As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and publish them for his beloved ones to read and to hear. You are his beloved. Never let anyone convince you of anything different. Here are his words, He said:
My dearest ones, I wish with all my heart that you knew how much you are loved. This is the truth that makes you free. You shall know the truth and you will be free.
Here is the truth. You were loved from the beginning. You were loved in your past. You are loved in the present and throughout all ages you will be my beloved children. Nothing you could do or say will ever change my opinion of you. I am not discouraged when you make mistakes. Mistakes are part of learning. All that you have been through in your life I will change to good on your behalf, and will do it for no other reason than love.
I really can’t help it. I am love. I don’t just feel love or have love, I am love. I can never change. In your darkest moment of your life I was totally in love with you. I need you to know my love so you can be filled with my fullness as I told you in scripture.
My loved ones, the world and religion have taught you that you must do this and that and you must work to receive my blessing. The truth is you are my blessing and I am yours. It’s time to enter into true fellowship and come out of the religious bondage that keeps you in torment. There is no condemnation for those who are in my Son and you have been in him since before the dawn of time. You have never been condemned.
I am at rest in my love. My Son accomplished all that was needed and he sat down beside me because he was finished with his assignment. He came to reveal to you who I am and who you are. He referred to himself often as “the son of man” because he was trying to show you what a true man is. As he is so are you in this world.
He came to reveal the truth about who you are and how much you are loved. The law came through Moses but grace and truth came through my Son. The truth is you are accepted and beloved and you didn’t earn it and you don’t have to purchase it by obedience to certain rules and regulations. You are free to be free and this freedom will show you what true love is.
Imagine it as a husband and wife. What if there was a husband who constantly tells the wife she must do this or do that and better never do this or do that or he will divorce her? What if he says that he will not only divorce her but will burn her in hell forever if she messes up? Will she ever give herself truly to him?
Now imagine that a loving husband tells his bride that he loves her with all his heart and will always love her and nothing can ever stop him from loving her. He says he would chase after her into hell to love her if he has to. Do you think that bride will give herself totally to that husband?
My loved ones, you are not truly free unless you are truly free to choose. Many say the message of my grace gives people a license to sin but the truth is it gives them freedom from sin and a license to freely love.
If you only love someone because you are terrified of what they will do to you then is that really love? Now imagine that there is someone who stands by you when you are at your worst and never gives up on you even when you give up on yourself. Can you love that person with all your heart?
So many have twisted my message when the simple truth is that I so loved each of you that I sent my Son to wake you up and remind you of who you are. Your enemy told you that I was mean and revengeful and misunderstood my jealousy for you. I am jealous of you but my jealousy will not destroy you it will only destroy any lie that stands between us until you can see you are my beloved.
I need you to know how much you are adored. I long to tell you things about my love but sometimes you push me away because you think you are not worthy or you think your mistakes disqualify you. I have secrets I want to tell you that will bless you for eternity but because you were told you were dirty and rotten you don’t rest in my presence long enough for me to explain them to you.
Let me ask you. Do you believe my Son took away your sins? Do you believe that he took away the sins of the whole world? If so then what are you afraid of? If you believe in forgiveness then how can you believe that I would ever punish you for something I forgave you for? So many in my church claim that my Son took away the sins of the world but somehow they think he is going to suddenly remember them and pour out wrath on a sinful world. If they would only take a moment and consider what they really believe. It can’t be both ways.
My beloved ones I need you to have faith in my love. Faith works by love but not by your love. It works by my love. Anytime you get ready to ask me for something don’t ask yourself if you deserve it or if I will do it. Ask yourself if I love you enough to give you the answer. Remind yourself that my Son gave his life for you. Now compare the request you are making to that event and see if what you are asking for seems small compared to one who would leave the throne of heaven to come and take away your sins and give his life to and for you. Love is the energy that powers faith. Compared to what he has already done for you any request seems small.
Religion has made it about works, but it’s always been about love. As you rest in my love and meditate on my love then you will awaken as love. For I am love and you are love also. You are created in my image and in my likeness. You are just like me because I gave birth to you in spirit. I even formed you in your mother's womb. I did it with delight.
As you rest in my love and meditate on my love you will see that we really are one family. You have an older brother who wears a body like you have who sits on my throne. I became man so that man could become God. You really were already family but you forgot who you were and had to be reminded. Do you remember in the Psalm you call eighty two it tells you that “you are Gods”?
If a dog gives birth does it not give birth to a dog? If a horse gives birth does it not give birth to a horse? If the only True God gives birth then what are the children of God?
Does not my scripture tell you that you are being conformed into the image of my Son? Who is my Son, is he not God? Does he sit on my throne with me? Yes he does. Were you not told that you will rule and reign with him on the earth?
It’s time to wake up to your true identity. You are my beloved because you are my children. I love my children each and every one. I love the ones who are awake and know they are my children and I love those who are asleep in darkness thinking they are just sinners and not worthy of my love.
When you are fully awake you will know who you are and will take your place in ruler ship of the earth and put things in order. Begin with the earth you are living in: your body. Begin by subduing it. Not by rules and regulations and fasting and crying but by telling it the truth. You were and always will be a child of God and not a fleshly being. Your doubts are not you. Your false beliefs are not you. As you awaken to who you are then who you are not will fall away.
My loved ones please start each day by remembering my love for you. Remember that I gave all I had to redeem you to who you are. You were lost in darkness in your mind and I came and rescued you because I love you. End each day the same way. Always thinking about how much you are adored and thinking about the glorious future we have together.
My loved ones, you are not truly free unless you are truly free to choose. Many say the message of my grace gives people a license to sin but the truth is it gives them freedom from sin and a license to freely love.
If you only love someone because you are terrified of what they will do to you then is that really love? Now imagine that there is someone who stands by you when you are at your worst and never gives up on you even when you give up on yourself. Can you love that person with all your heart?
So many have twisted my message when the simple truth is that I so loved each of you that I sent my Son to wake you up and remind you of who you are. Your enemy told you that I was mean and revengeful and misunderstood my jealousy for you. I am jealous of you but my jealousy will not destroy you it will only destroy any lie that stands between us until you can see you are my beloved.
I need you to know how much you are adored. I long to tell you things about my love but sometimes you push me away because you think you are not worthy or you think your mistakes disqualify you. I have secrets I want to tell you that will bless you for eternity but because you were told you were dirty and rotten you don’t rest in my presence long enough for me to explain them to you.
Let me ask you. Do you believe my Son took away your sins? Do you believe that he took away the sins of the whole world? If so then what are you afraid of? If you believe in forgiveness then how can you believe that I would ever punish you for something I forgave you for? So many in my church claim that my Son took away the sins of the world but somehow they think he is going to suddenly remember them and pour out wrath on a sinful world. If they would only take a moment and consider what they really believe. It can’t be both ways.
My beloved ones I need you to have faith in my love. Faith works by love but not by your love. It works by my love. Anytime you get ready to ask me for something don’t ask yourself if you deserve it or if I will do it. Ask yourself if I love you enough to give you the answer. Remind yourself that my Son gave his life for you. Now compare the request you are making to that event and see if what you are asking for seems small compared to one who would leave the throne of heaven to come and take away your sins and give his life to and for you. Love is the energy that powers faith. Compared to what he has already done for you any request seems small.
Religion has made it about works, but it’s always been about love. As you rest in my love and meditate on my love then you will awaken as love. For I am love and you are love also. You are created in my image and in my likeness. You are just like me because I gave birth to you in spirit. I even formed you in your mother's womb. I did it with delight.
As you rest in my love and meditate on my love you will see that we really are one family. You have an older brother who wears a body like you have who sits on my throne. I became man so that man could become God. You really were already family but you forgot who you were and had to be reminded. Do you remember in the Psalm you call eighty two it tells you that “you are Gods”?
If a dog gives birth does it not give birth to a dog? If a horse gives birth does it not give birth to a horse? If the only True God gives birth then what are the children of God?
Does not my scripture tell you that you are being conformed into the image of my Son? Who is my Son, is he not God? Does he sit on my throne with me? Yes he does. Were you not told that you will rule and reign with him on the earth?
It’s time to wake up to your true identity. You are my beloved because you are my children. I love my children each and every one. I love the ones who are awake and know they are my children and I love those who are asleep in darkness thinking they are just sinners and not worthy of my love.
When you are fully awake you will know who you are and will take your place in ruler ship of the earth and put things in order. Begin with the earth you are living in: your body. Begin by subduing it. Not by rules and regulations and fasting and crying but by telling it the truth. You were and always will be a child of God and not a fleshly being. Your doubts are not you. Your false beliefs are not you. As you awaken to who you are then who you are not will fall away.
My loved ones please start each day by remembering my love for you. Remember that I gave all I had to redeem you to who you are. You were lost in darkness in your mind and I came and rescued you because I love you. End each day the same way. Always thinking about how much you are adored and thinking about the glorious future we have together.
Any time you are afraid or discouraged think about my love. Anytime you are in doubt or in worry think about my love. Meditate on my love day and night and soon you will know who you truly are and how deeply you are loved.
My favor is upon you always. Rest in me.
These are the words he gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
For more information please click the links below:
My favor is upon you always. Rest in me.
These are the words he gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
For more information please click the links below: