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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Who Are You? Part One

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     Recently while praying I heard Father's voice and he spoke to me the following words and asked me to share them with you.

     My beloved ones, it is in times of worship that I will reveal all things to you. You have faith in me but you have no confidence in yourselves. Not that you should have confidence in the flesh. That’s not what I mean. I mean in who you are in Christ. Once you really believe that you are in Him and He is in you and you two are one then things will be easier for you.

     Have confidence in who you are in the kingdom. Remember, Jesus said the least in the kingdom was greater than John the Baptist so if you are just born again then you have more power inside than all the prophets. You are born of my Spirit. You are my offspring. You have the same power in you that is in me.

     There are different manifestations of the Spirit but there is only One Holy Spirit. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you. You already have all the power and Spirit that you are ever going to get. You still have a body coming as part of your inheritance but your power and might are already inside you.

     There is One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism. You don’t need another. You were baptized into Christ into the anointing. You must come to know that I am inside you with all might and power already. The only thing it takes to walk in my fullness is to know my love that passes all understanding and knowledge. This will fill you with my fullness.

     Go as far as you can at knowing my love for you, and where your knowledge stops is barely the beginning of my love for you. You are on the right track and I am going to pour great things through you and you will lead many to be born again. You will do great things in the kingdom and in helping to establish my kingdom.

     It’s not maybe. It’s a fact. I have preordained great works for you to walk in. It’s already written in to the plan for your life. This plan sat on a shelf for years while you sought your own way into the kingdom. While you tried to take faith and carve out a kingdom of your own. I couldn’t release it to you until you abandoned all your plans and schemes and surrendered unto my plan.

     True power comes with a purpose. I know there are those that use faith and my name to build kingdoms for themselves, but keep your heart tender toward me and be attentive to my kingdom and my purpose.

     When some of you were younger you asked me to keep you from going the wrong way and there are times I have had to close doors to keep you in my perfect path. There are roads that I have let you walk down that were not good for you in the temporary, but as you see now they have caused you to look at eternal purpose and you have grown from walking down these roads. If I had not protected your path back to the plan for your life then I would have not let you go this way. You know which I speak of and you have found the trail back and now you will never go that way again.
With all that understood you know now that the true power is going to be released in your life when you get back on the trail I built for you. 

     Have you noticed how that some people come and go and some friends you just can’t let go of no matter where you go? That’s because these are friends that I have brought into your life for kingdom purposes and have brought you into their lives for the same reason. You will see in days to come how these things work out and it will make perfect sense.

     Some people need work before they can be what you need and you have needed work to become what they need. Like John Mark with Paul, sometimes people just have to grow in my grace before they can work together. Soon you will see what that means also.

     Don’t pattern yourself after anyone but Christ Jesus. He said you would do greater works because that’s His plan for your life. If you can’t have faith in yourself at least have faith that what he said is true. You are fulfilling scripture and nothing more.

     Whether you know it or not you are the answer to His prayer. He prayed for the world to have people like you in it. He prayed for you to be one with us. Is it so hard to believe that His prayers were answered? You are looking for answers to your prayers but you are someone else’s answer.

     You must take time to know who you are. Do you think you just happened upon this earth by accident? Do you think I got you and saved you and filled you with my Spirit by accident? Put it all together and you will start to know who you are.

     Everyone born into my kingdom has a purpose and plan for their lives. Do you remember the scripture in John that says you didn’t choose me. I chose you and ordained you? Do you think I would call you, fill you with my life and Spirit and give you a purpose and not give you power for your purpose?

     What I’m saying to you my children is Wake Up! You are children of God and you have a calling and ministry upon this earth. The power for completing your vision is in the vision itself. Concentrating and meditating on it brings them into being.

     Here is some wisdom for you from Genesis. The earth was formless and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The Lord said “let there be light” and there was light. You know we didn’t create natural light until the sun, moon and stars so the light spoken about there was understanding and revelation. In other words you might say, “Let there be understanding of what the situation is here and let it be revealed what we have.”

     Understanding is light and not understanding is darkness. Light is good, darkness is bad. Even in your language there is a saying about someone being in the dark about something. Revelation and understanding is the light. It’s the revelation of me for I am light.

     Once you understand the plan then you can carry it out. My power is within you but it hasn’t been revealed to you yet. There is power in all the visions I give you once you get the revelation of the vision or dream. Stop asking for power and start asking for revelation of the power that abides in you already.

     Do you remember what Paul said about Christ being revealed in you? Remember all the times it has been revealed to you what to do and the power was there immediately to do what was revealed?

     It’s really that simple. Do you remember I said whatever makes manifest is light? Revelation is the light of heaven. Jesus is the light of the world and now he has lit your spirit like a candle and you are light also. Anytime you get a revelation of Him it will be light unto you.

     I have been preparing you through your whole life for these times. I have shown you some of what is coming and you have a great role in this plan. However, it’s a role that I groomed for each of you, and not one that you called yourself into. Each of you has a specific part and plan and it will be revealed to you through time in prayer and fellowship.

     Would you like for me to give you a copy of the script? I will begin to show you just like I have in the dreams and visions that I have given you. I give each of my children dreams and visions and they will be more frequent as you learn to pay attention to them.

     I want each of you to enjoy the mission I’m sending you on. It’s going to be the most fun you have ever had. Once you step into your true calling you wouldn’t want to do anything else. It will not always be easy and some days will be more difficult but I will be with you every step of the way.

     Ask me for more revelation of you who are and I will give it to you in words, dreams and visions. You are about to be enlightened with revelation like you have never imagined.

     Ask of me for light for dark eyes. Ask of me for understanding of visions and dreams. Wisdom is better than gold and understanding is more precious than fine jewels. I am wisdom and understanding unto you and you are my beloved children. I am so happy that you are mine and it’s a great joy to reveal to you who you are. Stay attentive to my words my children and let me show you how much you are loved.

     Please love each other as I love you. Put aside your minor differences. There is common ground at the foot of my son’s cross. Meet each other there.

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Friday, May 27, 2016

That Woman?

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New Living Translation

John Chapter 4

1. Jesus knew the Pharisees had heard that he was baptizing and making more disciples than John 2. (Though Jesus himself didn’t baptize them—his disciples did). 3. So he left Judea and returned to Galilee. 4. He had to go through Samaria on the way. 

5. Eventually he came to the Samaritan village of Sychar, near the field that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. 6. Jacob’s well was there; and Jesus, tired from the long walk, sat wearily beside the well about noontime. 

7. Soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Please give me a drink.” 8. He was alone at the time because his disciples had gone into the village to buy some food.

9. The woman was surprised, for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans. She said to Jesus, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?”

10. Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”

11. “But sir, you don’t have a rope or a bucket,” she said, “and this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water? 12. And besides, do you think you’re greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us this well? How can you offer better water than he and his sons and his animals enjoyed?” 

13. Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. 14. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

15. “Please, sir,” the woman said, “give me this water! Then I’ll never be thirsty again, and I won’t have to come here to get water.”

16. “Go and get your husband,” Jesus told her.

17. “I don’t have a husband,” the woman replied.

Jesus said, “You’re right! You don’t have a husband.
18. For you have had five husbands, and you aren’t even married to the man you’re living with now. You certainly spoke the truth!”

19. “Sir,” the woman said, “you must be a prophet. 20. So tell me, why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship, while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount Gerizim, where our ancestors worshiped?”

21. Jesus replied, “Believe me, dear woman, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem. 22. You Samaritans know very little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes through the Jews. 23. But the time is coming and indeed it’s here now, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. 24. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”

25. The woman said, “I know the Messiah is coming, the one who is called Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”

26. Then Jesus told her, “I AM the Messiah!”

27. Just then his disciples came back. They were shocked to find him talking to a woman, but none of them had the nerve to ask, 

“What do you want with her?” or “Why are you talking to her?” 

28. The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone, 29. “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?” 30. So the people came streaming from the village to see him.

31. Meanwhile, the disciples were urging Jesus, “Rabbi, eat something.”
32. But Jesus replied, “I have a kind of food you know nothing about.”

33. “Did someone bring him food while we were gone?” the disciples asked each other.

34. Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work. 
35. You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. 
36. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!

37. You know the saying, ‘One plants and another harvests.’ And it’s true. 38. I sent you to harvest where you didn’t plant; others had already done the work, and now you will get to gather the harvest.”

39. Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said, “He told me everything I ever did!” 40. When they came out to see him, they begged him to stay in their village. So he stayed for two days, 41. Long enough for many more to hear his message and believe. 

42. Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard him ourselves. Now we know that he is indeed the Savior of the world.”

     While meditating on these verses Father’s voice came to me and he said:

     My son, please write down these words and share them with my beloved ones. My children, my heartbeat my purpose and my plan. I need you to do something for me. My church today has become so politically correct and so prejudiced against sinners and that does not come from me.

     Think just a moment at this event that happened with my son Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Imagine today what would happen if a well-respected pastor came upon a woman who had been married five times and was living with a man that wasn’t her husband. Would he stop and offer her the living water that lives within all my believers, or would he be too afraid of what the religious people think and walk right by?

     Take a moment and really consider this. My son knew all of her faults and failures and not only did he not judge her, but he offered her salvation and sent her on a mission. He knew she would go back into the town and help bring salvation to those that the religious Jews at the time would not have anything to do with.

     This is one thing that grieves me in my Spirit today. My children are so quick to write off someone because they are trapped in sin. Jesus didn’t worry about what his disciples thought or what the religious people of the day would think. He didn’t see a sinner but saw a soon to be daughter of the kingdom.

     Did you see in those scriptures how the woman went into town and the whole town came out because of her? What if the key to changing your city is witnessing to the one person whom the church thinks is too sinful to speak to?

     So my beloved ones, will you put aside your prejudice against those who are trapped in sin and see past their sins and lead them to me? Do you remember what I told Peter in the vision? Don’t call unclean what I have cleansed.

     I need my children to have compassion on those that are out of the way. I need my children to set aside the political correctness and the “what if my pastor sees me speaking to this person” syndrome. These things do not come from me. Please don’t forget that I gave my only begotten son to save the people whom the church thinks are unclean.

     Think about this: Jesus didn’t go choose his disciples from the choir at the first church. He chose dirty, smelly fisherman some of whom had violent tempers and were prone to foul language and fighting. One of them even tried to cut off a man’s head with a sword. Some even wanted to call down fire and destroy a whole city. Jesus didn’t cast them away because they still had faults that they hadn’t grown out of yet. Being born again happens instantly: Discipline takes time. It takes time for those who were lost to learn the ways of the kingdom.

     So please my beloved. Don’t give up on those who are lost in their sins and those whom you are afraid to be seen with. I am not ashamed of any of them. They are the reason that the blood of my son was spilled, and that was good enough for me. I need my disciples to catch the fish and not clean the fish.

     So my beloved, think about how much I love you. Then think about those who are lost and please love them like I love you. Be kind and patient with them and look past their faults and their problems. Imagine if each of them were your only child. How would you treat them then? Remember my beloved, love each other and love the unlovable.

    This was the end of the words he spoke to me at that moment.

I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Step Into My Book

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     Recently while praying, Father spoke to me and gave me these words. I hope you are encouraged by them.

     My son share these words with my beloved ones. It is time for my people to stop wandering from place to place and wondering where I am. I am with you and in you and if you want to find me then look into your heart and see me smile at you. 

     Don’t be dismayed by what you see in the news or by all the hype about the days you live in. Do you think because it’s a certain time that I am no longer on the throne? I am and will always be on the throne and yes there are those on the earth that think they can hide me or overthrow me but do you really think for one moment that they have the power to do so?

     I laugh at their plans and I wonder how the thing that was created could imagine overthrowing its creator. Could you imagine going into a wood shop and building a desk or a chair and have the thing you built rise up and overtake you? Would you be patient like me and let it play out to show the silliness of it, or would you immediately run it through the table saw until it was dust?

     There are so many on TV and radio that scream anti-Christ this and anti-Christ that and never get around to mentioning the real Christ who sits with me on the throne. So don’t be caught up in their fear and gloom my beloved ones. Look inside your heart and you will see that I am with you and I reign forever. You don’t need to be afraid of the day you are in or about the things coming upon the earth.

     I have told you through my prophet Isaiah that my government will increase and my kingdom will take over the world, and in my scriptures I made it plain that you will rule and reign with me on the earth. So what is there to be afraid of?

     All of this fear is very destructive. People spend hour after hour reading books and watching movies of scary things and yet they don’t spend five minutes reading the letters in red in their bibles. We have to change this my beloved ones.

     I have a new plan for each of you. I want you to really study the gospels and especially the words in red and learn of my son. When you see who he really is then you will see who I am. When you know who I am you will know who you are because you are my child.

     So please my beloved, take time to read my love letter and see how much you are loved. Don’t read it to find out what is coming in your age. Don’t read it to find out how to prosper. Don’t read it to find out how to have power. Read it and let it paint a picture in your hearts of who I am.

     So many fables and traditions have been taught and so many lies have been told about who I am. No wonder they didn’t recognize my son when he came. They were expecting a fire breathing killing machine ready to wipe out anyone who disagreed with them.

     It’s the same in many pulpits today. Hell, fire, and damnation on everyone’s house but their own. We must change these things my beloved. I want you to study my son and by beholding who he is in scripture you will become like him.

     Look at his gentleness. He wouldn’t break a bruised reed or put out a smoking candle. He was merciful to all from the elderly, to the babies, and he showed kindness towards all, even those that hated him. He was and is the most humble man who ever lived or will live. His life showed the essence of what love really is, and he demonstrated for you what a child of heaven should be.

     So please go back to your scriptures my children and look at Jesus once again to know who he is. Think about why you fell in love with him in the first place and fall in love again every day. Keep your eyes on his light and turn off the darkness that the world tries to sell you.

     I want you to read the gospels again through the eyes of that love. Imagine Jesus not as the historical figure but look at him as your best friend. Everywhere you see his name add the words “my best friend” behind it. Put yourself in the picture and see it as if it was happening before your eyes. Don’t just read the gospels but seriously give your heart to them to see all that Jesus is. This will enlighten the eyes of your heart and you will see with eyes you have seldom used.

     I want to show you who I really am. I am not an angry old man sitting in heaven with a stick that I can’t wait to hit you with. I am living in your heart because I love you so much that you are heaven to me. Once you really see Jesus as the personal expression of me then you will know I have always loved you and there has never been a moment in history that I wasn’t in love with you and calling you to me.

     I want us to become one in mind as we already are in spirit. I want our thoughts to merge and I want you to think what I think about you and about others. Jesus showed you what we think about you. He shed his blood to save you because we counted you more valuable than all the treasures of heaven.

     It’s the same reason your enemy fights to steal people from me. He knows that I don’t count my treasure in silver, gold or precious stones but my treasure is people. The people I made in my image so that we could have fellowship together. He knows how valuable you are to me. It’s time for you to know how valuable you are to me.

     Please my beloved ones. Don’t buy into the condemnation and doom. I love you with all my heart and I want you to know who I am so you will run to me and not from me. I want you to understand who I am, and the gospels that I had written for you are a doorway into my heart. My scriptures are an invitation to know me as I am. So please for the sake of my love for you, don’t let anyone else tell you who you are. Come to me and I’ll show you who you are and why you are so loved.

     Will you read my love letter one more time? Will you take off your agenda glasses and eschatology glasses and just read it through the eyes of a Father trying to save is children? Will you do this my beloved? I promise my Spirit will open the eyes of love that are in your heart so you can understand who I am and who you are. Step into my book and I’ll meet you there.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment. 
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Friday, May 20, 2016

From Father's Heart: The Balance of Justice

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     One day while hiding in a secret place and praying, I was watching and listening to see what Father was going to teach me that day. 

     The wind was blowing leaves from the trees and scattering them all over. The sky was partly sunny and the fierce wind was blowing the clouds by as if they were in a hurry to be somewhere else. As I was watching and listening, Father’s voice came to me and said the following words:

     My son: listen to the sound of the wind for a moment. Where did it come from my son? Where is it going? Where did the first current start and where will the last of the breeze die out? A
ll these things are in my hand. The leaves you see blowing in the wind. Where will they land and come to rest and return to the dust of the earth? All these things I know my son.

     Look up at the clouds racing through the turbulent sky. You see clouds but I see individual particles of water that I have traced since the dawn of creation. I know how many times each droplet of water has made the cycle from the ocean to the sky, back down the creeks and rivers and into the ocean. I know all these things.

     Now my son, please share the following words with my beloved ones.

     Some of you have heavy hearts because you believe that the mistakes you made are bigger than my grace. You think you have disqualified yourselves from my family because you made mistakes and now your hearts are hurting. After what I told you just now about the wind and the water, do you think I don’t know these things? I know all your hurts, pains and worries. I really do know every thought you have ever had or will have.

     I knew every mistake that every person would ever make for eternity. I put all of those transgressions on my scale of justice and the weight of sin and regret drove that side of the scale to the bottom. The price required to balance the scale was immense and I am a God of justice and the scales had to balance.

     There was one willing to lay his life and body on the other side of the scales to balance out the weight of the sin. He carried his cross up to the scale and they put him on the balance. The weight of his exceeding glory not only outweighed the sin, but his glory broke the scale so that sin would never be weighed again. He then took all the sin that was on the other side of the scale unto himself and dissolved it by washing it in his blood until no trace of it remained.

     I am not counting your sins against you my beloved but just the fact that you care enough to be concerned means you love me. Even though all is forgiven you still have a conscience to guide you. This is the law written on the tablet of your heart. Even though you know there is forgiveness, your heart knows it’s better to walk in love than in regret. Just be sure when you are judging others or yourself you don’t take the cross and the sacrifice of my beloved son out of the equation.

     Listen to your spirit to walk in truth and don’t be condemned by the law. All things are lawful for you my children, but you see now that even though you have liberty to do anything you like, some things are not good for you.

     I will not condemn you for your mistakes and will help you walk through them. The main thing is to learn from it and not to go down the same path over and over. It is time for you to be free my children and be able to give yourself to me 100 percent.

     There are so many great things I have for you and have wanted to give you but your focus has been on pleasing others. I am jealous over you and want you to spend time with me. 

     I know you want to do great works and your love for others is driving you to help them but you must come to me first. I have told you these things before. Keep my Spirit in the forefront of all that you do. Make staying in my presence the most important thing and everything else will fall into place. 

     Learn to keep your eyes on me at all times. You can learn to keep your eyes on me and help others at the same time but the focus has to be on me. I am your source and you must stay plugged into me for the power to flow. I am the vine. You are a branch. The branch does not support the vine. The vine feeds the branch. You bear fruit at my request. Staying connected to me is most important.

     I just heard you ask in your heart how to do this. It’s not hard. Keep your mind on me: Keep my word flowing through your heart and mind. Stay away from anything that causes you to lose your place of peace. Don’t get involved in arguments or trash talking. Let nothing come out of your mouth that corrupts or belittles anyone. Speak only things that encourage and lift people up. Keep your eyes on the light. Do not behold evil of any kind. Stay free from all sin. Even though it’s forgiven and not counted against you don’t become entangled in it. See sin for what it is. It is poison for your soul.

     You were washed in the blood of my son and are a new creation built in holiness. Why would you want to go back to the other side of the cross and live in hell again?

     If you were drowning and a friend rescued you from the water why would you immediately jump back into the raging river? I made you free from the law of sin and death. You are under the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, and that law demands that you live and not die. Submit yourself to this law and live. It’s time to shake off all the little things that are keeping you from your goals.

     There is still a high calling prize to be won. Not many win it. It is still greater than you can imagine. To be called up higher and see things not many see. To hear things most ears never hear. Being called to this place is a great honor. So set aside all these things that hinder you.

     My beloved: Some of you will have to give up some friendships and even some family to follow me. I know you are attached to those around you whom you are now about to leave. Some of them are not willing to give themselves to me at this time but you can’t let others keep you from following me.

     They think that big houses and money in the bank is wealth. They have no idea that the only true wealth in the universe is love. Love for me and love for people. True love is more scarce than gold. You are only now beginning to see the depth of my love and there is so much more for you to see as you grow in me.

     You have left many before and now you no longer hurt because of them. Time will do the same here. Pray for them and love them. Each of you have seen days that you weren’t willing to surrender to me. Don’t judge them for not going where you go. Just keep following me and let me keep calling them unto me. Eventually they will give in and follow me.

     It was hard for Abraham to send away Ishmael. It was hard for him to put Isaac upon the altar. It was hard for me to put my beloved Jesus upon that cross but we looked ahead to the joy that would come because of those righteous acts, and we rejoiced through the pain and saved the world. In time you will see that it was the right thing to do even though it hurts you now.

     It will be easy to fall into works again and I know your hearts are pulled that way but it is really important that you come alone with me before you get into ministry. I have things that I want to give you that will make it so much better. You need to learn of me and learn to let me flow through you. These things will make it much better and you will be able to really help people and not just put a band aid on their problems.

     Do you want to pray for the sick or heal the sick? Do you want to bury the dead or raise the dead? Do you want to continue to buy glasses for those who can’t see or to give them sight? These things abide in me my son. Spending time in my presence is where these things will be imparted to you and birthed in you.

     The reason people don’t represent me well is because they don’t know me well. If you want to be as I am you must see me as I am. There is no other way my beloved. Come to me outside the camp and learn of me. I love you my children. Rejoice that your name is written in heaven and your sins are forgiven. All will be well soon.

     I love each of you with an everlasting love that will never fade. Cling to love as if to a life raft in treacherous seas. Please love each other my beloved children and know that I am with you always: Even until the end of the age of ages.

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me at that moment. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Faith in His Love

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     While praying recently Father spoke these words to me and asked me to share them with you. I hope you are blessed by them.

     My children, don’t be dismayed at what I am teaching you. There are truths that people in religious circles are unwilling to grasp because they are locked into tradition. Over the last few days I have brought you to a place you never thought you would go and I have gathered materials for you to study from many places. This is not by accident.

     I have been teaching you to sanctify your imagination for this purpose. I have to get my people to understand that faith sees a finished work and sees that world in the realm of the imagination. This is how visions work. I give people visions and then they see the finished work and it brings the vision to pass because they get on a trail that leads to the finished work. This is how you walk in good works.

     In scripture I called it believing with your heart. It’s really this simple: positive vision is faith and negative vision is unbelief. This is not saying that you will not see bad things: But any vision that fails to show provision for you is incorrect. I told you that I am your shepherd and you shall not want. So any vision showing you with lack is not from me.

     I told you that if you believe you can enter into rest because the works are finished. There’s no striving and crying and begging. There is a trust that what I showed you will come to pass and is already done and placed in its position on the scale of your life.

     Imagine your life as a number line like you studied in school with dates on it. I established and finished works before you were born and deposited them on that line in their position. The works were finished and put in place. 

     For example: The work I finished for you today was to come alone and study with me. You are here exactly where you are supposed to be doing what I finished before you were born. I didn’t call you to “do” I called you to “be”.

     I told you that faith is the substance of things you hope for. When you want something you develop a hope inside you that puts in a request for the thing you hoped for. Hope will not bring the thing you desire, only faith will. Hope says maybe I can have that. Faith says, my father knew I would want this so he created it for me and then gave me the desire so that I would want it. Your faith is in not in things but in the truth that I love you and want you to have good things.

     Faith must be directed towards my love and total satisfaction in you, and your hope goes out and latches on to things for my love to bring you. Many people don’t understand love so they hope for things that are destructive for them. Love will not give a child a serpent. You must have faith in my love and know I will bring what is absolutely best for you. 

     For instance if you wanted a shovel to dig a ditch and you asked me for one, but I know the work I finished for you is greater than what a shovel can do, so I bring you a tractor instead. My love seeks out my purpose in your life and brings you what is best for you.

     Sometimes people force their own way and go out and take by force that which they are hoping for and end up paying for something that I wanted to give them for free. They get off the timeline that I have for them and try to work things out for themselves and wind up disgusted and off course. Sometimes they want to take a shortcut and skip over the time line and jump from point a to point c and miss b. What they didn’t know that deposited at point b was the tool they needed for point c and now they have arrived at a place ill equipped and they fail.

     When you plant corn the ear doesn’t grow out of the seed. The stalk grows out of the seed and then the ear out of the stalk. There is time and purpose to everything I do. It’s very important that you let me teach you these things and don’t try to force your way into the future but take one day at a time and let me lead you. If you want to know my wisdom just study nature and you will see it.

     The church has tried to build up their faith to receive things I already gave them. Instead of trying to have faith to move mountains they should be focused on developing faith in me and my character.

     It goes back to the surrendering. Surrender to my love and let me bring about all the finished works into your life. There is a time and season for all things and you need to know the season that you are in. Nature copies the kingdom not the other way around.

     Those that are led by the spirit are my sons and daughters. My spirit puts the purpose and direction in your spirit and then you can look inside for directions. In the wilderness the fire and the cloud were external. In the kingdom the fire and the cloud are inside you. So follow the cloud and follow the fire.

     Even when Paul the mighty apostle didn’t know where to go he had a dream. The dream was inside him. You dream on the screen of your imagination. Stop looking for outward signs and just do what your heart is telling you to do. I live inside you so when I speak to you or show you something then you will see or hear it inside.

     If you keep yourself humble and guard your heart then your heart won’t lead you the wrong way. Reason will lead you the wrong direction but love never gets lost. Ask yourself which way would love go and follow that path. Don’t be moved by guilt or regret, only be moved by love.

     Just as Jesus was moved by compassion when he healed the multitudes of people, you should let the passion in your heart lead you. Remember, it’s passion of your heart, not lust of your flesh. That’s why the miracle power I promised is not working in the church today. The motives of the hearts of my people aren’t pure. They want miracles to prove something. Some want to validate their ministries by showing forth miracles. Some want my power to flow to validate their doctrine.

     When my people are willing to seek the good of others out of love and are willing to do it in secret then it will happen. The reason that you don’t see many great miracles on video is for that reason. It’s not about the show with me. I would rather heal in secret. You notice even at the gate called beautiful when Peter and John healed the lame man they didn’t make a show of it. They didn’t take him inside and set him in front of everyone and say “hey watch how powerful we are” and pray for him. They fixed him where they found him. Love is personal, it’s not for show.

     It’s the same reason I want you to come away and let me teach you personally; because I love you. If you love me you will feel the same way and want to get away from others and spend time with me. There will be a day that you will go to others to teach but you have need of my presence first. The gospel is powerless without a personal relationship empowering it.

     Many people fail at preaching because they get the preaching part ahead of the power. They know about me and they go tell everyone what they’ve learned about me from others, and not what they learned about me while laying their head on my chest. I want my people to preach the gospel because they love me. I so loved the world I sent my son. Someone has to make it about love again.

     Most preachers today preach out of a desire to be right. They want to be justified for having faith in me. They don’t realized they were justified by my faith not theirs. They go about trying to prove their own works are righteous instead of humbling themselves before me and letting me prove that my righteousness dwells in them.

     Doing something just because it is the right thing to do is not reason enough to do it. Do something because of love and or no other reason. I am the only source of love in the universe, so if you going to get love that makes a difference, then there is only one place to get it. Surrender to me and let me put my love for people inside you. Love them with my love, not yours.

     John didn’t write about how much he loved others, he wrote about how much I loved him. Perfect love casts out all fear so where do you get perfect love? Does it come in knowledge or wisdom or works, or does it come from my heart pouring it into yours by spending time with me? You must know my love for you before you can be effective sharing that love with others.

     What I am teaching you is that this time you spend with me is imparting me into you. I am being formed inside you and the spirit that I put inside you is growing in my presence and will take you where I have prepared you to go. Follow the spirit within you and you will go the right way.

     Listen to your heart my beloved. I put the directions inside you. Stop thinking so much from your head and start thinking with your heart. Thinking that comes from the mind is polluted by worldly things. Loving comes from the heart. When you consider a matter don’t think about what you have to do; think about what you would love to do.

     The mind of Christ I put within you is in your heart not in your head. Do you remember I told you to guard your heart for out of it flow the issues of life? The power of faith is out of your heart and not your mind. You didn’t get saved by believing with your mind but with your heart.

     Here is a secret of faith. Bypass your mind and do all the believing with your heart. As you spend more time with me and get to know me better, then your heart will have more faith in me.

     You can’t really have faith in someone you don’t know too well. For example, if you called your best friend for help would they come? How do you know? You know because you have spent time with them and know they love you. You know their love for you will bring them to you to help you. Just as yours would if they called. 

     These things take time to learn and no one wants to spend the time with me it takes to know me. You can do works through the force of your natural mind but true works that I have finished are built out of faith in my love.

     Here is the point I’m bringing you to. Know that I love you. If you know that I love you then you know that I’ll provide for you. You don’t have to think about what you need tomorrow. Your faith in my love will understand that I looked ahead and planned what you needed and it will be there when you get there.

     There are two places to live in this life: In the wilderness or in my rest. You choose which one. One is a place where your needs are met and I keep you fed and clothed and protected. The other is flowing with my blessing and my peace. I have children in both places and I love them the same. The only difference is some of them have learned that I love them enough to lead them out of the wilderness, and others think I only love them enough to provide their basic necessities.

     Joshua spent time in the tent and all those that stayed in the camp died in the wilderness. You have to come outside of the camp called religion to find me. Inside the camp the blind are leading the blind. They tell you come to church to find God and I’m calling you to come to me outside the camp. Learn of me and then go rescue those who are still in the wilderness. 
Leaders are made in the tent, not in the camp.

     The way to build your faith to receive my promises is to meditate on who I am in your heart. Until you are certain of my love and my character your faith will not stand.

     As you begin to know me and my heart it’s not a matter of releasing great faith or power. It’s just taking who I am and sharing it with the world. You will be able to share my things with others. You can take treasure out of your own heart and hand it to someone who is in need.

     So forget the past failures and live out of your heart. Forget all those times you tried to get me to do things based on hope and a mental knowledge of my word, and not heart knowledge of me. 
     Knowing my word is good but knowing me is better. You don’t have to choose between the two. You can have both. 

     Please take time to meditate on all these things and know that I love you. Have faith in my love.

     This was the end of the words that he spoke to me at that moment. I hope you are encouraged by these words.

     Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

From Father's Heart Part Eight: Walking in God

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     While in prayer yesterday Father spoke to me the following words and asked me to share them with you: Here are his words:

      I want to walk with you in my garden. I want you to know me. I want to be known. So few people really know me. They know about me because of my book but they don’t see the book as an open invitation to know me. I want to be your best friend. I want you to know my heart and how I feel about all things. I want you to know who you are to me and I want us to walk as one.

     This is why I chose to live in you. I couldn’t get you to come up to me so I came down to you and raised you up with me so that we would know each other. 

     I sought you as a Father would search for his lost child and I found you and I will never let you out of my sight. I moved into you so that no matter how hard you try to run you will never leave me behind. I know your heart and your thoughts and now it’s time for you to know mine.

     I need you to be open to encounters beyond your ability to comprehend. There is a way to know me in spirit that your natural mind can’t even begin to grasp. This will require you to tear down some boundaries. Most of my children will only go as far in experience as naturally possible. This is why I have released so many people lately with visions of my realm. I want you to open your mind to my light and let me in.

     Most of my children have limits of how far I can take them. They won’t get out of their comfort zone and into the glory zone. I want you to be as fully aware of being in me as I am of being in you. Will you abide in me my beloved? Will you start seeing me as your house? 

     We will begin with your imagination. Imagine that I am a spirit just larger than your body. Step into me and become conscious of being in that “bubble” called God and don’t step outside of me again. Keep your focus of me being the cloud around you. My spirit is in you and you are in my Spirit but you don’t see yourself in my cloud. I am your cloud by day and your fire by night. Unlike in the wilderness, I am not high above but I am inside you and wrap you like a blanket.

     I am your protection. This is why I said “I am your shield.” It is because in the realm of the spirit I truly am. This is also why I said you could resist the enemy and he would flee from you. He sees me as the cloud you are wrapped in and the fire that consumes evil surrounds you at all times.

     Most of my children never see this because they are naturally minded and not spiritually minded. This is why I said to be “spiritually minded” is life and peace. When you begin to see me in you and around you then you will leave all fear behind.

     Many believers today gather to soak in my presence not realizing that I am always with you so my presence is “soaking” into you at all times. If you will begin to keep this in mind at all times then peace will overtake your heart and mind.

     This is why I said that it’s Christ in you the hope of glory. You must awaken to the revelation that we are omnipresent. I can live in heaven and in you fully at the same time. I am not limited. You don’t just have a spark of me in you. You have all of me. The only limiter I put on this is your faith and your thoughts. This is why as a man thinks in his heart so is he. You get to decide how much of me you want.

     The revelation of me in you must be as real as the things that you see, smell, touch, taste, hear and feel. It’s time to see the invisible, taste, touch, smell hear and feel the invisible. Your spirit has the ability to do all these things but your minds are darkened and you choose not to see in this realm because you are afraid of getting to “far out.” Jesus was far out. Do you know that  people told him that walking on the water was “new age.” 

     My children are so afraid of being deceived and don’t realize that they are already deceived because they have put limits on themselves that I never put there. Why do my children insist on living as mere mortals when they are spirit-life beings made in my image?

     I must get my church to wake up and stop fighting what I am doing. Throughout history most of my gifts and power I gave to my children have been torn down not through the works of the enemy, but by the teaching of the church. 

     For instance: Why did people not believe in my Spirit for hundreds of years and the gift of tongues was taken away during that time? I didn’t take it away. It was there all the time and even written in scripture but those who call themselves teachers taught against it. The wonderful presence of my Spirit and the gifts He brings were not seen for hundreds of years. This should not have been.

     Most of the things the early church saw as normal Christianity are some super-spiritual experiences now. Why is this so? Because my children don’t want to be thought of as weird or different. They want to be just like the rest of the world. So my people were taught to be powerless and weak.

     Finally now, some are beginning to awaken and want all of me. Some of you, like the early church are not afraid or ashamed of me and my gospel. You don’t care if they call you strange or new age or Holy Roller, you just want all that was paid for at the cross.

     If you will not be ashamed of me, I will not hesitate to pour out who I am through you. If my children will surrender to me and get out of bed with the world and get into the spirit with me, then mighty acts of heaven will invade the earth. I want so much more for each of you. It’s not fair that my son died the awful death that he died and suffered the punishment that he did and then have you just brush aside his gifts like they cost nothing.

     So my loved ones. Will you separate yourselves from the world/church and become a believer in who I am in heaven, and who I am in you? Will you stop believing what the world says about you and believe what I say about you?

     You will walk in whatever you believe. If you believe you are a dirty sinner saved by grace you will walk in dirty sin, and my grace will keep forgiving you because you are my child. 

     If you believe you were washed in the blood of my son and made righteous and holy and are full of my Spirit and power and might and love; then you will walk in that. 

     If you believe that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made you free from the law of sin and death you will lay all sin aside, and the wages of sin will no longer pertain to you. Sin will come looking to pay you and won’t owe you a thing.

     I told you that there would be a generation that puts down the last enemy which is death. They will do this because they will have a revelation of who I am in them and of the Spirit of Holiness living in them, and sin will be a concept they don’t even understand. They will walk in such holiness that death won’t be able to touch them.

     Most of my church is not ready for this now but all things are available in all times. People like Enoch and David walked in future grace while living in the old age. Time is not restricting you. Your mind and the revelation of who you are is what is holding you back. 

     Enoch understood that there was a sacrifice yet to come, I was already pleased with him because he believed. So did Abraham. He believed so much that he was changed into a young man again and also Sarah who bore a child in her old age. All because they believed there are no limits for the children of the Almighty.

     Will you believe my child? Will you only believe? I have said many wonderful things about you in my book. Will you read it and believe it? Will you open your heart and mind and let me show you who you are? I have so many things to tell you about who you are and how much I love you, and I want you to walk in the power of the heavenly age. Will you open your mind and your heart and not be afraid? I will keep you safe.

     Remember my beloved ones, see yourselves constantly in my fire and my spirit. I wrapped you in my Spirit and my love so don’t fear ever again. Open your hearts to my love and let me cast out all fear.

     Please my loved ones. Think about what Jesus paid for you and settling for anything less does not bring him the glory he deserves. Love each other my children and be patient with each other. I am with you and it hurts me to see you angry with each other. I am forever patient with you but I am grieved when my children fight each other. You are already living in your eternity, so love like it.

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words. I hope they sink deep into your heart and bring forth much fruit. I pray that you understand them and are blessed by them. 

     I pray that you will come to know God as he knows you. He is a loving and kind father and he will take care of you. Yes, he will take you into places you don’t understand but he will always be with you and he will always be for you. 

     No matter what trial you are facing today, you are not alone. Your Father loves you and will never forsake you. It’s time to start knowing him as your loving, kind hearted father who wants to wrap his arms around you and love you like you have never been loved before. It’s time to know him as he truly is.

     So throw out all the fables and lies you have heard about him. Look into his heart. Look through the cross and you will see his love. What kind of father would do what he did? He sent his only son to die and save you. Isn’t that the greatest act of love you have ever seen? So why are you afraid? Step into his cloud, step into his power and his might and his love, and never step out again. 

     Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love each of you very much,

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Monday, May 16, 2016

Marching Orders

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Luke Chapter Seven

1. After he had finished all his sayings in the hearing of the people, he entered Capernaum. 
2. Now a centurion had a servant who was sick and at the point of death, who was highly valued by him. 
3. When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent to him elders of the Jews, asking him to come and heal his servant. 
4. And when they came to Jesus, they pleaded with him earnestly, saying, “He is worthy to have you do this for him, 
5. For he loves our nation, and he is the one who built us our synagogue.” 
6. And Jesus went with them. When he was not far from the house, the centurion sent friends, saying to him, “Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof. 
7. Therefore I did not presume to come to you. But say the word, and let my servant be healed. 
8. For I too am a man set under authority, with soldiers under me: and I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” 
9. When Jesus heard these things, he marveled at him, and turning to the crowd that followed him, said, “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.” 
10. And when those who had been sent returned to the house, they found the servant well.

     While meditating on these scriptures today the light of revelation turned on and Father began speaking to me some things about these verses. He asked me to share the words with you so here are his words and I hope you are blessed by them.

     My son, so many of my children miss the point of this message. Yes Jesus healed someone and that was a miracle but this wasn’t just the point. This message was written to teach you about personal faith.

     My son marveled at this faith because the centurion understood how the kingdom works. He recognized that my son Jesus was on a mission. He was under authority and with authority. He understood that no man could do the things that Jesus did unless he had a mandate from heaven to do such things.

     Here is what most of my children miss in this message. The centurion knew that each person under him was given a specific instruction. He would tell “one” to come and he would come. He would tell another to “go” and he would go and to another he would say “do this” and he would do it.

     This is where the church today misunderstands the message. Each of you is under authority and with authority but not each of you has the same mission. I will give one person a vision and they will share it and all others think that they should follow and do the same thing. It doesn’t work that way. Did you get saved by someone else’s revelation of Jesus or did you get your own?

     This is the way my kingdom works. Each of you should come to me for instructions directly from me. I will tell each of you what you are called to do and I will empower you with authority to do so. Not everyone is called to be an apostle. Not everyone is called to be an evangelist or pastor or teacher. I promise you each part of the body does have a specific calling and I have given each one authority for their call.

     The centurion understood that Jesus' word was the final authority and whatever he said would come to pass and it did. I have ordained good works for each of my children to walk in and they have authority to do that job. This is where the confusion comes in among my children. So many want to be everything except what I called them to be and are failing because they don’t have the authority or the gifting of my spirit to do that job.

     Do you remember Act’s chapter sixteen verse six? 6. And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia.

     After Jesus told the apostles to go into all the world and preach the gospel my Spirit told Paul not to go to Asia at that time? Does this seem alike a contradiction to you or was it a different set of instructions for a different Apostle?

     Do you remember in John Chapter twenty one Jesus told Peter that when he was old they would take him by a way he didn’t want to go? And the when he asked about the one that Jesus loved he was told, “what if he remains until I come?”

     Each of my children has a specific plan laid out and when all those plans come to pass then my kingdom takes over the earth. Each of you is given a specific plan just like a military. Not everyone drives a tank or flies a jet, but those who make the weapons are just as important as those who use them.

     I have a great plan to take over the earth by a way that the world will never expect. They are looking for an invading army and instead will be taken over from the inside out by the greatest weapon ever wielded. It is the weapon of love. Your enemy can fight anger and strife, for these weapons he is familiar with, but he is no match for my love.

     Isn’t this the weapon that Jesus wielded? He went about doing good healing all that were oppressed by the devil and he looted his kingdom. It should be the same today. When my children learn to come to me for specific plans then my kingdom will advance. 

     Right now my military is in disarray. Too many people trying to do things they weren’t instructed to do and are not empowered to do. Too many loose cannons and too many people who are supposed to be on the front lines are sitting at home because they were told they didn’t have what it takes to make a difference.

     It’s this simple, each of my born again, blood bought children has more power than all of the forces of darkness. They just don’t know it and don’t know what they are empowered to do because they got their marching orders from someone else who never got theirs and it all winds up chaotic.

     Most have stepped out and tried to do something I didn’t ordain for them and when they failed they quit trying and gave up altogether. We have to change this. I need everyone to do their part. I need each of you to come to the secret headquarters, also known as your prayer closet. I need each of you to ask me what your part is and how to get started.

     Don’t forget each part is important so be happy with what you are assigned to do and carry out your mission with joy and excellence realizing that you are not out to just destroy darkness but out to rescue all the prisoners of war and restore them to health. This is about love my children. Yes evil will be destroyed but my loved ones are being rescued and that’s the point.

     I need each of you to see lost people like I see them. Imagine they are your child. What would you do to save your own? This is how the kingdom will advance. Yes you are your brother’s keeper so have each other’s backs. No more fighting among the ranks. Become one with me and let’s rescue all that we can. Let’s fight for love and freedom and to create heaven on earth. Let’s not fight in anger but in faith in my love for each person ever born.

     Will you do this my beloved ones? Will you come into the secret headquarters and get your marching orders? If I tell you to go will you go? If I tell you to stay and pray will you stay and pray? Will you be the one under authority and with authority? Will you be so in tune with me that every word I speak through you will come to pass? I love you my dear children and I need you to be who I made you to be.

     Please my children, stop the fighting among yourselves over rank and position. Love each other and love me and my kingdom. Love righteousness and hate evil not just because it’s evil but because it destroys my children. 

     Oh how much you are loved and how my heart longs for the day when we all dwell together in love. Don’t be afraid my beloved ones. I am always with you and I will never leave you.

I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Be Anxious For Nothing

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Philippians Four Verses Six and Seven

 Be anxious for nothing,
 but in everything
 by prayer and supplication 
with thanksgiving 
let your requests be made known to God.
  And the peace of God, 
which surpasses all comprehension,
 will guard your hearts 
and your minds in Christ Jesus.

     Yesterday while praying these verses came to me and then Father's sweet tender voice came to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you.

     Children of my Spirit and my love, why are you anxious? Why do you fret and worry over things that you see with your eyes and hear with your ears? It is time to cast your cares upon me for I do really care for you. I told you in scripture to be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your requests known unto me.

     It’s not that I don’t know what you need. I know all things and have already supplied your lives to the fullest, for I knew every circumstance that would arrive in your lives long before you were put on earth. If I care for the birds and make sure they have food and if I supply the flowers with rain and sun why would you ever think that I would withhold any good thing from you?

     Don’t you know how much you are loved? Please take a moment and consider the cross of my son. We loved you so much that he gave up his place in heaven where he was king and had authority and might far beyond your imagination, and he set that aside to come to earth and suffer under earthly conditions, and subject himself to earthly rulers whom were put in place by him and for him. Because of our love for you the king of all ages submitted himself to those who are only kings in their own minds and allowed them to crucify him.

     He who had never even considered sin subjected himself to become sin on that cross and he didn’t just take your sin but the sin of the whole world from the first man Adam to last person ever born in the earthly age. 

     Sin was totally foreign to him. His heart had no concept of disobedience to me and yet he subjected himself to that just because of our great love for you. He took on himself the guilt and punishment for every evil act of all of mankind just because He loves you.

     He took away your sins and opened heaven up to you for eternity. He has prepared a place for each of you for eternity. A place of love and fellowship and wonder. You will forever be searching out the riches of our grace towards you. If we did all this because of our love for you then don’t you think we planned and supplied all your needs long before you arrived here?

    Seriously take some time and meditate on how much you are loved. Perfect love casts out all fear. All anxiety and worry is rooted in fear which is destroyed by love. Once you truly understand how much you are loved then these anxieties and worries will fall away and you will no longer be troubled by them.

     This is why I said to make your requests known with thanksgiving because you have confidence that whatever you need or ask for will be supplied so you can skip right into receiving that which you asked for. All because I love you.

     True faith is based in my love for you. That is why you can ask with thanksgiving knowing that I will never withhold any good thing from you. You are my delight and my treasure and it brings me great joy to supply all you need not according to your ability but according to my glorious riches in Christ. All we need is for you to have faith in our love for you and then your prayers will work.

     The converse is also true. All unbelief is rooted in fear and not love. Unbelief in its simplest form is doubt in my love for you. If you really knew you were loved then you would never have any doubt.

     Do you remember the story of the leper who came to my son and said “If you are willing you can make me clean?” The man had faith that Jesus could do it, but he had no faith that he would do it for him. 

     This is the same in most of my children’s lives today. They have faith in me and know that I am able, but their faith is lacking because they don’t know how much I am not only willing, but eager to meet every need. My love for you will not allow anything else. 

     It is my greatest joy to be your Father and to supply all you could ever need. This is who I am my beloved. I am your Father because I love being your Father. I chose you as my child and adopted you by the blood of my son because I love you and I want you to be my child and I love being your Father.

     This is why many of my children’s faith is shipwrecked today. The so called faith message teaches you that you are rewarded by what you do. But the truth is you have received an inheritance because you are my child and because you are loved. Your faith should not rest in how many scriptures you are claiming or how many good works you have done but it should rest in how much I love you and there is a cross to prove it. You receive because of the works that my son did and not because of your own.

     Once faith in my love is re-established then prayer with thanksgiving will be a great joy in your life, as all doubt is destroyed and whatever you ask for in my name is given to you. My name is Love. Ask in that name. 

     This is why I said that unless you are humble as a little child then you won’t see the kingdom work for you. A humble child does not expect to be blessed according to his ability but expect surprises from a loving Father because he knows that he is loved.

     So my beloved ones, will you lay aside your doubt and unbelief and meditate on how much you are loved and how that I am a good Father who gives good gifts to his children. My gifts are because of my character, not yours. 

     Have faith in who I am by becoming one with my love. Every time doubt arises chase it away with love. Now that you know it is based on fear you know how to make it flee. My perfect love for you will always drive away fear. Don’t fight fear with faith in my power. Fight fear with faith in my love.

     Please my beloved give me your cares and worries and let me fill your heart and minds with my love. This is the new covenant. I will write my laws upon your hearts and minds. First on your heart because that is where you love from. Once my love laws are written there then I will reprogram your mind with my love until there is no room there for doubt.

     It really is that simple. No matter what the question, love is the answer. Will you accept my love for you my children and will you love each other as I have loved you?

     I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Friday, May 6, 2016

The Next Generation

     For an audio version of this message please click below:

     While praying and worshiping today Father's kind voice came to me and spoke to me the following words. He asked that I share them with you.
Here are his words.

     My son, please speak to my beloved children. I want so much more for each of you than you are experiencing. The church today is like the children of Israel in the wilderness. They have been set free by the blood of my son and are not physically bound in Egypt but in their minds they are still in slavery to the system called religion.

     I have called and called by my Spirit and begged my children to leave the ways of Egypt behind and follow me into the blessed land of rest but most are still slaves. Just like in the wilderness their basic needs of food, water and shelter are provided but I have a land of promise full of great things and blessings. It is a land flowing with milk and honey. The milk for the babies and the honey for those mature enough to get a good taste of me and to know that I am sweet and not sour.

     Most of my children see me as the taskmasters they left behind and think I am hard and mean and looking for a reason to smite them. I am not this way. I am Love and I am peace and I am safety. I am for each of you and not against any of you. I want all my children to be free from the bondage that still haunts your souls and minds. I want my beloved ones safe in my rest in my peace and not running back and forth through the wilderness with their hearts torn between the promise ahead and the world behind.

     My son, I am telling you these things because there is a new generation coming that will know me and will know that I am good and not evil. They will believe with their whole hearts that I am the one who delivers them and I am the one who has an eternity of good things stored up for them.

     This will be a generation of faith never seen before. They will walk in the power of my promise and will inherit kingdom power from birth and will know who I am in them, and will know who they are in me. They will not be torn between religion and truth but will be sanctified and living in my full truth and will change the earth by their worship and their acts of kindness and love.

     These enlightened ones will put away all the fables about me and will know the love of a Father from their youth and will not be ashamed of their birthright but will embrace it and shout to the world that their God reigns in the heavens.

     They will make no excuses for their faith and will not apologize for their beliefs. They will look kings and rulers in the eye and tell them who is God and who is not. They will have no fear in them and they will know that when they were born again they buried the old person they used to be once and for all. No more going back across the river of death and trying to live in both worlds.

     They will finally understand what it means to be dead to sin and alive to me. They will put sin and death under their feet and will walk in holiness and light. Many in the world will flee from them because of their brightness and they will be like the son in the noonday, and will light up the night as if it were afternoon.

     The world will shake before them and kingdoms of this world will fall into their hands and in their meekness all the land shall become theirs. In this generation will all the prophets of old be justified, and they will be glad to witness the ones they prophesied about taking the earth for my glory.

     In this generation the prayer of my son in John seventeen will be fulfilled. My people and I will be one heart, one mind and one body. There will be great joy as all those who predicted gloom and doom for the earth will be overcome with my goodness, and will give in to my love and will surrender their hearts to me. They will realize that I am a God who wants salvation and not destruction. They will see that my fire is for purification and not for destruction. They will stop demanding judgment and will pray for mercy for they will finally know my heart.

     Many will hear these words today and not believe. Just as in the wilderness many didn’t believe they were able to dwell in the land of promise because they thought the power of evil was greater than the power of love. Their enemies were giants in their eyes and I was small.

     Sadly it’s the same today. So many of my beloved ones don’t think I still save, heal and deliver. They see me as no match for the systems of the world and don’t truly believe in their hearts that I rule and all things exist because of me and for my purpose. They don’t understand the plan of the ages and only see the small page of history that they live on. I wish that they would know me for who I am and turn to me and let me give them my faith in exchange for their unbelief. I want to heal them and let them behold my greatness and goodness until they are convinced of my supremacy in all things. I want them to enjoy the goodness of my promise in the land of the living and not wait until they come home to me to know that I am good.

     So my beloved, it’s time for a change in attitude. It’s time to put away expecting great darkness and expect great light to change the earth. Yes the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood but only because the sun has no glory in my presence and the moon is ashamed in my light. I dwell in great darkness because my light is extreme and compared to me all light is as midnight.

     It is time my beloved to change your minds about me. If I saved you don’t you think I want to save the whole world? Don’t you think I love everyone’s children as much as I do yours? So many of my children cry for judgment against every child but their own. It is time for my people to fall on their knees and cry out for mercy from heaven on all that are lost. It’s time for my children to feel the same way about the lost as I do. Will you do this my beloved? Will you cry out to me to save your enemies? When you cry out for the salvation of your enemies as much as you do for your children then you will be like me.

     This is who I am my beloved. The blood of my son made total peace between me and mankind. Peace on earth and goodwill toward men. Not destruction. Good will. My son broke down the wall of sin between us when he became sin on that cross and took your sins and the sins of the whole world into the grave and arose in glory without them.

     Please my beloved. Will you go tell the world I am in love with them and that there is a generation coming that will believe it and walk in it? Will you tell them that my power and my Spirit will be poured out without measure until all that can be saved will be saved and only those who will not surrender to my goodness will be lost?

     Will you teach the next generation who they are and tell them why they are here and tell them how their generation will see the glory poured out like no other? Will you tell them that I am good and not evil? Will you tell them I seek to save and not to destroy? Will you tell them that the blood of my son was enough to take sin out of their lives? Will you tell them to abandon the ways of religion and cling to the glorious cross of my son?

     Please my beloved, don’t you see what a great price I paid for you? Do you think I would pay that price if I didn’t count you as valuable to me? Those of you with children will understand. How much of your life would you lay down to save your child from eternal destruction? Part of it or all of it? 

     So stop looking at yourselves and behold the love that your Father has for each of you. Then return that love to me by loving each other with all that you have. Remember greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends. I love you my children, I love you my friends.

I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
 I love you all,

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