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Saturday, January 25, 2020

Start Living The Truth

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Matthew Chapter Six

9. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

John Chapter Fourteen

1. “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

10. Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works.

Acts Chapter Seventeen

“‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, “‘for we are indeed his offspring.”

     As I was praying today these verses kept coming from my heart into my mind. I pondered a few moments about what Father was trying to teach me. After a few moments of meditating about these verses Father spoke to me and asked me to take notes and share them with you. Here are his words. He said:

     My little ones; you are so loved and so blessed! I don't call you my little ones because you are small but because I am a blessed Father and to me you will always be my beloved children. I only wish you could feel the pure delight I experience when I think of you. This means I am delighted all the time, for you are always on my mind. Not just occasionally, but always.

     Things are different in the higher mind; there is no past or present to me, it is eternally right now. So right now I am in love with you and thinking good things about each of you. You are with me in this realm but you are not aware of it yet. Soon you will know as you are known and great secrets will be revealed to you about how special you are and where you are and where I am.

     In me you live and move and have your being. I dwell in you and you dwell in me and we are one. We are not separate but are one. Think of it like a chandelier with one light in the center and many other lights all around the center light. Would you say “look at all those lights?” Or would you say “look at that beautiful chandelier?”

     We are one. I am the light of the world and you are the light of the world. There is only one light. You are so much a part of me and I a part of you that there is no way to tell where I stop and you begin. We are perfectly formed together and only in your mind is there any separation.

     My son told you that he and I were one. Not two but one. As he is so are you in this world. Soon you will awaken to the truth that you are not separate from me but are a part of me.

     I know I’ve told you this many times before but I need you to hear it. It’s time to end the separation lie and enjoy our oneness together. When you are awakened to our one life then you will no longer feel separated. You will no longer be anxious or afraid or sad. You will be full of my joy all the time.

     Imagine you were riding down the road and my Son Jesus was driving. Would you be afraid of having an accident? Would you be afraid you might break down and get stranded? Now stop imagining and know the truth. My Son, My Spirit and I are not driving your car. We are in you. We are not a car seat distance away. We are in you. So why are you afraid?

     The lie of separation is the greatest lie ever told. Religion has made you feel like I am a million miles away in some place called heaven. Don’t you understand? Jesus said to pray to me in heaven and then he said I was doing the works from inside him. So where is heaven? It is in you.

     I know you have been programmed differently but this is truth. I will never leave you and never forsake you. I can’t leave you anymore than I can leave my own self for we are one.

     You are the new heaven and the new earth wherein righteousness dwells. You are the city set on a hill and you are the city that came down from heaven. You are the bride of the lamb. You did not come from the earth, you came from me. Only your bodies were made of dust. But consider this: Was not the dust of the earth holy when I made man from it? Is there any part of earth that did not come from me? Is the temple holy because it’s a temple or because the holy one lives in it?

     As you begin to see that you are one with me you will also see that you are one with each other. You can’t be separated for I am in all and through all. I am the Father from whom the whole family in heaven and on earth comes from. The idea of lost versus found and us versus them will die. You will love your neighbor as yourself as you discover that your neighbor is yourself.

     There is one family tree and many branches. My Son told you that he was the vine and you are the branches. Do branches grow from the vine or do they come to the vine and mysteriously attach themselves to the vine? The vine needs the branch to bear its fruit. The branches need the vine to sustain life. You were born from me and came from me.

     Many are lost in their own minds and don’t know they are mine but all are mine. This is why the promise came that all shall know me from the least to the greatest. All things are new and all things are of me.

     My beloved ones: As you awaken to the fact that we are not separate you faith will soar higher and higher. When you realize that we are one and that all I have is yours then you will no longer take thought of lack or sickness or disease. You will put all things in order beginning with your minds.

     This is the truth that will make you free. Knowing that you are one with me and you are hidden inside me and I am hidden inside you and there is no room for fear. This is the greatest mystery ever! Christ in you! It’s like a game of hide and seek. I hid myself in you. You have looked for me everywhere but inside.

     Seek for me with your heart because I am in your heart. When you stop thinking you can get there with human intellect and stop seeking for more knowledge and seek me for love’s sake, you will find me. Don’t search for knowledge. Search for me in you. My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge but all that is lacking is the knowledge of who you already are.

     Think of it this way. Those of you who are married; did you seek your spouse just to obtain knowledge about who they are and what they could do? Or did you seek them because the love in your heart would not rest until you found them? Is it better to read about them and gain knowledge about them or to hold them in your arms and hug them with your heart?

     Love is the secret of secrets. I so loved each of you that I sent my son to rescue you from your fallen mind and to restore you to your heavenly mind. 

     In your minds you thought you were my enemy. You thought I was angry with you because you made a mistake and did something that is against my nature. But did you consider what my beloved Paul told you in his letter to the Corinthians? I was in Christ reconciling the world unto myself. Not counting your sins against you. I have never kept a list of your wrongs. Only what you do right is recorded.

     So come into your right mind. Let go of the worldly mind and all of its darkness and put on the mind of Christ. See yourselves as I see you and see your neighbor as I see you. I see you just as I see my beloved Son whom you call Jesus. Do you remember in scripture I called him God when I said unto him “Thy Throne Oh God is Forever!

     Soon you will be fully awake and know yourselves as one of us and not separate from us. I created you in my image and my likeness. In other words; if I look at a mirror or I look at you I see the same image. When I look at you I see me. I just want you to awaken and see yourselves as you are seen.

     How valuable are you that I would send my firstborn to save you from your broken mind? How valuable are you that the angels of heaven were created to serve you? Let this sink in: You are in my image and my likeness. If you want to see me then look in a mirror. Don’t look through the eyes of religion or unbelief. Look with the mind of Christ.

     I know this is where many of you will stop listening but this is the same reason they killed my Son. He said he was my son and they killed him for calling himself my equal.

     You already are justified, sanctified and glorified. You are not who you were told you are. You are who I say you are. Listen to me and do not let the fallen mind or people operating with the fallen mind tell you who you are. You are who I say you are. You are my child and everything I created was created for you. No more worry or fear or anxiety. Stop living the lie and start living in the truth.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

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