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Friday, August 24, 2018

Fish Guts

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Jonah Chapter Two

Then Jonah prayed to the LORD his God from inside the fish. He said,

“I cried out to the LORD in my great trouble,

and he answered me.

I called to you from the land of the dead,

and LORD, you heard me!

You threw me into the ocean depths,

and I sank down to the heart of the sea.

The mighty waters engulfed me;

I was buried beneath your wild and stormy waves.

Then I said, ‘O LORD, you have driven me from your presence.

Yet I will look once more toward your holy Temple.’

“I sank beneath the waves,

and the waters closed over me.

Seaweed wrapped itself around my head.

I sank down to the very roots of the mountains.

I was imprisoned in the earth,

Whose gates lock shut forever.

But you, O LORD my God,

snatched me from the jaws of death!

As my life was slipping away,

I remembered the LORD.

And my earnest prayer went out to you

in your holy Temple.

Those who worship false gods

turn their backs on all God’s mercies.

But I will offer sacrifices to you with songs of praise,

and I will fulfill all my vows.

For my salvation comes from the LORD alone.”

Then the LORD ordered the fish to spit Jonah out onto the beach.

     It is not unusual for me to wake up early in the morning to the sound of Father’s sweet voice speaking to me. Sometimes he speaks things in humor just to shake me awake. This was one of those days.

    At Three o’clock this morning I was awakened to the words “fish guts” ringing in my heart. What a pleasant thing to hear while your eyes are still glued shut. I gradually opened one eye and said “Lord. Fish guts?” This is the word of the day? Then I heard him laugh.

     He said get up and write down these words and share them with all my beloved whose lives seem to smell like fish guts. To those of you who tried with all your might but everything around you has fallen apart and is beginning to stink. To those who have taken the wrong road like Jonah. To those who are running from me whose lives seemingly have sunk down to the bottom of the earth, to the roots of the mountains in the great deep; speak to them these words:

     My loved ones, you may have gone the wrong way. You may have run from me but you can never get too far that I don’t hear your voice. Just as Jonah cried out to me from the depths and I heard him, so I shall hear you also. 

     Even if your life went from calm seas to stormy seas to being thrown overboard in the sea, only to be eaten by a fish. I am still with you. Even if you are locked in the earth in death where the doors don’t seem to open, I will hear you. I have not abandoned you.

     My dear children, my delight, you can run from me but you forget that I am in you, so no matter where you run I am still with you. So stop running from me and run to me. I love you and have great plans for your life. I have not forsaken you.

     Read and hear the prayer of my servant Jonah once again. Listen to it carefully. Notice how that even in his terrible condition he remembered that I was good. He prayed earnestly a prayer of deliverance mixed with worship. It’s not the formula of the prayer I want you to study. It’s the heart of the prayer. It’s the deepest part of his heart knowing that I am good and merciful even to those who have not gone the way I directed.

     A prayer without heartfelt feeling is just a recital. The power of prayer is not in the formula or in how many verses you memorized to quote with it. It’s about one heart crying out to another. I have compassion and I am emotional. We connect heart to heart, not head to head. I came to dwell in your heart and from there I write my laws into your heart and onto your mind. I program you with love and truth and the truth is that no matter how much you have messed up I am still in love with you.

     So let’s begin the journey back to truth today. Yes, some of you didn’t go the way I told you to. Some of you ran away instead of toward where I sent you. This doesn’t mean my plan for you is down the drain. It just means you get spit out on the beach. You still get to where you are going. You could have gone by ship on a peaceful sea but you chose the belly of the fish instead. My plan for you doesn’t change because you messed up. It just gets redirected from wherever you have run to.

     Call to me my children, my ears are open. Call to me with all your heart. Remember that I am good and loving and kind and willing to help you. Remember my goodness to all who call upon my name. Remember that I loved you so much that I gave my only son to save you. Remember all the times in the past when I have delivered you. Stir up the remembrance in your heart and pray from there.

     I have a great plan for your life and I have great days ahead for you. I won’t force you to follow that plan. You can choose to walk with me and enjoy the fellowship and the fragrance of heaven or you can smell fish guts. I will love you in either place.

     Don’t ever forget that you are my love and I have loved you from eternity and to eternity. Just because you messed up the present or the past doesn’t mean that I don’t have a glorious future for you. All is not lost. Come to me, talk to me, and let’s work this all out in love and forgiveness. 

     As David said “Even if I make my bed in hell you are with me.” How can I leave you when I live inside you? You are never alone and never too far down that I can’t bring you up. Ask Lazarus or my Son. My love for you doesn’t end at the graveyard.

     You are mine and I adore you even if you do smell like fish guts. Call to me. I will speak to the situation that swallowed you like a fish and I will command it to spit you out on a sunny beach. Oh my beloved, don’t hesitate any longer. Call me.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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