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Monday, August 6, 2018

Liar, Liar, Church on Fire

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     While praying today Father spoke to me and said:

     My son, write down these words and publish them so my loved ones can read and hear them. Tell them not to fear. Again I say, tell them not to fear.

     My children, so many of you are hoping against hope. You are standing when your legs are weary and your feet ache. I know all these things. I am with you and my strength will sustain you in all things. You must know that I have a plan for you individually and as a group. I am building and eternal kingdom and there are things that you don’t understand that are happening.

     I am shaking the very foundations of your belief. Your faith has been forged by fire until only the purest part of it remains. This is not pleasant but it is necessary. My church is undergoing deconstruction. So many false teachings and lying traditions have led so many the wrong way. I have to tear down the lies and restore the truth. The false church must be torn down so the eternal church will emerge.

     My gospel, which is my great news, started out as a simple message that unskilled fishermen could preach and children and those who didn’t even have the ability to read and write could understand perfectly. Now you argue over which translation written by the scholar with more letters behind his name than in his name is correct. Spending hours fighting over one letter or one word and wasting a whole day you could have spent in fellowship with me or each other.

     Too much education has made you mad. You must return to the simple truth of the message. I loved the world. I sent my son. He took away the sins of the world and rescued all the hostages who were captive to sin. All that was needed to restore fellowship was completed. All that is left to do is to spread the wonderful news of what was already accomplished.

     It’s not the do’s and the don’ts, it’s the did’s. It is not what would Jesus do? It is what Jesus did. He finished it. He sat down and we sent Holy Spirit to you to teach you what he did so that you could start where he ended.

     Holy Spirit came to teach you just how free you are. You are not waiting to be rescued. You have been rescued. Your cage door was ripped off and you let teachers convince you that the door is still there and terrible things will happen to you if you go outside your cage. This is insanity.

     You are free for freedom’s sake. The Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy, not calamity, fear and oppression. It’s time to shake off the lies and tear down the false teachings. It’s time to explore your freedom.

     Instead of being taught that you must continue to strive against sin all your life, what if you were taught the truth? What if you were taught that your sins were taken away by the blood of my son and now you are holy beings and sin is far from your new creation nature? 

     You are free and you can walk in complete holiness because the power of sin is broken. This is the truth. This is the message that was taught in the beginning. You have been programmed by religion to become slaves to sin even though you are holy beings and you are free.

     I have to tear down all the lies. It’s time for restoration and I can’t build on faulty foundations. So this is why many of you have been put into the fire. You had to see that all the lies you have trusted in didn’t work. You used all the things you were taught to do and found out that they were just programming and not truth.

     Victory is not a method or a program. Victory is a person. He is my son and you overcame in him. Not in your "name it claim it confess until your lips are numb" method. The church of today exchanged a person for a method. Fire has proved that these methods don’t work. Sure you have some success sometimes, but isn’t truth true all the time? If the method was approved by me wouldn’t it be successful one hundred percent of the time?

     My little children, it’s time to reset your faith. It’s time to turn your hearts back to me and my son. It’s time to discover who you are and how much you are loved.

     Think of it this way. Imagine you have a best friend who lives next door. Your friend told you that anytime you need help, just call and he will help you. Now imagine your house caught fire. Instead of calling your friend for help you just stood in the flames confessing “my friend will help me, my friend will help me, it is written in chapter two, verse four of our friendship clause that he will help me.” “I don’t really need my friend because I have his promise.” So instead of calling the friend who would love to help, you go down in flames. See how silly this sounds? Does this sound familiar? Are you calling on words in a book or calling on a living breathing person?

     The good news and truth of the gospel is that you can have fellowship and relationship with me. My son didn’t shed his blood so you could have more religion. He came so you could have fellowship.

     Do you remember that Jesus told you that I seek those who will worship me in spirit and in truth? Do you know why? It is because in heaven we call worship "fellowship." We all adore each other. You sing songs about me and I sing songs about you and we are in so much love.

     This is what I wanted restored in the earth. Before Holy Spirit came you could worship me on a worldly level but you couldn’t experience the spirit level fellowship that we enjoy in heaven. It really is that simple. I just wanted you to step up into my world so I could love you from here. I am a spirit and I want my children to enjoy the freedom of being spirits in my presence.

     Holy Spirit only dwells in holy temples, so Jesus came and took away all your sins and made you holy for my Spirit to dwell in you. Now it is all about teaching you how to live in the invisible kingdom that is not of your world.

     The law and the prophets were until John but since then the kingdom is preached. It’s all about waking you up to the fact that there is a kingdom the world can’t see, but you can see it because you are in it. Once your spirit eyes are fully opened, you will see me face to face and heart to heart. Religion blinds you so that you can’t see things as they really are. This is why I am lighting fire to what you call "church."

     So my loved ones, will you wake up and see the truth? Will you set aside all the lies you were taught and all the false programs that try to get you to an earthly level of holiness that is way below the holiness you were born into? You are my family. You are my friends. You are my love and I want you to see me as I am. I want you to know how much you are loved and how welcome you are in my presence. You are not wicked beings. You are holy beings who got confused because you believed the lie.

     It’s the same old trick. In the garden the serpent said “eat this fruit, gain this knowledge and you will be like God.” Now the church says “learn all these facts and figures and chapters and verses and you will be like God.” My loved ones you are already created in my image and after my likeness. You are born of my Spirit and you are my offspring.

     The whole family in heaven and earth bears my name. Do you think you can add to your inheritance by learning what to do; or will you learn more by knowing who you are? 

     Think about this in the natural so you can understand the spiritual. Were you born with your last name? Who gave it to you? Did you earn it or were you born with it? Did you buy it by good works or did your parents pass it on to you in love?

     Please my beloved, stop struggling to become what you already are. Instead of learning to be my child awaken to the fact that you are my child. Learn who you are and what it means to be who you are by looking at me. How you see yourself will change when you look at me. Look into my eyes and whatever reflection you see of yourself is who you really are. 

     I am the true mirror. When you see me you will be like me. When you see a loving Father who gave all he had because of great love you will be filled with that love and then my fullness can awaken in you.

     Don’t be disturbed when I tear down this monster called religion. It is the beast and false prophet. It speaks blasphemies against me and my son. Blasphemies like “my son’s blood wasn’t enough. Something else must be done to make you holy.” A blasphemy like, “yes, Jesus shed his blood but you still need Moses, and you better give to the church or you will be cursed. ”

     Don’t cry when you see it fall my beloved. Truth will reveal the lies. The day is dawning and religion is burning. The truth is coming to set fire to all that is not built on love. You are born in love, you are my beloved so don’t be afraid. Rest in my love. Don’t be afraid of the flames: Liar, Liar, Church on Fire! 

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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