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Friday, July 19, 2024

Make Me Your Love Song

An audio version of this message is available at the link below:

michael's podcast

Matthew Chapter Six

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Colossians Chapter One

15. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

    Before we begin today I would like to thank you for those who have emailed and asked about me. I haven’t been posting as much recently but it’s not because something is wrong but just because I’ve been very busy working on some projects.

    As many of you know I also write songs and music and lately I’ve been blessed with some new tools to work with but I had to take some time to learn to use them. I have been blessed to write hundreds of songs but only a handful of them are recorded because of the time it takes to do so. I don’t have a band so I have to play all the music myself and record it myself and it’s very time consuming but it also is very joyful. So I picked out a few dozen of them to get started on and at the rate I’m going I should have them all recorded by the spring of the year 2265. I am very optimistic. So thank you for bearing with me and I’ll share the music as it gets done.

    So that brings us to the message today. It’s called “Make Me Your Love Song.” This was an experience I had several years ago. I started making bird feeders and bird houses and had some free time one morning to do so. I opened my eyes and heard the birds singing but didn’t really take time to listen because I was in a hurry to get to work. It was a beautiful morning so I set up a table and took my saws out of the shed and started cutting up parts to assemble. My saw is very loud and when I turned it on a bird landed in the tree above me and started chirping very loudly at me. This bird wouldn’t stop so I turned off the saw and Holy Spirit opened my ears to hear the bird saying “Would you please turn off that noise we are trying to worship?”

    I knew that God had spoken through a donkey as written in scripture and had sent ravens to feed a hungry prophet but I was not expected to be reprimanded by a bird.

    So I turned off the saw and pulled up a chair and when I did the tree I was under filled up with dozens and dozens of birds. They all started singing and then it hit me. Once again my ears were opened and I heard them as they worshipped with such beautiful sounds. Suddenly the scripture came to me that says let everything with breath praise the Lord.

    I sat there for awhile and was overcome by the sounds I heard and the way their songs all came together as one. I sat there and started worshipping with them for a couple of hours. I got so lost in the joy of worship and in Holy Spirit that I forgot all about the work I was supposed to do. 

    As they finished singing and started flying away I began to speak to Father. I said that was a beautiful encounter. What is it about the birds? He then spoke to me the scripture about how all things were made by and through his Son. 

He gave me the following words. He said:

    My beloved Son created all things in the seen realm and the unseen realm. I was admiring the creation and my Son said to me “Father I made these creatures that sing for you and I made these beautiful flowers for you as a gift of my great love for you.” I was overcome with joy and on that day I began caring for the birds and the flowers. As it is written; not a sparrow falls that I don’t know. That is because when they fall in the physical realm they return to my hands in this realm. Everything that has life comes to me when it leaves the earth. Nothing is lost. I love the creation and soon the creation will be blessed because my true Sons will arise and care for the garden you were given. 

    My beloved one, remember to take time to listen and take time to look at the beauty we put into the world to enjoy and just remember that every time you feed birds I am with you!

    Once again I was overcome with a sense of awe and the desire to worship so I did for a few moments.

    As I usually do when I have such an encounter it quickly turns into a song. I do this as a marker so that when doubt creeps in and tries to tell me that it was just my imagination I have something to remind me that it was real or I wouldn’t have taken time to write a song about it. I encourage you to do the same when you have such an encounter. If you are an artist then draw or paint something. If you are builder then build something or whatever your talent is use it to build a memorial so that you won’t forget that your loving Father took time to share a wonderful moment with you. Or at the very least keep a journal of encounters so that you won’t forget.

    So I started making the bird feeders and as I did I composed this song in my heart as I was working. I hope you enjoy it.

Here are the lyrics:

Make Me Your Love Song

Verse One

I woke up this morning,

to the song of the birds.

Such beautiful music

you put in their hearts,

too lovely for words.

I got lost in their worship

all morning long.

If only I could be worship so sweet

Make me your love song.


Make me your love song

and sing me each day.

Let my life sing the story

of how your precious blood

washed my sins away.

Let heaven play the music

and let the earth sing along.

Let me be harmony

to your melody

Make me your love song.

Verse two

My life is a paper,

blank empty space.

Lord look in your heart

and pick out some notes

And put them in place.

Write me sweet verses,

And a chorus so strong.

Let your melody

Play sweetly through me

Make me your love song.

Repeat chorus

As always, I hope you are encouraged by these words.

Until next time,

Grow Rich in His Grace,

I love you all,


Here is a link to the song.