Acts Chapter Nine
36. There was a believer in Joppa named Tabitha, which in Greek is Dorcas. She was always doing kind things for others and helping the poor. About this time she became ill and died. Her body was washed for burial and laid in an upstairs room. But the believers had heard that Peter was nearby at Lydda, so they sent two men to beg him, “Please come as soon as possible!”
So Peter returned with them; and as soon as he arrived, they took him to the upstairs room. The room was filled with widows who were weeping and showing him the coats and other clothes Dorcas had made for them. But Peter asked them all to leave the room; then he knelt and prayed. Turning to the body he said, “Get up, Tabitha.” And she opened her eyes! When she saw Peter, she sat up! He gave her his hand and helped her up. Then he called in the widows and all the believers, and he presented her to them alive.
Acts Chapter Sixteen
13. On the Sabbath we went a little way outside the city to a riverbank; where we thought people would be meeting for prayer, and we sat down to speak with some women who had gathered there. One of them was Lydia from Thyatira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth, who worshiped God. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart, and she accepted what Paul was saying. She and her household were baptized, and she asked us to be her guests. “If you agree that I am a true believer in the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my home.” And she urged us until we agreed.
Acts Chapter 19
11. God gave Paul the power to perform unusual miracles so that when handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and evil spirits were expelled.
A few days ago I was seeking for an answer to give so many people I hear from. It seems as if they are not in what we call full time ministry then they believe they are not completely following God.
Most of these people have amazing gifts and are doing wonderful work in the work they do. Others are talented in music or carpentry or mechanics and want to leave their work profession and go into preaching or starting a church.
As I was praying about this these verses came up before me and Father Spoke to me this statement: Your passion is your pulpit!
As I asked him what he meant he asked me to write down these words and share them with all. He said:
My beloved ones; I have given each of my children gifting. Each of you is blessed with a passion for doing something. Some are working jobs they hate because there is no passion for doing that job. Some are doing things they love to do but think they are not worthy of me unless they quit what I gave them to do and do what religion tells them is truly following me.
It’s time to understand that if I want you in a church preaching behind a pulpit I will put you there. If I want you working at a particular place I will arrange it. But most of all I want you to be free to follow the passion I put in your heart.
As I was praying about this these verses came up before me and Father Spoke to me this statement: Your passion is your pulpit!
As I asked him what he meant he asked me to write down these words and share them with all. He said:
My beloved ones; I have given each of my children gifting. Each of you is blessed with a passion for doing something. Some are working jobs they hate because there is no passion for doing that job. Some are doing things they love to do but think they are not worthy of me unless they quit what I gave them to do and do what religion tells them is truly following me.
It’s time to understand that if I want you in a church preaching behind a pulpit I will put you there. If I want you working at a particular place I will arrange it. But most of all I want you to be free to follow the passion I put in your heart.
I give you the desires of your heart. I don’t give you the burdens. Those who say that they gave up all they had to follow me and it’s been a burden didn’t do so at my request. I am not saying that it’s not hard but whatever you are called by me to do you have been given a grace to do it. My Son told you that my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
My loved ones; so many of you are gifted business owners, teachers, musicians, artists, mechanics, welders builders, plumbers, designers, chefs, bakers, entertainers, comedians, and the list goes on and on and on. I gave you these gifts to teach you how to co create with me. When you use the gift you were given you are creating joy and goodness into the world.
If all were preachers, where would you live? If all were preachers what would you drive? If all were preachers where would you work? If your plumbing is backed up do you want to call a preacher to pray for it or a plumber to come fix it?
But here is the truth. You all are preachers. I poured out my Spirit on all flesh and all prophesy and dream dreams and have visions. You have my Spirit and your light shines wherever you are. What I want for you is for you to do what you love to do and that will open a whole new world for you.
As you find your passion and begin to give yourself to it you will find that the creative power that is used to create doesn’t just affect the thing you are creating. Most musicians know this. If you go too long without playing you feel depressed and your whole life suffers. It’s the same with all other gifting. This is why so many are frustrated. This frustration bleeds over into every area of your life.
As you pursue the passion that I put within you all grace will abound to you. Sure not all singers and musicians and writers get wealthy at what they do but as they pursue their passion then other avenues to bring out the wealth that is already in you arise.
You were given all things that pertain to life and Godliness. Pursuing your passion brings these things out of you and prosperity fills your world. Many seek to use their passion to make money but wouldn’t it be better to have enough that you could give away your creation and still have plenty?
My loved ones, your passion is your pulpit. Think of the one called Tabitha. Her passion for making and giving things away brought her back from the dead. And think of Paul. The aprons he wore while working healed people on contact with them. Think of Lydia whose passion for be a merchant in material brought her to the gospel. Think of all of these. Just following their passion got their names in holy scripture. Where will yours take you?
Do you see that everything you do is anointed? It’s not just when you preach or share the gospel. You are anointed to teach a class or paint a picture or write a song or swing a hammer. There is no such thing as holy and secular. I made all things new and all things are of me.
Any time you create you are imitating me. No matter how small or how large you are co building the world with me. I want you to know that you are all chosen of me and no one is more important than another.
My loved ones; so many of you are gifted business owners, teachers, musicians, artists, mechanics, welders builders, plumbers, designers, chefs, bakers, entertainers, comedians, and the list goes on and on and on. I gave you these gifts to teach you how to co create with me. When you use the gift you were given you are creating joy and goodness into the world.
If all were preachers, where would you live? If all were preachers what would you drive? If all were preachers where would you work? If your plumbing is backed up do you want to call a preacher to pray for it or a plumber to come fix it?
But here is the truth. You all are preachers. I poured out my Spirit on all flesh and all prophesy and dream dreams and have visions. You have my Spirit and your light shines wherever you are. What I want for you is for you to do what you love to do and that will open a whole new world for you.
As you find your passion and begin to give yourself to it you will find that the creative power that is used to create doesn’t just affect the thing you are creating. Most musicians know this. If you go too long without playing you feel depressed and your whole life suffers. It’s the same with all other gifting. This is why so many are frustrated. This frustration bleeds over into every area of your life.
As you pursue the passion that I put within you all grace will abound to you. Sure not all singers and musicians and writers get wealthy at what they do but as they pursue their passion then other avenues to bring out the wealth that is already in you arise.
You were given all things that pertain to life and Godliness. Pursuing your passion brings these things out of you and prosperity fills your world. Many seek to use their passion to make money but wouldn’t it be better to have enough that you could give away your creation and still have plenty?
My loved ones, your passion is your pulpit. Think of the one called Tabitha. Her passion for making and giving things away brought her back from the dead. And think of Paul. The aprons he wore while working healed people on contact with them. Think of Lydia whose passion for be a merchant in material brought her to the gospel. Think of all of these. Just following their passion got their names in holy scripture. Where will yours take you?
Do you see that everything you do is anointed? It’s not just when you preach or share the gospel. You are anointed to teach a class or paint a picture or write a song or swing a hammer. There is no such thing as holy and secular. I made all things new and all things are of me.
Any time you create you are imitating me. No matter how small or how large you are co building the world with me. I want you to know that you are all chosen of me and no one is more important than another.
Just because someone stands behind a pulpit in front of a camera doesn’t mean he is more anointed than you are. Just think of where most errors you have learned in your life have come from. They have come from people behind pulpits in front of cameras who are not really following their passion. Most of these were gifted to do other things but religion led them the wrong way.
When I sent my Son to save the world he didn’t go to the educated and religious people. He picked fisherman and plain people to change the world. When we chose Paul we had to take away from him all the religion that he learned so that he could know truth.
My loved ones: Don’t think you are defined by your job title. You are my children and heirs of the whole earth and all of heaven. You are all equal and beloved in my sight. There is no one any more loved because of what they do. You are loved because of who you are.
So please if you don’t know it already. Find your passion. What makes you feel creative? Find a way to do this more and create with me. This will unlock the anointing within you to change your whole world. It may be that you will find wealth in the pursuit of your passion but if it doesn’t come from there then you will find opportunities that will prosper you so that you can continue to pursue your passion.
For freedom’s sake you have been made free. Don’t let others put you in bondage because you don’t carry a title of pastor, or apostle or prophet. No position on earth is higher than Sons and Daughters of the Almighty God.
Don’t forget. You are anointed so all that you do is anointed. If you follow your passion your light will shine brighter and others will come to the light within you. This is the way the gospel is to be spread. When you love what you do others will want to know what makes you so happy. So now you have a pulpit. Your passion is your pulpit.
So if you are a painter then paint. If a singer, then sing. If a builder, build all you can build. If you are a teacher, teach with enthusiasm knowing that the light within you may be the only light your student sees today.
No matter what you do in passion, do it just because it brings you joy and I will be glorified in it. I enjoy giving you the desires and the giftings that bless your life. I love what you love. Don’t forget my beloved; find your passion. Your passion is your pulpit.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in his Grace.
I love you all,
When I sent my Son to save the world he didn’t go to the educated and religious people. He picked fisherman and plain people to change the world. When we chose Paul we had to take away from him all the religion that he learned so that he could know truth.
My loved ones: Don’t think you are defined by your job title. You are my children and heirs of the whole earth and all of heaven. You are all equal and beloved in my sight. There is no one any more loved because of what they do. You are loved because of who you are.
So please if you don’t know it already. Find your passion. What makes you feel creative? Find a way to do this more and create with me. This will unlock the anointing within you to change your whole world. It may be that you will find wealth in the pursuit of your passion but if it doesn’t come from there then you will find opportunities that will prosper you so that you can continue to pursue your passion.
For freedom’s sake you have been made free. Don’t let others put you in bondage because you don’t carry a title of pastor, or apostle or prophet. No position on earth is higher than Sons and Daughters of the Almighty God.
Don’t forget. You are anointed so all that you do is anointed. If you follow your passion your light will shine brighter and others will come to the light within you. This is the way the gospel is to be spread. When you love what you do others will want to know what makes you so happy. So now you have a pulpit. Your passion is your pulpit.
So if you are a painter then paint. If a singer, then sing. If a builder, build all you can build. If you are a teacher, teach with enthusiasm knowing that the light within you may be the only light your student sees today.
No matter what you do in passion, do it just because it brings you joy and I will be glorified in it. I enjoy giving you the desires and the giftings that bless your life. I love what you love. Don’t forget my beloved; find your passion. Your passion is your pulpit.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in his Grace.
I love you all,
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