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Friday, February 7, 2020

Abide in Me: Abide in Love

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below.

Genesis Chapter Two

15. The LORD God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. But the LORD God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”

Hosea Chapter Four

6. My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me.

John Chapter Eight

31. So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Hebrews Chapter Eight

11. And they shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.

     As I was sitting quietly listening for his voice today all these verses kept coming into my thoughts. I meditated on them for a few moments to hear what they would teach me. As I was listening Jesus spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and publish them for all of his loved ones to hear. He said:

     My beloved ones: The great awakening and enlightening is underway. Many of you know with all your hearts that you are not living in your physical realm what you know you have in the spiritual realm. You see my promises in my scriptures but you can’t seem to live out what you know is available. So what is the problem? I am glad you asked.

     My loved ones, you can’t keep eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and live only in the good. Until you stop judging everything by knowledge you will struggle.

     Judging and condemning will never fix the problem. You are taught by religion to condemn anyone or anything that doesn’t abide within their rules. This is not the way to live.

     When you see or hear something that religion tells you is bad do you respond by saying” that is awful” or do you just observe and pray for light and love to heal the people who are affected and the people who were the cause? Can you learn to love the offender and the offended the same?

     Do you remember that I told you that whatever judgment you hand out will be returned to you? This is not because I am angry but it’s a law that is built into creation. You must reap what you sow and when you judge another you bring condemnation to your own heart.

     In the beginning Adam didn’t know good and evil. He only knew me. He lived in heavenly paradise as long as he only knew me. As long as he believed he was complete in me he lived in love and harmony with me. When he considered that he was missing something or that I had withheld something useful from him he entered into darkness of his own mind. When I asked him where he was it wasn’t because I didn’t know physically where he was. I was asking him where his conscious thoughts were. He took his mind off of me and put it in darkness instead. Perfect love casts out fear. As long as he was focused on my love he was not afraid. As soon as he considered anything else but love he became afraid.

     It’s the same today. When you stop to curse the darkness you are not letting your light shine. You can’t curse and bless at the same time. To be spiritually minded is life and peace and to focus on the fleshly realm of right and wrong and good and bad brings death.

     As long as you keep your minds and hearts pointed toward me you will have peace. It’s only when you lose your focus that you forget you can walk on the troubled waters that are disturbing you.

     It’s not good and evil you need to know. Eternal life is in knowing my Father and knowing me and knowing that you are one of us and are in us and we are in you.

     Think of it this way: The Pharisees were so focused on sin that when a man who was born blind was healed right before them, they still asked me for a sign. They couldn’t see the miracle because they were focused on sin. It’s the same with you. As long as you look at what you call evil in the world you won’t see the miraculous all around you.

     It’s so deceiving and so simple to get bogged down in the day to day news and the politics of the world that you forget you are not of this world. The world wants to keep your focus there so you won’t awaken to who you are. Soon each of you will be wide awake and the world will change quickly.

     The fact that you are listening and hearing these words means you are awakening. You know the religious garbage you have been feasting on your whole lives is not true. You are not sure how you know but in your heart you don’t see in the so called church what you see in your heart. Soon you will see clearly because as you take your focus off the world and set it back on me you will be so full of light that you will drive darkness out of the world.

     This is why when Peter walked by people were healed by what they thought was his shadow. He kept his eyes on me. Do you remember that he said he wouldn’t leave the “word of God” to wait tables? He kept his focus on me and kept his ear tuned to my voice. He became so conscious of who I am and who he is that healing flowed out of him.

     My loved ones: Tune out the voice of the world and the voice of condemnation and tune in to me. I am always speaking to you and encouraging you and telling you that you are so far above the circumstance that you are worried about. As you continue in my word you will become my true disciples and you will come to know the truth that makes you free. I AM that truth!

     You are taught to learn facts about me and memorize verses and do all the things that teach you about me. Although these are wonderful things to do, they won’t make you know who I am. 

     Faith comes by hearing. Not by reading. Faith comes as you hear my voice in your heart. I stand at the door of your attention all day asking you to open the door to your thoughts and let me in.

     It’s time to know me and to know your true self. As I am so are you. I am the firstborn among many brethren. We have the same Father. I long for you to know this truth and come up to a higher consciousness and live in the fullness of who we are. No more struggling like an earth creature but living in the fullness of Holy Spirit and in fellowship with me in truth.

     You were told to set your mind on things above. Keeping your minds focused on the world and its problems will not fix the problems. Filling your minds with the truth of who we are will cause the power that is within you to change the world without ever setting your attention on it. The river of life within you will flow out into the world and will heal the nations. The fruit that you bear will be always in season and will feed the nations until all know me from the least to the greatest.

     Arise my beloved! Arise in the consciousness that you are heavenly beings living on the earth to change the earth into heaven. When you realize that heaven is within you then you will be overflowing with life. Please remember my loved ones that as your eyes become single and you don’t look for good or evil but only look to me then the glorious light within you will change this world.

     I am in you and with you. No more looking outside for an answer. I am your answer. Judgment is not the answer. Condemnation is not the answer. Worry and stress and jealousy are not the answer. Love is the answer. No matter what the question; love is the answer.

     My friends; my loved ones: Remain in my love and stay focused on my love. Abide in me. Abide in love.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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