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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Stop Denying Your Divinity

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and publish them for all to understand. Here are his words. He said:

     My beloved ones, it’s time to accept the truth. You have lived the lie for too long. You are not earth creatures made from dirt. You are spirit beings born of my Spirit. You are my offspring and it is time for you to stop denying your divinity.

     You were not born by the will of the flesh. You were with me in the beginning and I birthed you and you were born in my love and in my image. Your life didn’t begin in your mother’s womb. It began long ago and your spirit came into your earthly mother at the moment of conception. All of this was prearranged long ago. You were appointed to be on earth at this time according to the master plan that was made long, long ago.

     You have been misled about who you are. You are not poor sinners barely getting by because I had pity on you. You are not a lowly being that somehow will get to heaven if you keep all the rules and regulations.

     You are my children. You are like the prodigal son. He was always a son even when he temporarily lost his self identity and became another’s servant even though he was chosen by his father. 

     You were chosen in my beloved Son before the foundation of the world. You were sanctified, justified and glorified and are enthroned with my beloved son whom you call Jesus on my throne with me. This is your spiritual place. 

     Because you have believed the lies about who you are you have fallen into the curse of believing a lie. If someone convinced you that you were a pig you would be happy living on the slop that the pigs eat. You wouldn’t know any other way. But you are not pigs. You are Sons of the Most High God. You are like children with amnesia. You have forgotten your identity, so you live as a fallen creature instead of like the kings and priests that you are.

     This is the reason for poverty and sickness and disease and every other ailment. Anything that is not natural in heaven is not natural on the earth. There is no sickness and disease here. There is no crime and hate. All of these things are consequences of believing the lie. Because people convinced you that you were a dirty rotten sinner then you lived like one. You never were one but you took on the nature of the thing that you identified with. It’s time to change your mind about who you are.

     Do you remember that I told you in scripture that you are made in my image and my likeness? Do you also remember that I told you that just as Christ is so are you in this world? These are not suggestions. These are absolute facts. If you see yourselves as any other image than what Christ is then you are not seeing clearly.

     You must learn to know yourselves as you know me. You are holy because I am holy. You are gods because you were born from God. As long as you deny who you are then you will live in the consequences of that denial. You do this because you think it’s humble to say that you are just a sinner. But what you are saying is that I am a liar because there is no way that you are holy like me. 

I cannot lie.You are who I made you to be. Once your mind is renewed to this truth then you will live up to your true identity. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. 

     As you awaken to the truth of who you are then the things that are associated with the fallen mind will just vanish from your lives. Sickness, poverty, anger, hate and every other terrible thing will vanish because you will see it as the lie that it is.

     You live and move and have your being in me. I am above all and in you all as the scripture says. Christ is the light that lights every man that comes into the world. You are my beloved, now and always.

     You have never been separated from me or been my enemy except in your own minds. My opinion of you has never changed. I sent my Son to show you that I am a loving Father and not an angry God. Those who believe in an angry God only do so because it excuses their own anger. They try to project their anger upon me. I am love and have always been love.

     You have always been my beloved children. You will always be my beloved children. Think of it this way. When Adam and Eve fell and ran from me did I just let them run away? No I came after them calling them to return to truth. My Son is just like me. He is the great shepherd. We shepherd you together. He is not willing that any should perish. He goes out and finds the sheep no matter where they are. He even went into the underworld that you call hell to get some of them but guess what? He got them all!

     So my loved ones; how long will you deny your divinity? You are spirit of my Spirit, flesh of my flesh. You are blood of my blood. Just like the prodigal son there is a banquet waiting for you to come to your senses. You don’t have to live in the fallen condition. You can come to your right mind and come back to the mindset that you are royalty.

     You have the mind of Christ. Step up into it. Don’t think with the fallen mind any longer. Change the channel. Don’t get your truth from the world. They don’t have it. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. There is no other. Come up to the truth and stop wallowing in the pigpen called the fallen mind. You are better than that. 

     You are a nation of kings and priests. Jesus is not ashamed to call you his brothers and sisters. I am not ashamed to call you my beloved children.

     Stop the madness. Reject the lies. I am the Father from whom the whole family on earth and in heaven gets its name. You are my beloved children. 

 Do you remember that my Son told people to call me Father when they prayed. He didn’t say fall on your knees and beg to an angry God. He told you to shut your door and have a secret meeting in your heart with your dearest Daddy. That’s who I am. 

     We are one. If I am The Almighty God and you are my offspring then what and who are you? How long will you deny your deity? Wake up and know who you are my beloved and when you are awake all the troubles you are entangled with will fall away.

     I love you my dearest ones and ask that you take my love for you and share it with each other. Those of you with children understand how wonderful it is to see your children play together in perfect harmony: To laugh and be joyful and to care for one another. That is what heaven is like. 

     Don’t forget my beloved: As I am, so are you. Like Father, like sons and daughters. It is absolute law: All things reproduce after their own kind. Trees don’t come from butterflies. Horses don’t come from chickens and sinners are not born from a Holy God. Arise unto the understanding of who you are and reign with me.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are blessed by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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