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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Enemy Within

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Second Corinthians Chapter Ten

3. For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.

Philippians Chapter Two

5. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

First Corinthians Chapter Two

“For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

     As I woke up this morning these verses kept bubbling up in my heart so I sat down and began to meditate on them and Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My little ones: Why are you looking for an external enemy? The only real fight you have is the battle that rages in your thoughts. One moment your Christ mind is getting the victory and you are singing and full of joy and full of hope and then that slips away into thinking about problems and bills and anger and all manner of nonsense.

     Why does this happen? Were you not warned against being double minded? What you need to realize is there will be no peace in your life until there is peace in your heart where you deepest thoughts come from. You must win the battle of thoughts to be successful. The reason you have good days and bad days is because you have good thoughts and bad thoughts.

     You can be transformed, which means transfigured by the renewing of your mind. It’s really simple: In the beginning Adam only knew that I was God. He didn’t concern himself with good and evil. When the temptation came to think upon evil he gave in to the temptation and the fallen mind took up residency in his soul. All of a sudden he thought that he was lacking because the fallen mind is fearful where the restored mind is full of faith.

     Because of this fallen mindset Adam felt guilt and anguish and shame. It’s the same today. My children go to false churches and are taught that they are lacking and can only be like me if they pray more and fast more and read the bible more and give more and more and more and more. Most of you are not taught the truth that you are beloved and perfectly accepted just as you are in my sight. Most of you aren’t told that I look at you with loving eyes and see no imperfection in you.

     Because you let this fallen mind live in you then you are constantly bombarded by multitudes of thoughts about “what if?” or “why not?” and a million other things. Negativity seems normal and because you sow all the negative things into the garden of your hearts you reap all these negative events in your life.

     The garden I wanted Adam to rule over was his mind and heart. Out of your heart flow all the issues of life. It’s not the snake in your tomatoes that is the problem; it’s the serpent thinking in your mind.

     Think of it this way: Is the mind and heart garden not a paradise? Where do beautiful works of art and beautiful music and wonderful ideas come from? Do they not come from the garden inside you?

     Once you fully overcome all evil thoughts you will once again be single minded and will walk in perfect harmony with me. It’s not the enemy without that you are at war with; but the enemy within. Cast down every thought that disagrees with perfect love. If it doesn’t agree with the greatest act of love ever done, which was my Son pouring out his love on the cross then it isn’t worth thinking.

     I want you to declare a holy war on all negative thought patterns in your hearts and minds. Make that your resolution. Don’t just see negative thoughts and fearful thoughts and imaginations as bad ideas but see them as what they are: Deadly serpents crawling around inside your mind. Don’t delay! Use the great power of my Spirit to drive all these things away.

     This is why you were told to set your mind on things above. Light dispels darkness. Love drives out all fear. When you are fearful think of my perfect love for you, for you have been loved since long before the world began.

     You are not just loved but you are adored. I don’t see you as a wicked sinner. I see you as my adorable child. More than any mother who ever held her baby and rejoiced in her heart and was overcome by emotions of love, so are my thoughts about you continually.

     I not only want you to know you are loved but I want you to know that I feel the same way about everyone you will ever know. I took away the sins of the world by the sacrifice of my Son.

     My Son represented you as he made a covenant with me. You were included and so was everyone who has been or will ever be born. Jesus, the last Adam, represented all mankind so all mankind has been declared innocent by the sacrifice of my Son. The only problem is most of them don’t know it, so they think they are my enemies and don’t realize they are beloved children.

     Do you remember that I said that this is the New Covenant? I will be your God and you will be my people, I will live in you and write my laws on your heart and in your mind and I will never count your mistakes against you. Once you awaken to your freedom you will arise to a higher level of love and consciousness and will become pure love as I am pure love.

     There is a place in me so full of love and truth that your conscience will be unnecessary. You can walk in purity and holiness only by this living way. My Son’s blood was to cleanse your conscience of all your mistakes so that you could forget them and move up into this realm of holiness.

     So think on these things. Determine to love each and every person and to never think evil of yourself or your neighbor. See all as you see me. For through the blood of my Son you have all become one. When you judge another you are really judging yourselves because you are all the body of Christ. When bad things happen it’s not because of my judgment but because you are judging one another. Whatever judgment you decree against another comes back to you.

     So my beloved ones: Declare war on your thoughts that are not based on love and eternity. Think only on things that are truth and put off the old way of thinking. No more worry. You are living in eternity already. You have already been given everlasting life so what is there to fear?

     Don’t forget the serpent is not running around outside looking to devour someone. He is sneaking around in your thoughts trying to devour you from the inside. It’s up to you to put away the lies. You were crucified with my Son and you were raised to new life when he was raised. That old stone that represented the law was rolled away so you could go free from condemnation.

     Arise my children and drive the lies from your mind. You have nothing to fear. We are one! You are sanctified, justified, glorified beloved children of Almighty God and anything else is a lie. Let no other thought be in your mind but the thought process that was in my Son. Do you remember that it is written that he was just a normal man and yet he told you that he and I were one? You must think the same way. Just because you live in a body and I am invisible doesn’t mean we are separated. I am in you and you are in me and we are one.

     When any negative thought comes to your mind destroy it with truth. After awhile it will fall back into the grave where it belongs and you will no longer be troubled but will be full of everlasting joy. My beloved children: You hearts and minds are the garden I gave you and it is our meeting place. I gave you dominion over this garden. Arise to the higher consciousness and kill the snake.

     Think only on lovely things until all things become lovely and until the enemy within has no place in you. Remember that your weapons are not carnal. You defeat darkness by the spirit and not by will power or earthly means. Use worship as a weapon. Fill your hearts with songs and praise and drive all fearful and worrisome thought from your minds and hearts.

     I love you my dearest ones: Love each other as I love you.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Stop Denying Your Divinity

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and publish them for all to understand. Here are his words. He said:

     My beloved ones, it’s time to accept the truth. You have lived the lie for too long. You are not earth creatures made from dirt. You are spirit beings born of my Spirit. You are my offspring and it is time for you to stop denying your divinity.

     You were not born by the will of the flesh. You were with me in the beginning and I birthed you and you were born in my love and in my image. Your life didn’t begin in your mother’s womb. It began long ago and your spirit came into your earthly mother at the moment of conception. All of this was prearranged long ago. You were appointed to be on earth at this time according to the master plan that was made long, long ago.

     You have been misled about who you are. You are not poor sinners barely getting by because I had pity on you. You are not a lowly being that somehow will get to heaven if you keep all the rules and regulations.

     You are my children. You are like the prodigal son. He was always a son even when he temporarily lost his self identity and became another’s servant even though he was chosen by his father. 

     You were chosen in my beloved Son before the foundation of the world. You were sanctified, justified and glorified and are enthroned with my beloved son whom you call Jesus on my throne with me. This is your spiritual place. 

     Because you have believed the lies about who you are you have fallen into the curse of believing a lie. If someone convinced you that you were a pig you would be happy living on the slop that the pigs eat. You wouldn’t know any other way. But you are not pigs. You are Sons of the Most High God. You are like children with amnesia. You have forgotten your identity, so you live as a fallen creature instead of like the kings and priests that you are.

     This is the reason for poverty and sickness and disease and every other ailment. Anything that is not natural in heaven is not natural on the earth. There is no sickness and disease here. There is no crime and hate. All of these things are consequences of believing the lie. Because people convinced you that you were a dirty rotten sinner then you lived like one. You never were one but you took on the nature of the thing that you identified with. It’s time to change your mind about who you are.

     Do you remember that I told you in scripture that you are made in my image and my likeness? Do you also remember that I told you that just as Christ is so are you in this world? These are not suggestions. These are absolute facts. If you see yourselves as any other image than what Christ is then you are not seeing clearly.

     You must learn to know yourselves as you know me. You are holy because I am holy. You are gods because you were born from God. As long as you deny who you are then you will live in the consequences of that denial. You do this because you think it’s humble to say that you are just a sinner. But what you are saying is that I am a liar because there is no way that you are holy like me. 

I cannot lie.You are who I made you to be. Once your mind is renewed to this truth then you will live up to your true identity. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. 

     As you awaken to the truth of who you are then the things that are associated with the fallen mind will just vanish from your lives. Sickness, poverty, anger, hate and every other terrible thing will vanish because you will see it as the lie that it is.

     You live and move and have your being in me. I am above all and in you all as the scripture says. Christ is the light that lights every man that comes into the world. You are my beloved, now and always.

     You have never been separated from me or been my enemy except in your own minds. My opinion of you has never changed. I sent my Son to show you that I am a loving Father and not an angry God. Those who believe in an angry God only do so because it excuses their own anger. They try to project their anger upon me. I am love and have always been love.

     You have always been my beloved children. You will always be my beloved children. Think of it this way. When Adam and Eve fell and ran from me did I just let them run away? No I came after them calling them to return to truth. My Son is just like me. He is the great shepherd. We shepherd you together. He is not willing that any should perish. He goes out and finds the sheep no matter where they are. He even went into the underworld that you call hell to get some of them but guess what? He got them all!

     So my loved ones; how long will you deny your divinity? You are spirit of my Spirit, flesh of my flesh. You are blood of my blood. Just like the prodigal son there is a banquet waiting for you to come to your senses. You don’t have to live in the fallen condition. You can come to your right mind and come back to the mindset that you are royalty.

     You have the mind of Christ. Step up into it. Don’t think with the fallen mind any longer. Change the channel. Don’t get your truth from the world. They don’t have it. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. There is no other. Come up to the truth and stop wallowing in the pigpen called the fallen mind. You are better than that. 

     You are a nation of kings and priests. Jesus is not ashamed to call you his brothers and sisters. I am not ashamed to call you my beloved children.

     Stop the madness. Reject the lies. I am the Father from whom the whole family on earth and in heaven gets its name. You are my beloved children. 

 Do you remember that my Son told people to call me Father when they prayed. He didn’t say fall on your knees and beg to an angry God. He told you to shut your door and have a secret meeting in your heart with your dearest Daddy. That’s who I am. 

     We are one. If I am The Almighty God and you are my offspring then what and who are you? How long will you deny your deity? Wake up and know who you are my beloved and when you are awake all the troubles you are entangled with will fall away.

     I love you my dearest ones and ask that you take my love for you and share it with each other. Those of you with children understand how wonderful it is to see your children play together in perfect harmony: To laugh and be joyful and to care for one another. That is what heaven is like. 

     Don’t forget my beloved: As I am, so are you. Like Father, like sons and daughters. It is absolute law: All things reproduce after their own kind. Trees don’t come from butterflies. Horses don’t come from chickens and sinners are not born from a Holy God. Arise unto the understanding of who you are and reign with me.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are blessed by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Friday, December 20, 2019

Licensed To Love

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and publish them for his beloved ones to read and to hear. You are his beloved. Never let anyone convince you of anything different. Here are his words, He said:

     My dearest ones, I wish with all my heart that you knew how much you are loved. This is the truth that makes you free. You shall know the truth and you will be free.

     Here is the truth. You were loved from the beginning. You were loved in your past. You are loved in the present and throughout all ages you will be my beloved children. Nothing you could do or say will ever change my opinion of you. I am not discouraged when you make mistakes. Mistakes are part of learning. All that you have been through in your life I will change to good on your behalf, and will do it for no other reason than love.

     I really can’t help it. I am love. I don’t just feel love or have love, I am love. I can never change. In your darkest moment of your life I was totally in love with you. I need you to know my love so you can be filled with my fullness as I told you in scripture.

     My loved ones, the world and religion have taught you that you must do this and that and you must work to receive my blessing. The truth is you are my blessing and I am yours. It’s time to enter into true fellowship and come out of the religious bondage that keeps you in torment. There is no condemnation for those who are in my Son and you have been in him since before the dawn of time. You have never been condemned.

     I am at rest in my love. My Son accomplished all that was needed and he sat down beside me because he was finished with his assignment. He came to reveal to you who I am and who you are. He referred to himself often as “the son of man” because he was trying to show you what a true man is. As he is so are you in this world.

     He came to reveal the truth about who you are and how much you are loved. The law came through Moses but grace and truth came through my Son. The truth is you are accepted and beloved and you didn’t earn it and you don’t have to purchase it by obedience to certain rules and regulations. You are free to be free and this freedom will show you what true love is.

     Imagine it as a husband and wife. What if there was a husband who constantly tells the wife she must do this or do that and better never do this or do that or he will divorce her? What if he says that he will not only divorce her but will burn her in hell forever if she messes up?  Will she ever give herself truly to him? 

     Now imagine that a loving husband tells his bride that he loves her with all his heart and will always love her and nothing can ever stop him from loving her. He says he would chase after her into hell to love her if he has to. Do you think that bride will give herself totally to that husband?

     My loved ones, you are not truly free unless you are truly free to choose. Many say the message of my grace gives people a license to sin but the truth is it gives them freedom from sin and a license to freely love.

     If you only love someone because you are terrified of what they will do to you then is that really love? Now imagine that there is someone who stands by you when you are at your worst and never gives up on you even when you give up on yourself. Can you love that person with all your heart?

     So many have twisted my message when the simple truth is that I so loved each of you that I sent my Son to wake you up and remind you of who you are. Your enemy told you that I was mean and revengeful and misunderstood my jealousy for you. I am jealous of you but my jealousy will not destroy you it will only destroy any lie that stands between us until you can see you are my beloved.

     I need you to know how much you are adored. I long to tell you things about my love but sometimes you push me away because you think you are not worthy or you think your mistakes disqualify you. I have secrets I want to tell you that will bless you for eternity but because you were told you were dirty and rotten you don’t rest in my presence long enough for me to explain them to you.

     Let me ask you. Do you believe my Son took away your sins? Do you believe that he took away the sins of the whole world? If so then what are you afraid of? If you believe in forgiveness then how can you believe that I would ever punish you for something I forgave you for? So many in my church claim that my Son took away the sins of the world but somehow they think he is going to suddenly remember them and pour out wrath on a sinful world. If they would only take a moment and consider what they really believe. It can’t be both ways.

     My beloved ones I need you to have faith in my love. Faith works by love but not by your love. It works by my love. Anytime you get ready to ask me for something don’t ask yourself if you deserve it or if I will do it. Ask yourself if I love you enough to give you the answer. Remind yourself that my Son gave his life for you. Now compare the request you are making to that event and see if what you are asking for seems small compared to one who would leave the throne of heaven to come and take away your sins and give his life to and for you. Love is the energy that powers faith. Compared to what he has already done for you any request seems small.

     Religion has made it about works, but it’s always been about love. As you rest in my love and meditate on my love then you will awaken as love. For I am love and you are love also. You are created in my image and in my likeness. You are just like me because I gave birth to you in spirit. I even formed you in your mother's womb. I did it with delight.

     As you rest in my love and meditate on my love you will see that we really are one family. You have an older brother who wears a body like you have who sits on my throne. I became man so that man could become God. You really were already family but you forgot who you were and had to be reminded. Do you remember in the Psalm you call eighty two it tells you that “you are Gods”?

     If a dog gives birth does it not give birth to a dog? If a horse gives birth does it not give birth to a horse? If the only True God gives birth then what are the children of God?

     Does not my scripture tell you that you are being conformed into the image of my Son? Who is my Son, is he not God? Does he sit on my throne with me? Yes he does. Were you not told that you will rule and reign with him on the earth?

     It’s time to wake up to your true identity. You are my beloved because you are my children. I love my children each and every one. I love the ones who are awake and know they are my children and I love those who are asleep in darkness thinking they are just sinners and not worthy of my love.

     When you are fully awake you will know who you are and will take your place in ruler ship of the earth and put things in order. Begin with the earth you are living in: your body. Begin by subduing it. Not by rules and regulations and fasting and crying but by telling it the truth. You were and always will be a child of God and not a fleshly being. Your doubts are not you. Your false beliefs are not you. As you awaken to who you are then who you are not will fall away.

     My loved ones please start each day by remembering my love for you. Remember that I gave all I had to redeem you to who you are. You were lost in darkness in your mind and I came and rescued you because I love you. End each day the same way. Always thinking about how much you are adored and thinking about the glorious future we have together. 

     Any time you are afraid or discouraged think about my love. Anytime you are in doubt or in worry think about my love. Meditate on my love day and night and soon you will know who you truly are and how deeply you are loved.

     My favor is upon you always. Rest in me.

     These are the words he gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rest in The Answer and Forget The Problem

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Isaiah Chapter Twenty Six

3. You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

4. Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD God is the eternal Rock.

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write these words and to share them with all who are struggling and hurting. Here are his words.

     My beloved ones: Dearest to my heart. I know you are struggling. I know you are hurting. My Son bore all your pains and struggles and I was in him bearing them for you.

     We understand what it’s like to hurt and to struggle against the problems in this world. But here is what I want you to know. You are in me and not in the world. Jesus told you to be of good cheer because he overcame the world. You have overcome too but the realization of it does not come with struggle and strain but with rest in the one who is your overcomer.

     My children, why do you bear your own burdens? I want you to cast these cares upon me. Not just hand them to me but cast them upon me. I am a strong rock and your cares and burdens weigh you down but they are light upon me. I am your strength. I am your help.

     You shouldn’t look at your problems any longer than it takes to give them to me. You are mine. Your problems are mine, your cares are mine and your burdens are mine. I want you to give them to me because I love you.

     Trust in me. I will bring you through whatever you are facing. You are more than conquerors. There is nothing that can separate you from my love. I am always with you and for you and will stand in you against any storm that arises.

     I sent you into the earth to subdue all these things. I know it seems like the battle is more than you can stand but you are so much stronger than you could ever imagine. I am your strength. I am the calm in your storm.

     My loved ones; you have overcome all these things. You will see victory because what overcomes the world is your faith, and I gave all of you the measure of faith that it takes to overcome all things. You don’t have to struggle to have more faith. You already have all you need. You just need to rest in me and trust that all things work together for your good.

     Lean into my love for you. Don’t be changed by outside circumstances. Change the circumstances by filling your inside with my love and my faith. All that you need is more fellowship with me. Not more praying, or fasting or doing all the things religion told you to do. Just see yourself in me. Rest in me. Imagine that I am between you and your problems because I am. Hide yourselves in me.

     Never forget that you only change the outside by changing what is inside. Any external problem that arises only comes to test the truth that is inside you. You should never see problems as punishment or as a curse. There is no more of that. All of that was ended when you were crucified with my Son. The law poured all of its wrath and anger and punishment upon my Son when he drew you into himself. We took all that away.

     You were crucified with my Son; you were raised into new life. All problems arise to test to see if you believe that truth. You have passed from death to life and the more you rest in me the more revelation you will have of this truth until all you problems disappear.

     Think of it this way: In school you are given information to learn. Then you are given a test to see if you learned the information. It is the same in the kingdom. You were given the truth that you are above all principalities and powers and over all things that could ever defeat you. Then the test comes to see if you believe it and will remain seated in my peace, or if you will arise and fight like a person who doesn’t know that these things are already defeated. This is what it means to fight the good fight of faith. You are not fighting against problems or things you are fighting to remain in the truth that you have already overcome all things.

     Remember what you were told in scripture? He that believes has entered into rest. Are you in the fight or are you resting in my Son knowing that that death, hell and the grave are already defeated. So many of my children are trying to pull down this and tear down that not knowing that those things are already destroyed. They are fighting ghosts of the past assuming they are still living things. My Son was manifested to destroy the works of the devil, so if you are still fighting a devil then you haven’t believed that my Son accomplished what he was sent for.

     So my beloved ones: Find a quiet place. Sit down and close your eyes and look deep inside your own heart. You see that? This is me smiling at you from the inside. Now spend a few moments just soaking up my love for you. Now; one by one give me your worries and cares and problems. I will show you that they were already taken care of. I will take your worries and I will give you my peace to replace your worries.

     Oh my dearest ones; you are so loved. You are and will always be the delight of my heart. I adore you with all that I am. Let this truth soak in and worry no more. I am your answer. Rest in the answer and forget your problem. I am your answer.

This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Rest in My Love: Let Go of Fear!

     An audio version of this message will be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write these words to his beloved ones. That’s you. You are loved and were loved and will be loved throughout eternity. I hope you are encouraged by these words. He said:

     My beloved ones: The time for worry and fear has long passed. If you are afraid don’t try to fight the fear; just rest in my love. My love casts all fear out of your world.

     Most of religion and the news channels try to make you afraid. Do you know why they do this? They know what they are doing. As is written in Scripture in the book of Job it says: What I always feared has happened to me. What I dreaded has come true.

     They understand this process. So when they make you afraid they know the calamity is coming and now they can sell you the drugs and the antidotes to help you with what came upon you. Do you not realize how much money is made from them making you sick and poor and unable to prosper?

     So what if you were not afraid of anything? What if you completely surrendered to my love and nothing made you afraid? What if you believed the truth that you have already passed from death to life and you can’t die anymore? What if you believed that I already gave you all things that pertain to life and godliness so you were never afraid of lack again? What if you believed that as my Son is so are you in this world? What if you had heard the true gospel and not the false one that my apostle Paul warned you about?

     Most of you never heard the true gospel. You were taught the religious version of what you must do to be saved and what you must do to be blessed. You didn’t hear the truth that you were included from long before the world began. You were chosen and loved and blessed and destined to rule and reign with me not by anything you earn but just because of what my Son accomplished for you and as you.

     Jesus said “These and greater works you will do after I go to my Father.” How could you do these works? You were in him from the foundation of the world. What he did, he did with you inside him. He didn’t just come for you, he came as you and now he lives as you. You are dead and your lives are hidden in me. It’s no longer you that live but my beloved Son living as you on the earth. Your mind and will are still attached but the powerful Spirit within you is the Almighty Spirit that can’t perish. You are not separate from me; you are and have always been one with me.

     It is far beyond this but think of it this way. You are all different lights but Jesus is the electricity in you all. I breathed into Adam and a body became a living soul. My breath made him alive and animated him. You are not a living soul but a life giving Spirit. You are born of incorruptible seed. The seed is just like the tree it came from. The Spirit within you is my life and it’s the power that created all things.

     Here is why things have never seemed to work right. Religion has taught you to pray to a faraway God who will hear your prayers and if you checked all the right boxes you will get what you want. If you prayed enough and studied enough and read your bible enough and you didn’t have even one evil thought in your mind then maybe your prayer would be answered.

     This is not the way Jesus lived or prayed. He told you that I was inside him doing the works. He wasn’t looking outside for anyone or anything. He knew the Kingdom was inside and not outside. This is why he told you that when you pray go into your closet and shut the door and pray to your Father in secret and your Father who hears in secret will reward you openly.

     This closet is not physical. He meant to go into the place of your heart where the deepest thoughts come from. This is the secret place. This is where I dwell. You are the temple. In olden times they went into a physical temple to pray. This was a type and shadow and not the real. You are the temple and we dwell in you; so if you are praying to anyone or anything on the outside you are praying to an idol.

     When you pray, go into your deepest place of meditation. Whisper your prayers or even just think them. I hear your thoughts. This secret prayer will be rewarded openly because what you pray in secret I manifest into the physical realm around you.

     All that is required is that you believe that I hear you. Why is the church so conditioned to believing I see every sin and mistake but I don’t hear every prayer? All these lies are being dissolved and soon all will be free.

     My little ones: I see every sparrow that falls. I catch them in my hand and welcome them home. Every flower that blooms on earth returns to me when it dies and lives forever in my realm. Nothing is ever lost. I am the life. There is no other life force in the universe. If you have any form of life within you it came from me. All things were created by and for my Son. All things in heaven and earth are mine. I own it all and it was given to my Son and to you as an inheritance. You are the title owner of all things that exist.

     So when you pray, you are not asking for something that belongs to me. You are asking for what is yours to be given unto you. Healing belongs to you. Life belongs to you. Wealth belongs to you. All things are yours. Prayer is just making a demand that my will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I have already given you all things so prayer is just taking possession of what is already yours.

     Did you notice Jesus didn’t ask that my will be done on earth as in heaven? He didn’t ask. He demanded that it be done for my glory. You were told to make your requests with thanksgiving. Not by asking, but by giving thanks. When Jesus walked up to Lazarus’ tomb he said: “I thank you Father that you always hear me.” He didn’t ask for anything. He knew that the power to raise the dead was already his. He just took possession of it with thanksgiving and then used the power by commanding Lazarus to arise.

     The kingdom is so simple that a child can understand it. Only religion could make it hard. A child will play with toys he is given. He understands his parents gave them to him because they love him. They didn’t come by working and praying and fasting and begging. He didn’t buy them. They are his because he is a beloved child.

     Once you understand that all things belong to you then you will take possession of whatever you want. My Son came so that you would have life and life more abundantly. If you’re a fisherman this means a better boat and more fish. If you are musician this means better and more instruments. If you are a farmer this means better fields and better equipment.

     All things are yours and all you need to do to take possession of them is believe that they were given to you as your inheritance. You don’t have to ask by asking. You ask by giving thanks and knowing they are already yours. 

     I gave you the desires of your heart. You don’t have desires because you want something. Desires come because you know deep down that you own something that is not present with you. So you desire what is yours to be in your possession.

     It’s simple my loved ones: You are my children and I love you dearly. I don’t want you to struggle and strain to do. I want you to rest and relax in who you are and to walk in peace and joy and share all things with each other. I want the whole earth to understand you are one family and to learn to live as a loving family. I am the One Father of whom all the families in heaven and earth are named. You are not separate. We are all one. It’s just that some don’t know they are mine and they think they don’t belong so they live as if they don’t belong. They just need to be awakened.

     My dearest ones; rest in my love and know who you are. Love is the reason for all I do. Let my love drive out all fear so that you can live in peace and blessing. Just as it is in heaven let it be so on earth. No one in heaven is afraid. No one in heaven is worried. There is no lack and no sickness and disease in heaven. Perfect love will make earth the same way.

     Love each other my beloved and share the love you have with each and everyone you meet. There are no strangers. I am the One God and Father of you all. It is my will that none should perish so consider that no one is lost. Some are awake and some are asleep. Encourage those who are awakened and awaken those that sleep.

     Never be afraid. I am with you always. I have never and will never leave you. Rest in my love until all fear is gone and let the heaven with you change all things on the outside. Rest in my love! Let go of fear!

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Saturday, November 16, 2019

I AM and You Are Also

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Exodus 3:14

And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

     I woke up today with this verse dancing in my heart. As I began to dance with it I heard Father’s voice and he asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My beloved children: You know who I am, but do you know who you are? You are because I am! I am all you need. I am your source of life, your hope, your faith, your glory, your health, your joy, your prosperity and anything else you could ever dream of.

     I live inside you. I’m not far away. I need you to know that we are already one. We are one because you were born of me. You are my offspring. Your breath is my breath. Your life is my life.

     The reason I tell you these things is because I want to fellowship with you in spirit and in truth. You must step up to the truth of who you are so we can truly fellowship together. As long as you see yourselves as lowly slave creatures and see me as a faraway power who only intervenes when it’s convenient for me then we can never truly walk together.

     Do you remember that my Son told the disciples that they were no longer disciples but friends? Friends are not lower and higher than each other. They consider themselves equal. When I looked at my beloved Son, I said to him, “Thy Throne Oh God is established forever!”

     You are in him. He is in you. He is the firstborn and you are all born in order not by value but just because of my will and what time you would come into the earth as he did. Those of you with children which one do you love more? Your first child, your middle child or your last child? Are you not able to love them all equally?

     Do you see where I am going with this? My Son whom you call Jesus was the first born of all creation. Just because you were born later doesn’t mean that you are less valuable or less loved. It’s time to awaken to understand that you are not human beings. You are sons and daughters of the Most High God living in a body. As you awaken you will learn that even your body is precious to me. I am totally in love with everything about you.

     All of creation is not awaiting the return of my Son. How can he return when he never left you? Did he not say “I am with you always?” This idea of separation is a lie and you must put it away. Christ is in you. I am in him. He is in me. Spirit is in both of us and we are in Spirit. All of us are in you. You must awaken to the truth. Most of my church is waiting for Christ to return. Return from where? Inside you?

     My Son sits at my right hand on the throne. This is inside you. I know it’s hard for the worldly mind to accept but you are in heaven and heaven is in you as we are in you. You are the temple and we love living in you. You are the New Jerusalem. You are the city of God. You are the city that came down from heaven, which is higher consciousness, and came to be our dwelling place.

     You are my child. I sent Christ into the world. I sent you into the world. The only difference is he knew where he came from and he also knew that I lived within him. He told you that it was me in him doing the works. This is the mystery hidden for the ages. Christ in you the hope of Glory. Not some far away heaven that you have to die to go to but an indwelling heaven that you already live in while also visiting the worldly realm.

     Jesus said “Sacrifice and burn offerings you didn’t want but a body you prepared for me.” I don’t want more religion. I didn’t want more bloodshed. I wanted to dwell in you and have you dwell in me. I didn’t come looking for retribution. I came looking for a home. You are my home. Because I am you are also.

     Jesus said “I go to prepare a place for you so that where I AM you can also be.” He didn’t say where he was going. He said “where I am.” He lived in a higher awareness and was aware of being on earth and dwelling in heaven and having heaven dwell in him at the same time.

     The only thing that kept you out of this consciousness was your guilt. Because you made mistakes you thought you didn’t deserve to be in the higher realm. He came to show you that you were already accepted and already beloved. The cross was not because I needed a sacrifice but because you needed a place to kill your guilt. I was in Christ on the cross with my Son along with Holy Spirit. Soaking up all your guilt and your anger and letting you put all the curse of the law on us instead of taking it upon yourselves. This is what family does. It’s what love does. No one took my Son’s life. He laid it down.

     My beloved: I really want you to wake up and walk with me as I walk in you. In me you live and move and have your being. You live in me, I live in you and we can truly fellowship together when you are awakened to the truth that you are mine and we are not Master and slaves but we are a loving Father and beloved children whom I love more than my own life.

     As long as you see yourselves as inferior then we will never be able to have the fun I have prepared for us to enjoy together. I am not an abusive Father. I am a loving Father and it’s time you learned the truth. You won’t find it in religious circles. They will only tell you that you are broken and separated and you are detestable because you made mistakes.

     Those of you with children think about this. Have your children made mistakes? Did you ever consider burning them in hell for eternity because they broke their toys or they spilled milk on the carpet? How about when they got into a wrestling match? Did you send them to time out or send them to hell forever? Religion made me out to be a monster. This no more who I am than it is who you are.

     Throw away all these lies. I love you and there is a cross to prove it. There is also an empty tomb and I rolled away the stone and raised my Son from the dead. The stone symbolized the law that was written on stone that demanded your death. It would have kept you in the tomb of death but we rolled it away. 

     We took your death and your mistakes and received the law’s punishment upon ourselves and we drew you in to us and counted you as crucified along with us so that we could raise you to new life with us also. You are sanctified, justified and glorified. Not will be. You are right now! I am and you are also.

     Wake Up! Wake Up! You are as we are. Does not the scripture say that you are Gods? Does not the scripture say that as Christ is so are you in this world? This is truth. You must never see yourselves as mere mortals again but as beloved children of God who have already inherited eternal life. You can’t die. You are spirit of my spirit. If your spirit is just like my Spirit and we are One Spirit then you can’t die anymore than I can. You can leave your body and live only in the higher realm but you can never die.

     It is time my beloved. Know you are my beloved. Know that I made you in my image and in my likeness not for works but for fellowship. You were made not by being created but by birth. I am not your creator. I am your Father. I birthed you, and you are Spirit from my Spirit. You are my delight and soon you will know how precious you are. Soon you will see yourself as you see me, for that is what I see when I look at you. Awaken my beloved and know. I AM and You are also!

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Release My Peace!

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Luke Chapter Two

8. Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 
 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” 

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:

“Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

John Chapter Fourteen

27. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Mark Chapter Four

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

Matthew Chapter Ten

5. These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat. And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence. And when ye come into an house, salute it. And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.

     I woke up early this morning with these scriptures and many more flowing through my heart like a gentle breeze. I smiled and said “good morning my teacher.” I began to meditate on them and the sweet voice of my savior came to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. I am so thankful to get to share this journey called “life” with you all. Thank you for your prayers. Here are his words:

     My Son, it’s time to understand that peace is powerful. Most of my children are not releasing peace but are releasing fear. Most are more tuned in to the news than to my voice. Most are spouting out the fear that they hear on their television or the fear they learned from their fear and fire breathing preacher who doesn’t understand what day it is or what is even meant by the scriptures they are using to scare people with.

     Peace is a powerful weapon. When I faced the storm on the sea the peace in my heart was much more powerful than the storm. My peace is eternal and all storms are temporary. Eternal truth is always more powerful than temporary facts. It’s time my church realized that I am the Prince of Peace not the God of retribution.

     Listen closely my loved ones. The problems in the earth are not because of my judgment. For those of you who can hear this, the problems of the earth are not caused by the wicked but have been projected into the world by my own children who have turned away from the gospel of peace and pronounced judgment on the world.

     Most of my children don’t realize that the power of judgment within them is real. I wish they would proclaim grace and mercy and not pronounce destruction and evil.

     Think of it this way. When Peter pronounced judgment on Ananias and Sapphira he had the right to do so. I would have much rather seen them repent and be an example of reconciliation to the church. You are so much more powerful than you know. Please learn to season your power with love and grace. Fill your words and your thoughts toward others with love and compassion and not with judgment.

     When my children stop speaking destruction upon the world and start speaking peace and restoration, then the nations will turn and come to the light. The problem is that my children haven’t believed the true gospel. Just as I told Peter not to condemn that which I had already cleansed so it is today: I took away the sins of the world by the sacrifice of myself. I already pronounced each and every person not guilty by reason of my sacrifice yet the church insists on claiming the forgiveness I gave for themselves while denying that I already gave it to all.

     I told you that you have the ministry of reconciliation. Not the ministry of condemnation so what is missing? What is missing is my Father’s love and heart towards all people. I and my Father are one. We are one heart. When I saw the woman caught in adultery I didn’t see a wicked woman. I saw her as my own daughter trapped in a sin with no way out and now that sin had led her to death but I gave her life instead.

     Many of you quote this same saying “I and my Father are One,” yet you don’t have a Father’s heart and compassion. You must see each person as your only child and love them with all your heart and release all the peace you have toward them. Speak peace to them and grace to them and never condemn for any reason.

     So my sweet loved ones, will you look deep in your heart where I live as the Prince of Peace and find my peace and pour it out on everyone you meet? It is my goodness that leads to repentance. If you pour out my goodness and not condemnation you will see the whole world run to my light.

     The earth will become just like heaven. That was the original plan and it hasn’t changed. I will keep loving and encouraging my children until a generation arises in love and puts the earth back in order by the power of my love and grace and peace and mercy. It is my will that all will be saved, yet many of my own children rejoice in the destruction of people just because they haven’t seen the truth you have seen.

     My plan is for the peace of the nations. I will see my plan in its glory completed upon the earth. Will you fight with me in peace or against me in condemnation? My little children here is my plan spoken to you my Holy Prophet Isaiah in what you call chapter nine:

     For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

     Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

     My children, my beloved children: Learn the way of peace and pronounce my peace upon all until all know my peace and are overcome by my love. Cast away condemnation and release my peace.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Are You Planting?

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Ephesians Chapter Three

14. When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. 

 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

     As I read these verses today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My little children: Most of you do not know that there are endless treasures of my love and riches available to you. These things are all part of your inheritance that you received by my Son. He inherited all things when he overcame death and yet he loved you so much that he shared them all with you.

     All things were rightfully his because he conquered death and all things that could be conquered. By his love you have received all these things but most of you are unaware because you see yourselves as servants and not as children of the house.

     My loved ones, you can’t earn these things. It’s not by some formula or some magical working of faith or any other thing that your enemy called "organized religion" tells you that it is. You were born with your inheritance because you are my children.

     So why are you doing without and living well below your family name? It is because you haven’t let your roots grow down deep into my love for you. It’s when you come to know my love for you that you are filled with the fullness of all things. All these things were given to you and are inside you but because you think they are still to be earned and not to be inherited you don’t access them.

     Knowing you are loved makes all the difference. It’s knowing that we are inseparable and we are one that gives you access to all you desire. This is why you were told that when you pray believe that you already have these things and you will have access to them. You must believe that your received them by inheritance and not by works.

     Think of it this way: How did you get your last name? There are only two ways to get a last name. You can be born with it or you can marry and take the name of your husband. Now consider this. You did both. You are my child but the bride of my Son so you inherited our name twice. You are doubly empowered to access all that is or ever was.

     So how does this work? It is based on desire. You were told whatsoever you desire when you pray believe you have it. This power called desire will bring out of you what you already possess.

     Think of it this way. If you are hungry you desire food. The food is in the refrigerator or in the store or in a restaurant but your desire will bring you the food you want. It will lead you to access the food no matter where it is and you will not be satisfied until you have eaten it.

     It’s the same with your spouse. You desired them and that desire brought you together. Without desire you would only be acquaintances if even that, and would not know the riches of love.

     I put within each of you different desires based on what is best for your lives. All I have given you is based on my love for you and my desire that you possess all things and be full of joy. I’m not speaking of selfish fleshly desires that are only on a surface level. I am speaking of deep rooted desires to bring forth my kingdom into the earth. Desires to be blessed and well and to be able to help others and be the blessing to others that Christ is to you. This “deep rooted” desire takes you back to how all things work.

     You start by knowing that all things you want are already given to you. The only reason you desire them is because deep down you know I have already given them to you and you desire them because they are a gift of my love. You long for what is already yours.

     I have given you the seeds to grow anything you want to possess. Just like a farmer desires a crop so he plants his seeds in the earth so you plant your seeds deep into your heart where my love is. You must realize that my love is the best soil ever. You take the things you are passionate for and you desire greatly and you continue planting them deep into your heart by using your imagination.

     This is how it works. You know I have already given you all that you could ever need or want. So you use your imagination and you see the thing you desire in its fullness. Now imagine you have a seed for what you are wanting. You see that your heart is the garden so you plant that seed deep within my love and you water it every day with thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the water that waters the seed. And just like a natural seed you don’t really know how a seed takes root and grows up into the world but your desire will do the same. What you plant in your thought will grow into your world.

     It’s the same with the ones you love. You take the message of Christ and you keep sharing with them how good he is. The message will get planted in their hearts and will spring up. One plants, another waters and God gives the increase. Jesus is the light that lights every man that comes into the world. The "seed" called Christ is already within each person. You are just watering their desire to discover him.

     When you look at your loved ones don’t imagine them sick or poor. See them as well and whole and blessed and keep planting these images in your heart. Keep giving thanks that your loved ones are well and blessed and whole and watch what happens. Remember that you are all one body so what you plant in your heart will come up in theirs also. 

     This is what is happening to the church. Half of the church believes in doom and gloom and they keep planting seeds of destruction into the body. Most of the trouble in the earth is not the fault of sin but the fault of my children pronouncing evil on what I have blessed. 

     It is my will that all men would be saved but the church is declaring unclean that which I have already cleansed and are planting thorns and thistles into the garden of the earth. This will change soon as all my children awake and start planting only good seeds. They will declare the healing and salvation of the nations and it will be so. 

     This is how Jesus healed. He saw the blind man as a seeing man and restored him to what he saw in his heart. He saw the lame walking and the dead restored to life. In Christ shall all be made alive! So only see others as alive and well. What you see in your heart is more powerful and has the power to change what is seen with natural eyes.

     Remember this principle. I give seed to the sower and bread for food. I will give you the desires of your heart for you to plant. I will give you bread for food until your harvest comes. You can’t lose because I watch over your seed and I give the increase.

     Just remember my loved ones that you already own all things. The earth is your inheritance. Just remember the process. I put Adam into a Garden and made him from physical dust. I breathed my life into him. Yet even the dust man had the ability to tend my garden.

     However: My Son the Christ is a life giving Spirit. He came into the world by Spirit and so did you. You are made of Spiritual dust and not earthly dust. You are in Christ and not in Adam so your ground is much richer and much more fertile. You have access not only to all the ground of earth but also the garden of heaven.

     You are both the garden and the farmer. Whatever you plant into your heart grows up into your natural world. Only plant good things because your ground doesn’t care what you plant it will grow fruit or weeds depending on what you plant with your thoughts. Never forget your thoughts are the seeds you are planting into your heart. Change your thoughts and change your harvest.

     Never forget my loved ones. You are so loved that I gave all I had including myself to prove my love to you. Let your roots be in my love and not in religion or tradition.

     Remember the parable of the Sower. If you understand this you will know the key to all things. I so loved the world that I sowed my only Seed into the world and reaped billions of children just like him. The seed produces exactly after its kind. You are just like him and soon you will awaken to that truth. 

     He had no negative thoughts within him. He didn’t think destruction but always thought about salvation. He went about doing good healing all who were oppressed by religion. He did this by sowing health into their fleshly bodies and into their minds.

     All things work this way. Let your roots soak up my love. Be rooted and grounded in my love. Experience my love that passes all knowledge and understanding. I freely gave you all things to enjoy. So enjoy them all and rejoice that it was all a gift to you of my love. Rest in my love. Live in my love. Bask in my love. Freely you have received my love so give love freely. Sow love and you will reap love. My loved ones: What are you planting? Change your thoughts and change your harvest!

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dust Off Your Dreams: Prepare For Eternal Spring

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Second Corinthians Chapter Five
 New Living Translation

Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life.He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.

So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. 

For GOD WAS IN CHRIST, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them.

 And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.

     While praying today Father spoke to me and said:
My son, write down these words and publish them to my loved ones: He said:

     Little children, it’s time to dust off your dreams. Many of you dreamed for a long time but have given up because you think they would never come to pass. I am restoring faith unto my children and what you have tried and failed to do in the past will flourish in this new season.

     So what is this season? It’s the season of restoring the true gospel to my children. The gospel is not about an angry God who will destroy all who disobey him. The gospel is about a loving Father who loves his children so much that he entered into death to bring them out.

     I was in my Son on that cross reconciling the world unto myself. Holy Spirit was there too. While Jesus was on that cross we were all present. He was not forsaken. I didn’t turn my back on him. This is another one of those misinterpreted scriptures that cause your hearts to doubt and cause your faith to be broken.

     How could I promise to never leave you and never forsake you if I forsook my own Son? When Jesus cried “Why have you forsaken me” he was not forsaken. He was quoting the Psalmist so that all those who heard him would realize that the Psalm he was quoting was being fulfilled right there and right then. He was never forsaken. Yes, he became sin in your place but did he stop being sin when in the tomb?

     Think about it: If I turned my back on him then how did he get raised from the dead? Have you not read what you call Second Corinthians Chapter Five verse nineteen where it says “I was in Christ reconciling the world unto myself not counting men’s sins against them? Reconsider all the lies you have learned and throw them out.

     In this new season my love is going to spring up from the midst of my people. So many of you are learning the truth about my love and as your confidence in my love grows your faith in me will become indestructible. Soon you will know that miracles and wonders and blessings are not my acts. They are part of my character. I am healing: I am blessing: I am might and power and blessing and glory and any other great thing you could ever imagine. The more you awaken to the truth that I don’t just love you but I AM love to you the more your faith will flourish.

     My loved ones, if you need healing. I AM healing! If you need prosperity I AM prosperity! If you need restoration then I AM Restoration. You shouldn’t separate what I do from who I am.

     I am releasing many revelations to my people that religion has blinded you to for years. These will change life as you know it. If you are willing to let go of the lies you will see my goodness fill the earth.

     Most in my church are trying to obtain what was in the early years of the church. We are way past there now. They were and are the foundation and you are part of the roof. That was the trunk and you are in the branches of the tree. There is power and glory awaiting you that the early apostles longed to see and you will see it if you are willing to learn.

     The same problem that stifled the dreams of some in the early church is doing the same to your dreams today. The early church struggled with the mixed message. You were told in scripture that the Judaizers tried to mix the pure grace message with legalism. It’s the same today but now there are many more forms of legalism depending on which denomination you are being ruled by a the time.

     My Son came and fulfilled the law and the prophets. He said not a jot or tittle would pass away until all was fulfilled and He fulfilled it and even said “It is finished!” Yet so many of my children today think it’s still in effect and they keep dying with Moses in the wilderness instead of following Jesus into the Promised Land.

     Ask any five fellow believers what they have been reading in the last week and three or four will be telling you they are reading the Old Testament. Those of you who are married try that with your spouse. Find your ex girlfriend’s love letters and read them in front of her. See how that works. 

     You are married to Christ; not to Moses. The Old Covenant was made with Israel and the Law was added later. The New Covenant is made with all mankind. Jesus represented all mankind on your behalf and he fulfilled this covenant not with the blood of bulls and goats but with his own blood. The New Covenant is written not on tables of stone, but on the heart of your innermost being. 

     Moses was faithful in his house but you are the house of Christ. The old covenant had its place. As you may have read in scripture I found fault with that covenant and replaced it. The scriptures are holy but if you try to marry yourself to the old you will never understand the new.

     This is what is killing your dreams and your faith. My beloved Paul told you that as long as Moses is read there is a veil over your eyes but the veil is taken away when you look at Christ. So you look at Moses a few days and feel condemned by the law and then you look into the eyes of my Son and feel free and you go back and forth and this is what it means to be double minded. You can’t live in both covenants.

     A double minded man doesn’t receive my promises. It’s not that they are not yours already. I have given you all things but as long as you are tossed back and forth you have no stability and your faith falters.

     My little ones; make up your mind. I tell you again; You have been baptized into Christ, not into Moses. You didn’t pass through the Red Sea; you passed through the red blood of my Son. You were crucified and laid to rest and you rose again in Christ on the third day. Don’t be like the Galatians who were foolish. They began in Christ and saw miracles and signs and wonders and then tried to go back to rule keeping only to see it all slip away.

     It’s time to know that you are forgiven and loved and blessed and it is not because of anything you did. It is all because of what my Son accomplished for you and as you. He came in flesh to represent all mankind just as Adam represented those who were born before Christ. We didn’t ask your permission when my Son was lifted up on that cross he drew you into himself. He took in all your failures, fears, sins and hopelessness and carried it all to the grave and left it.

     Sweet loved ones; do you not realize that when you try to establish your own righteousness by keeping rules and the law you are insulting the one who died for you? What you are saying is “I’m sorry Jesus, I know you died for me but that was not enough. I have to keep all these rules and give my money to the priest and I don’t think our Father really believes what you did was enough so I am going to add on all I can to please him.”

     My children, do you not know that I have feelings? I sent my Son to suffer and die and take away all your sins and you dishonor him by dismissing his eternal sacrifice and try to establish you own righteousness by keeping the rules of an ancient covenant that was already fulfilled? I know you do this in ignorance but it’s time to see the light and come out of the dark for now you know better.

     I tell you these things because you didn’t know that this is what is killing your faith and stopping your dreams. Turn off all those who preach condemnation and hatred. It’s Christ alone and not Christ plus anything else. I am love. I am not condemnation. All of you were baptized into the death of my Son. No one was left out. There is no condemnation in Christ. You are all one and when you condemn any other you condemn yourself. When you bless any other you bless yourself and the one who created you in my image.

     The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made you free from that law of sin and death. It’s that same old law that keeps people trapped in their sin habits. Paul told you in his letter to the Corinthians that the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law. Those who live by the Law of Moses can never be free from the sting of death or the power of sin.

     That law could only convict you it couldn’t heal you. The law of the Spirit of life fills you with life. It delivers you from your sin habits and heals you from them so you never have to struggle again. The Law of Moses kept you alive to sin and dead unto righteousness. The law of the Spirit of life leaves you dead to sin and alive unto me.

     As you see the true gospel is a finished work and enter into the rest of that finished work your dreams will come alive again. The law of the Spirit of Life in my Son brings life to all things within you. As you learn to dwell in this truth every good dream in your heart and mind will come alive and start to bloom.

     My little ones, no more feasting on death: When you feed your mind that old dead law you partake of the death within it. Little by little it kills your hopes and dreams, but when you feast on Christ then you come alive. As you put aside the old and feast on the presence of my Son living within you then life swallows up all death until you are completely full of life inside and out. Your communion is with me and My Son and My Spirit. Not with the Old Law that killed everyone including my Son.

     Don’t forget that a little leaven will leaven the whole lump. Stay away from those who would ever tell you that it’s Christ plus anything. My Son is the end of the law for righteousness sake. Nothing needs to be added. So steer clear from any condemnation and live in freedom. Bathe yourself in the Spirit of Life and your lives will become full of Righteousness, Peace and Joy and you wont even remember how to sin.

     So please my beloved ones. Awaken to the true gospel of love and make plans for your old dreams to come to pass. Dust then off and soak them in the Spirit of life. Speak to them like they are living things because they are.

     Don’t just dream your dreams; speak to your dreams, encourage your dreams love your dreams. Treat them like a child and watch them grow. The awakening to the true gospel of love is going to be like rain on a desert. All the things that seemed dead for years are going to bloom again. It doesn’t matter what season it is. Dust off your dreams and Prepare for Eternal Spring!

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Awaken As ONE

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Second Corinthians Chapter Five

14. For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.

From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Galatians Chapter Two

20. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Colossians Chapter One

24. Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church, of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Ephesians Chapter Five

31. As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.”This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one.

     As I woke up this morning Jesus spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My beloved ones, my beloved one, for you are not separate because we are one and you are one with each other. The idea that you are this one and that one is only an illusion. I am “The Way, The Truth and The Life.” There is no other way, no other truth and no other life force that lights all men, women and children. All life is my life. All breath is my breath. It is my breath that was breathed into you all. It is my Spirit that you are all created in and with. The day of the illusion of division is coming to an end.

     You are members in particular of my body but you are not separate bodies. When you look at your hand do you say, there is a hand, or do you say there is my hand? It’s the same with us. I don’t see you as separate from me. You are individuals but you are individual parts of me that have never been separated from except in your own thoughts.

     It is time to put aside the jealousy that you see in the world. This shouldn’t be in my church. You have groups dividing themselves up into what you call churches and separating themselves and then competing with each other to see who can capture the most people. This ends soon. The worldly organization you call “church” now will not exist in the future.

     As you begin to know who you are you will also know me as I am and you will know each other as you truly are. You will see your neighbor as you do me. You will treat your neighbor as you would me if I were a guest in your house. You will no longer seek to divide yourselves but will know that you were already gathered into one. You will know no one as a flesh being but will see each other spirit to spirit.

     I told you in scripture that there is no male, female, bond or free. There is no Jew or Gentile. There is no holy and profane. All were made holy by the blood of my cross, they just aren’t awakened to the holiness that is in them and they continue to live in the darkness of their minds unaware of the true life and light that is within them.

     When you had your “born again” experience what really happened was the revelation that I am in you. I wasn’t on the outside waiting on you to invite me in. I was on the inside waiting for you to invite me in. I was hiding in your innermost closet all the time waiting until you discovered me.

     All spirits are born of spirit. At your physical conception the spirit that was knit together with your earthly body came from me. You weren’t born a sinner and headed to hell. That was a misunderstanding of scripture. You were only lost in your own confusion and the darkness of your mind and your world so I came into that darkness to lead you out of it.

     In your hearts and minds you were a little lost lamb but you were my little lost lamb so I came and got you. I was not willing that you would live your lives without my love. You have always been and will always be mine. You can deny it but it is still true.

     I hear you say that man has a free will but do I not have a free will also? Is my will to save you not more powerful than your will to be lost? Is there none so lost that I can’t save? Is there any darkness that I can’t penetrate? Did not my beloved David say that if he made his bed in hell I would be there with him? 

     There are only three things that eternally remain: Faith, Hope and Love. Hell, destruction anger, wickedness are not on the list. End of story. Love never fails and my love will not be quenched until it overcomes all things negative.

     All of these religious lies you have been taught will fall away if you look into my perfect love for you. Once you realize that we are one you will know that as I am so are you. You just haven’t awakened to our perfect oneness yet. 

     You will soon be wide awake to this and will know that just as my Father sent me into the world I also sent you. My Father came with me into the world and my Father, Holy Spirit and I came into the world with you. You have never been alone and you will never be alone.

     My loved one, soon all these fears will be behind you. My church will awaken in the joy of being one with me and one with each other. In short order the earth will be put in order and heaven will be established on earth. Imagine multiplying me and the power of Holy Spirit billions of times working through billions of people. Now know that this is truth. The fullness of the Almighty lives in me and we live in you and all this powerful glory is hidden in earthen vessels called “your bodies.”

     I was planted as a seed into the earth and into the hearts of all men. As I spring up eternal then all things will change. You are not looking for glory from above but for the glory that arises within. 

     As you understand that we are one and you teach your neighbor the same, and love him as you love yourself and treat him as the royal child of my Father that he is, then the world will know that you truly love each other. They will not be able to resist my love for the love within you is calling unto the seed already planted within them and calling for their awakening also.

     My loved ones put away the fear and dread. What you see on your news is a smoke screen. I own the earth and all it contains. Pay no attention to those who tell you that the world is coming to a violent end. If the world was going to be destroyed anyway do you think my Father would have sent me to suffer?

     Even with the human mind’s reasoning the idea of a destroyed world makes no sense. Yes the world is destined for fire. It is the fire of my Father’s passion for his children. It will burn like an oven until everything that can harm you is destroyed. The fire coming is refining and purifying and once it’s finished its work all people and things will shine like the glory of heaven.

     So I am calling you today my children; awaken to love, awaken to the truth that there is no separation between us. Arise and shine, for the light you are waiting for is within you. Awaken to the truth that we are not two but one.

     Never see yourself as separate from me. When you look in the mirror look for my face in yours and see me in you. Also see me in your brother, your neighbor, and even your enemy. I am The Light that lights EVERY man that comes into the world. I reconciled the world to my Father with my own blood. I poured out my Spirit on all flesh. I left my Father and Mother and cleaved unto my bride. What my Father already joined together let no man put asunder. Awaken as ONE!

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below: