As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to sit down and write down the words that he speaks and share them with you. I was delighted to do so as always and here are his words.
My beloved ones: My children, my joy, my delightful ones. I love you with everlasting love and my joy overflows each time I hear your voice in prayer. I never grow tired of hearing your voice. Your prayers are to my ears what honey is to your mouth. Please don’t think that I would ever get annoyed with you or tired of hearing your voices.
I want all with ears to hear what I have to say. We are entering the time of restoration of all things. This is a process of setting all things right on earth as they are in heaven. It is not time for you to shrink in fear or to run away from your destiny.
As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to sit down and write down the words that he speaks and share them with you. I was delighted to do so as always and here are his words.
My beloved ones: My children, my joy, my delightful ones. I love you with everlasting love and my joy overflows each time I hear your voice in prayer. I never grow tired of hearing your voice. Your prayers are to my ears what honey is to your mouth. Please don’t think that I would ever get annoyed with you or tired of hearing your voices.
I want all with ears to hear what I have to say. We are entering the time of restoration of all things. This is a process of setting all things right on earth as they are in heaven. It is not time for you to shrink in fear or to run away from your destiny.
The enemy has spent several generations now speaking through false prophets and through immature prophets who are unable to discern my voice. He has convinced a whole generation of believers that the world is lost and there is no use trying to save it. It is time to put away these lies and be about the business of restoration.
So what is the use I hear so many say? Well, think of it this way. I told you that the meek would inherit the earth. Are you meek? If you are then the earth is your home. If all the things that are going on in the world were happening in your house would you fight to save it or just give up on it? Did you forget that I so loved the world that I sent my beloved Son to save it? If it matters to me because of my love then shouldn’t it matter to you?
I was speaking to all mankind when I told Adam to subdue the earth. I sent him out to put things in order. I gave him a garden as a base of operations. All he could ever need to live was provided in that garden. He could have used that base as headquarters to turn the whole earth into the garden that he lived in.
The mission didn’t change. Once again there came another Son into a garden. He understood that what he did in that garden would make things right. He took away the curse of the thorns and thistles when he took the crown of thorns on his head. He took away the curse of earning bread by the sweat of your brow when he sweat great drops of blood. His blood spilled on the earth and removed all curses from the earth. Then he gave his disciples the same mission that was given in the beginning. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and put all things back into order. On earth as it is in heaven.
The day has come for my sons and daughters to arise and take responsibility for the earth. All creation is waiting for your revealing. It is waiting for you to discover your liberation and then liberate all created things.
So what is the use I hear so many say? Well, think of it this way. I told you that the meek would inherit the earth. Are you meek? If you are then the earth is your home. If all the things that are going on in the world were happening in your house would you fight to save it or just give up on it? Did you forget that I so loved the world that I sent my beloved Son to save it? If it matters to me because of my love then shouldn’t it matter to you?
I was speaking to all mankind when I told Adam to subdue the earth. I sent him out to put things in order. I gave him a garden as a base of operations. All he could ever need to live was provided in that garden. He could have used that base as headquarters to turn the whole earth into the garden that he lived in.
The mission didn’t change. Once again there came another Son into a garden. He understood that what he did in that garden would make things right. He took away the curse of the thorns and thistles when he took the crown of thorns on his head. He took away the curse of earning bread by the sweat of your brow when he sweat great drops of blood. His blood spilled on the earth and removed all curses from the earth. Then he gave his disciples the same mission that was given in the beginning. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and put all things back into order. On earth as it is in heaven.
The day has come for my sons and daughters to arise and take responsibility for the earth. All creation is waiting for your revealing. It is waiting for you to discover your liberation and then liberate all created things.
You are kings and priests. Kings rule over geographic locations and priests represent me to the people. You can’t have the authority of the king or the priest unless you are willing to use that authority for the purpose for which it was given. Many seek power but deny responsibility. It is time for this to change.
There is coming a great change among my people. I am returning hope to my children. They are beginning to wake up and see that the world will not be fixed if they are not willing to fix it. Many are beginning to realize the truth that I told my Son to sit at my right hand until I make his enemies his footstool. Many understand that you are all the voice crying in the wilderness. You must make the pathways straight and then your king will return to you.
Let me explain it in a way you can understand. So many people say, “don’t worry, Jesus will fix it all when he gets here.” Now imagine that you had a king or a president who was coming to visit you at your house. Would you say, “don’t worry, the president will clean my house when he gets here? No sense in me getting my hands dirty, I’ll just let him handle it when he comes.” Or would you clean your house from top to bottom and even dust the corners and clean the blinds?
So my loved ones, how do you change the world? It is not as hard as you think. You have been given power from heaven. You have my Spirit and my Power living in you. You are lacking nothing. You have all things.
There is coming a great change among my people. I am returning hope to my children. They are beginning to wake up and see that the world will not be fixed if they are not willing to fix it. Many are beginning to realize the truth that I told my Son to sit at my right hand until I make his enemies his footstool. Many understand that you are all the voice crying in the wilderness. You must make the pathways straight and then your king will return to you.
Let me explain it in a way you can understand. So many people say, “don’t worry, Jesus will fix it all when he gets here.” Now imagine that you had a king or a president who was coming to visit you at your house. Would you say, “don’t worry, the president will clean my house when he gets here? No sense in me getting my hands dirty, I’ll just let him handle it when he comes.” Or would you clean your house from top to bottom and even dust the corners and clean the blinds?
So my loved ones, how do you change the world? It is not as hard as you think. You have been given power from heaven. You have my Spirit and my Power living in you. You are lacking nothing. You have all things.
So how do you do this? It begins with what my Son told you. Get the beam out of your eye and then help your neighbor get the speck out of his. Start by cleaning up your own house. Put away all darkness and evil. Your sins are totally forgiven by me, past present and future but the wages of sin is still death. If you play with a loaded gun and get shot it was not me that shot you but you still got shot.
So put aside anything in your life that is not in my life. Put away the old habits and the worldly ways. These things don’t separate you from me but they defile your own conscience making you feel guilty and unworthy of your calling. Give no place to the devil. Just kick him out of your life one habit at a time if you have to. Put off that old dead man who was crucified at the cross and put on my son. Learn to see my Spirit as your robe of righteousness. Use the power of my Spirit to put an end to all unrighteous acts.
You have a role model to imitate until you learn how to live in holiness. That is why I told you to be imitators of God as dear children. That is how you learn. Children learn by watching their parents and learning to do as they do. Keep your eyes on things above and learn to practice holiness. You are holy because I made you that way so walk in the true nature within you.
As you get more and more of the old nature put away and the new nature established then it will seem natural to you to be rulers of the earth. This is what my prophet Isaiah saw when he spoke in what you call chapter Thirty Two when he said a King would reign in righteousness and princes would rule in justice and a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind and a shelter from the storm and rivers of living water in a dry place. Isaiah saw you. He saw you. No more hiding from who you are because you were seen long before you arrived. Stand up and be the ones you were created to be. No more hiding from your responsibility and denying the power that is in you.
My beloved you are not waiting on me. I finished my works and am resting waiting on you to finish the ones you had ordained for you. This will be accomplished as you find out who you really are and what you are here to do. As you imitate me and my Son you will become just like us. You will finally be on the outside who you are on the inside.
I have heard many of you ask me where are the mighty ones of God? Where are the prophets and evangelists and teachers and healers? I tell you where they are. They are on your couches looking around for someone else. You keep looking outward for what is already inward. You are looking for power from on high but the most high one lives inside you. You are not trying to get power from above but need to learn to release power from inside. You are not lacking power. You are lacking focus.
All of the things that used to be impossible have been done by those who don’t believe in impossibilities. All the great inventions of your time were accomplished by those who wouldn’t take no for an answer. And where did these things come from? Did they fall out of heaven? No, they came from the heaven within. Revelation comes from within. I live in heaven and I live in you so heaven is inside you as you are inside heaven. One day this will be plain to you.
So my loved ones: Get ready. Soon the earth will be full of my glory. You will put sickness, disease and poverty out of business. One day even death will not be allowed any more.
So put aside anything in your life that is not in my life. Put away the old habits and the worldly ways. These things don’t separate you from me but they defile your own conscience making you feel guilty and unworthy of your calling. Give no place to the devil. Just kick him out of your life one habit at a time if you have to. Put off that old dead man who was crucified at the cross and put on my son. Learn to see my Spirit as your robe of righteousness. Use the power of my Spirit to put an end to all unrighteous acts.
You have a role model to imitate until you learn how to live in holiness. That is why I told you to be imitators of God as dear children. That is how you learn. Children learn by watching their parents and learning to do as they do. Keep your eyes on things above and learn to practice holiness. You are holy because I made you that way so walk in the true nature within you.
As you get more and more of the old nature put away and the new nature established then it will seem natural to you to be rulers of the earth. This is what my prophet Isaiah saw when he spoke in what you call chapter Thirty Two when he said a King would reign in righteousness and princes would rule in justice and a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind and a shelter from the storm and rivers of living water in a dry place. Isaiah saw you. He saw you. No more hiding from who you are because you were seen long before you arrived. Stand up and be the ones you were created to be. No more hiding from your responsibility and denying the power that is in you.
My beloved you are not waiting on me. I finished my works and am resting waiting on you to finish the ones you had ordained for you. This will be accomplished as you find out who you really are and what you are here to do. As you imitate me and my Son you will become just like us. You will finally be on the outside who you are on the inside.
I have heard many of you ask me where are the mighty ones of God? Where are the prophets and evangelists and teachers and healers? I tell you where they are. They are on your couches looking around for someone else. You keep looking outward for what is already inward. You are looking for power from on high but the most high one lives inside you. You are not trying to get power from above but need to learn to release power from inside. You are not lacking power. You are lacking focus.
All of the things that used to be impossible have been done by those who don’t believe in impossibilities. All the great inventions of your time were accomplished by those who wouldn’t take no for an answer. And where did these things come from? Did they fall out of heaven? No, they came from the heaven within. Revelation comes from within. I live in heaven and I live in you so heaven is inside you as you are inside heaven. One day this will be plain to you.
So my loved ones: Get ready. Soon the earth will be full of my glory. You will put sickness, disease and poverty out of business. One day even death will not be allowed any more.
Think of it this way. It once seemed impossible to run a four minute mile but once someone did it then many followed behind. It used to be impossible to fly and then some men had a dream of an airplane in their hearts and soon everyone was flying. It used to be impossible for anyone to come back from the grave but one man accomplished it over two thousand years ago.
What are you waiting for? My son already kicked death right in the teeth and put death in its place. He is the first born among many brethren spiritually and physically. He came out of the grave with the same body he went in with. His mortality became immortal. His dead body was overcome by life. I know many can’t hear this now but remember it and one day you will believe.
Please my beloved ones; wake up to who you are and start this revolution of restoration. Start in your own life. Give the dead things in your life over to the Spirit of life. Become fully awake until your life becomes heaven on earth and then help your neighbors. We are no longer two but one. The only difference between you and my Son Jesus is that he knew who he was and he gave himself over to me and surrendered his whole life to me. As he is so are you in this world.
Please my beloved ones; wake up to who you are and start this revolution of restoration. Start in your own life. Give the dead things in your life over to the Spirit of life. Become fully awake until your life becomes heaven on earth and then help your neighbors. We are no longer two but one. The only difference between you and my Son Jesus is that he knew who he was and he gave himself over to me and surrendered his whole life to me. As he is so are you in this world.
Feed on the garden I planted within you and restore the earth. The tree of life is within you. You have a river of life flowing from within so get started restoring the earth. You will know when you are finished. When you can no longer tell a difference between heaven and earth you will be finished.
I love you my dear children. Take my love and love each other with it. Encourage each other. Lift each other up and bear each other’s burdens. This is who you are. Don’t forget your assignment. On earth as it is in heaven.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me a little while ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
I love you my dear children. Take my love and love each other with it. Encourage each other. Lift each other up and bear each other’s burdens. This is who you are. Don’t forget your assignment. On earth as it is in heaven.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me a little while ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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