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Hebrews 12:
1. therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2. Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
As I was reading these verses today Father’s voice came to me and spoke to me the following words and asked me to share them with you.
He said:
My children, many of you are so discouraged because you are growing weary of running your race. The reason for this is because you are looking at the race and the obstacles and even the others running with you, and you do not have your faces pointed to the finish line. My son Jesus is your finish line. You must take your eyes off of everything and everyone else and look to him.
Your race is not to be better than brother buzz saw and sister sledgehammer. Your race is to become like my only begotten son. So many of my people are looking at my ministers and trying to copy them and be like them. You buy their books and listen to their teachings over and over, but you are not hearing what I am saying. Jesus didn’t tell you to follow each other. He said, “Follow me.”
So many people fall into the religious trap of thinking that just because someone can shout loud or speak eloquently that they are my messengers. I told you who my messenger is on the mount of transfiguration when I said “this is my beloved son, hear him.“
Yes I speak through other people and I still have pastors and teachers and evangelists but if you are praying for ten minutes a day and listening to someone else for six hours then you have not understood my plan. I told you in Isaiah chapter 54 that all of your children will be taught of God and great will be their peace.
If the only teaching you get comes from others then you are missing the things that I want to teach only you. Yes each of you is equal but there are things specific to your calling that you will only hear from me because I called you to do this particular job.
You must get your eyes back on the finish line where my Son stands calling you to himself, cheering you on. Don’t look to the right or left or don’t look back. Forget what is behind you and press on.
Do you remember how my Apostle Paul warned you of this in his letter to the Corinthians in what you call first Corinthians chapter three? One says “I am of Paul” and another says “I am of Apollos.” This is not who you are. You are of Christ. Yes it is good to listen to wise teachers and wise counsel but how will you know if what you hear is truth if you don’t hear my Spirit’s voice agreeing with it while teaching you the same thing in your heart.
My people are wandering place to place trying to find the truth in another person when the truth is only found in me. Yes each of you has understanding and is given wisdom but all wisdom and all truth is in me and if you will spend the time with me I will teach you.
Think of the day of Pentecost. When my Spirit came did he bring boxes of tapes and compact discs or YouTube videos? Or did He bring an abiding presence and a new language to pray in so that you could pray perfect prayers according to my will?
Think about what this did for people. In the church you had great scholars who could read many languages and you had people who had never learned to read or write and didn’t know the scriptures. Now each person was equal because they drank from the same Spirit and the simple had the power to be wise because they got the same gifts.
What I am saying my loved ones is to spend more time in your prayer closet looking into the face of the one who gave his life for you and less time searching the internet looking for shortcuts. The early church walked in more power because they spent more time in prayer.
Learning from others is wonderful but it can never replace what happens when my Spirit breathes revelation into your heart and all of a sudden you understand. You know that feeling. The one where you realize that you learned something from me and no one else. The things you learn from others you sometimes forget but when something is revealed to you from heaven it is always yours.
So please my children. Get your eyes off of each other. No more comparing yourselves with yourselves. No more comparing this preacher against that preacher. No more tearing others down to make yourself look taller. Just put your eyes on the finish line and see who it is that you are becoming. The shoes of peace are much lighter than the boots of envy. Put them on and run. Don’t worry about another person’s race. Run your own.
I love you my children and speak all these things for your benefit. I want you to win your race. I want to give you the prize. No loving parent rejoices in the failure of their children. Each parent wants their child to win and to share in the delight of victory.
So set aside past failures. The blood of my son will wash them away. Today is a new day. Spend time with me and let me teach you. Don’t forget to pray more and worry less. As always my loved ones. Love each other and encourage each other. Don’t forget all that I have ever done or will do is because I love you and I am delighted with you.
This was the end of the words He spoke to me just a few moments ago. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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