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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Growing Strong in Faith

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

Romans Chapter Four

18. Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping, believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!” And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead and so was Sarah’s womb.

Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.

Colossians Chapter Three

1. Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.

     I woke up this morning and Holy Spirit was using these scriptures to paint images on my heart. I love it when this happens. I love the scriptures and I love being taught their true meaning by our teacher.

     For those of us who were trapped in the Word of Faith trap in years gone by it is so refreshing to finally understand that the book is a holy book but only comes alive in the voice of the teacher. The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. The book is not God, our Father is God and he is a Master Artist; his scriptures are paint and our hearts are the canvas. When we finally get these things in order we realize that our fellowship is not with rules and regulations and words written on a page but our fellowship is with a loving, caring Father whose heart sings because we are his children.

     This was one of those mornings when Holy Spirit was singing these scriptures to me and I was overcome with joy. The object of learning is not to learn but to fall deeply in love with the teacher. When the focus becomes not what can I learn but how can I delight in my teacher, then the whole experience brings inexpressible joy.

     I love being taught because I love the one who teaches me. Each of us is the teacher’s favorite student and we all have access to the secrets of heaven.

     So as I was meditating on the verses that were dancing around and singing in my heart I heard Holy Spirit’s sweet voice asking me to write down these notes from the teacher and share them with you.

     Blessed Holy Spirit said:

My delightful children, the ones whom I love and I love to gather to me and snuggle with. The ones whom I adore and have adored for eternity: Will you give me your attention? Will you set your mind on the things above and stop staring at your problems?

     Do you know why we showed Abraham the stars of the sky to count and the sand of the sea to consider? It was to take his mind off his body that was good as dead. His focus changed from looking at his good as dead body and he began to look at the unlimited God who puts stars in order and calculated how many grains of sand were needed to filter the oceans and keep them clean.

     It is when you begin to consider our limitless ability that you forget about your weak limited problems. You faith grows stronger as you give glory to the one who created all things and stop giving any glory at all to whatever is affecting you negatively. The way to put out the darkness is not to curse the darkness but to turn on every light available.

     This is why when faced with needing food to feed the multitudes Jesus didn’t consider the limited supply of food but gazed into heaven to see our limitless supply of multiplication. This is why there were different amounts of fish and loaves available and different amounts of people to feed recorded in scripture. What you have on hand and what you need don’t matter. What is available to you because you are a child of the Almighty is the focus. He understood that being a child of the Almighty entitles you to all that your Father has. He understood that he and his Father are one so all things that belong to Father are his already.

     It was the same with the story of the prodigal son. The Father told the son that stayed home that he could have had a party anytime he wanted. My loved ones don’t you understand that I gave earth to you and all things are yours already?

     He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit. There is no separation between us. We are not two but we are one. One Lord, one faith, one baptism: One Father who is above all and in all. You were all baptized into the death of the beloved Son of God and you were all raised to newness of life. No one is excluded but many are ignorant of the truth.

     This is why our beloved Paul told you that you have the ministry of reconciliation. We were in Christ on that cross reconciling the world to us not counting sins but declaring righteousness. Jesus said if he be lifted up he would draw all men unto him. He left none out but many are not awake to their forgiveness and live as dead men not knowing the life that is available to them. They think we are angry at them when all we want is to awaken them to our love and fellowship with them.

     This is the born again experience. It is when the revelation comes to you that you are loved and forgiven and your old life is dead and you leave it at the cross and step over into life everlasting. This is why the early church was so full of joy. They understood the finality of the cross and the finality of the resurrection. If one died for all then all died and if one was raised in life then all were raised. Your spirit is as alive as it will ever be.

     When you come to this realization you will be full of joy and realize the goal of evangelism is not to condemn others and tell them how much they are in need of a savior. The message is that the savior already came and they need to awaken to what was already accomplished for them. Jesus was the lamb who took away the sins of the whole world. The gospel is the good news of what already happened.

     People need to be taught the truth. If you believe you are a sinner you will live in sin. If you believe you are holy and righteous because of the blood of the Son of God you will begin to live in holiness and righteousness. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Your life will conform to what your heart believes.

     My beloved, this is what I want you to set your mind on. I want you to completely understand the finality of the cross and the resurrection as your death and resurrection. You are not dead but you are alive in me. You were already sanctified, justified and glorified. You rule and reign with me now. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it is not so. Every decision made from the throne is made with you in mind and in our heart, so you are already ruling and you don’t see it.

     Those of you with children understand this. The day a child is born the focus of your life and family is no longer on what is best for you but what is best for the children. You will change jobs and locations and move thousands of miles from home just for your children to have better opportunities. So are you ruling your house or are your children ruling with you?

     As you set your mind on things above and stop considering the circumstances against you but only consider that the Great Almighty God who sits on the throne is for you. If God be for you who can be against you? No one! Neither death or hell or the grave, none of those things are able to conquer you for you have already conquered in me.

     When Jesus was hanging on the cross he prayed “Father forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.” You were forgiven even before he died. Stop letting religion define who you are. Look into my heart and see who you are. How important are you that the blood of God would be spilled to save you? How important is your neighbor that the blood of God would be spilled for him? The truth changes everything.

     So my loved ones don’t consider your problems but see the answer. Don’t consider your body or your bank account. Consider him who created the heavens. Consider the one who shed his blood for you. Consider him that was and is and is to come. The one who created eternity just to spend it with you because you are so loved and so much more than you understand yourselves to be.

     Jesus was our only begotten son, and he redeemed you to us. You can’t redeem something or someone unless they were already yours. He came to remind you of who you are. You were alienated from us in your minds. You were gone astray in your beliefs. You forgot who you were. You are sons and daughters and you are all the family of God. You are kings and priests because you are the children of the King.

     You are our offspring. You are given great glory because of your birth. Your bodies came from the earth but the earth came from the breath of our word. Then we breathed our life into you. The part of you that is alive is Spirit from our Spirit. No longer let religion rob you of your birthright. I have given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. You own all things already.

     Finally my children: Grow strong in faith giving glory unto your Father. The way you glorify your father is to see yourselves as his children. No more denying who you are. The blood of Christ was spilled to declare your righteousness and yet you declare yourselves to be sinners? This does not glorify your Father. Becoming who you truly are brings glory to us. Growing up into the head which is Christ glorifies us. Worshiping your Father while laughing at your problems glorifies us.

     Be strong in the Lord and the power of His Might. Things aren’t up to your problems they are up to your Father who loves you and your Savior who loves you so much he gave himself to you and for you.

     I am delighted to be your teacher and to share with you the truth. I will lead and guide you into all truth. You shall know who you are and this will make you free. Free to be the children of God and to bask in our love for you: Freedom to love us without a law forcing you to or fear of retribution if you don’t love us: Freedom to love without fear. Freedom to be full of joy in the midst of your problems because you know your problems are small and your Father is huge. So look at the greatness of your Father and soon all the things that worry you will fade into nothing. You won’t even know how we fixed the problems, they will just be gone.

     Delight yourselves in our love for you and love each other as you are loved. Love did not begin with you. Love cannot end with you. Pass it on.

     And these are the glorious words my beloved Teacher gave me today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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