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Philippians Four Verses Six and Seven
Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything
by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God,
which surpasses all comprehension,
will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Yesterday while praying these verses came to me and then Father's sweet tender voice came to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you.
It’s not that I don’t know what you need. I know all things and have already supplied your lives to the fullest, for I knew every circumstance that would arrive in your lives long before you were put on earth. If I care for the birds and make sure they have food and if I supply the flowers with rain and sun why would you ever think that I would withhold any good thing from you?
Don’t you know how much you are loved? Please take a moment and consider the cross of my son. We loved you so much that he gave up his place in heaven where he was king and had authority and might far beyond your imagination, and he set that aside to come to earth and suffer under earthly conditions, and subject himself to earthly rulers whom were put in place by him and for him. Because of our love for you the king of all ages submitted himself to those who are only kings in their own minds and allowed them to crucify him.
He who had never even considered sin subjected himself to become sin on that cross and he didn’t just take your sin but the sin of the whole world from the first man Adam to last person ever born in the earthly age.
Sin was totally foreign to him. His heart had no concept of disobedience to me and yet he subjected himself to that just because of our great love for you. He took on himself the guilt and punishment for every evil act of all of mankind just because He loves you.
He took away your sins and opened heaven up to you for eternity. He has prepared a place for each of you for eternity. A place of love and fellowship and wonder. You will forever be searching out the riches of our grace towards you. If we did all this because of our love for you then don’t you think we planned and supplied all your needs long before you arrived here?
Seriously take some time and meditate on how much you are loved. Perfect love casts out all fear. All anxiety and worry is rooted in fear which is destroyed by love. Once you truly understand how much you are loved then these anxieties and worries will fall away and you will no longer be troubled by them.
This is why I said to make your requests known with thanksgiving because you have confidence that whatever you need or ask for will be supplied so you can skip right into receiving that which you asked for. All because I love you.
True faith is based in my love for you. That is why you can ask with thanksgiving knowing that I will never withhold any good thing from you. You are my delight and my treasure and it brings me great joy to supply all you need not according to your ability but according to my glorious riches in Christ. All we need is for you to have faith in our love for you and then your prayers will work.
The converse is also true. All unbelief is rooted in fear and not love. Unbelief in its simplest form is doubt in my love for you. If you really knew you were loved then you would never have any doubt.
Do you remember the story of the leper who came to my son and said “If you are willing you can make me clean?” The man had faith that Jesus could do it, but he had no faith that he would do it for him.
He took away your sins and opened heaven up to you for eternity. He has prepared a place for each of you for eternity. A place of love and fellowship and wonder. You will forever be searching out the riches of our grace towards you. If we did all this because of our love for you then don’t you think we planned and supplied all your needs long before you arrived here?
Seriously take some time and meditate on how much you are loved. Perfect love casts out all fear. All anxiety and worry is rooted in fear which is destroyed by love. Once you truly understand how much you are loved then these anxieties and worries will fall away and you will no longer be troubled by them.
This is why I said to make your requests known with thanksgiving because you have confidence that whatever you need or ask for will be supplied so you can skip right into receiving that which you asked for. All because I love you.
True faith is based in my love for you. That is why you can ask with thanksgiving knowing that I will never withhold any good thing from you. You are my delight and my treasure and it brings me great joy to supply all you need not according to your ability but according to my glorious riches in Christ. All we need is for you to have faith in our love for you and then your prayers will work.
The converse is also true. All unbelief is rooted in fear and not love. Unbelief in its simplest form is doubt in my love for you. If you really knew you were loved then you would never have any doubt.
Do you remember the story of the leper who came to my son and said “If you are willing you can make me clean?” The man had faith that Jesus could do it, but he had no faith that he would do it for him.
This is the same in most of my children’s lives today. They have faith in me and know that I am able, but their faith is lacking because they don’t know how much I am not only willing, but eager to meet every need. My love for you will not allow anything else.
It is my greatest joy to be your Father and to supply all you could ever need. This is who I am my beloved. I am your Father because I love being your Father. I chose you as my child and adopted you by the blood of my son because I love you and I want you to be my child and I love being your Father.
This is why many of my children’s faith is shipwrecked today. The so called faith message teaches you that you are rewarded by what you do. But the truth is you have received an inheritance because you are my child and because you are loved. Your faith should not rest in how many scriptures you are claiming or how many good works you have done but it should rest in how much I love you and there is a cross to prove it. You receive because of the works that my son did and not because of your own.
Once faith in my love is re-established then prayer with thanksgiving will be a great joy in your life, as all doubt is destroyed and whatever you ask for in my name is given to you. My name is Love. Ask in that name.
This is why many of my children’s faith is shipwrecked today. The so called faith message teaches you that you are rewarded by what you do. But the truth is you have received an inheritance because you are my child and because you are loved. Your faith should not rest in how many scriptures you are claiming or how many good works you have done but it should rest in how much I love you and there is a cross to prove it. You receive because of the works that my son did and not because of your own.
Once faith in my love is re-established then prayer with thanksgiving will be a great joy in your life, as all doubt is destroyed and whatever you ask for in my name is given to you. My name is Love. Ask in that name.
This is why I said that unless you are humble as a little child then you won’t see the kingdom work for you. A humble child does not expect to be blessed according to his ability but expect surprises from a loving Father because he knows that he is loved.
So my beloved ones, will you lay aside your doubt and unbelief and meditate on how much you are loved and how that I am a good Father who gives good gifts to his children. My gifts are because of my character, not yours.
So my beloved ones, will you lay aside your doubt and unbelief and meditate on how much you are loved and how that I am a good Father who gives good gifts to his children. My gifts are because of my character, not yours.
Have faith in who I am by becoming one with my love. Every time doubt arises chase it away with love. Now that you know it is based on fear you know how to make it flee. My perfect love for you will always drive away fear. Don’t fight fear with faith in my power. Fight fear with faith in my love.
Please my beloved give me your cares and worries and let me fill your heart and minds with my love. This is the new covenant. I will write my laws upon your hearts and minds. First on your heart because that is where you love from. Once my love laws are written there then I will reprogram your mind with my love until there is no room there for doubt.
It really is that simple. No matter what the question, love is the answer. Will you accept my love for you my children and will you love each other as I have loved you?
Please my beloved give me your cares and worries and let me fill your heart and minds with my love. This is the new covenant. I will write my laws upon your hearts and minds. First on your heart because that is where you love from. Once my love laws are written there then I will reprogram your mind with my love until there is no room there for doubt.
It really is that simple. No matter what the question, love is the answer. Will you accept my love for you my children and will you love each other as I have loved you?
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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