Matthew Chapter Five
8: Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
I woke up this morning with this verse dancing in my spirit and my mind. I began to meditate on it for about an hour and then I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. I heard my Father’s voice. He spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you.
He said my beloved ones; do you not remember that my Son said to not allow your hearts to be troubled? It is the troubled and worried heart that cannot see that I am with you and for you and I am working all things out for your eternal destiny. Out of your heart flow the issues of life so if you heart is troubled and worried you will produce things that bring more trouble and more worry.
It is so important that you guard your heart. But you say “how do we do this?” Well it’s very simple. Think only on things that are lovely and pure. Set your mind on heavenly things. Yes I know that your eyes constantly see trouble in the earth. You must learn to let it pass by and not partake of the worries of the world.
Jesus was full of compassion. He had emotions and feelings and tendencies as you do. When he saw trouble he immediately went from seeing the problem to focusing on the answer. You should look at the problem for only as long as it takes to tell it about the answer.
When Jesus saw the blind or the lame or the hurting he didn’t spend three hours trying to determine where the problem originated. He didn’t try to psychoanalyze the person to see if their mom or dad had been mean to them when they were children. He didn’t have them go through a twelve step program to get better. You only do those things if you see the problem as big and the answer as small.
Think about the one who was possessed with devils and he often broke chains and no man could bind him. Jesus didn’t ask him how he got that way. He didn’t spend hours trying to break generational curses. He simply cast out the devils and then with what would seem amazing to your day, he didn’t even send him to counseling. He sent him back to his village to tell the wonderful news about what happened. He went from demoniac to evangelist in one encounter.
I am not saying teaching and learning is bad but the modern church places education above experience. The apostles never had letters behind their names. It was the experiences they had with my son that qualified them. It is the same today. The church teaches you about someone and doesn’t teach you how to know the One whom you seek. One encounter with my Son is worth a lifetime of study.
So how does this come back to this verse about your heart? It is simple. You hearts are in cycle of looking at the wrong things. You look at problems that need solving and then you look at your teaching. There is nothing in your learning that can solve the problem. So you go back and forth and your hearts become calloused because you don’t see the results that you read about in the book so you try to find earthly ways to fix the problem.
The church is not powerless for lack of teaching. The church is powerless due to the lack of encounters. When people saw the apostles they didn’t say “these men have been taught by Jesus.” They said, “These men have been with Jesus.” They had heart to heart encounters and became like him.
It’s time to have encounters with the one who lives inside you. The pure in heart will see me because I live in your heart. When your heart is clouded over by worries and cares and broken dreams then you can’t see me inside your heart smiling at you and telling you all is well.
Many will say “but the bible says that no man can see God and live.” That’s right. You will never be able to see your life the same when you have seen me. All things that you considered to be the major parts of your life will pale in comparison to the glorious new life that is in you when you set your eyes upon me. Your old life and way of reasoning will die when you see my smile.
Little children, I don’t want you worried. I want you resting in fellowship with me as I dance in your hearts for joy just because my dream was to live inside you and now I do. My son accomplished all that was needed so we could walk together as one and be together in love.
I never left you or forsook you. I have always been with you. My Son came to prove to you that I never left. The moment you call being born again was the revelation that I was in you all the time and you didn’t know it. Think about it clearly. When you asked me into your heart I was already there. I have never been far away. Let this sink in and it will purify your worried hearts and you will see me again.
I want you to see me clearly. I want you to know that we are one. You are my children and you are my beloved and I want you to touch, taste, feel, see, hear and experience me in a way that the book will never teach you. I want you to set aside you worries and cares and trust me in a way like you never knew was possible.
As your hearts become pure and free from worry and guilt and condemnation then you will see me clearly all the time. You will see me in the midst of the problems. Instead of seeing only the problem you will realize the problem came to you because it was drawn to the answer. The thirsty one comes to you because you have water. The hungry come to you because you have food. The broken come to you because you have healing. Inside you is the answer to all things because I Am your answer.
So please my beloved, don’t allow negativity to dwell in your hearts. When you see someone in trouble have compassion on them but don’t enter into grief. Why would you grieve when you have the answer? When you get bad news quickly reset your mind to the answer and not the problem. Focusing on the problem will increase the problem. Focusing on the answer will solve the problem.
Forget what is behind. So what if you messed up yesterday, what does that have to do with today? How will you know if you will win the race today if you sit on the sideline? Could you imagine an athlete saying he wasn’t going to take the shot or run the race anymore because he missed the last one?
You will learn to be one hundred percent by practicing. You will get better at prayer if you pray from rest and not from worry. If you realize you already have the answer and you know you are not praying for an answer but agreeing with me that the answer is already inside you. It just needs to be released.
Think of it this way. You are children of the royal household. Would such a child come into the house and say “do we have anything to eat?” Or would they say “What do we have to eat?” It is not “do I have clothes” it is “which ones do I wear.” It is not “that sick person needs healing” it is “I have healing inside, does someone need it?” It is not “Oh Father, please meet my needs.” It is “Oh thank you Father, I know you already provided and answer, how do I release it?”
You were told to seek the kingdom. You were also told that the kingdom is within you. If you are seeking outside you are looking in the wrong place. It is in your heart and if you seek me inside you then you will discover that I counted the cost for your life and I deposited all you could ever need right inside you.
All that you need is in your heart. This is why you keep your hearts pure so that you can see me. When you see me you will not worry, you will rejoice. Please little ones. Throw away all worry and strife, forgive anyone who offends you and let it all go. Forget about yesterday and walk with me today.
Blessed are the pure in heart for you will see me and as you gaze into my eyes you will understand you are my beloved and you don’t have to struggle and worry anymore. You will see yourselves as I see you and you will see me as I really am. I am the one who adores you and created eternity just so I could prove it.
Love each other my dear children. Keep no accounts of wrong and don’t let the fog from yesterday stop you from flying today. Look inside you pure heart and see and encounter the one who is the answer to every question and the solution to every problem. I am right here, in your pure heart.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His grace,
I love you all,
8: Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
I woke up this morning with this verse dancing in my spirit and my mind. I began to meditate on it for about an hour and then I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. I heard my Father’s voice. He spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you.
He said my beloved ones; do you not remember that my Son said to not allow your hearts to be troubled? It is the troubled and worried heart that cannot see that I am with you and for you and I am working all things out for your eternal destiny. Out of your heart flow the issues of life so if you heart is troubled and worried you will produce things that bring more trouble and more worry.
It is so important that you guard your heart. But you say “how do we do this?” Well it’s very simple. Think only on things that are lovely and pure. Set your mind on heavenly things. Yes I know that your eyes constantly see trouble in the earth. You must learn to let it pass by and not partake of the worries of the world.
Jesus was full of compassion. He had emotions and feelings and tendencies as you do. When he saw trouble he immediately went from seeing the problem to focusing on the answer. You should look at the problem for only as long as it takes to tell it about the answer.
When Jesus saw the blind or the lame or the hurting he didn’t spend three hours trying to determine where the problem originated. He didn’t try to psychoanalyze the person to see if their mom or dad had been mean to them when they were children. He didn’t have them go through a twelve step program to get better. You only do those things if you see the problem as big and the answer as small.
Think about the one who was possessed with devils and he often broke chains and no man could bind him. Jesus didn’t ask him how he got that way. He didn’t spend hours trying to break generational curses. He simply cast out the devils and then with what would seem amazing to your day, he didn’t even send him to counseling. He sent him back to his village to tell the wonderful news about what happened. He went from demoniac to evangelist in one encounter.
I am not saying teaching and learning is bad but the modern church places education above experience. The apostles never had letters behind their names. It was the experiences they had with my son that qualified them. It is the same today. The church teaches you about someone and doesn’t teach you how to know the One whom you seek. One encounter with my Son is worth a lifetime of study.
So how does this come back to this verse about your heart? It is simple. You hearts are in cycle of looking at the wrong things. You look at problems that need solving and then you look at your teaching. There is nothing in your learning that can solve the problem. So you go back and forth and your hearts become calloused because you don’t see the results that you read about in the book so you try to find earthly ways to fix the problem.
The church is not powerless for lack of teaching. The church is powerless due to the lack of encounters. When people saw the apostles they didn’t say “these men have been taught by Jesus.” They said, “These men have been with Jesus.” They had heart to heart encounters and became like him.
It’s time to have encounters with the one who lives inside you. The pure in heart will see me because I live in your heart. When your heart is clouded over by worries and cares and broken dreams then you can’t see me inside your heart smiling at you and telling you all is well.
Many will say “but the bible says that no man can see God and live.” That’s right. You will never be able to see your life the same when you have seen me. All things that you considered to be the major parts of your life will pale in comparison to the glorious new life that is in you when you set your eyes upon me. Your old life and way of reasoning will die when you see my smile.
Little children, I don’t want you worried. I want you resting in fellowship with me as I dance in your hearts for joy just because my dream was to live inside you and now I do. My son accomplished all that was needed so we could walk together as one and be together in love.
I never left you or forsook you. I have always been with you. My Son came to prove to you that I never left. The moment you call being born again was the revelation that I was in you all the time and you didn’t know it. Think about it clearly. When you asked me into your heart I was already there. I have never been far away. Let this sink in and it will purify your worried hearts and you will see me again.
I want you to see me clearly. I want you to know that we are one. You are my children and you are my beloved and I want you to touch, taste, feel, see, hear and experience me in a way that the book will never teach you. I want you to set aside you worries and cares and trust me in a way like you never knew was possible.
As your hearts become pure and free from worry and guilt and condemnation then you will see me clearly all the time. You will see me in the midst of the problems. Instead of seeing only the problem you will realize the problem came to you because it was drawn to the answer. The thirsty one comes to you because you have water. The hungry come to you because you have food. The broken come to you because you have healing. Inside you is the answer to all things because I Am your answer.
So please my beloved, don’t allow negativity to dwell in your hearts. When you see someone in trouble have compassion on them but don’t enter into grief. Why would you grieve when you have the answer? When you get bad news quickly reset your mind to the answer and not the problem. Focusing on the problem will increase the problem. Focusing on the answer will solve the problem.
Forget what is behind. So what if you messed up yesterday, what does that have to do with today? How will you know if you will win the race today if you sit on the sideline? Could you imagine an athlete saying he wasn’t going to take the shot or run the race anymore because he missed the last one?
You will learn to be one hundred percent by practicing. You will get better at prayer if you pray from rest and not from worry. If you realize you already have the answer and you know you are not praying for an answer but agreeing with me that the answer is already inside you. It just needs to be released.
Think of it this way. You are children of the royal household. Would such a child come into the house and say “do we have anything to eat?” Or would they say “What do we have to eat?” It is not “do I have clothes” it is “which ones do I wear.” It is not “that sick person needs healing” it is “I have healing inside, does someone need it?” It is not “Oh Father, please meet my needs.” It is “Oh thank you Father, I know you already provided and answer, how do I release it?”
You were told to seek the kingdom. You were also told that the kingdom is within you. If you are seeking outside you are looking in the wrong place. It is in your heart and if you seek me inside you then you will discover that I counted the cost for your life and I deposited all you could ever need right inside you.
All that you need is in your heart. This is why you keep your hearts pure so that you can see me. When you see me you will not worry, you will rejoice. Please little ones. Throw away all worry and strife, forgive anyone who offends you and let it all go. Forget about yesterday and walk with me today.
Blessed are the pure in heart for you will see me and as you gaze into my eyes you will understand you are my beloved and you don’t have to struggle and worry anymore. You will see yourselves as I see you and you will see me as I really am. I am the one who adores you and created eternity just so I could prove it.
Love each other my dear children. Keep no accounts of wrong and don’t let the fog from yesterday stop you from flying today. Look inside you pure heart and see and encounter the one who is the answer to every question and the solution to every problem. I am right here, in your pure heart.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His grace,
I love you all,
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