John Chapter Three
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him.
Galatians Chapter Two
20. My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Colossians Chapter Three
1. If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 3. for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Revelation Chapter Five
9. “You are worthy to take the scroll and break its seals and open it.
For you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.
10. And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God.
And they will reign on the earth.”
As I was praying today these scriptures started scrolling through my heart and my mind. I started meditating on them and Father spoke to me and asked me to write these words and share them with you. He said:
My beloved ones, Eternity is now! It is not in the future, it is a never ending kingdom that exists in the eternal now. You were crucified with my son. You died when he died. His resurrection is your resurrection. You are as alive in the spirit as you will ever be. Yes one day your bodies will change but your spirits are already complete in my son.
Why is this important? It is important for two reasons. The first reason is because of your lack of understanding of this many are still living in fear of death. So many believers are terrified of the thought of passing away that they run from it.
Many are locked in so much fear of the “what if” that they become ineffective in ministry to others. For example: What if I pray for that sick person and I become sick and die?” Or, “What if God sends me to this strange place and they kill me?”
So many are paralyzed by fear and don’t do the work of sharing the good news because they are afraid of physical death or afraid of social death. “What will they think of me if I preach and they don’t accept it?” What if they pick on me because of my belief? It is time for these things to end. It is time for my children, my ambassadors to spread the good news with boldness and authority and without fear of failure or death or rejection.
The second reason that this is so important is that so many put off the kingdom age until sometime in the future and don’t see the reality of the kingdom in the present. “Some day when I get to heaven I’m going to be powerful and going to be a great witness.” Well let me tell you a secret. There is no one in heaven to preach to. They all have seen and experienced the power of the kingdom.
My beloved, you are living in the eternity now. It is not a far away time and place. You truly have passed from death to life. If you are in my son you will never taste death. You already swallowed it whole and it swallowed you and you are alive in my son. Physical death is no more than shutting the lights off in one room and walking into the great light in the next room. There is no reason to be afraid.
As long as you see yourselves as physical beings and not eternal spirit beings then you will be limited to what a physical body can do. When you see the truth that you are a spirit being already completely alive then you will realize that the physical dimension has no hold on you. You will begin to rule and reign on the earth as Christ does from heaven. You will not see yourselves as weak and powerless but will know that you are full of life and full of the power of my Spirit and will begin to live in the power of the age to come.
Do you remember that I told Jesus to sit at my right hand until I make his enemies his footstool? Do you remember that I told you that the last enemy to be defeated is death? Do you remember I told you in scripture that there would be a day when evil men seek for death and can’t find it? Why do you think this is?
My church will soon be wide awake and will no longer believe the lies that bind your minds into the slavery of the world system. You will be like my beloved son who understood that my kingdom is above this world. You will no longer be slaves to the system but the system will become your slave.
You are born in his image and likeness and will soon come to understand that you are creators just like him. You will not be at the mercy of the supply of this world. You will create the way he did and live the way he did. You will not be limited as he was not limited. When Jesus walked the earth if he had money he spent it. If he didn’t he just multiplied what he had and had plenty. If someone was sick he removed their disease if they were missing a limb he created them a new one. No limits.
Please my beloved, wake up to who you are. You are only limited by your belief system. You have been programmed by the world for failure. It’s time to be renewed in the program of your mind and be programmed by the mind of my son. Nothing is impossible to the person who is in their right mind. One who is in the mind programmed in true faith is limitless.
Please my beloved, wake up, know who you are and know that you are my beloved child and you passed from death to eternal life when you believed the testimony I gave of my Son. He is the way, the truth and the life so if you are in him you are already in life. Don’t see eternal life as something that begins when you leave your body. You are my eternally beloved already.
From this day forward remind yourself minute by minute if you have to. Don’t let this message slip. You are into life and death is passed. Live and be free. Live and don’t be afraid. Let my perfect love for you drive away all fear. He who fears is not perfected in my love.
So many are paralyzed by fear and don’t do the work of sharing the good news because they are afraid of physical death or afraid of social death. “What will they think of me if I preach and they don’t accept it?” What if they pick on me because of my belief? It is time for these things to end. It is time for my children, my ambassadors to spread the good news with boldness and authority and without fear of failure or death or rejection.
The second reason that this is so important is that so many put off the kingdom age until sometime in the future and don’t see the reality of the kingdom in the present. “Some day when I get to heaven I’m going to be powerful and going to be a great witness.” Well let me tell you a secret. There is no one in heaven to preach to. They all have seen and experienced the power of the kingdom.
My beloved, you are living in the eternity now. It is not a far away time and place. You truly have passed from death to life. If you are in my son you will never taste death. You already swallowed it whole and it swallowed you and you are alive in my son. Physical death is no more than shutting the lights off in one room and walking into the great light in the next room. There is no reason to be afraid.
As long as you see yourselves as physical beings and not eternal spirit beings then you will be limited to what a physical body can do. When you see the truth that you are a spirit being already completely alive then you will realize that the physical dimension has no hold on you. You will begin to rule and reign on the earth as Christ does from heaven. You will not see yourselves as weak and powerless but will know that you are full of life and full of the power of my Spirit and will begin to live in the power of the age to come.
Do you remember that I told Jesus to sit at my right hand until I make his enemies his footstool? Do you remember that I told you that the last enemy to be defeated is death? Do you remember I told you in scripture that there would be a day when evil men seek for death and can’t find it? Why do you think this is?
My church will soon be wide awake and will no longer believe the lies that bind your minds into the slavery of the world system. You will be like my beloved son who understood that my kingdom is above this world. You will no longer be slaves to the system but the system will become your slave.
You are born in his image and likeness and will soon come to understand that you are creators just like him. You will not be at the mercy of the supply of this world. You will create the way he did and live the way he did. You will not be limited as he was not limited. When Jesus walked the earth if he had money he spent it. If he didn’t he just multiplied what he had and had plenty. If someone was sick he removed their disease if they were missing a limb he created them a new one. No limits.
Please my beloved, wake up to who you are. You are only limited by your belief system. You have been programmed by the world for failure. It’s time to be renewed in the program of your mind and be programmed by the mind of my son. Nothing is impossible to the person who is in their right mind. One who is in the mind programmed in true faith is limitless.
Please my beloved, wake up, know who you are and know that you are my beloved child and you passed from death to eternal life when you believed the testimony I gave of my Son. He is the way, the truth and the life so if you are in him you are already in life. Don’t see eternal life as something that begins when you leave your body. You are my eternally beloved already.
From this day forward remind yourself minute by minute if you have to. Don’t let this message slip. You are into life and death is passed. Live and be free. Live and don’t be afraid. Let my perfect love for you drive away all fear. He who fears is not perfected in my love.
No longer see yourself as a body but know that you are a spirit being, born of my Spirit who was given a body for living in this realm and who will receive a heavenly body that is able to live forever. Hear me again my beloved. No more fear of death or fear of any event or person. You are safe in me. You are alive in me and I am alive in you.
Eternal beings are above the temporary world so no longer see yourselves as victims of this world. You are from above and the world lies below. Wake up and rule over the darkness with the light that is in you.
There are three things that remain: Faith, Hope and Love and the greatest is love. Fear was not mentioned. It is not eternal; it is only temporary as is death. Rest in my peace and know that you are loved. Bask in my love, live in my love, pray in my love, and believe in my love. Eternity is now. I gave you eternal life. You are already living it. You are welcome!
This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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