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My children, don’t be dismayed at what I am teaching you. There are truths that people in religious circles are unwilling to grasp because they are locked into tradition. Over the last few days I have brought you to a place you never thought you would go and I have gathered materials for you to study from many places. This is not by accident.
I have been teaching you to sanctify your imagination for this purpose. I have to get my people to understand that faith sees a finished work and sees that world in the realm of the imagination. This is how visions work. I give people visions and then they see the finished work and it brings the vision to pass because they get on a trail that leads to the finished work. This is how you walk in good works.
In scripture I called it believing with your heart. It’s really this simple: positive vision is faith and negative vision is unbelief. This is not saying that you will not see bad things: But any vision that fails to show provision for you is incorrect. I told you that I am your shepherd and you shall not want. So any vision showing you with lack is not from me.
I told you that if you believe you can enter into rest because the works are finished. There’s no striving and crying and begging. There is a trust that what I showed you will come to pass and is already done and placed in its position on the scale of your life.
Imagine your life as a number line like you studied in school with dates on it. I established and finished works before you were born and deposited them on that line in their position. The works were finished and put in place.
For example: The work I finished for you today was to come alone and study with me. You are here exactly where you are supposed to be doing what I finished before you were born. I didn’t call you to “do” I called you to “be”.
I told you that faith is the substance of things you hope for. When you want something you develop a hope inside you that puts in a request for the thing you hoped for. Hope will not bring the thing you desire, only faith will. Hope says maybe I can have that. Faith says, my father knew I would want this so he created it for me and then gave me the desire so that I would want it. Your faith is in not in things but in the truth that I love you and want you to have good things.
Faith must be directed towards my love and total satisfaction in you, and your hope goes out and latches on to things for my love to bring you. Many people don’t understand love so they hope for things that are destructive for them. Love will not give a child a serpent. You must have faith in my love and know I will bring what is absolutely best for you.
I told you that faith is the substance of things you hope for. When you want something you develop a hope inside you that puts in a request for the thing you hoped for. Hope will not bring the thing you desire, only faith will. Hope says maybe I can have that. Faith says, my father knew I would want this so he created it for me and then gave me the desire so that I would want it. Your faith is in not in things but in the truth that I love you and want you to have good things.
Faith must be directed towards my love and total satisfaction in you, and your hope goes out and latches on to things for my love to bring you. Many people don’t understand love so they hope for things that are destructive for them. Love will not give a child a serpent. You must have faith in my love and know I will bring what is absolutely best for you.
For instance if you wanted a shovel to dig a ditch and you asked me for one, but I know the work I finished for you is greater than what a shovel can do, so I bring you a tractor instead. My love seeks out my purpose in your life and brings you what is best for you.
Sometimes people force their own way and go out and take by force that which they are hoping for and end up paying for something that I wanted to give them for free. They get off the timeline that I have for them and try to work things out for themselves and wind up disgusted and off course. Sometimes they want to take a shortcut and skip over the time line and jump from point a to point c and miss b. What they didn’t know that deposited at point b was the tool they needed for point c and now they have arrived at a place ill equipped and they fail.
When you plant corn the ear doesn’t grow out of the seed. The stalk grows out of the seed and then the ear out of the stalk. There is time and purpose to everything I do. It’s very important that you let me teach you these things and don’t try to force your way into the future but take one day at a time and let me lead you. If you want to know my wisdom just study nature and you will see it.
The church has tried to build up their faith to receive things I already gave them. Instead of trying to have faith to move mountains they should be focused on developing faith in me and my character.
It goes back to the surrendering. Surrender to my love and let me bring about all the finished works into your life. There is a time and season for all things and you need to know the season that you are in. Nature copies the kingdom not the other way around.
Those that are led by the spirit are my sons and daughters. My spirit puts the purpose and direction in your spirit and then you can look inside for directions. In the wilderness the fire and the cloud were external. In the kingdom the fire and the cloud are inside you. So follow the cloud and follow the fire.
Even when Paul the mighty apostle didn’t know where to go he had a dream. The dream was inside him. You dream on the screen of your imagination. Stop looking for outward signs and just do what your heart is telling you to do. I live inside you so when I speak to you or show you something then you will see or hear it inside.
If you keep yourself humble and guard your heart then your heart won’t lead you the wrong way. Reason will lead you the wrong direction but love never gets lost. Ask yourself which way would love go and follow that path. Don’t be moved by guilt or regret, only be moved by love.
Just as Jesus was moved by compassion when he healed the multitudes of people, you should let the passion in your heart lead you. Remember, it’s passion of your heart, not lust of your flesh. That’s why the miracle power I promised is not working in the church today. The motives of the hearts of my people aren’t pure. They want miracles to prove something. Some want to validate their ministries by showing forth miracles. Some want my power to flow to validate their doctrine.
When my people are willing to seek the good of others out of love and are willing to do it in secret then it will happen. The reason that you don’t see many great miracles on video is for that reason. It’s not about the show with me. I would rather heal in secret. You notice even at the gate called beautiful when Peter and John healed the lame man they didn’t make a show of it. They didn’t take him inside and set him in front of everyone and say “hey watch how powerful we are” and pray for him. They fixed him where they found him. Love is personal, it’s not for show.
It’s the same reason I want you to come away and let me teach you personally; because I love you. If you love me you will feel the same way and want to get away from others and spend time with me. There will be a day that you will go to others to teach but you have need of my presence first. The gospel is powerless without a personal relationship empowering it.
Many people fail at preaching because they get the preaching part ahead of the power. They know about me and they go tell everyone what they’ve learned about me from others, and not what they learned about me while laying their head on my chest. I want my people to preach the gospel because they love me. I so loved the world I sent my son. Someone has to make it about love again.
Most preachers today preach out of a desire to be right. They want to be justified for having faith in me. They don’t realized they were justified by my faith not theirs. They go about trying to prove their own works are righteous instead of humbling themselves before me and letting me prove that my righteousness dwells in them.
Doing something just because it is the right thing to do is not reason enough to do it. Do something because of love and or no other reason. I am the only source of love in the universe, so if you going to get love that makes a difference, then there is only one place to get it. Surrender to me and let me put my love for people inside you. Love them with my love, not yours.
John didn’t write about how much he loved others, he wrote about how much I loved him. Perfect love casts out all fear so where do you get perfect love? Does it come in knowledge or wisdom or works, or does it come from my heart pouring it into yours by spending time with me? You must know my love for you before you can be effective sharing that love with others.
What I am teaching you is that this time you spend with me is imparting me into you. I am being formed inside you and the spirit that I put inside you is growing in my presence and will take you where I have prepared you to go. Follow the spirit within you and you will go the right way.
Listen to your heart my beloved. I put the directions inside you. Stop thinking so much from your head and start thinking with your heart. Thinking that comes from the mind is polluted by worldly things. Loving comes from the heart. When you consider a matter don’t think about what you have to do; think about what you would love to do.
The mind of Christ I put within you is in your heart not in your head. Do you remember I told you to guard your heart for out of it flow the issues of life? The power of faith is out of your heart and not your mind. You didn’t get saved by believing with your mind but with your heart.
Here is a secret of faith. Bypass your mind and do all the believing with your heart. As you spend more time with me and get to know me better, then your heart will have more faith in me.
You can’t really have faith in someone you don’t know too well. For example, if you called your best friend for help would they come? How do you know? You know because you have spent time with them and know they love you. You know their love for you will bring them to you to help you. Just as yours would if they called.
Sometimes people force their own way and go out and take by force that which they are hoping for and end up paying for something that I wanted to give them for free. They get off the timeline that I have for them and try to work things out for themselves and wind up disgusted and off course. Sometimes they want to take a shortcut and skip over the time line and jump from point a to point c and miss b. What they didn’t know that deposited at point b was the tool they needed for point c and now they have arrived at a place ill equipped and they fail.
When you plant corn the ear doesn’t grow out of the seed. The stalk grows out of the seed and then the ear out of the stalk. There is time and purpose to everything I do. It’s very important that you let me teach you these things and don’t try to force your way into the future but take one day at a time and let me lead you. If you want to know my wisdom just study nature and you will see it.
The church has tried to build up their faith to receive things I already gave them. Instead of trying to have faith to move mountains they should be focused on developing faith in me and my character.
It goes back to the surrendering. Surrender to my love and let me bring about all the finished works into your life. There is a time and season for all things and you need to know the season that you are in. Nature copies the kingdom not the other way around.
Those that are led by the spirit are my sons and daughters. My spirit puts the purpose and direction in your spirit and then you can look inside for directions. In the wilderness the fire and the cloud were external. In the kingdom the fire and the cloud are inside you. So follow the cloud and follow the fire.
Even when Paul the mighty apostle didn’t know where to go he had a dream. The dream was inside him. You dream on the screen of your imagination. Stop looking for outward signs and just do what your heart is telling you to do. I live inside you so when I speak to you or show you something then you will see or hear it inside.
If you keep yourself humble and guard your heart then your heart won’t lead you the wrong way. Reason will lead you the wrong direction but love never gets lost. Ask yourself which way would love go and follow that path. Don’t be moved by guilt or regret, only be moved by love.
Just as Jesus was moved by compassion when he healed the multitudes of people, you should let the passion in your heart lead you. Remember, it’s passion of your heart, not lust of your flesh. That’s why the miracle power I promised is not working in the church today. The motives of the hearts of my people aren’t pure. They want miracles to prove something. Some want to validate their ministries by showing forth miracles. Some want my power to flow to validate their doctrine.
When my people are willing to seek the good of others out of love and are willing to do it in secret then it will happen. The reason that you don’t see many great miracles on video is for that reason. It’s not about the show with me. I would rather heal in secret. You notice even at the gate called beautiful when Peter and John healed the lame man they didn’t make a show of it. They didn’t take him inside and set him in front of everyone and say “hey watch how powerful we are” and pray for him. They fixed him where they found him. Love is personal, it’s not for show.
It’s the same reason I want you to come away and let me teach you personally; because I love you. If you love me you will feel the same way and want to get away from others and spend time with me. There will be a day that you will go to others to teach but you have need of my presence first. The gospel is powerless without a personal relationship empowering it.
Many people fail at preaching because they get the preaching part ahead of the power. They know about me and they go tell everyone what they’ve learned about me from others, and not what they learned about me while laying their head on my chest. I want my people to preach the gospel because they love me. I so loved the world I sent my son. Someone has to make it about love again.
Most preachers today preach out of a desire to be right. They want to be justified for having faith in me. They don’t realized they were justified by my faith not theirs. They go about trying to prove their own works are righteous instead of humbling themselves before me and letting me prove that my righteousness dwells in them.
Doing something just because it is the right thing to do is not reason enough to do it. Do something because of love and or no other reason. I am the only source of love in the universe, so if you going to get love that makes a difference, then there is only one place to get it. Surrender to me and let me put my love for people inside you. Love them with my love, not yours.
John didn’t write about how much he loved others, he wrote about how much I loved him. Perfect love casts out all fear so where do you get perfect love? Does it come in knowledge or wisdom or works, or does it come from my heart pouring it into yours by spending time with me? You must know my love for you before you can be effective sharing that love with others.
What I am teaching you is that this time you spend with me is imparting me into you. I am being formed inside you and the spirit that I put inside you is growing in my presence and will take you where I have prepared you to go. Follow the spirit within you and you will go the right way.
Listen to your heart my beloved. I put the directions inside you. Stop thinking so much from your head and start thinking with your heart. Thinking that comes from the mind is polluted by worldly things. Loving comes from the heart. When you consider a matter don’t think about what you have to do; think about what you would love to do.
The mind of Christ I put within you is in your heart not in your head. Do you remember I told you to guard your heart for out of it flow the issues of life? The power of faith is out of your heart and not your mind. You didn’t get saved by believing with your mind but with your heart.
Here is a secret of faith. Bypass your mind and do all the believing with your heart. As you spend more time with me and get to know me better, then your heart will have more faith in me.
You can’t really have faith in someone you don’t know too well. For example, if you called your best friend for help would they come? How do you know? You know because you have spent time with them and know they love you. You know their love for you will bring them to you to help you. Just as yours would if they called.
These things take time to learn and no one wants to spend the time with me it takes to know me. You can do works through the force of your natural mind but true works that I have finished are built out of faith in my love.
Here is the point I’m bringing you to. Know that I love you. If you know that I love you then you know that I’ll provide for you. You don’t have to think about what you need tomorrow. Your faith in my love will understand that I looked ahead and planned what you needed and it will be there when you get there.
There are two places to live in this life: In the wilderness or in my rest. You choose which one. One is a place where your needs are met and I keep you fed and clothed and protected. The other is flowing with my blessing and my peace. I have children in both places and I love them the same. The only difference is some of them have learned that I love them enough to lead them out of the wilderness, and others think I only love them enough to provide their basic necessities.
Joshua spent time in the tent and all those that stayed in the camp died in the wilderness. You have to come outside of the camp called religion to find me. Inside the camp the blind are leading the blind. They tell you come to church to find God and I’m calling you to come to me outside the camp. Learn of me and then go rescue those who are still in the wilderness.
Here is the point I’m bringing you to. Know that I love you. If you know that I love you then you know that I’ll provide for you. You don’t have to think about what you need tomorrow. Your faith in my love will understand that I looked ahead and planned what you needed and it will be there when you get there.
There are two places to live in this life: In the wilderness or in my rest. You choose which one. One is a place where your needs are met and I keep you fed and clothed and protected. The other is flowing with my blessing and my peace. I have children in both places and I love them the same. The only difference is some of them have learned that I love them enough to lead them out of the wilderness, and others think I only love them enough to provide their basic necessities.
Joshua spent time in the tent and all those that stayed in the camp died in the wilderness. You have to come outside of the camp called religion to find me. Inside the camp the blind are leading the blind. They tell you come to church to find God and I’m calling you to come to me outside the camp. Learn of me and then go rescue those who are still in the wilderness.
Leaders are made in the tent, not in the camp.
The way to build your faith to receive my promises is to meditate on who I am in your heart. Until you are certain of my love and my character your faith will not stand.
As you begin to know me and my heart it’s not a matter of releasing great faith or power. It’s just taking who I am and sharing it with the world. You will be able to share my things with others. You can take treasure out of your own heart and hand it to someone who is in need.
So forget the past failures and live out of your heart. Forget all those times you tried to get me to do things based on hope and a mental knowledge of my word, and not heart knowledge of me. Knowing my word is good but knowing me is better. You don’t have to choose between the two. You can have both.
The way to build your faith to receive my promises is to meditate on who I am in your heart. Until you are certain of my love and my character your faith will not stand.
As you begin to know me and my heart it’s not a matter of releasing great faith or power. It’s just taking who I am and sharing it with the world. You will be able to share my things with others. You can take treasure out of your own heart and hand it to someone who is in need.
So forget the past failures and live out of your heart. Forget all those times you tried to get me to do things based on hope and a mental knowledge of my word, and not heart knowledge of me. Knowing my word is good but knowing me is better. You don’t have to choose between the two. You can have both.
Please take time to meditate on all these things and know that I love you. Have faith in my love.
This was the end of the words that he spoke to me at that moment. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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