Matthew 5:29
And if thy right eye offends thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
Matthew 6:22-23
“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!
Matthew 10:16
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
I awakened today with Father speaking these verses into my heart. I pondered for quite a while how they all fit together. It seemed they were so different. As I was pondering He spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you.
He said,
My little ones, It’s time for a change of view. It’s time to see as I see and know as I know. I made of all nations and tongues and people a family of one. I did this in my Son. He was lifted up and he drew all mankind unto himself. As I told you in scripture that if one died for all then all died. So what does this have to do with sight?
I told you to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is because you are all one and whatever you do to another you have done unto yourself. Whatever judgment you judge another with comes back upon you. Whatever punishment you give to others will be given to you, not from me but from sowing and reaping. You are one body. If you curse your hand it will not help your foot.
The knowledge of good and evil is deceptive. That knowledge teaches you to separate things into two groups; one good and one group evil. This leads to death. You were told not to know any man after the flesh any longer and you were also told that you are not wresting against flesh and blood but most can’t separate people from their actions. When my Son was hanging on the cross he was able to pray for those who nailed him there because he could separate who they were from what they did.
So what am I saying? It’s simple. Until your eyes are full of light you won’t see clearly. Until you see all through the lens of the cross and the resurrection you won’t see clearly. Jesus took away the sins of the world yet you still judge others as sinners and not as those who are asleep and have no knowledge of who they really are.
It’s time to see as I see and judge as I judge. Many want to have it both ways. They want to say that Jesus died for their sins so they shouldn’t be punished, yet they want to punish their neighbor for the sins they commit just as if my Son didn’t die for them also.
My Son was the lamb that took away the sins of the entire world. The only thing people are truly guilty of today is ignorance. If they only knew that their sins were washed away at the cross. If they only knew they were reconciled unto me by the death and resurrection of my Son. If they only knew they were righteous and holy and blameless in my eyes then they would stop the behavior that you call sin and would live in their true identity.
So how will they know if most of my church is hurling condemnation and begging for their destruction? What if my church awakened and learned the true good news and spread it throughout the earth?
It is time my beloved ones to take the same grace and restoration you were given and share it with the nations. If all you can see is sin and guilt then pluck out your eye that is offended. My kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy and not guilt, condemnation and destruction. Do you not realize that when you condemn your brother you condemn yourself?
I am gathering out of my kingdom all things that offend and all denominations and religions that preach anything but love and grace will be removed. With true grace comes true holiness. Once you have encountered my true love you will walk in holiness because you love holiness and not because it’s something you have to do to avoid punishment.
Think of it this way: Do you want your spouse to be true because they have to or because they are so much in love with you that the thought of being with someone else is unthinkable? Do you want your children to walk in love because of their true character or because they are afraid you will beat them?
Can’t you see and feel it my beloved? Can’t you see the love that was bestowed upon you by my Son? What kind of love does it take to leave a beautiful heaven and come to earth and be beaten beyond human recognition and then draw all guilt and failure and sin and degradation unto yourself so that your loved one would never have to endure it? Then after that have your soul go into hell to redeem those who had already been imprisoned? Then take the keys to death and hell so that the ones you love could never be locked away there again? Oh how much you are loved my children. If you can feel this for yourself then can you also feel it for the one you are condemning?
In the kingdom of love great power and authority is only given to those who are harmless. Remember the apostles? They were beaten and scorned and yet did not retaliate or condemn. Remember my beloved Stephen as he was being stoned he died begging me not to hold his death against his murderers?
The reason the apostles fled when persecuted was not for their own sake. They didn’t demand their rights and demand that those who persecuted them be punished. The most they were allowed to do was shake the dust off their feet as they walked away. And this was only after they had healed all the sick in the community and shared the gospel with them.
If my Son justified all men by his death then who is to condemn? Vengeance is mine and I will repay. How do I want to repay? The way I did with Saul. Take those who persecute my loved ones and reveal my love to them and then send them to the world to spread the gospel they once destroyed. So why are my people calling down destroying fire when they should be on their knees begging for my loving grace for those who offend them? Which is better, to take those who are doing wicked acts and destroy them or to save them and send them out preaching?
It is high time for my church to take the love they are loved with and share it with others. There is one true gospel. I so loved the world that I gave my only begotten Son so that whosoever believes in him will not perish but step out of the death cycle of the world and step into the eternal life they didn’t know they were already living.
I sent my Son to save you from who you thought you were and deliver you into the knowledge of who you really are. Your minds were darkened and you thought you were my enemies when all the time you were my runaway children.
You thought I was mean and angry and wanted to punish you yet all the time I waited with a robe and a ring and some happy shoes for your feet. I had a meal and music waiting on you the whole time. Some of you remembered who I really was and you came home and others I had to send my righteous Son who was with the ninety nine to the wilderness to find you and bring you home. He found you and brought you home. He healed your wounds and carried you all the way on his shoulders. He returned with singing and joy because the lost sheep were found.
So my beloved; never look at others as sinners or forgotten or forsaken. They may be doing awful acts but it’s only because they don’t know who they are and what they are doing. Each time you feel you need to judge them how about pray instead? But if you have to judge then let the one who never sinned cast the first insult.
Please my beloved, the way into the kingdom is through innocence. Unless you become as a little child in your judgment then you won’t experience what my kingdom has to offer you. In prayer be a mighty warrior but in judgment be a lamb. In the spirit be a mighty eagle but towards all men be a dove. Heaven exalts those who humble themselves.
Think of this. Let it sink into your heart:
For all shall know me from the least to the greatest.
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord and that will bring glory to my love.
The child you condemn today will sit in my lap tomorrow.
Treat all mankind as if each of them were your only child. Seeing the love I have for each and everyone will fill your body with my light and my glory will fill your body until you are changed into my image and my likeness. Learn to love as you are loved.
And this was the end of the words He spoke to me earlier.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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