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Thursday, January 3, 2019

To Love or Not To Love?

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today my beloved savior spoke to me and asked me to write down his words and share them with you. All that I ask is that you do not hear me but hear him. Don’t read these words with your natural eyes or hear them with your natural ears. Hear him speaking directly to your heart. You will find that these words were already in you and I just directed you to them.

He said:

     My little children do not be afraid. I know many of you hear rumors of this thing or that thing and it is so hard to know truth when being bombarded with lies. So shut down your outside ears for a time each day and listen to what I am teaching you in your heart. I told you that I would write my laws on your hearts and in your minds. I am writing from within not from without. 

     What laws am I writing? I am writing the perfect law of liberty. Why is it perfect? It is perfect because it is the law of love.

     The law is of liberty because love can only be by choice. I had to make you free to choose me because if you choose for any other reason but love then it is not true love. No one truly loves anyone whom they are forced to love. I made you free so that you could stand in perfect liberty. In your liberty if you choose to give yourselves to me then I know you do it because of love and not because you are afraid of the consequences of making the wrong choice. For freedom I made you free.

     This is why the law of Moses could not perfect anyone. It was based on punishment and reward. You were rewarded for doing right and punished for doing wrong. This does not lead to love. 

     However in the New Covenant you were blessed with all spiritual blessings in heaven and you were chosen in the beloved before you were ever born and before you ever did good or evil. Your sins were taken away at the cross long before you were even born in the earth so you were born free. This way you get to look into my eyes in perfect freedom and you can choose me or reject me.

     It is the same with any question or temptation in your life. All things are lawful for you but not all things are good for you. You are free to choose. Choices have consequences but not from me. I love you either way if you choose to stay in freedom or give in and become a slave to sin and temptation. You get to choose the gift which is eternal life or you get to choose the wages of the sin master.

     I came that you have life and life more abundantly. I didn’t come to punish but to save. Salvation is a choice. All men were baptized into my death but not all have received the revelation of the resurrection. They continue to live as dead men ignoring the life that is available. Because religion has told them that they are cursed and hated by heaven they live in rebellion against the wrong power. They rebel against me when they should rebel against religion and sin.

     So why am I repeating this beloved ones? I hear many say that this is the same message as before but a good teacher repeats the lesson until all learn it. When you were a child someone taught you that two plus two is four. Until you actually took four objects and divided them in half and then added them back together it was just a fact you knew, but it was not a truth that you understand. So many in my church think learning is the object of the lesson, but it is not it at all. Understanding is the purpose.

     Another example: For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Most of you could quote that when you were four years old. But have you ever broke it into pieces to understand it? Have you looked at the broken world and looked at my Father in heaven gazing lovingly at the world knowing that He would send me to save it? Have you then looked at me leaving heaven to be born into the broken world because of love? Facts don’t become truth until you completely understand who, what, when, where and why.

     This is why as Paul said many were still learning when they should have been teaching. Learning facts is not the answer. Learning truth is the answer. I AM that Truth! As I am so are you in the world. We are not separated but we are one. I AM Your Mirror! Whatever that is in you that looks like me is truly you. Whatever is in you that doesn’t look like me is a lie and must be removed. Until you look in a mirror and see yourself as me then you don’t know the whole truth.

     So how do you remove that which is not of me and not of you? You let me write my truth in your heart and in your mind. You surrender to my love and I will do the rest. You see yourselves as the beloved and you let my love wash you as I speak words of love to you.

     This begins now. It is time to see yourselves as glorious and step out of the dark days of religion and make yourselves ready. Wash yourself in my love words. Bask in the water of my Spirit until all that remains of you is just like me. You are clean because of the words I speak to you. What do I speak to you? I say, you are clean. Truth removes lies. When you know the truth about who you are then you will no longer live the lie. Truth must be revealed. The Lie Must Die.

     Religion and bondage could never take you there. I came and set you free from your captivity and did so in hopes you would see me as your deliverer and fall in love with me. I didn’t come to find a bride; I came because you are my bride. The only problem was that you didn’t know it. It is time to know who you are and why you are here. It is time to set aside all the condemnation and frustration and rest in my love until you know your true identity.

     The world spews condemnation and filth into your ears and eyes to make you deaf and blind. I pour light and truth into your heart to make you hear and see. This is why I said "to him that has will more be given and to him who has not, what he seems to have will be taken away." What did I mean? I meant hearing and seeing. To him who is careful what he hears more will be given. To him who does not hear with his true ears, all that he has will be taken away bit by bit by the lying world. Their lies will slowly steal all that you have beginning with your peace.

     But you have ears to hear and you have eyes to see on the inside, so let me add revelation of the truth and you will understand who you are and will learn to embrace all the things I have given you already. 

     All things are already yours but the revelation of how to access them and use them has not come because you were learning facts and not truth. You were memorizing scriptures and not turning them into understanding. The devil knows the scriptures and has no clue who I am. The pharisees knew the scriptures and didn't recognize me when we were face to face. 

     Which is better? Reading the words to a love song, or having your true love sing it to you?
From now on each time you read a scripture ask yourselves why this is true. It’s not enough to be engaged to the truth. You must marry the truth. 

     All the answers you learn will come back to one simple message and all can understand. We loved the world and everyone in it. We did what we had to do to make all free so that all could choose. 

     The grace of God unto salvation has appeared to all, but one abides alone until two become truly what one was meant to be. It’s not enough to know I love you. You must marry me to find out how much. I have chosen you, will you freely choose me?

     I made you free. You can choose or not choose. You can look at the sweet wine or you can taste and see how much you are loved. You can look at perfect love or you can become one with it. The choice is yours; you are freely loved so you can freely love in return. To Love or Not to Love? The choice is yours.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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