Matthew Chapter Six
22. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Colossians Chapter Three
1. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Philippians Chapter Four
8. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
I was in my woodshop working on a saw when Father’s voice came to me. He said “Tell them; What you see is what you get.” I put down my saw and pondered this statement for a few moments. I suddenly realized he was about to say a lot more so I went to my computer to listen and write. He gave me these words to share with you. He said:
My beloved ones, where are you looking? Where is your focus? Are you looking into the darkness or are you staring into the glory? Everything you see in your news or your television programming is there to make you stare at the darkness. Those who love chaos are doing this on purpose. They know that what you see is what you get and while you wallow in worry and misery they laugh and have a great time and count the money they make from selling you bad news.
Sadly, it’s the same in the churches. Those who should be encouraging you are telling you that the world is becoming hell on earth? Is this what my Son told you to pray and believe in? Did he say hell be on earth as it is in hell or did he say to pray and expect heaven on earth?
You are made in my image and my likeness. You have the power to create. I imagined the world and the entire universe and used the power of my Spirit to form it into physical substance and natural reality. You have this same power. When you imagine things the power of your spirit creates things and brings them into your world.
So what am I saying? I am saying that it’s time to turn your eyes away from lies and from darkness and focus on bringing light and truth into the world. Those who love darkness develop a plan for bringing chaos into the world and then they find some so called prophet in a church to prophesy it. When the people believe it they form that image in their minds and it is created in the world.
My beloved ones: There is only one power in existence. I am this power. I gave myself and my power to you to freely use for whatever you desire. I would hope that you would only use it to create heaven. There is no all powerful devil running around tearing up whosoever he desires. My Son defeated this darkness and stripped every entity of whatever little power they had and this is why he said “All authority in heaven and earth has been given unto me."
My children are confused. They think there is an evil power that is almost as powerful as me and there is war between the powers and it could go either way. Let me ask you. How much authority is all authority? Do you really think I would create any being who could challenge my authority and force me off of my throne?
It’s so simple. If you use the power of your inner eye, which is your imagination and you see miracles and good everywhere you look, then your world will attract good and perfect. If you use your imagination to see darkness and chaos and sickness and crime then you will attract that into your experience. Whatever your eye is full of your body or your natural experience will be full of.
This is why it’s so important to set your mind on things above. This will bring the things you see above right into your experience. This is why my Son told you to consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. When you set your mind on beauty and on plenty then that is what flows into your world. If you imagine lack, poverty, sickness and disease you will experience those things.
Many know this but would rather blame all their problems on the devil and not face the fact that they are creating their experience in their own imagination. Many don’t want to separate themselves from thinking like the crowd thinks. They don’t want to be different from everyone else. If the whole crowd runs off a cliff they just follow like cattle.
Matthew Chapter Six
22. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Colossians Chapter Three
1. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Philippians Chapter Four
8. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
I was in my woodshop working on a saw when Father’s voice came to me. He said “Tell them; What you see is what you get.” I put down my saw and pondered this statement for a few moments. I suddenly realized he was about to say a lot more so I went to my computer to listen and write. He gave me these words to share with you. He said:
My beloved ones, where are you looking? Where is your focus? Are you looking into the darkness or are you staring into the glory? Everything you see in your news or your television programming is there to make you stare at the darkness. Those who love chaos are doing this on purpose. They know that what you see is what you get and while you wallow in worry and misery they laugh and have a great time and count the money they make from selling you bad news.
Sadly, it’s the same in the churches. Those who should be encouraging you are telling you that the world is becoming hell on earth? Is this what my Son told you to pray and believe in? Did he say hell be on earth as it is in hell or did he say to pray and expect heaven on earth?
You are made in my image and my likeness. You have the power to create. I imagined the world and the entire universe and used the power of my Spirit to form it into physical substance and natural reality. You have this same power. When you imagine things the power of your spirit creates things and brings them into your world.
So what am I saying? I am saying that it’s time to turn your eyes away from lies and from darkness and focus on bringing light and truth into the world. Those who love darkness develop a plan for bringing chaos into the world and then they find some so called prophet in a church to prophesy it. When the people believe it they form that image in their minds and it is created in the world.
My beloved ones: There is only one power in existence. I am this power. I gave myself and my power to you to freely use for whatever you desire. I would hope that you would only use it to create heaven. There is no all powerful devil running around tearing up whosoever he desires. My Son defeated this darkness and stripped every entity of whatever little power they had and this is why he said “All authority in heaven and earth has been given unto me."
My children are confused. They think there is an evil power that is almost as powerful as me and there is war between the powers and it could go either way. Let me ask you. How much authority is all authority? Do you really think I would create any being who could challenge my authority and force me off of my throne?
It’s so simple. If you use the power of your inner eye, which is your imagination and you see miracles and good everywhere you look, then your world will attract good and perfect. If you use your imagination to see darkness and chaos and sickness and crime then you will attract that into your experience. Whatever your eye is full of your body or your natural experience will be full of.
This is why it’s so important to set your mind on things above. This will bring the things you see above right into your experience. This is why my Son told you to consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. When you set your mind on beauty and on plenty then that is what flows into your world. If you imagine lack, poverty, sickness and disease you will experience those things.
Many know this but would rather blame all their problems on the devil and not face the fact that they are creating their experience in their own imagination. Many don’t want to separate themselves from thinking like the crowd thinks. They don’t want to be different from everyone else. If the whole crowd runs off a cliff they just follow like cattle.
Jesus told you in the book of Mark Chapter seven:
And Jesus said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”
These things aren't caused by some devil but they come from within the darkened heart.
I put you in a garden. This garden is a beautiful place within you. All that you ever need is growing there. It’s the secret place within your heart where we live as one. I gave you authority over the inner garden. Whatever you plant in the inner garden shows up in the outer garden called your life experience. You have been given dominion over all the creeping things that try to creep into your mind and you must run them out. You must tend the garden of your imagination if you want the outer garden to flourish.
My loved ones, my plan hasn’t changed. Jesus told you the plan. The plan is my kingdom reign on earth just as in heaven. It’s really simple. It’s my world but you are the caretakers. You must take responsibility for your world. My Son came and showed you the way. He showed you to keep your eyes set on me. As your eyes are set on me you will see what I am doing just like he did. You will go about doing good healing all who are oppressed by the fallen mind.
It’s up to you my beloved. By filling your imagination with light and love you can produce bountiful crops of heaven on earth. If you continue to focus on what you call evil then nothing will change.
Don’t forget that evil has no power of its own. What you call evil is a lack of light and love just like there is no such thing as darkness but it’s only the lack of light that creates the illusion. When I said “let there be light” I meant for always. Light is and has always been available.
Sickness is not a power but a lack of health. Hate is not its own power but is a lack of love. Poverty is a lack of distribution. My earth contains and grows enough for all to be wealthy. My love has the power in it to make earth just like heaven. Do you remember the Psalm you call Psalm one hundred fifteen?
The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to mankind.
It was my good pleasure to give you the kingdom and the power to change the earth into heaven. It’s your responsibility. No more putting it off until some day in the sweet by and by when my Son returns. The fullness of God dwells in Christ and Christ dwells in you. You are lacking nothing.
I made you in my image and likeness. What more could you need? Jesus said it was better for him to go away because he was one person in one place. When Holy Spirit came and was poured out on “all flesh” then the fullness of Father, Son and Spirit that was in Christ is now in each of you. Those who think they need to wait on a physical reappearing of Jesus on the earth have no idea just how powerful Holy Spirit is inside them.
No more excuses. Wake up to who you are and why you are here. Use the great power of your imagination to focus on the light and love of heaven and then funnel that heaven into your world. No more fear. No more worry. You are more than conquerors so no more excuses.
As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Think only of truth. You are created in my image and in my likeness. You are not poor sinners saved by grace. You are the living breathing sons and daughters of Almighty God and you have been given the power to rule and reign with me on the earth. You are kings and priests. You are a chosen and holy generation. No more imagining yourselves as grasshoppers. Stand up and be who you are. No more great big devil and little tiny God.
You can change the world if you change what you see. See only good. Find good in every person and situation. See all men as those created in my image. Don’t look at people as good and evil, as rich and poor as lost and found. See all men as they are. My Apostle Paul told you to know no man after the flesh. See all mankind as your brother and sister in the Spirit and love those who persecute you. Don’t condemn them. Love them.
As you do this your life experience will be full of heaven. You will see the beauty in all things and you will truly see heaven on earth. Once you see heaven on the inside you will produce it on the outside because what you see is what you get.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
I put you in a garden. This garden is a beautiful place within you. All that you ever need is growing there. It’s the secret place within your heart where we live as one. I gave you authority over the inner garden. Whatever you plant in the inner garden shows up in the outer garden called your life experience. You have been given dominion over all the creeping things that try to creep into your mind and you must run them out. You must tend the garden of your imagination if you want the outer garden to flourish.
My loved ones, my plan hasn’t changed. Jesus told you the plan. The plan is my kingdom reign on earth just as in heaven. It’s really simple. It’s my world but you are the caretakers. You must take responsibility for your world. My Son came and showed you the way. He showed you to keep your eyes set on me. As your eyes are set on me you will see what I am doing just like he did. You will go about doing good healing all who are oppressed by the fallen mind.
It’s up to you my beloved. By filling your imagination with light and love you can produce bountiful crops of heaven on earth. If you continue to focus on what you call evil then nothing will change.
Don’t forget that evil has no power of its own. What you call evil is a lack of light and love just like there is no such thing as darkness but it’s only the lack of light that creates the illusion. When I said “let there be light” I meant for always. Light is and has always been available.
Sickness is not a power but a lack of health. Hate is not its own power but is a lack of love. Poverty is a lack of distribution. My earth contains and grows enough for all to be wealthy. My love has the power in it to make earth just like heaven. Do you remember the Psalm you call Psalm one hundred fifteen?
The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to mankind.
It was my good pleasure to give you the kingdom and the power to change the earth into heaven. It’s your responsibility. No more putting it off until some day in the sweet by and by when my Son returns. The fullness of God dwells in Christ and Christ dwells in you. You are lacking nothing.
I made you in my image and likeness. What more could you need? Jesus said it was better for him to go away because he was one person in one place. When Holy Spirit came and was poured out on “all flesh” then the fullness of Father, Son and Spirit that was in Christ is now in each of you. Those who think they need to wait on a physical reappearing of Jesus on the earth have no idea just how powerful Holy Spirit is inside them.
No more excuses. Wake up to who you are and why you are here. Use the great power of your imagination to focus on the light and love of heaven and then funnel that heaven into your world. No more fear. No more worry. You are more than conquerors so no more excuses.
As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Think only of truth. You are created in my image and in my likeness. You are not poor sinners saved by grace. You are the living breathing sons and daughters of Almighty God and you have been given the power to rule and reign with me on the earth. You are kings and priests. You are a chosen and holy generation. No more imagining yourselves as grasshoppers. Stand up and be who you are. No more great big devil and little tiny God.
You can change the world if you change what you see. See only good. Find good in every person and situation. See all men as those created in my image. Don’t look at people as good and evil, as rich and poor as lost and found. See all men as they are. My Apostle Paul told you to know no man after the flesh. See all mankind as your brother and sister in the Spirit and love those who persecute you. Don’t condemn them. Love them.
As you do this your life experience will be full of heaven. You will see the beauty in all things and you will truly see heaven on earth. Once you see heaven on the inside you will produce it on the outside because what you see is what you get.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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