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As I was praying today I heard Father's voice and he asked me to write down these words and share them with you.
Here are his words:
My beloved ones. I have loved you from eternity past and will always love you. There have been so many lies told to you about who I am. Scriptures have been twisted and turned to make you think I am a mean and vengeful God who can’t wait to destroy you. This is so far from who I am.
I told you that I gave my only beloved son because of my love for you. I told you in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians that you were chosen long before there was ever a world to live on. I already decided that all who would believe in my son would be adopted as my dearly loved children.
I made a way in Christ for all to be saved. This is why my son took away the sins of the whole world and not just the sins of those who loved me. I was not willing to let sin separate anyone who would cry out to me for salvation.
I made it so simple that those who think themselves wise can’t see it. They think that surely there must be a complicated, thousand page legal contract of what you can do and what you can’t do and can’t imagine that I made it as easy as believing in my son and confessing him as Lord.
The reason they do that is because they need to be needed. Most preachers who don’t understand the message of my love and my grace want you to think that you have to come through them to get to me. They don’t want you to hear my voice because then you wouldn’t need to come to them and make them wealthy and make them feel important. They know the truth and are holding it back on purpose because they think they are smarter than you and you are too simple to understand the complexities of the message. They are caught in their own trap. I love them and I am trying to get them free from their own bondage.
Here is the simple message. I gave my only son and he died on a cross to take away the sins of the world and if you believe that in your deepest heart and confess it to be so then you are born again. At the moment that happens you know that something changed in you. You can feel my life inside you and you will know you are born of me.
This is a spiritual birth and the moment it happens you are a new creation being. This spirit being called “you” is living inside a body. The spirit part of you is perfect and sinless and can never commit sin because it is born of me. The rest of you including your mind and your will and even your body must learn to subject themselves to the spirit within you as your spirit is subjected to me, and this is how you become one mind, one body and one life with me.
Don’t let the religious crowd separate you from my love by telling you how you are just a dirty rotten sinner saved by grace. No that was the person who died on the cross with my son. When you accepted my son as your Lord then your old sinner self was baptized into the death of my son on the cross. Your new spirit is baptized into the life of my son’s resurrection.
This is the biggest problem among my children. You have already been adopted and are now children by blood but most who preach to you try to convince you that you are that dead person hanging on the cross. They use guilt and shame and try to make you think that the temptations and struggles that come against you are because you are evil.
But here is my truth. I loved you so much that I took you to that cross and killed your old nature because it separated you from me and I love you too much to allow that. I can’t have anything coming between us because we are one and I will not allow us to be divided. This is what Paul said about two becoming one flesh. It wasn’t just a man and wife he was speaking of. What I joined together do not let man put asunder. I joined you to my son and I will not allow those who would drag you away into bondage to have you.
I promised you that where my Spirit is there is liberty. Not bondage, liberty. Anyone who tries to put you into bondage of the religious laws of man is not preaching my gospel. I have set you free for freedoms sake. I made you free so that you could choose me freely and not out of necessity.
Those of you who are married did you take your spouse captive with rules and regulations or were they free to choose you because of love? If it is not of love then it is kidnapping and not marriage. This is not my way. Who wants anyone to love them because they have to? Do you want people to have to love you or do you want them to freely love you? Do you see how twisted the modern message has become?
Here is the truth. My son took away all of your sins on the cross and he canceled every debt you owed me. Now it’s up to you to see that act of our great love, and want to be joined to us because you know we love you. I will never force anyone to love me. You have a free will and can look at the cross and say “no thanks.” I sure hope you wont.
I will never take you captive by force. I will win your love by showing you how much you are loved. I already did this with the sacrifice of my son. I told you how I feel about you when he was nailed to that cross and I was in him not counting your sins against you. I was there reconciling the world to myself. I have canceled every debt you will ever owe me. You are free to choose.
So which will you choose my loved ones? Will you see the cross as the greatest act of love any man ever did to win the bride he loves? Will you stop looking at my cross as a wrathful event where I poured out anger on sin and see it as a king coming to earth to enter into the realm of death to rescue the bride he loves more than heaven itself?
Yes all sin was put on my son at the cross. He became sin so that he could leave sin in hell and raise again with nothing separating him from the bride he loves. There is power in his love for you to become just like him. You can be changed by his love because we are writing our love laws on your heart and in your mind. The old law could never do that. It only had power to condemn and had no power to forgive. Forgiveness is based on love and once you realize that we forgave you because we love you then you will be changed.
Think a moment about the woman in scripture who was caught in adultery by those who wanted to kill her for her sin. They were so self-righteous and it never crossed their minds that watching her commit this sin was a sin in itself. All they wanted was her dead to prove they are righteous. Never think another person’s judgment makes you more righteous.
So why was she committing this sin? She did it because her whole life she longed for a man to love her just as she is faults and all. The law only looks at the act but we look at the why the act was committed. So what did Jesus do?
As he kneeled on the ground and wrote in the earth, one by one, they realized this was the same finger that wrote the commandments in the stones. They one by one left and left her alone there with Jesus. So what did he do? He looked at her without accusation or judgment and told her that she was forgiven and that because she is forgiven she can go and sin no more. Knowing you are forgiven gives you the power to go and sin no more. The law could never do that but looking into the eyes of your savior and knowing he has forgiven you because of his great love for you empowers you to live a holy life.
Again those of you who are married, do you want your spouse to be true because they have to because it’s law, or because they want to because they love you?
Always look at the gospel through the eyes of love. You can never find the truth any other way. When the end of the age comes all the works done in this age will be processed through the fire that is called love. When this occurs only three things will remain. Faith, Hope and Love and love is the greatest. Only those things within you that are based on these three things will still be with you on the other side. Judgment, condemnation, unbelief, hate and everything else that is evil will no longer exist.
So please my loved ones build your lives on my love for you and for others. I love you and will always love you and my love is never changing. I don’t love you more on good days and less on bad days. I love you with all that I have all the time, and when you know that you will run to me and know that you are safe with me.
Please pray for each other and pray that this message will reach my loved ones. I’m tired of others telling them they are worthless when I spilled the blood of my son to save them. The price I paid for them is immeasurable so how could anyone be worthless?
Until you know me as you’re your loving Father and Jesus as your loving husband then you haven’t understood who we are. Wake up my loved ones and know that you are the reason for all we do. You are holy and blameless in my sight and don’t let anyone tell you any different.
My beloved ones. I have loved you from eternity past and will always love you. There have been so many lies told to you about who I am. Scriptures have been twisted and turned to make you think I am a mean and vengeful God who can’t wait to destroy you. This is so far from who I am.
I told you that I gave my only beloved son because of my love for you. I told you in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians that you were chosen long before there was ever a world to live on. I already decided that all who would believe in my son would be adopted as my dearly loved children.
I made a way in Christ for all to be saved. This is why my son took away the sins of the whole world and not just the sins of those who loved me. I was not willing to let sin separate anyone who would cry out to me for salvation.
I made it so simple that those who think themselves wise can’t see it. They think that surely there must be a complicated, thousand page legal contract of what you can do and what you can’t do and can’t imagine that I made it as easy as believing in my son and confessing him as Lord.
The reason they do that is because they need to be needed. Most preachers who don’t understand the message of my love and my grace want you to think that you have to come through them to get to me. They don’t want you to hear my voice because then you wouldn’t need to come to them and make them wealthy and make them feel important. They know the truth and are holding it back on purpose because they think they are smarter than you and you are too simple to understand the complexities of the message. They are caught in their own trap. I love them and I am trying to get them free from their own bondage.
Here is the simple message. I gave my only son and he died on a cross to take away the sins of the world and if you believe that in your deepest heart and confess it to be so then you are born again. At the moment that happens you know that something changed in you. You can feel my life inside you and you will know you are born of me.
This is a spiritual birth and the moment it happens you are a new creation being. This spirit being called “you” is living inside a body. The spirit part of you is perfect and sinless and can never commit sin because it is born of me. The rest of you including your mind and your will and even your body must learn to subject themselves to the spirit within you as your spirit is subjected to me, and this is how you become one mind, one body and one life with me.
Don’t let the religious crowd separate you from my love by telling you how you are just a dirty rotten sinner saved by grace. No that was the person who died on the cross with my son. When you accepted my son as your Lord then your old sinner self was baptized into the death of my son on the cross. Your new spirit is baptized into the life of my son’s resurrection.
This is the biggest problem among my children. You have already been adopted and are now children by blood but most who preach to you try to convince you that you are that dead person hanging on the cross. They use guilt and shame and try to make you think that the temptations and struggles that come against you are because you are evil.
But here is my truth. I loved you so much that I took you to that cross and killed your old nature because it separated you from me and I love you too much to allow that. I can’t have anything coming between us because we are one and I will not allow us to be divided. This is what Paul said about two becoming one flesh. It wasn’t just a man and wife he was speaking of. What I joined together do not let man put asunder. I joined you to my son and I will not allow those who would drag you away into bondage to have you.
I promised you that where my Spirit is there is liberty. Not bondage, liberty. Anyone who tries to put you into bondage of the religious laws of man is not preaching my gospel. I have set you free for freedoms sake. I made you free so that you could choose me freely and not out of necessity.
Those of you who are married did you take your spouse captive with rules and regulations or were they free to choose you because of love? If it is not of love then it is kidnapping and not marriage. This is not my way. Who wants anyone to love them because they have to? Do you want people to have to love you or do you want them to freely love you? Do you see how twisted the modern message has become?
Here is the truth. My son took away all of your sins on the cross and he canceled every debt you owed me. Now it’s up to you to see that act of our great love, and want to be joined to us because you know we love you. I will never force anyone to love me. You have a free will and can look at the cross and say “no thanks.” I sure hope you wont.
I will never take you captive by force. I will win your love by showing you how much you are loved. I already did this with the sacrifice of my son. I told you how I feel about you when he was nailed to that cross and I was in him not counting your sins against you. I was there reconciling the world to myself. I have canceled every debt you will ever owe me. You are free to choose.
So which will you choose my loved ones? Will you see the cross as the greatest act of love any man ever did to win the bride he loves? Will you stop looking at my cross as a wrathful event where I poured out anger on sin and see it as a king coming to earth to enter into the realm of death to rescue the bride he loves more than heaven itself?
Yes all sin was put on my son at the cross. He became sin so that he could leave sin in hell and raise again with nothing separating him from the bride he loves. There is power in his love for you to become just like him. You can be changed by his love because we are writing our love laws on your heart and in your mind. The old law could never do that. It only had power to condemn and had no power to forgive. Forgiveness is based on love and once you realize that we forgave you because we love you then you will be changed.
Think a moment about the woman in scripture who was caught in adultery by those who wanted to kill her for her sin. They were so self-righteous and it never crossed their minds that watching her commit this sin was a sin in itself. All they wanted was her dead to prove they are righteous. Never think another person’s judgment makes you more righteous.
So why was she committing this sin? She did it because her whole life she longed for a man to love her just as she is faults and all. The law only looks at the act but we look at the why the act was committed. So what did Jesus do?
As he kneeled on the ground and wrote in the earth, one by one, they realized this was the same finger that wrote the commandments in the stones. They one by one left and left her alone there with Jesus. So what did he do? He looked at her without accusation or judgment and told her that she was forgiven and that because she is forgiven she can go and sin no more. Knowing you are forgiven gives you the power to go and sin no more. The law could never do that but looking into the eyes of your savior and knowing he has forgiven you because of his great love for you empowers you to live a holy life.
Again those of you who are married, do you want your spouse to be true because they have to because it’s law, or because they want to because they love you?
Always look at the gospel through the eyes of love. You can never find the truth any other way. When the end of the age comes all the works done in this age will be processed through the fire that is called love. When this occurs only three things will remain. Faith, Hope and Love and love is the greatest. Only those things within you that are based on these three things will still be with you on the other side. Judgment, condemnation, unbelief, hate and everything else that is evil will no longer exist.
So please my loved ones build your lives on my love for you and for others. I love you and will always love you and my love is never changing. I don’t love you more on good days and less on bad days. I love you with all that I have all the time, and when you know that you will run to me and know that you are safe with me.
Please pray for each other and pray that this message will reach my loved ones. I’m tired of others telling them they are worthless when I spilled the blood of my son to save them. The price I paid for them is immeasurable so how could anyone be worthless?
Until you know me as you’re your loving Father and Jesus as your loving husband then you haven’t understood who we are. Wake up my loved ones and know that you are the reason for all we do. You are holy and blameless in my sight and don’t let anyone tell you any different.
When you know how much you are loved then you will live like the Bride of King Jesus and not like the widow of the law.
This was the end of the words he spoke to me just a little while ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
This was the end of the words he spoke to me just a little while ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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