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Thursday, June 30, 2016

The God Who Hides in Your Heart

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     While praying today I heard Father’s voice and he said: My son, please write down these words and share them with my beloved children. Here are his words.

     My children, your hearts know that something is wrong with the belief system that most of my church is holding on to for dear life. Most of my children have been indoctrinated with so many lies that it’s hard to know the truth when you see it. You have to ask yourself if the things you have learned are really working and is what you see in your life the same as what you see in Jesus and in the power that the early church walked in. It’s time to stop pretending that things are working and come to me for the answers.

     Some of you are coming to the end of religion and that is where I begin. I sent my son to buy your freedom not to capture you and put you into a different form of bondage. All the false requirements put upon you by religion have turned into confusion and my people scarcely know who they are.

     If you will come to me I will reveal myself to you. But don’t come through any mindset or any religious thing. Just come to me as you are and know me as I am. Jesus told you that he is the way. So the way to come to me is not by trying to be someone else. It’s not by doing good works and trying to earn your way to the throne. It’s not by sacrificing all that you have to get my attention. Jesus is the way to me. Just look at the cross and see me in Christ forgiving your sins so that we could never be separated again.

     Many tell you the cross was my judgment being poured out but the cross is the greatest act of love the world will ever see. This is what makes the cross so glorious. It is because I and my son are one. I was in Christ on the cross reconciling the world unto myself not counting their sins against them. We love you so much that we came and took away every reason you have to be separated from us and now you are free to come through the doorway called Christ and step into the heavenly realms of grace and see me face to face.

     Don’t be surprised at what you find when you come to me. I am humble and lowly and even though my throne is over all, I am easily accessed and full of compassion for people. My throne is glorious as heaven is glorious but I sit on it as the one who loves you and serves you by answering your prayers. At my right hand is the one who died for you and rose again so you could never die again. He took away your sins and bore your pain all because of love.

     I love people. Not just my people but I love each person on earth. Even the ones who know me and still hate me. You must separate what you have learned about me from others and sift it for truth. There are so many lies told about me and I have been painted as a mean and vengeful God who can’t wait to smite someone. But my beloved, you know better. You sense in your heart who I really am and I encourage you to come to me and know me as I am. I am the God who hides in your heart so that you can find me. Seek me with your heart, in your heart, and know who I am.

     This is why I said to seek me with your whole heart and you would find me. This is why I said that it’s with the heart that man believes unto salvation. This is why I said as a man believes in his heart so is he. It’s all about the heart because the heart is where love dwells. That’s why I chose to live there. I am in heaven and heaven is in me. I am in heaven and I am in you and you are with me in heavenly places in Christ. We are not separate, we are one. Your heart is in heaven and heaven is in your heart.

     There are so many more things to teach you about love my beloved but you first must be convinced that I am love all the time. I am never hate. I am always love. The only things I hate are the things that stop you from knowing how much I love you.

     In the original sin the enemy convinced Adam and Eve that I withheld something from them. All I had was theirs. The only fruit forbidden was the fruit that would cause them to know evil. I don’t want you to know evil. I want you to be intimate with good and forsake evil because evil has nothing to do with my love for you. I want my children to be so conscious of my good that no evil enters their mind.

     This is why Jesus said to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves. Doves do no evil. They are content with what they have been provided. They don’t kill and steal to gather more than they need. They understand that their supply comes from heaven so they don’t have to struggle to live on earth.

     This is the reason that most of my children fight and struggle. They think they have to fight to get what I already gave them. I said you would see the kingdom when you become humble as a child. A child doesn’t worry about the mortgage or how much the grocery bill was this month. A child understands that the parent’s love for them will provide for them.

     It’s time to return to the simplicity of the gospel. You do not become greater because of your wealth of knowledge about the scriptures. It’s not how many verses you know, it’s how many verses you can live. It’s knowing that my scriptures are proof of my love for you.

     The Pharisees knew the scriptures and argued from them with the one who wrote them. Can you imagine arguing with the author of a book about the book? Many in my church do the same thing today. They think they can take my word and force me to do things I won’t do for them unless they know chapter and verse. The truth is I do these things for you because I love you. Scripture should not be used to get something from me, scripture is to rejoice over because you know my love will provide what you need. Scriptures are not a cry for help but a hymn of victory.

     It’s not the standing on the scriptures that makes them come to pass. My word will not fail because I spoke it. If you believe it or don’t believe that doesn’t stop my word from being fulfilled. When I said “let there be light” it didn’t only appear to those who believed it. Even those who don’t believe I created the earth live on the earth I created.

     It’s not what you believe that makes my promise come to pass. It’s who you believe in. There are many who believe my word will work for them but don’t believe I love them. I am not saying that quoting scripture is wrong but you are not quoting it to make something happen. You are agreeing with it that I love you and will provide what that scripture promises because you know I love you and gave you that scripture because I love you.

     The devil knows my scripture better than almost any of my children and yet he doesn’t get it. He sees it as a legal document and not as a love letter. The promises I put in scripture are written as examples of my love for you. When you see them as part of my love letter written to you then you will stop using them to get something from me and you will sing them to me as a beautiful song of thanksgiving because you know that I gave you what you needed before you even could read the scriptures.

     So my beloved will you believe with your heart. Will you believe in my love? Will you believe that I love you so much that I have withheld nothing from you? I have freely given you all things that pertain to life and godliness. Will you stop quoting my scriptures to me because you want something and start singing them to me because you have something? Will you search for me in your heart with your heart? Will you stop looking all over creation for me and look for the God who hides in your heart?

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me a little while ago,
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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