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One day while hiding in a secret place and praying, I was watching and listening to see what Father was going to teach me that day.
The wind was blowing leaves from the trees and scattering them all over. The sky was partly sunny and the fierce wind was blowing the clouds by as if they were in a hurry to be somewhere else. As I was watching and listening, Father’s voice came to me and said the following words:
My son: listen to the sound of the wind for a moment. Where did it come from my son? Where is it going? Where did the first current start and where will the last of the breeze die out? All these things are in my hand. The leaves you see blowing in the wind. Where will they land and come to rest and return to the dust of the earth? All these things I know my son.
My son: listen to the sound of the wind for a moment. Where did it come from my son? Where is it going? Where did the first current start and where will the last of the breeze die out? All these things are in my hand. The leaves you see blowing in the wind. Where will they land and come to rest and return to the dust of the earth? All these things I know my son.
Look up at the clouds racing through the turbulent sky. You see clouds but I see individual particles of water that I have traced since the dawn of creation. I know how many times each droplet of water has made the cycle from the ocean to the sky, back down the creeks and rivers and into the ocean. I know all these things.
Now my son, please share the following words with my beloved ones.
Some of you have heavy hearts because you believe that the mistakes you made are bigger than my grace. You think you have disqualified yourselves from my family because you made mistakes and now your hearts are hurting. After what I told you just now about the wind and the water, do you think I don’t know these things? I know all your hurts, pains and worries. I really do know every thought you have ever had or will have.
I knew every mistake that every person would ever make for eternity. I put all of those transgressions on my scale of justice and the weight of sin and regret drove that side of the scale to the bottom. The price required to balance the scale was immense and I am a God of justice and the scales had to balance.
There was one willing to lay his life and body on the other side of the scales to balance out the weight of the sin. He carried his cross up to the scale and they put him on the balance. The weight of his exceeding glory not only outweighed the sin, but his glory broke the scale so that sin would never be weighed again. He then took all the sin that was on the other side of the scale unto himself and dissolved it by washing it in his blood until no trace of it remained.
I am not counting your sins against you my beloved but just the fact that you care enough to be concerned means you love me. Even though all is forgiven you still have a conscience to guide you. This is the law written on the tablet of your heart. Even though you know there is forgiveness, your heart knows it’s better to walk in love than in regret. Just be sure when you are judging others or yourself you don’t take the cross and the sacrifice of my beloved son out of the equation.
Listen to your spirit to walk in truth and don’t be condemned by the law. All things are lawful for you my children, but you see now that even though you have liberty to do anything you like, some things are not good for you.
I will not condemn you for your mistakes and will help you walk through them. The main thing is to learn from it and not to go down the same path over and over. It is time for you to be free my children and be able to give yourself to me 100 percent.
There are so many great things I have for you and have wanted to give you but your focus has been on pleasing others. I am jealous over you and want you to spend time with me.
I knew every mistake that every person would ever make for eternity. I put all of those transgressions on my scale of justice and the weight of sin and regret drove that side of the scale to the bottom. The price required to balance the scale was immense and I am a God of justice and the scales had to balance.
There was one willing to lay his life and body on the other side of the scales to balance out the weight of the sin. He carried his cross up to the scale and they put him on the balance. The weight of his exceeding glory not only outweighed the sin, but his glory broke the scale so that sin would never be weighed again. He then took all the sin that was on the other side of the scale unto himself and dissolved it by washing it in his blood until no trace of it remained.
I am not counting your sins against you my beloved but just the fact that you care enough to be concerned means you love me. Even though all is forgiven you still have a conscience to guide you. This is the law written on the tablet of your heart. Even though you know there is forgiveness, your heart knows it’s better to walk in love than in regret. Just be sure when you are judging others or yourself you don’t take the cross and the sacrifice of my beloved son out of the equation.
Listen to your spirit to walk in truth and don’t be condemned by the law. All things are lawful for you my children, but you see now that even though you have liberty to do anything you like, some things are not good for you.
I will not condemn you for your mistakes and will help you walk through them. The main thing is to learn from it and not to go down the same path over and over. It is time for you to be free my children and be able to give yourself to me 100 percent.
There are so many great things I have for you and have wanted to give you but your focus has been on pleasing others. I am jealous over you and want you to spend time with me.
I know you want to do great works and your love for others is driving you to help them but you must come to me first. I have told you these things before. Keep my Spirit in the forefront of all that you do. Make staying in my presence the most important thing and everything else will fall into place.
Learn to keep your eyes on me at all times. You can learn to keep your eyes on me and help others at the same time but the focus has to be on me. I am your source and you must stay plugged into me for the power to flow. I am the vine. You are a branch. The branch does not support the vine. The vine feeds the branch. You bear fruit at my request. Staying connected to me is most important.
I just heard you ask in your heart how to do this. It’s not hard. Keep your mind on me: Keep my word flowing through your heart and mind. Stay away from anything that causes you to lose your place of peace. Don’t get involved in arguments or trash talking. Let nothing come out of your mouth that corrupts or belittles anyone. Speak only things that encourage and lift people up. Keep your eyes on the light. Do not behold evil of any kind. Stay free from all sin. Even though it’s forgiven and not counted against you don’t become entangled in it. See sin for what it is. It is poison for your soul.
You were washed in the blood of my son and are a new creation built in holiness. Why would you want to go back to the other side of the cross and live in hell again?
If you were drowning and a friend rescued you from the water why would you immediately jump back into the raging river? I made you free from the law of sin and death. You are under the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, and that law demands that you live and not die. Submit yourself to this law and live. It’s time to shake off all the little things that are keeping you from your goals.
There is still a high calling prize to be won. Not many win it. It is still greater than you can imagine. To be called up higher and see things not many see. To hear things most ears never hear. Being called to this place is a great honor. So set aside all these things that hinder you.
My beloved: Some of you will have to give up some friendships and even some family to follow me. I know you are attached to those around you whom you are now about to leave. Some of them are not willing to give themselves to me at this time but you can’t let others keep you from following me.
They think that big houses and money in the bank is wealth. They have no idea that the only true wealth in the universe is love. Love for me and love for people. True love is more scarce than gold. You are only now beginning to see the depth of my love and there is so much more for you to see as you grow in me.
You have left many before and now you no longer hurt because of them. Time will do the same here. Pray for them and love them. Each of you have seen days that you weren’t willing to surrender to me. Don’t judge them for not going where you go. Just keep following me and let me keep calling them unto me. Eventually they will give in and follow me.
It was hard for Abraham to send away Ishmael. It was hard for him to put Isaac upon the altar. It was hard for me to put my beloved Jesus upon that cross but we looked ahead to the joy that would come because of those righteous acts, and we rejoiced through the pain and saved the world. In time you will see that it was the right thing to do even though it hurts you now.
It will be easy to fall into works again and I know your hearts are pulled that way but it is really important that you come alone with me before you get into ministry. I have things that I want to give you that will make it so much better. You need to learn of me and learn to let me flow through you. These things will make it much better and you will be able to really help people and not just put a band aid on their problems.
Do you want to pray for the sick or heal the sick? Do you want to bury the dead or raise the dead? Do you want to continue to buy glasses for those who can’t see or to give them sight? These things abide in me my son. Spending time in my presence is where these things will be imparted to you and birthed in you.
The reason people don’t represent me well is because they don’t know me well. If you want to be as I am you must see me as I am. There is no other way my beloved. Come to me outside the camp and learn of me. I love you my children. Rejoice that your name is written in heaven and your sins are forgiven. All will be well soon.
I love each of you with an everlasting love that will never fade. Cling to love as if to a life raft in treacherous seas. Please love each other my beloved children and know that I am with you always: Even until the end of the age of ages.
This was the end of the words he spoke to me at that moment. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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