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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rest in The Answer and Forget The Problem

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Isaiah Chapter Twenty Six

3. You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

4. Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD God is the eternal Rock.

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write these words and to share them with all who are struggling and hurting. Here are his words.

     My beloved ones: Dearest to my heart. I know you are struggling. I know you are hurting. My Son bore all your pains and struggles and I was in him bearing them for you.

     We understand what it’s like to hurt and to struggle against the problems in this world. But here is what I want you to know. You are in me and not in the world. Jesus told you to be of good cheer because he overcame the world. You have overcome too but the realization of it does not come with struggle and strain but with rest in the one who is your overcomer.

     My children, why do you bear your own burdens? I want you to cast these cares upon me. Not just hand them to me but cast them upon me. I am a strong rock and your cares and burdens weigh you down but they are light upon me. I am your strength. I am your help.

     You shouldn’t look at your problems any longer than it takes to give them to me. You are mine. Your problems are mine, your cares are mine and your burdens are mine. I want you to give them to me because I love you.

     Trust in me. I will bring you through whatever you are facing. You are more than conquerors. There is nothing that can separate you from my love. I am always with you and for you and will stand in you against any storm that arises.

     I sent you into the earth to subdue all these things. I know it seems like the battle is more than you can stand but you are so much stronger than you could ever imagine. I am your strength. I am the calm in your storm.

     My loved ones; you have overcome all these things. You will see victory because what overcomes the world is your faith, and I gave all of you the measure of faith that it takes to overcome all things. You don’t have to struggle to have more faith. You already have all you need. You just need to rest in me and trust that all things work together for your good.

     Lean into my love for you. Don’t be changed by outside circumstances. Change the circumstances by filling your inside with my love and my faith. All that you need is more fellowship with me. Not more praying, or fasting or doing all the things religion told you to do. Just see yourself in me. Rest in me. Imagine that I am between you and your problems because I am. Hide yourselves in me.

     Never forget that you only change the outside by changing what is inside. Any external problem that arises only comes to test the truth that is inside you. You should never see problems as punishment or as a curse. There is no more of that. All of that was ended when you were crucified with my Son. The law poured all of its wrath and anger and punishment upon my Son when he drew you into himself. We took all that away.

     You were crucified with my Son; you were raised into new life. All problems arise to test to see if you believe that truth. You have passed from death to life and the more you rest in me the more revelation you will have of this truth until all you problems disappear.

     Think of it this way: In school you are given information to learn. Then you are given a test to see if you learned the information. It is the same in the kingdom. You were given the truth that you are above all principalities and powers and over all things that could ever defeat you. Then the test comes to see if you believe it and will remain seated in my peace, or if you will arise and fight like a person who doesn’t know that these things are already defeated. This is what it means to fight the good fight of faith. You are not fighting against problems or things you are fighting to remain in the truth that you have already overcome all things.

     Remember what you were told in scripture? He that believes has entered into rest. Are you in the fight or are you resting in my Son knowing that that death, hell and the grave are already defeated. So many of my children are trying to pull down this and tear down that not knowing that those things are already destroyed. They are fighting ghosts of the past assuming they are still living things. My Son was manifested to destroy the works of the devil, so if you are still fighting a devil then you haven’t believed that my Son accomplished what he was sent for.

     So my beloved ones: Find a quiet place. Sit down and close your eyes and look deep inside your own heart. You see that? This is me smiling at you from the inside. Now spend a few moments just soaking up my love for you. Now; one by one give me your worries and cares and problems. I will show you that they were already taken care of. I will take your worries and I will give you my peace to replace your worries.

     Oh my dearest ones; you are so loved. You are and will always be the delight of my heart. I adore you with all that I am. Let this truth soak in and worry no more. I am your answer. Rest in the answer and forget your problem. I am your answer.

This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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