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Sunday, July 10, 2016

What is in Your Hand?

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     John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

     As I was praying today Father’s voice came to me. All who know Christ know this scripture, but it seems so much different when God speaks it to you. When he spoke this verse to me he said ”I loved the people of the world so much, I gave all I had to get them. I gave them everlasting life in exchange for believing that I love them. You can’t separate me from my love for I am love. “

He then asked me to share these words with you.

     I gave all I had to give and yet so many are waiting on me to do something or give them something more.” So many are asking me to show them a sign when I gave them the cross as an eternal sign of my love for them.

     How much more do you need my loved ones? I gave you my son and poured out his blood upon the earth to save you from your sins and to remove the curse from the earth so that it would produce for you as it did before man fell. I took all your sins and nailed them to the cross. I took all the commandments that pronounced you guilty and marked them paid in full and nailed them to the cross.

     I sent my son into hell to overcome all the forces of darkness against you. He made an open show of your enemies. He defeated those who would torment you and took their power and ability away from them and gave you authority over them. He led out those who were captive before his day and opened their graves and sent them in a victory parade through the streets of Jerusalem to show that he has the power of life and death.

     After he did all these things he came to heaven and sat down at my right hand and he drew you into himself and seated you there with him in authority and might. We sent forth our Spirit to lead you and live in you and empower you with all you could ever need or want.

     So why am I giving you this history lesson my beloved? It’s because you have forgotten who you are and who I am. False shepherds have led you astray and told you that you are helpless and hopeless and without a shepherd in the earth. You have believed the lies that the enemy has told you and you have become fearful and have forgotten your purpose is to subdue this earth and make all my pathways straight so that my son can come from heaven and rule with you.

     This is why I told my beloved son to sit at my right hand until I make his enemies his footstool. I have no intention of sending him to you until you wake up and realize who you are and why you are here.

     I hear your cries come before me saying “I need, I need, I need” and you don’t realize that you have, you have, you have. When I called Moses all he had was a staff in his hand. He was tending his father in law’s sheep and didn’t even have his own. He once was in line to rule Egypt and now was living on the backside of a desert with no possessions of his own. He argued with me because he didn’t think he had what he needed for his mission. He didn’t realize that all you need for you mission is me.

     So many of you are called and yet you think you need more before you can make a difference. Each of you has a gift given by me for your calling. Each of you is part of a body and the whole body is the body of my son in the earth.

     Jesus was the firstborn among many brethren. If you are born again you are in his image and likeness. You have the same Holy Spirit that I anointed him with to do the same things that he did and greater. Why greater? Because there are more people and a greater need and because now my Spirit is not just on one man but on and in all believers.

     I have given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. These things are not in heaven and they are not down below. They are in your spirit and you are the master of your spirit. You decide whether to develop your talents and gifts or not. Even those who are gifted with art or music or wisdom practice with their gifts. Those who are gifted and talented only discovered their gifts by using them.

     For example. All great musicians don’t know all the notes when they first begin. They pick up an instrument and play with it to see if they can learn it. All great artists don’t just know they have a gift. They start painting or drawing and discover it by using it.

     It the same way in the spirit. You will only know what gifts you have as you try different ones on and see if you can do it. How will you know if you have the working of miracles unless you try to work a miracle? How will you know if you have gifts of healing unless you try to heal the sick? You will only discover what I have given you as you begin to walk it out.

     I have not withheld anything from you. I told you through my beloved Paul to desire the good gifts. I would not tell you to desire them unless I wanted you to have them. For example: If you were seeking how to hit a baseball how would you seek it? You would get a bat and have someone throw the ball and practice hitting it. My church has been paralyzed because they are waiting on the gifts to show up and then they will go, but if they will go their gifts will show up.

     Do you remember in Luke chapter ten that Jesus sent out the disciples without money, supplies or lodging or even extra sandals? He told them he was sending them as sheep among wolves. He told them to heal the sick and preach that the kingdom is at hand. They came back to him saying that even the demons were subject to them in his name. He didn’t tell them that when they left. They discovered it as they went. You will only discover who I am in you as you go.

     I am not saying that each of you is called to preach or evangelize in front of enormous crowds. I am saying that I am a Good Father who know how to give good gifts to his children. I didn’t leave anyone out.

     Just imagine if you treated your kids the way you accuse me of treating mine. Can you imagine coming home from work and handing one of your kids a gift and telling the other one that you didn’t get them anything? What kind of monster do you think I am? Who would do such a thing?

     I have given each of you many gifts and talents. If you haven’t found yours it’s because you haven’t tried enough. No one is left out. All saints are called into the work of the ministry. Each believer is called to share your faith and to share what you have learned with those behind you. Babies won’t learn to walk or talk on their own.

     So share what you have with others. Just share what is in your hand or in your ability. You are part of a body and each body part has a purpose. Each part of the body serves the rest of the body and doesn’t exist to serve itself. 

     Think of it this way: What if your heart only pumped blood to your heart? The rest of you would die. What if your feet didn’t serve your mind? Suppose you want to go somewhere but your feet don’t want to go? I know this is simple and sounds silly but wisdom is simple.

     What I am really saying to you my loved ones is that you serve me by serving each other. I need my body in the earth to be whole and if each member is only serving itself then the rest of the body doesn’t get what it needs to grow.

     So please my beloved, realize that you do have a purpose and I do have a plan for your life. Try on all the gifts until you find one or two or more that fit. If you went to the store and tried on one shirt and it didn’t fit you wouldn’t say “well I guess I’m not meant to wear a shirt.” You would try them on one at a time until you find one that fits.

     All these gifts are already in your Spirit because my Holy Spirit is master of all the gifts and He lives in you. He works all things out according to my eternal plan and he knows what you need for what you are called to do. You are not lacking and you are not limited. So don’t ask for what you need. Give thanks for what you have and use whatever you find in your hand for the purpose of loving others and bringing many into the kingdom.

     I love you my dear children. Please wake up and know that I have given you all I have and your only need is to know who you are and who I am in you.

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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