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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Let There Be Light!

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     Genesis 1:

     1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 
4. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

     Today as I was meditating on these verses, Holy Spirit began revealing some things to me. And here are a few of those things:

     We know that God never created anything that was formless and void. God is light and everything he creates is filled with his light and glory. So we know this had to be the work of the enemy. We know that Jesus is the light of the world, and the scriptures tell us that all things were created by him and for him. We know all that he creates is full of his life and light.

     It was a fact that the earth was formless and void and dark. But did God curse the darkness? No, he turned on the light. Also we see that even though the earth was dark and without form, Holy Spirit hadn’t given up on it. He was hovering over it, moving upon the face of the deep. Some translations say it’s like a hen brooding over her eggs to bring forth life.

     So my main point is that your life may seem void. It may seem dark and without life. It may seem like everything is lost and there is no use going on. But we know that Holy Spirit is moving upon the face of your deep darkness, and is just waiting on a word to be spoken to turn on the light and to separate the darkness from your life.

     As I was thinking on these things I heard Father speak and he told me to share these words with you:

     He said,

My beloved children, I didn’t cover your world with darkness. I created you in my image and my likeness. You were created with my light inside you. I told you that Christ is the light that lights every man that is born into the world. I created you as a lamp to shine and I did not cause this darkness around you. I know you see dark clouds everywhere you look but you forgot to look in one place. You forgot to look inside.

     I am not a million miles away. I dwell in you and my light is inside you and my glory is inside you and you don’t have to wait on me to speak to drive the darkness out of your life. All you need to do is turn on your light.

     How do I do this you ask? It’s easy. You must first realize that I am always with you. If you see darkness it’s only because you have looked into the darkness or you have closed your eyes and can no longer see my truth.

     My truth will make you free. My truth is the fact that I love you and have always loved you and I will always love you. You are never alone. There is never a moment when my eye is not on you.

     If you see darkness it’s because my enemy has blinded your eyes to my love and my grace and he has told you that there is no hope and there is only gloom. This is not the truth. My glorious light and truth abide within you and you don’t have to go any further than your own spirit to see it.

     If one sentence spoken through the power of my Spirit changed the whole world from dark to light then what will one sentence spoken through my Spirit do to all the darkness in your world?

     So what are you waiting on? My Spirit is hovering in you and over you and around you and He is waiting on one sentence full of faith commanding the light to shine and when it does all the darkness will flee.

     You have this ability within you and you don’t have to wait on a prophetic word or a voice from heaven. This is why my Son told you that if you had faith that you could even speak to a mountain and it would be removed and cast into the sea. Your words spoken in faith through my Spirit have the same effect as if I spoke it from my throne personally.

     Do what I did. Take one problem a day and change it with your words. I created the heavens and earth in only six days. First drive out the darkness. Did you notice how I created the light the first day and didn’t make the sun, moon and stars until the fourth day? You must first drive out the darkness and it will no longer be able to hinder you from speaking the rest of your world into existence.

     So begin today by saying, “let there be the light of the world, Jesus my savior, in the darkness in my life.” Invite him into every area of your life that is dark and watch what happens. Holy Spirit is moving all over your problems just waiting on your words of faith so that we can activate them with might and power.

     Speak life and light into every situation in your life that seems dark and hopeless but don’t stop there. I didn’t just light up the world and leave it formless and void. Once the light of revelation came then I changed the formless world into a paradise full of plants and beautiful animals. You can do the same. Keep speaking creative powerful words into those areas in your life. My light will drive out the enemy but you must replace that area of your life with something beautiful and productive.

     Most of all my beloved, know that I love you and I put my Spirit within you so that every breath you breathe can become empowered. I gave you the mind of Christ so that even your thoughts can be inspired. I told you in scripture that as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Then I gave you a new heart to think with and a new mind and I gave you a brand new spirit full of my life and my glory to reside within you.

     Think on these things. On earth as it is in heaven. Even the heavens declare my glory. The night sky is full of stars and the darkness in the earth is filled with my children who contain more light than the stars in the sky.

     Oh my precious ones. Wake up to who you are and shine until there is no darkness left for my enemy to hide in. The darkness in your world is no match for my light within you. So rise and shine and turn my glory loose in all of my creation.

     I love you my dear ones and ask you to love each other. Please stop arguing over simple differences of opinion and encourage each other to spend your time doing good works and not arguing. I am gathering you all into one, into Christ and Christ is not divided.

     Close off the portals of darkness and sin by keeping your lamps trimmed and glowing brightly. Take care of your lamp and you will never be in darkness again.

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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