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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

You Are The Holy Place

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

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Ephesians Chapter Three

14. For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Colossians Chapter One

25. I was made a minister of this church according to the commission from God granted to me for your benefit, so that I might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God, that is, the mystery which had been hidden from the past ages and generations, but now has been revealed to His saints, to whom God willed to make known what the wealth of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles is, the mystery that is Christ in you, the hope of glory. We proclaim Him, admonishing every person and teaching every person with all wisdom, so that we may present every person complete in Christ. For this purpose I also labor, striving according to His power which works mightily within me.

    As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words for all to hear. Here are his words; He said:

    My loved ones, once again I need you to understand that I am not a million miles away in someplace you call heaven. I am in you and we are one; in you. I chose to dwell in you because I love you too much to be any further away from you. You are my delight and my joy and you bring me so much happiness when you fellowship with me in your heart.

    My loved ones, so many of you are still looking to the sky to pray or looking outside for help. All that you ever need is within you already. And truly the only thing that hinders you is not believing the truth that we are one and if we are one you lack nothing for I lack nothing. I have never and will never withhold anything from you.

    I know the false religion has brainwashed you into thinking that you are on earth and I am in some mystical place called heaven. But as it is written “within me you live and move and have your being.” You are not nor have you ever been outside of me. I have never been and will never be outside of you. As our beloved Paul told you that I am above all things and in all things and in you all. Once this truth awakens within you then you will understand who you are and will take your place as the rulers of my creation.

    My loved ones; any thought you think that considers that I am somewhere else is a thought rooted in unbelief. If you are praying to some God who lives in a faraway place then you are not speaking to me. You are my temple. You are the holy place. You are where I live in unlimited power. If you are waiting on an answer to any prayer to come from anywhere else but inside you then you are looking in the wrong place.

    As it is written “I can do exceedingly abundantly above anything you can imagine but the power that does the works comes from within you.” As my Firstborn said: “My Father within me does the works.” Here is an example. If you need anything you don’t come begging me to release power from some place called heaven that is far away, and ask for that power to move upon you and grant your desire. Instead you understand that I have already given you all things that pertain to life and godliness just as it is written. So you know the power to gather these things from the invisible realm is released from within you and goes out and gathers or creates whatever you desire.

    Do you remember that is written that power came out of my firstborn and healed the sick? He didn’t ask me to send power from heaven to touch the ones he was healing. He understood that all he needed was already within him. All my works were finished from the foundation of the world. I have already done all that you could ever need and deposited the power within you to bring it forth from the invisible realm into the physical realm.

    My loved ones as long as you believe you need anything or anyone outside of you then you are in unbelief and error. It is written that you have an anointing and you know all things. Anything you need to know is within you for I am within you. You may hear a teacher or someone say something and suddenly you get a revelation but it didn’t come from without. They triggered something within you and suddenly you remembered the truth. Nothing comes from without. All things are within. Revelation means to uncover the truth that you already knew but had forgotten.

    My loved ones there is a great awakening happening now. You are beginning to remember who you are and where you are from and why you are here. The lies you were programmed with all of your lives are being removed by light and truth and soon no one will have any power over you because you will understand that you and I are one.

    So you may ask: What should I do? The first step is to always look inward when you speak to me. This is why you were told to make merry in your heart because your heart is my home. I hear and understand your thoughts so when you are thinking start having a conversation with me in your thoughts. You will understand that I speak from within you. Even better is that I love you so much that most times when I speak to you it’s with your own inner voice. We are one and your voice is my voice. You think it’s just your thoughts but I am spirit and we converse in spirit and we don’t need sound.

    You can fellowship with me in your inner heart and your inner thoughts. This is the secret place that you abide in. He who abides in the secret place of the most high is hidden in my shadow. That secret place is within you. You can’t abide within while worrying about everything that is happening around you and outside you. Abiding is a choice you make. You set your mind and thoughts on me and I keep you in perfect peace.

    When you pray you go into your closet also known as your heart, and your deepest thoughts, and you shut the door to outside voices and we fellowship together in the Holy Place called YOU! This is why when the woman asked my Son if she should worship on this mountain or the other mountain He told her that I seek those who worship me in spirit and in truth. Spirit is within you and the truth is that we are one.

    Remember my beautiful ones; worship is not you believing you are some evil being and begging me to forgive you. Worship is mutual admiration where I sing songs over you as you sing songs to me. Once again I tell you that worship is a circle of love. I love my Son and worship him as I did when I said “Your throne Oh God is forever!” He worships me; while knowing we are one He still says “My Father is the greatest of all!” We adore Holy Spirit and Spirit adores us and true worship is when you join with us in the circle and know that you belong here not as an outsider but as Spirit from our Spirit. My firstborn was the firstborn of many. You are all equal to him you were just born later. Until you understand this then you don’t know who you are.

    So my loved ones: Rejoice and rejoice and rejoice because we joyfully live within you. No need to look outside, or pray outside or follow any voice other than the one within you. Remember my beloved ones: You are the Holy Place!

    These are the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you each and every one,

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