As I was praying today, Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words to share with you. I hope you are as encouraged by them as I was. I am so thankful for all of you who read and listen. We get to learn together and that is a great joy to me. So thanks again for walking this trail with me and for sharing these words with your loved ones.
Father said:
My lovable, delightful children: The reason your power level and prayer level is low is because you still see me as separate from you and I am not. There is no separation between us. We are one Spirit, One faith, and one breath.
The energy that makes you who you are is spirit energy and it is one with me. Just as we are one spirit, I long for us to be one flesh also. I want your body to become one with me. You can be so infused with my presence that your body resonates with me.
Just like a tuning an instrument with a tuning fork, your body can be so in tune with me that you can no longer tell what is flesh and what is spirit. This is what happened to my son on the mount of transfiguration. When you get fully surrendered to my spirit your body joins in the love fest and you become saturated with my loving presence.
This will open your natural eyes and ears to see the heavenly realm. Are you willing to come that far? Are you willing to open the veil within you and step into my world? I opened the veil into your world and stepped into you. I live inside you but your mind is a curtain that keeps me from being fully functional in your body.
If you are willing to have your mind renewed you can become whole again. This is not done from outside learning. Renewing your mind comes from within. I told you about the new covenant. I will write my laws on your hearts and on your minds. I will live in you and be God on the inside and will write from within. This is the reason so many fail. They are taught to renew their minds from physical external learning and not from heart learning that comes from fellowship with me.
It even goes beyond fellowship. It is more of an awakening to our oneness. It’s renewing your mind to the absolute truth that we are one spirit. As long as you see us as separate you are double minded. You must see yourself in me and me in you.
It’s like the parable where the woman mixed the leaven in three parts. Your heart, your mind and your body until all were filled. This is the truth of the gospel. We are not two. We are one. Nothing can separate you from my love and I cannot be separated from love for love is who I am. This is your enemies’ plan to make you think that you are there and I am up here. This is not true.
The whole purpose of the cross was not about sin but about getting my Spirit from outside of you to the inside and getting you from the outside into my spirit to worship me in spirit and in truth. You could not become one with me so I became one with you. I loved you as you were in your sin but you could never see yourself as one with me as long as you felt guilt over your sin. I had to show you that your sin was washed away so that you would not be ashamed and then you could become one with me.
There was guilt and enmity in your mind, not mine. You were never really my enemy. An enemy has power to inflict his opponent with death and destruction. Mankind was never powerful enough to end my everlasting life, so you were just kidding yourselves to think you could be my enemy. I took away all your guilt and sin so you could rest in my forgiveness and walk in harmony with me.
Think of it this way. Imagine you were in love with someone but you thought they were angry with you. You thought you were not worthy of their friendship so you loved them from a distance. Your whole relationship in your mind was based on the assumption that you could never really be friends with them. After all you had been mean to them and hurt their feelings and you didn’t think they could love you the way you are. You only concentrated on the wrong you did and not on their love.
Yet your friend loved you all the time and never counted your sins against you because they understood that you were not evil, you were just broken. Your friend knew that when you lash out at them it was not because you hate them but because you are frustrated with who you think you are. So one day your friend takes all that guilt and shame and drew it unto himself and carried it into a grave so that you could never have to face it again. Then your friend rose from the grave and left all your brokenness behind leaving you with a clean conscience so you could freely love him.
This is the truth of the cross. It’s not about an angry God getting even. It’s a rescue mission to save the one he loves from their own guilt. I loved you but your guilty conscience would not allow you to give yourself totally to me. So I came to take away your guilt so we could freely love each other.
This is the problem with my church. I pronounced mankind innocent by reason of my son’s blood but every Sunday preachers all over the world get them to once again see themselves as guilty. And once again the veil covers your eyes and you can’t see how much I am in love with you. After all that I did to rescue you they send you right back in time to a world where the cross never happened.
They don’t realize that by doing this they are diminishing the glory of my son on his cross. His glorious love was revealed but they don’t look at his glory and in turn teach you to turn your eyes from his glorious love and turn them back to your guilt. Those who preach condemnation are enemies of the cross. They do this because they were blinded the same way they blind others.
It’s time to change this. Your salvation is not based on your works. You didn’t buy it or find it so you can’t lose it. It was a gift of my love and my grace based on the faith that I put in your heart. You did not choose me, I chose you. By grace you are saved through faith, but it was my faith and not yours that saved you. I gave to every man the measure of faith so all the glory could be on my son and not anywhere else.
Only by embracing your true innocence can you leave the lie of the old nature behind. You don’t really have an old nature. It was crucified with Christ but by believing you are guilty you enter into things from your past.
Once you know how innocent you are you will begin to walk in true holiness. True holiness is not keeping all the laws and rules. True holiness is a life force that comes from within you. Once you know you are a holy being you will live as a holy being. The law could not produce this so I sent my son in the likeness of sinful flesh to destroy the works of the flesh. Once you are willing to let go of guilt you can take hold of holy righteousness.
Will you do this for me my beloved ones? Will you let go of your guilty conscience? Will you let the sprinkled blood of my son cleanse your conscience from guilt so that you can run to me and not from me? A child who thinks he is guilty runs from his parents. A child who knows he is innocent runs to his Daddy and sits in his lap and hugs him.
You are my innocent children. Your sin and guilt was done away with. You are free to sit in my lap and let me teach you who you are. Moses could teach you how to survive in the wilderness. I can teach you to live victoriously in the kingdom of love. I can teach you to sing and dance and live with delight in the promised land of love that my son created for you. The choice is yours. Continue to live in guilt or learn to live in the freedom of true holiness.
I love you so very much my dear children. Don’t hide from me anymore. Your sins are gone and you need to let go of the guilt and dance in my delight for you.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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