Matthew Chapter Fourteen
13 When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”
16 Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
17 “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
18 “Bring them here to me,” he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve bucketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.
As I was meditating on these verses today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down the following words and publish them. He said:
My children, it is time to change your minds. Your minds have been programmed to think about a gospel that is not finished. You have been taught that if you do this then I will do that. That is not the gospel. That is works. The truth is that it is finished and you must learn to live as if it is. No more thinking that you need more or you are lacking this or that. You have all you need. It’s not what you need to add but what you need to remove.
It’s time to remove the lies and live in the truth. Holy Spirit came. We live inside you now. You don’t have to pray for me to rend the heavens and come down. That was the sound that was heard on Pentecost. I tore a hole into eternity and came to live inside you. You don’t have to beg Holy Spirit to come. Holy Spirit never leaves you. Holy Spirit lives inside you. No more praying from lack and limits. Pray from the knowledge that all things are yours and all that you have to do is learn to appropriate what you already have.
So many of my people give up because they have been told that they have a lack of faith. Just remember that I never asked Jesus to prove who he was. Your enemy did that. You are complete in me and as long as you think you are lacking you will live in lack. You must learn to see that you are unlimited and there will never be a day when any limits are put on you. You must learn to see what you have and stop looking at the lack you perceive to have. You are not lacking faith. You live by my faith and it is not lacking.
Think of it this way. When it came time to feed a multitude of hungry people the disciples saw lack. They said a year’s wages wouldn’t give everyone even a bite. They wanted to send the people away hungry. But what did Jesus see? He didn’t say they were lacking. He asked, “What do you have?” Once you realize that you own the world, it is your inheritance then this will make perfect sense. Remember, I told Adam to be fruitful and multiply, not be super conservative and add. Multiply what? Everything. Whatever you need.
So how do you do this? The same way Jesus did. He took what he had, gave thanks for it, blessed it and handed it out. He looked into heaven to give thanks. He understood that his supply was from heaven. Whatever you give thanks for and bless gets multiplied.
Matthew Chapter Fourteen
13 When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”
16 Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
17 “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
18 “Bring them here to me,” he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve bucketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.
As I was meditating on these verses today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down the following words and publish them. He said:
My children, it is time to change your minds. Your minds have been programmed to think about a gospel that is not finished. You have been taught that if you do this then I will do that. That is not the gospel. That is works. The truth is that it is finished and you must learn to live as if it is. No more thinking that you need more or you are lacking this or that. You have all you need. It’s not what you need to add but what you need to remove.
It’s time to remove the lies and live in the truth. Holy Spirit came. We live inside you now. You don’t have to pray for me to rend the heavens and come down. That was the sound that was heard on Pentecost. I tore a hole into eternity and came to live inside you. You don’t have to beg Holy Spirit to come. Holy Spirit never leaves you. Holy Spirit lives inside you. No more praying from lack and limits. Pray from the knowledge that all things are yours and all that you have to do is learn to appropriate what you already have.
So many of my people give up because they have been told that they have a lack of faith. Just remember that I never asked Jesus to prove who he was. Your enemy did that. You are complete in me and as long as you think you are lacking you will live in lack. You must learn to see that you are unlimited and there will never be a day when any limits are put on you. You must learn to see what you have and stop looking at the lack you perceive to have. You are not lacking faith. You live by my faith and it is not lacking.
Think of it this way. When it came time to feed a multitude of hungry people the disciples saw lack. They said a year’s wages wouldn’t give everyone even a bite. They wanted to send the people away hungry. But what did Jesus see? He didn’t say they were lacking. He asked, “What do you have?” Once you realize that you own the world, it is your inheritance then this will make perfect sense. Remember, I told Adam to be fruitful and multiply, not be super conservative and add. Multiply what? Everything. Whatever you need.
So how do you do this? The same way Jesus did. He took what he had, gave thanks for it, blessed it and handed it out. He looked into heaven to give thanks. He understood that his supply was from heaven. Whatever you give thanks for and bless gets multiplied.
It works the same with lack. If you see lack and meditate on lack then it gets multiplied also. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. You must learn to never consider yourself lacking and learn to be at rest and know that you will never be without unless you choose to. This is why I said to make your requests known with thanksgiving. You are not looking to get, you are using thanksgiving to steer what you have to where it is needed.
Do you remember that I led Israel out of Egypt and fed millions for years with manna from heaven? In a barren wilderness water flowed from a rock and food came from heaven but all they saw was lack. Did any of them starve to death or thirst to death? No they did not. Lack was only in their mind. They didn’t have what was in Egypt. They had better and were on the way to a promised land of plenty. They chose to see themselves as lacking.
Here is the sneaky part. In the western world you assume that if you don’t have what your neighbor has then you are lacking. This is a lie. You have what you need. I calculated what you would need long before you were ever born. I have already given you all things that pertain to your life and your godliness. You are not lacking. When you dispel the lie you will be left with the truth. It’s time to throw away the lies.
My church is addicted to the toys that the world plays with. My children pray to me to give them these toys but I told you if you ask for an egg I won’t give you a serpent. I will not give you things that will destroy you. Do I want you to have the best? Of course I do but not all that you are craving is good for you. I have a plan for your life and it’s a life of abundant grace given to you by my son and all you need has been provided for you.
So what are other lies you have believed? What has the enemy sown into my people? There are so many but I will mention a few. Your enemy says, “it’s the last days and things have to get really bad and all the world has to go into tribulation.”
Do you remember that I led Israel out of Egypt and fed millions for years with manna from heaven? In a barren wilderness water flowed from a rock and food came from heaven but all they saw was lack. Did any of them starve to death or thirst to death? No they did not. Lack was only in their mind. They didn’t have what was in Egypt. They had better and were on the way to a promised land of plenty. They chose to see themselves as lacking.
Here is the sneaky part. In the western world you assume that if you don’t have what your neighbor has then you are lacking. This is a lie. You have what you need. I calculated what you would need long before you were ever born. I have already given you all things that pertain to your life and your godliness. You are not lacking. When you dispel the lie you will be left with the truth. It’s time to throw away the lies.
My church is addicted to the toys that the world plays with. My children pray to me to give them these toys but I told you if you ask for an egg I won’t give you a serpent. I will not give you things that will destroy you. Do I want you to have the best? Of course I do but not all that you are craving is good for you. I have a plan for your life and it’s a life of abundant grace given to you by my son and all you need has been provided for you.
So what are other lies you have believed? What has the enemy sown into my people? There are so many but I will mention a few. Your enemy says, “it’s the last days and things have to get really bad and all the world has to go into tribulation.”
What is the truth? Here is the truth: My kingdom started out as the least of all plants in the garden and will grow until it fills the earth. It started out in tribulation and has grown through that tribulation and will continue to grow. The earth will be filled with the knowledge of my glory as the water covers the seas. This is truth.
Do you think I shed my son’s blood on the earth just to give it to my enemy? It is time to stop the madness. My kingdom is growing and growing. It is unstoppable. It will fill the earth.
Do you think I shed my son’s blood on the earth just to give it to my enemy? It is time to stop the madness. My kingdom is growing and growing. It is unstoppable. It will fill the earth.
Do you remember that I promised that there would be a day when I said no one would teach his neighbor about me for all would know me from the least to the greatest? Where does this fit in your doomsday scenario? So many of my people have a little tiny God and a great big Antichrist. How does this glorify my son?
The time of truth has come and the world is waking up. I am revealing the truth of my kingdom and the truth about my people. You are not lacking, you are not forsaken, you are treasured and adored. All that you will ever need became your inheritance when my Son died on that cross.
The time of truth has come and the world is waking up. I am revealing the truth of my kingdom and the truth about my people. You are not lacking, you are not forsaken, you are treasured and adored. All that you will ever need became your inheritance when my Son died on that cross.
You have all the resources of heaven and earth but the lies you have believed are stopping you from living as kings and priests. How long will a poor king be in power? Would his enemies not overcome him if they were wealthier than him? You are not poor, you just haven’t learned how to appropriate your riches.
What is true riches? Answer this question honestly. Think about the people who call themselves Christians. What if they had the choice to spend five minutes in my lap fully aware of me and heaven or to be given a million dollars to spend on anything they wanted on earth, which would they choose?
The so called faith movement taught you that you had to earn it by giving and keeping the laws of the faith movement. Make sure you are giving, your tithe, your offering and your offering upon offering. Don’t forget if you ever confess the wrong saying then all the years of saying the right thing goes right out the window. How crazy this is?
Imagine if you were a great athlete on a successful team and the coach told you that you are the greatest player ever, but if you ever miss a shot you are off the team? One missed shot and you are busted down to peewee league again. How silly would that be?
What is true riches? Answer this question honestly. Think about the people who call themselves Christians. What if they had the choice to spend five minutes in my lap fully aware of me and heaven or to be given a million dollars to spend on anything they wanted on earth, which would they choose?
The so called faith movement taught you that you had to earn it by giving and keeping the laws of the faith movement. Make sure you are giving, your tithe, your offering and your offering upon offering. Don’t forget if you ever confess the wrong saying then all the years of saying the right thing goes right out the window. How crazy this is?
Imagine if you were a great athlete on a successful team and the coach told you that you are the greatest player ever, but if you ever miss a shot you are off the team? One missed shot and you are busted down to peewee league again. How silly would that be?
Those who run the name it claim it false doctrine twist my scriptures and tell you to seek my kingdom and all these things will be added to you.They keep you seeking for what you already found. Does the king live within you? If we do then you have found the kingdom and all other things have already been added.
With that teaching it is always about works and about future. It never gives my son the glory for his finished work. It takes the glory from what he did and gives it to you for what you can do.
Haven't you heard them say "well brother, I live by my giving." Yet my beloved apostle said, it's no longer I that live but Christ living in me and the life I live is not even by my own faith, it is by the faith of the Son of God who LOVED me and gave himself for me. With them it is always about what you must do and never about what Jesus already did. That message is not truth. Wake up my beloved.
The truth is I want your heart. You love me because I first loved you. I loved the world so much that I gave my only Son. I gave you all things by my love. You can’t earn an inheritance, you were born with it. I gave you all I had.
The truth is I want your heart. You love me because I first loved you. I loved the world so much that I gave my only Son. I gave you all things by my love. You can’t earn an inheritance, you were born with it. I gave you all I had.
You don’t have to give to get. You already posses so you will learn to give because giving is loving. Any gift given for any other reason is just a bribe anyway. This so called faith message taught my people to be greedy. It never was about love. It was always about possessions. It was how you can get a bigger house and bigger car and more money. It never was about how you could love more and help more and be more like my son. It is time to throw away all the selfishness and believe the truth. It is always about love and will always be about love.
So my dear children, meditate on what is already yours. Don’t look at lack. It is not even real. What is real is that you are loved and favored and the earth was given to you and all I ask in return is that you learn to love each other as I have loved you. I ask you to learn to release the heaven within you until it fills the earth.
Just remember, give thanks, bless and distribute. It really is that simple. No more fear of lack or fear of anything. You are in me and I am in you. What do you have to fear? The power of my kingdom is within you. You lack nothing. As my son is, so are you in this world. The only difference is that Jesus believed that he was my son while on earth. He wasn’t waiting until after the resurrection to live as my son. You are my child, right now, right here. No more waiting.
Will you change your mind my beloved ones? Will you believe in who I made you to be. Don’t let anyone else tell you who you are. To as many as believed I gave the power to become the sons of God.
So my dear children, meditate on what is already yours. Don’t look at lack. It is not even real. What is real is that you are loved and favored and the earth was given to you and all I ask in return is that you learn to love each other as I have loved you. I ask you to learn to release the heaven within you until it fills the earth.
Just remember, give thanks, bless and distribute. It really is that simple. No more fear of lack or fear of anything. You are in me and I am in you. What do you have to fear? The power of my kingdom is within you. You lack nothing. As my son is, so are you in this world. The only difference is that Jesus believed that he was my son while on earth. He wasn’t waiting until after the resurrection to live as my son. You are my child, right now, right here. No more waiting.
Will you change your mind my beloved ones? Will you believe in who I made you to be. Don’t let anyone else tell you who you are. To as many as believed I gave the power to become the sons of God.
Listen to Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is your teacher who takes what belongs to us, to our nature and shares that with you. Don’t let the world define you. Be transformed by renewing your mind to what was accomplished at the resurrection of my son. Death was defeated. It was swallowed up by life. Life abounds. All you need to do is throw away the lies and live in the truth.
I love you my dear children. I gave you all I have so use it to love each other and to provoke each other to loving acts of kindness. Freely you have received, freely give, not the other way around. You are kings and priests. Know who you are and live like it. Remember my beloved, give thanks, bless and distribute.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are blessed and encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
I love you my dear children. I gave you all I have so use it to love each other and to provoke each other to loving acts of kindness. Freely you have received, freely give, not the other way around. You are kings and priests. Know who you are and live like it. Remember my beloved, give thanks, bless and distribute.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are blessed and encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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