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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Step Into My Book

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     Recently while praying, Father spoke to me and gave me these words. I hope you are encouraged by them.

     My son share these words with my beloved ones. It is time for my people to stop wandering from place to place and wondering where I am. I am with you and in you and if you want to find me then look into your heart and see me smile at you. 

     Don’t be dismayed by what you see in the news or by all the hype about the days you live in. Do you think because it’s a certain time that I am no longer on the throne? I am and will always be on the throne and yes there are those on the earth that think they can hide me or overthrow me but do you really think for one moment that they have the power to do so?

     I laugh at their plans and I wonder how the thing that was created could imagine overthrowing its creator. Could you imagine going into a wood shop and building a desk or a chair and have the thing you built rise up and overtake you? Would you be patient like me and let it play out to show the silliness of it, or would you immediately run it through the table saw until it was dust?

     There are so many on TV and radio that scream anti-Christ this and anti-Christ that and never get around to mentioning the real Christ who sits with me on the throne. So don’t be caught up in their fear and gloom my beloved ones. Look inside your heart and you will see that I am with you and I reign forever. You don’t need to be afraid of the day you are in or about the things coming upon the earth.

     I have told you through my prophet Isaiah that my government will increase and my kingdom will take over the world, and in my scriptures I made it plain that you will rule and reign with me on the earth. So what is there to be afraid of?

     All of this fear is very destructive. People spend hour after hour reading books and watching movies of scary things and yet they don’t spend five minutes reading the letters in red in their bibles. We have to change this my beloved ones.

     I have a new plan for each of you. I want you to really study the gospels and especially the words in red and learn of my son. When you see who he really is then you will see who I am. When you know who I am you will know who you are because you are my child.

     So please my beloved, take time to read my love letter and see how much you are loved. Don’t read it to find out what is coming in your age. Don’t read it to find out how to prosper. Don’t read it to find out how to have power. Read it and let it paint a picture in your hearts of who I am.

     So many fables and traditions have been taught and so many lies have been told about who I am. No wonder they didn’t recognize my son when he came. They were expecting a fire breathing killing machine ready to wipe out anyone who disagreed with them.

     It’s the same in many pulpits today. Hell, fire, and damnation on everyone’s house but their own. We must change these things my beloved. I want you to study my son and by beholding who he is in scripture you will become like him.

     Look at his gentleness. He wouldn’t break a bruised reed or put out a smoking candle. He was merciful to all from the elderly, to the babies, and he showed kindness towards all, even those that hated him. He was and is the most humble man who ever lived or will live. His life showed the essence of what love really is, and he demonstrated for you what a child of heaven should be.

     So please go back to your scriptures my children and look at Jesus once again to know who he is. Think about why you fell in love with him in the first place and fall in love again every day. Keep your eyes on his light and turn off the darkness that the world tries to sell you.

     I want you to read the gospels again through the eyes of that love. Imagine Jesus not as the historical figure but look at him as your best friend. Everywhere you see his name add the words “my best friend” behind it. Put yourself in the picture and see it as if it was happening before your eyes. Don’t just read the gospels but seriously give your heart to them to see all that Jesus is. This will enlighten the eyes of your heart and you will see with eyes you have seldom used.

     I want to show you who I really am. I am not an angry old man sitting in heaven with a stick that I can’t wait to hit you with. I am living in your heart because I love you so much that you are heaven to me. Once you really see Jesus as the personal expression of me then you will know I have always loved you and there has never been a moment in history that I wasn’t in love with you and calling you to me.

     I want us to become one in mind as we already are in spirit. I want our thoughts to merge and I want you to think what I think about you and about others. Jesus showed you what we think about you. He shed his blood to save you because we counted you more valuable than all the treasures of heaven.

     It’s the same reason your enemy fights to steal people from me. He knows that I don’t count my treasure in silver, gold or precious stones but my treasure is people. The people I made in my image so that we could have fellowship together. He knows how valuable you are to me. It’s time for you to know how valuable you are to me.

     Please my beloved ones. Don’t buy into the condemnation and doom. I love you with all my heart and I want you to know who I am so you will run to me and not from me. I want you to understand who I am, and the gospels that I had written for you are a doorway into my heart. My scriptures are an invitation to know me as I am. So please for the sake of my love for you, don’t let anyone else tell you who you are. Come to me and I’ll show you who you are and why you are so loved.

     Will you read my love letter one more time? Will you take off your agenda glasses and eschatology glasses and just read it through the eyes of a Father trying to save is children? Will you do this my beloved? I promise my Spirit will open the eyes of love that are in your heart so you can understand who I am and who you are. Step into my book and I’ll meet you there.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment. 
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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