyes off the natural and look into the spirit and tell me what you see my son?

     (I see a cross my Father and the world behind the cross. Everywhere I look the cross is between me and the world.)

     You see well my son. Now you realize that your old life is dead. The ways of the world are crucified to you and you to them. Anytime you look back you should see the cross. If you don’t see the cross behind you then you are not dead to the world. I want my children to know that there is nothing in that world that they need. All they need is in Christ and nowhere else. Now turn around and tell me what you see.

     (I turned around again and I saw nothing so I said  "Holy Spirit my God and my teacher, I see nothing; absolutely nothing.")

     You see well again my son. I want you to forget about the world behind you. Not the people and the loved ones but the ways of the world and the way of the struggle that all people are caught up in. They are toiling and wasting their lives building treasure that can’t save and gathering things that will be destroyed.

     Forget about the ways of Egypt my son. Those ways don’t work in the kingdom. It’s a different place with different laws and rules. You can’t take the ways of the world and prosper in the kingdom. 

     The world says "I must do to have."
The kingdom says, "I've already been provided for so I do.” 
It’s a mirror image. You don’t do to get, you do because you have. Until the old ways are gone the new ways won’t work properly for you. The old way was thou shalt, thou shalt, and thou shalt. The new way is it is finished, it is finished, it is finished.

     Even under the old system righteousness was never obtained by what you do but by what you believe, or rather who you believe in. In the kingdom righteousness is already imputed to you as a free gift. So now you are free in Christ and you can choose to serve in love out of the abundance of the kingdom.

     See how most of the church works today? They try to take from one and give to another. Giving is good but it’s not the best way. All they are doing is redistributing from one pocket to another. They can’t create wealth all they do is redistribute it. 

     The kingdom works by multiplication not redistribution. Jesus took loaves and fishes and multiplied it. He didn't go into town and borrow loaves and fishes from thousands of people and then give them to the poor.

     There is a place in me where everything you have is multiplied and you can freely receive and give because your supply is never limited. Churches today pass a plate and those that have give what they have to those that have not. Of course this is after ninety percent is taken out for the cost of the building projects and salaries and such. People do these things because they don't know any other way. They haven't learned the ways of the kingdom yet.

     If Jesus was in charge of the meeting it would go much different. Whoever had would throw what he had in the basket. Jesus would bless it and everyone would take out of the basket all that they needed until they had plenty including the person who put into the basket. Even though he only had a little to put in he would take out all he needed and more.

     The old system says give and God will give you more. The kingdom says you have been given all things that pertain to life and Godliness and blessed with all blessing in Christ so you are lacking nothing.Whatever you have will be enough. Once you understand the multiplication system then you will never see lack again because you will know in your heart that whatever you have will be more than enough. You will be able to give out of riches and not out of need.

     People in the church today are told to give if they need and they will get more. People misquote the scripture that says give and it will be given to you pressed down, shaken together and running over, but they take that out of context. Go back and read the whole chapter. Jesus wasn't talking about multiplying your resources here. He was talking about forgiveness and anything else it takes to show the world my love. Whatever you had to give in forgiveness and love would be multiplied and given back. Whatever it costs you to show my love to the sinner will be multiplied to you.

     The church today tries to bend everything into money, because they worship money. They think if they have enough money they can change the world. Here is a news flash. All the money in the world won’t save the world. One Jesus Christ is all it takes to save all. They even try to take the parable of the sower and think that the sower sows money, even though in the same text Jesus explained that the seed sown was the word of the kingdom. If my people really understood what is freely given when you receive the kingdom then money would never be a problem.

     So why am I telling you all this? It’s because I want you to get free from anything you have ever learned from the church world about building the kingdom. I want you to do things totally backward from what they do. I want you to see me as an unending source of anything you could ever need and learn to multiply whatever you have.

     There are so many people in need of love and healing and money will never be the answer to their problems. They need the power of the gospel to change their situation and set them free. All the money in the world can’t cure cancer. All the money in the world can’t cure aids. Learning how to multiply the healing power that is within you can do all things. There is a river of life inside you and it is inexhaustible. You can learn to multiply the life force within you and give it freely to others and still have more than you could ever need.

     It’s going to take sons and daughters of truth to stand up and show them the way. Don’t judge those caught up in the mammon system. You've been there yourself and you know it’s hard to break free but when they see the kingdom system they will gladly leave behind the old ways. 

     Just remember that until there is a cross between you and the world you can’t overcome it. You can’t be resurrected until you are dead. Are you ready to totally leave the ways of the word behind you my son? Meditate on these things and we’ll talk later. I love you my son.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace!
I love you all,

For more information please visit our website at:

Am I in Love?

Am I In Love? 

First Corinthians Chapter 13 

Love is patient, 

love is kind. 

It does not envy, 

it does not boast, 

it is not proud. 

It is not rude, 

it is not self-seeking, 

it is not easily angered, 

it keeps no record of wrongs. 

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth 

It always protects, 

always trusts, 

always hopes, 

always perseveres. 

Love never fails. 

     Sometimes in life we find ourselves dealing with situations that are beyond our limits. We all deal with people that we think should behave a certain way. We as a society have our rules and we try to force everyone around us to mold into the likeness of the group.

      Lately the Lord has been directing people into my path who are sometimes troublesome. After seeing this pattern for a few days my slow thinking finally realized that God was trying to teach me some things. Finally He just came right out and spoke to me and said “My son, you need to let your head go dead and restart your heart.

     Suddenly it dawned on me that I was dealing with these people from my head and not my heart. He told me to go to the scriptures and read these verses that I listed above. That’s when I realized I had some repenting and apologizing to do. 

     I realized that even though I wanted the best for the people that I was dealing with I was doing it for the wrong reasons. The bible tells us to speak the truth in love. It doesn't just tell us to speak the truth.     The truth spoken in anger doesn't contain the power to heal like the truth spoken in love. 

     Trying to force the truth on someone does no good at all. Besides maybe we are looking at a person’s faults on the outside and never know what they are facing in their hearts. God changes people from the inside out. We should do the same. In every situation where we are counseling or teaching others we should ask ourselves the following questions:

     Am I being patient? Am I being kind? Am I being envious? Am I being boastful? Am I being proud? Am I being rude? Am I being self-seeking? Am I doing this in anger? Am I keeping record of their past failures and is that affecting my actions toward them? Am I delighting in their failures or rejoicing in the truth? Am I protecting, hoping and trusting? Am I willing to persevere until love gives them the victory?

     After replaying some events in my heart I realized that I don’t always live what I believe. Though I have God’s love and mercy living inside me I don’t always choose to dispense the same grace to others that He has given to me. For this I publicly repent and to anyone in my past whom I may have injured with word or deeds I do sincerely apologize and ask forgiveness.

     I purposely left the last part of the scripture above for my last point. Love Never Fails! If we fail it’s because we didn't walk in the love that God has given us. If we continue to love people the way the scriptures say in this chapter then sooner or later we will win. We only lose when we quit loving.

I hope you are encourage by these words.

Until next time,

Grow Rich in His Grace,

I love you All,


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Instructions From Father Part One

     I was praying and asking the Lord to increase the power to heal the sick and hurting and He started talking to me and said these words.

     My son as you spend more time with me in the secret place you will begin to see a vision of who you truly are. You are like a man waking from a long sleep. It will take a few days to shake off the sleepiness. You will be fully awake soon. You must understand like the centurion who understood that Jesus was a man with and under authority that you are a man with authority and under authority. When you have faith that I sent you it will come with power. You must settle this once and for all in your heart.

     You are called and filled with my Spirit for a reason. The same reason Jesus was anointed is why you are anointed. I know your hunger to help those in need. That has grown out of our time together in the secret place. You know you weren't  always like this. You were centered on your life and your needs and your career. This longing to help those in need has come out of the times we have been alone together in the secret place. This has been born of our fellowship together. I have been changing you and you have been unaware. You have become single minded in the process.

     Think of our times together like a battery charger. The more you spend in the presence of my power the more you absorb my power and can release it later in the earth. Power comes from my presence and there’s no other way to get it. When we are alone you become impregnated with my heart and love for others. Your great desire to help them drives you back into our meeting place for power to help. You are very close my son to walking in the miracle working power of the next age to come.

     That’s why Jesus said to go into the secret place to pray. Kingdom power is released in the presence of the King. The more time you spend away with me the sooner you can walk in this power. Your purpose and calling is revealed and you are empowered to complete it all by spending time in my presence. You read in scripture the works the disciples did when I sent them out but you don’t read much about the time they sat at Jesus’ feet every night. Presence brings power. There have been times when my Spirit has interrupted meetings where you were and you saw my gifts and my grace. You can have this all the time when you learn to stay full of me. I am with you always but coming alone with me gives me time to release wonders through you. Jesus said "the Father in me does the work." I was in him but he still came away alone to pray to me.

     When praying for the sick don’t feed on the need. Feed on the power of my grace and the need will be fulfilled. Jesus did what he saw me doing. His concentration was on me and the circumstances around Him were changed. Looking at Jesus will make you able to walk on water. Looking at the water will keep you in a place where you always need rescuing. It’s all backwards from what the world tells you. You don’t have to fight the darkness: Looking at the light drives out the darkness. Looking at my love drives out the hate. Looking at my wealth drives out the poverty. Looking at my health drives out the sickness.

     Keep your eye single. Only look to me. A light shines because it’s a light. It doesn't go in search of darkness to shine into. It shines because it’s connected to the power. Keep your eyes on me and watch what I’m doing. You are transformed from image to image from glory to glory. That’s why the enemy wants you to look at darkness. You become what you stare at. Your eyes are the windows into your soul. If you want a soul full of darkness then focus on darkness. If you want a soul full of light then focus on me. It’s just that easy. You will become rich as you look at my wealth. You will become well as you look at my health. You will become powerful by focusing on my power.

     There is another reason Jesus said to pray that prayer in the secret place. You are shielded from seeing anything but kingdom power when you are there. You are separated from the outside world. As you spend more time in this place then you will be able to be in a crowd and still be in the secret place too. That’s why Jesus would gaze into heaven before miracles. He would look into the realm of plenty and pour it out into the word of famine.

     Always look to me before you pray for anyone. That’s why most prayers fail is because people focus on the problem. You should have your focus on me while addressing the problem with the words I give you to speak. Only life can drive out death. Death is the absence of life. Sickness is the absence of health. Night is the absence of day.

     You are the portal. You have the ability to live in both worlds at the same time. You can focus your spirit on me and be full of power and light and can pour it into the dark world with your words and actions. Think of healing as the same way you prophesy. It’s the same thing. Look into my Spirit and pull out whatever you need and speak it forth. My words are full of spirit and life. Ask me what to speak.

     Think of yourself as an extension cord. Plug into my power and let others plug into you. Remember my kingdom dwells within you. Your spirit is the portal to heaven. My spirit connects all believers together like a network. That’s why there is sometimes more power in a corporate environment. Learn to get everyone to focus on the power and not the problem and watch what happens in the meetings. There is power in one mind and one accord. 

     Until you can completely understand my power just think of it as spiritual electricity. Your Spirit is plugged into me and is always hot. Your soul is the connector to plug the world into the power. Meditate on this and we’ll discuss it more later. 
I love you son.

I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

For more information please visit our website at:

Instructions From Father 2

     I was praying on March 27th 2012 and Father spoke these words to me to correct and encourage me. I believe they will encourage you also.

     My son I love you more than you can contain and I have a great plan for your life. You must understand the more you give yourself to me the more I give my power to you. You say in your heart, “Can a man give his whole being to me twenty four hours a day?” I say yes he can. I can live in your every waking moment and live in your dreams while you are asleep.

     I told the disciples to tarry until they received the power. My church bypasses this instruction and goes out weak and beggarly. There is a place of one mind and one accord that you can enter in with me and my Spirit will empower you. You can learn to visit this place every day before you begin your day and you can come out empowered and refreshed. I long for my children to come into this place so that I may visit with them and release this great power into your lives.

     When Jacob laid his head upon the rock he saw a ladder from earth to heaven and angels ascending and descending upon it. He said surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not. He said this was the gateway into heaven. It wasn't actually the geographic place that was the gateway, but his dream consciousness was the gateway. If you lay your head upon the Rock before you sleep you can enter this same gateway. I created this part of man for my meeting place with him. That’s why I told you to sanctify your imagination.

     I long to show you constant visions and dreams but this place must be reserved for me. That’s why I said to cast down vain imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against knowing me. The world you call the imagination is given to you so we could meet there. This place can become holy and I can inhabit it with my Spirit because it is neither flesh nor spirit. It is a meeting place for us. You call it seeing in the Spirit and you can learn to live with this vision turned on at all times.

     Any imagination that you have that goes against my love for you must be dealt with immediately. I would never give you a vision of anything that belittles you or makes you look bad. You have to see yourself in the light of the perfection of Christ. You are sanctified, justified and glorified in my sight.

     What if a king from another country came to the president of your country and belittled himself in his presence. What if he fell on the ground and cried “I’m not worthy to be in your presence?” How strange would that be? You must understand that I see you as holy, undefiled, blameless, pure and glorified. I made you a king and priest already. Understand who and what rank you are and quit making small out of what I made you.

     You are not a lowly sinner saved by grace. Your old man was. You are a new creation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. You are perfected once and for all by my son Jesus. Quit this crying and bawling and acting like a prisoner of war. You are more than a conqueror. Stand up and be who I made you to be.

     I told you to boldly come to the throne of grace. Don’t dare to come any other way. Have boldness in what Christ has made you. In your heart I heard you say “how can I be bold and humble at the same time?” It’s quite simple; coming boldly to the throne of grace gives honor to the one who made you holy. You wouldn't wear dirty rags to a business meeting so why would you wear all that old thinking into my throne room when we are doing business?

     Step into who you are and understand that you are my child but you are full age and an inheritor of my very life. Yes I am your Daddy but you are my grown son. I said unless you humble yourself as a little child you can’t see the kingdom of God. You did this when you were born again. Since then you have been exalted to son ship in my kingdom. You are no longer a little child but a full grown son with all benefits of son ship  If this were a business it would be called God and Son’s. You are my partner now with full partner status and benefits.

     It’s your unbelief in who you are that’s keeping you from walking in the power of a full age son of the Almighty. One day you believe you are a king and the next day a poor sinner? I know these words sound harsh my son but it’s time to wake up to who you are. I said it is finished why do you say it’s not?

     I have put my will and my purpose into your heart. Quit asking permission to do what I put within you. You didn't come up with those desires on your own. They were given to you at your conception. You have spiritual DNA just like you do in the physical world. This DNA contains all the necessary things you need to be who you are called to be. If you want to do a certain work then go do it for the kingdom. A grown man asks their Father for advice not for permission.

     I have put all things concerning my kingdom into your heart. If you do what’s in your heart then you will walk in the power that I put within you. Start meditating on the scriptures I gave you that show that you are a king and a priest. If I need you somewhere else my Spirit will catch you away as he did Phillip. If you choose to be a son in my kingdom then you will give me the right to take you where I need you to go but I will not send you as a beggar but as a son.

     Know my ways. I am not weak. The supplies you need are stored away on the trail that I called you to walk. When Elijah got to the brook the ravens were already there. That’s how he knew He was at the right spot. My provision for you will flow soon. Once you know who you are you will inherit what’s yours.

     Don’t listen to any more condemnation. Only listen to those who encourage. You can’t make good bread if you are swimming in the leaven. The old ways are gone. They have been dead 2000 years. It’s the age of grace and don’t let anyone no matter what power they walk in tell you different.

     Remember Paul said that even if an angel from heaven preached a different gospel let him be accursed. There is a reason he said that. There are powerful forces doing lying wonders and signs to try to keep the dead message alive. Don’t be fooled. Anything that is not of me is Antichrist  Have no part of him. Don’t take that mark of slavery upon your head or let him put those shackles on your hands. You are my free born son and you are not to be in bondage to anyone.

     Just because your eyes see people being healed by those who preach law doesn't make it so. How many amputees have you seen healed? How many dead brought back to life? How many lepers have you seen healed? It will be easy to tell my power when my sons and daughters start to release it. It won’t be this temporary band aid healing that you see on TV. Remember even pharaoh’s magicians could turn a rod into a snake.

     I told my disciples to freely give because they received it freely. When you begin to see men give freely and heal because they love and not ask for money then you will know the sons of God are being revealed.

     Don’t be too critical of those who are going the wrong way. They are trapped by the enemy and don’t even know it. They’ll come around when they see the real gospel. They are just grasping for any kind of power that they can find. Restore them when you can. Most of them started with great intentions and were led astray.

    Don’t let anyone talk you out of the fellowship that we have this way. You know in your spirit that I am speaking to you and you know by the scriptures that this is the way I spoke to the prophets of old and the apostles. When Paul set out to write to the churches he didn't have an outline. It was this same word that flowed out through him. He had a few things on his heart he wanted to address but the words came as he wrote or dictated to a scribe.

     I didn't give you a written bible just to teach you how to read but how to write also. Keep writing these things down. They are useful to those on the trail behind you. But be sure to teach them how to write and not just how to read your writings.

     I am calling you away with me for a while before I send you on your next journey. I have many more things to say to you and many visions and dreams to show you. I will provide the place and the provision if you will provide the time and the fingers to write with.

     I have longed for so long for this teaching of hearing my voice and writing it down to be brought back into the earth. Why do you think that for so long the enemy even caused cultures not to allow anyone but royalty to learn to write? It was to suppress this way of speaking to my people.

     Tell the church not to worry about the economy but to fix their eyes on me and watch how the kingdom works. I have ways of provision that are so much better than what you've been living under. I am not limited by your limitations. I can provide in ways that you have never dreamed of.

     You don’t think I know how to make a vehicle? You don’t think I know where all the gold is hidden? You don’t think all the good ideas are invented yet do you? You have no idea what my favor can do for you. I can move upon the heart of kings and rich to lay treasure at your feet. Didn't I do it for the apostles?

     It’s my will for you to have great prosperity if you don’t forcefully take it from the people with a gospel that preaches to them that they owe me something. Tell the people the truth. All I wanted was their hearts and they gave those when they got born again. If they were being taught the true gospel then the power they received when they were born again would change not only their hearts but their minds and bodies also. If they want to give that’s fine but don’t put any limitations on my people. I can bless them regardless of what they give or don’t give. I’m not limited by their limitations.

     Joseph was a prisoner but was made a king. Noah was a simple preacher of righteousness but after the flood his family ruled the world. Jesus died broke and naked on a cross but now is exalted above all. All things are possible with me. Don’t set limitations on yourself based on your own education or experiences or by the amount of cash in the bank. You are my son and an heir of all things. Soon you will know how to write checks on your heavenly account and nothing will be out of reach for you.

     My son, share these words with your brothers and sisters for they need the encouragement. This letter is written to them also just as to you. Go to them and teach them how to have this conversation with me. I long to talk with them this way. I want to tell them of my great love for them. I long to share with them the secrets of the kingdom that they have inherited.

     Why do you think I chose men like Matthew and Luke? It’s because I wanted my words recorded. I still want my spoken words recorded. That’s why I want you to teach my people how to hear my voice and write it down. The enemy can’t steal it if it’s written down for them to see it over and over. He can’t convince you that you didn't hear me if you heard me and wrote it down. Then when he says that you didn't hear my voice you can say “Get behind me for it is written.”

     Now my son if you will take some time and give me your voice to pray in the Spirit them I will open all these doors for you. Remember my son. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and forgive all others who are still wearing the dust suit at this time. It’s not forever. I have an eternal place of habitation for you that is not made of dust but of glory. It will be unlimited. You will love the next suit I put you in. I love you my son. Please pray now. I need your voice.

I love you my Son.

I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

For more information please visit our website at: