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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Love Letter One

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

    As I was praying for you all today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish this love letter to all of his children. Here are his words: He said:

    To all my children whom I love with all that I am. I adore you more than you will ever be able to understand. I think of you constantly as I have since long before the world was. Once you were all in me and I birthed you into your own individual spirits but you are still one with me.

    The life that is within you is my life and it has no beginning and no end. You are a forever spirit living in a body that was formed for you to dwell in on the earth. You came from me; you are with me and will never be without me. You are always in me as I am in you. I am a consuming fire and your fires were taken from my fire just for the sake of experiencing friendship as two while remaining one.

    When we created the sun, moon and stars you were there with me celebrating in delight seeing your future home come into shape. Remember my beloved ones, and again I say: RE member. To remember is to experience again what already was. I want you to remember where you came from so all the fear of where you are or where you are going will no longer exist.

    My lovely ones, soon all that you ever have believed is true will be turned upside down. You have been taught lies by those who have ruled the world for generations. Some will have to choose between their beloved places of worship they call church which are really indoctrination camps and the truth. Nothing that you know today will exist in the future because I am sending a fire upon the earth and all that will not stand the fire will not remain. The fire that will consume all things is my burning hot passionate love to see all my children dwell in heavenly joy. Love does not devour love so all that is made from love will remain.

    I am love and I am a consuming fire. This love is my consuming fire. Love will overflow the earth until everything on earth surrenders in love to love or is removed. When I am done there will be none of what you think of as evil left. Only light and love and peace and joy and singing will remain. My Son’s prophetic prayer to me for it to be in earth as it is in heaven will be completely fulfilled.

    My loved ones if you want to help me bring this to pass sooner then all I need you to do is to surrender to love now. Allow everything in your life to fall into the fire of love and hold nothing back. Do you love truth or do you love feeling like you are right when judging others? Do you love truth or do you love gossip? Do you love truth or do you love seeing those whom you call evil punished?

    I will replace all government in this world with those who have surrendered to this love and they will govern in love and righteousness. They will not take pleasure in the destruction of those whom they replace but will pray for them and love them despite all that they have done. I know this seems weak but this is true strength.

    If I replace a group of people in government who hate you because of your financial class, race or religion and any other reason with people who do the same thing just in the opposite direction what good would it do? Those who govern in the future will govern in love and righteousness and true judgment. As it is written about my Son when it said he didn’t judge by the seeing of the eye or the hearing of the ear but judges in righteous judgment.

    There will be much more wisdom to govern available and once again judgment will not be based on punishment but based on correction. Crime is a symptom just as sin is a symptom. Sin is not the problem. It is the symptom of a person not knowing who they are. How can they act like a loving child of God if they don’t know who they are? For centuries my people have been taught they are useless sinners full of hate and evil so they lived out the character they thought themselves to be. Once the awakening comes and people know who they are then all the other problems will fall away. The righteous will shine as the noon day sun just as it is written.

    So my children, my beloved, the delight of my heart I want you to practice for the future. See the earth filled with my glory. See the light in each person. Surrender to love and judge only in love. Be kind to each person.

    Most of all my dearest ones;  I want you to be excited because a new day is coming. Just because it was dark for a long time doesn’t mean the sun isn’t rising. Have faith in me to bring about this time of heaven on earth. Know my plan. Rejoice and be joyful because soon you won’t remember sickness or poverty or hate or crime. You will only know love, laughter, joy and fellowship. Churches and religion as you know it will no longer exist. People will once again break the bread of fellowship from house to house and in the markets and in the streets and the parks. Each of you will understand that you are my temple and I dwell fully in you. So you will join together with friends and neighbors to celebrate the great news!

    The great day of change is coming quickly. Understand what day you are in. Throw away the lies of the world ending and darkness ruling. The days of delight are coming.

    Love never fails. I so loved the world and I still do. My mind hasn’t changed. Just because my children were led astray doesn’t mean they are no longer my children. Those whom you have prayed for day after day and year after year will suddenly encounter my love and be instantly changed. Nations will be born in a day and earth will rejoice because my children are awake and ready to lovingly tend this garden called earth.

    Remember my children, take a few moments each day to find a quiet space and listen to me singing over you in delight. What a great joy each of you is to me. You are abundantly loved and you are my greatest delight! Love each other as I have loved you.

    These are the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

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