A few days ago I was overlooking a lake in Texas while praying. I often go to this place to worship and to write and pray. While in worship I heard the voice of my Father and He told me to write down what I hear. I took out my laptop computer and He spoke to me the following words:
My son, now you are beginning to understand my ways. You have begun to know the truth about me. All I do is an act of my love. You will know my great love as you focus on it and give room for it in your life. It will overtake your life and my kindness toward you will take you to places that are not possible to reach without my grace.
You will begin to learn to release my love to others in the realm of healing and deliverance and teaching, once you know that I am love. Look at my son Jesus, he is and was the exact representation of me. Look at all he did while on earth, it was an act of love also. Healing the sick, feeding the hungry, raising the dead are all acts of love. It is all because of love.
Love is the hiding place of my power. You have searched for power to heal, deliver and set people free and now you have found the source of my power. My Spirit is Love also and to sow to the spirit is sowing to love. Do all you do as an act of love and let me love others through you: I am the source of all love!
Look at everything you do in your day and start doing only those things that bring forth love. I told you that you would know the truth and the truth would make you free. This is the truth. I love each and every person on the planet. I love all beings and all creatures. Everything created was created in love but you see what happens when people and angelic beings walk away from my love and try to do things in their own power. See how far they fall? See what happens when men replace my love with a bunch of rules and regulations? It frustrates my grace and makes the ones that I love run from me instead of to me.
I made it simple for you. Love is the key to all things. This is a process that you will learn over the next few weeks. Start seeing people as objects of my love and not as your friends or enemies.
Start changing the forces of your life by being rooted and grounded in my love. I told you that you could be rooted and grounded in my love and your foundation would be secure. This is why people fall away because they aren't secure in my love for them. There are no conditions on my love. Remember I said that this is love, not that you loved me but I love you? That is the basis of all things.
Now let’s talk about prosperity. You have to see it as a gift of my grace and love. If you do one thing to earn it then it's not grace. Grace only requires one thing. It is accessed by faith. Faith is the doorway into grace and grace provides salvation in all areas of your life. It will make you healthy and rich enough to have plenty to share with others. You receive all things concerning prosperity the same way you received salvation and my Spirit: You receive them by believing in me and believing my love will take care of you.
Remember by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourself it is my free gift. Saved means healed, delivered, prospered and blessed to be a blessing to others. Faith to access the grace was my gift also that's why I gave every man, woman and child the measure of faith. The measure is the same for all. This one measure of faith can be used to access the realm of my grace and love and you can walk in the blessings on earth as they are in heaven. You can have all the things on earth as you have in heaven.
Take the faith that I gave you and believe that I love you and am prospering you and healing you and delivering you. Know that I love you so much that I have l freely given you all things. You don't have to pay for any of it. Just think about it. If I gave you a new spirit with eternal life and I gave you of my Spirit and I forgave all your sins for free why would I charge you for prosperity? Would that make any sense? If you came to a banquet and they said all that you can eat is free except the potatoes and you'll have to work for those. Would that make any sense?
Remember the garden was made before Adam. Salvation was paid for long before you were even born. That's why I said strait is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life. It's only as wide as my son Jesus. People can't get beyond their own pride and let me love them freely. They try to make their own way and there will be no way that brings glory to anyone except Jesus. All the blessing of life and all that you will receive will be because of his accomplishment and not yours.
So stop struggling and let me love you. Accept my grace for prosperity as a gift of my love and teach others to let me love them. Watch what happens over the next few days as you grasp this teaching and watch my provision pour into your life. You are on a path of blessings and you will see all things that were lost restored into your life.
You will walk in health and blessings and love and you will know that my love is being poured out into your life. Not by your own works but by what was accomplished long before you arrived. The Lamb of God was slain before the foundation of the world. A way of blessing and prosperity was in place long before you arrived.
Think about this: People talk about how wonderful heaven is and about all the things they will have when they get there. My love has already seated you here. I told you that you were seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. So now you see that your blessings come from your true kingdom and that kingdom is within you because the king is within you.
I made it so simple that all that call upon my name will be saved. Religion wants you to work for it. I want to give it to you freely without charge. The problem with men is the same from the beginning. It is pride. They want to feel like they have done some great thing and are deserving of reward. It is not of reward it is of grace.
I told you that the love of money is the root of all evil. The problem is that people love the provision and not the provider. Once you truly have hold of the provider the provision will flow without being hindered. You will learn more as you spend time listening to my voice. My words will flow freely to you the more you practice hearing these words that I speak to you. I love teaching my sons and daughters. I wish more of them would come aside and listen to my teaching.
I love speaking to you this way. This is the word that Peter spoke of when he said he didn't want to leave the word of God to wait tables. He didn't want to leave my voice to do anything else. He didn't want to talk about anything else and was wrapped up in me and my voice. He would spend all day in prayer listening to my voice and on his way home he would be full of my power and they would lay the sick in the streets to be healed. He would walk by and the presence that was on him would heal the sick. It was when he left this teaching that he began to slip into error. He got away from the voice of my grace and slipped back under the law.
It's the same with many that I call to spread the great news of my gospel. They get hold of a truth and start getting so busy building their ministry that they leave me behind and stop hearing my voice. This grieves my Spirit because he feels like an artist without a canvas, a musician without an instrument or a shepherd with no sheep.
Let your ministry flow out of these times we spend together. Start adding these to your blog and letting others read them. When they see the relationship we have they will seek their own relationship with me. My greatest desire is to spend one on one time with each of my children. That is the most important thing to teach them. Tell them of the times we share and tell them there is room for all of them to come to me and learn.
Remember what I told you last week. Most of what you know about your earthly Dad was what your older siblings tell you. He was sick and nowhere near the man that he used to be when you were old enough to know him. Now which is better? To hear stories about your Dad or to know him? See what I mean? Nothing can replace relationship. It's the basis of my love.
Remember John Chapter seventeen. I want to be in you and you in me. I want it to be Father, Son, Spirit and sons and daughters all in a family all sharing time with each other and enjoying each other's company. I love it when we all get together and I really love time spent with each of you individually. The blood of Jesus and the working of my Spirit have made us one already but one of us keeps running away, and it’s not me. Teach my children to spend time with me.
You come away with me and I'll take care of your needs. Remember I told you that I was self-sufficient in all things but one. My love was too great not to share with family. My love for family is the reason for all I do.
Jesus knew my heart. He knew how much I loved him before the genesis of mankind. He knew my heart longed for more children. He knew that my love was too great to be contained in one place and we needed many dwelling places in which to store the power of my love. That's why He created mankind.
He wanted brothers and sisters to know the love of a Father the way he does. He is so much the exact replication of me that He would create mankind just to give my heart a place to rest its love. He knew of my love for him and he wanted to make many more in our image; in the image of love.
That is also why my Spirit came with fire and with tongues all could understand. He wanted you all to know that He is excited to be here and wants the whole world to know regardless of what language they speak that they are loved. He came to bring my love and my life to every people, tribe and tongue.
See the gospel as family my son. Know that I am building a family that will walk through eternity in love and fellowship with each other. You have had a taste of this in this age, and know that just like each one in your family is precious to you and the group as a whole is pure joy. Imagine that times a billion. That's my heart my son and here’s my plan: To raise a family that I can love and show my goodness to for eternity. Remember I said that I would gather all things together in one in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth? That’s my plan.
In the ages to come you will have a physical family and spiritual family all in one. I have had angels working with and protecting your family for generations. They long to be a part of your family and in the age to come they will be. Just as your family adopts people into it that aren't even kin, you will do the same with angels in the age to come. As I said I will gather all things in one in a family called Christ.
There is so much glory to be revealed in the ages to come. I created eternity just to show people how much I love them. My love can’t be fully expressed in just one age. It will never end. It has no bounds or limits. It's eternal love. I loved you a million eons ago when you were still a vision in my heart and I'll love you the same a million eons from now when we walk together in my glory.
Settle it in your heart and in the hearts of all who read these words. I am in love with you and will always be in love with you. The difference between those who spend eternity with me and those who are lost is the acceptance of my love for them. My love and my grace are free and free to all. It's what you do with my gift that counts.
Many will receive the gift of my son and enjoy my eternal blessings and others will turn away my free gift and be lost. The gifts are freely given. It is the act of believing that I love you and want you to have the blessings of my salvation that brings the blessings into your life.
It's really simple. You asked Jesus to come into your heart and you were born again. Anything else you need is just as simple. Just ask me in faith, knowing that I love you and want you to have it. Knowing that you don't have to earn it and it comes with no conditions. It is my free gift.
Remember my gifts and callings are without repentance. I am never sorry I gave a gift even if people misuse it. Your receiving it only depends on your faith in my love. How much you get depends on how much of my love you are willing to accept. Didn't I say have faith in me? Didn't I say that I am love? So have faith in my love.
Now you see why the early church preached the good news. It really is freedom from your own self and from bondage of religion. Religion says if I do this then God will do that. The gospel says. God already did it all and now I just need to receive it. Religion says “there is wood for a fire and provisions in the field if you will work for it you will eat.” The gospel says “come and dine. I have prepared a place for you. Eat until you are full.”
Don't think that I'm encouraging laziness that's not the point. The point is that all is free and freely you receive so freely give. Once you receive my grace the love that flows from you will accomplish more for the kingdom. You will become a distributor of my grace and even though it requires physical activity it will not be a work but a joy. Think about fishing. It requires work but it’s fun if you are catching. Learning to fish with love as the bait will guarantee a great catch.
You will find more joy in giving out of my abundance than you will of receiving it. That's why it's better to give than receive. To eat an ice cream cone is wonderful, but to buy one for a child who can't afford it is joy unspeakable.
Here is the key. You don't work to get my love you have my love and my provision already, so the works that you do are my works that were built into your journey before you got here. They are finished works. You can rest from your own labor and instead of doing works you can bear fruit. Then the hungry and sick and needy can receive of me through you.
Remember the purpose of a plant is to bring forth more of its own kind. If you plant a tomato it will bring forth more tomatoes and even more seeds to form more plants. Remember I said I would give seed to the sower and bread for food? Think about plants for a moment. They give fruit for food and seeds for more plants all in one. That's the way my gospel is. It can cause you to bear fruit and plant seeds in others at the same time.
That's how my kingdom grows. You receive the incorruptible seed and it grows in you and you become bread and seed at the same time. It will produce after its own kind and the words you speak will plant that seed in others until the whole earth is seeded with my gospel.
Now, let’s take a look at it from a provision standpoint. The garden was bearing fruit before man was made. There was bread for food and seeds to sow before I put Adam in the garden. People have it backwards today. I gave first. Not you. I gave first and that’s the order for eternity.
Get the process in the right order. People think they have to give something to get something and then they can give more away. The truth is what they need to do is receive from me first; and they will get provision for their own lives and good things to give away in the process.
Always know that I give first. I blessed the bread and gave the disciples to distribute. They didn't act first. I did. Here is the simple process. I give, you receive. As you receive bread for your food you also receive seed to sow. Don’t ever sow to get. Sow in love. You don’t sow to get you receive to get, you sow because you love. Only give because you love.
Think about this scripture. Everyone knows it but not many understand it: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but should have everlasting life. I gave first. I always give first. Do you remember in the vision I gave you that I made the fish before the fisherman, the grass before the cow, and the Savior before the sinner? Remember I said that Jesus was the first of all?
It's not giving that gets you eternal life. It's receiving. Believing in my Son Jesus is what brings life. Now put this in everything you do. Receive life and give out of the life you receive. You don't receive by giving you give after you receive. I said freely you have received so freely give. I want to drive this point home. You receive, you give, you receive and you give. Not the other way around.
Now let’s get back to that scripture. I loved so I gave. Give because you love and for no other reason. Don't let getting be the reason you give. Let love be the reason you give. Giving to get cheapens your gift.
Which would you rather hear a friend say? I'm buying you lunch because God will give me a hundred lunches? Or, I'm buying you lunch because I love you and treasure you and want to spend time with you?
See how silly this whole doctrine of giving to receive is? It has taken the church captive and it didn't come from me. I give you salvation, riches and blessings because I love you and for no other reason. You are changed by my love and you give to others because you love them. Giving to get changes an act of love from a beautiful thing to an investment or transaction. How sad it is to build a relationship based on money.
Remember as I told you before, in that day when men's works are tried in the fire only the things done in love will remain. I am love and I am a consuming fire. Only love can walk through the fire. My fire refines you; not because I do not accept you the way you are. I love you just like you are, but because I love you I am changing you for your benefit and not mine.
Know that my love for you is eternal. Meditate on my love and open your heart to receive all of my love. There is a depth to my love that you have not even imagined. There was a bloody cross to prove my love for you. Wasn't it enough? I have freely given all things to my children. You are my inheritance and all things are your inheritance. All free to you because of the payment of Jesus. He paid for the sins of the whole world and for all blessings for the children of the kingdom. There is no debt left to pay. He is the good man I spoke of through the prophet who said that a good man lays up an inheritance for his children’s children.
Don’t be offended when those who don’t understand this teaching come against you. Tradition is a hard thing to overcome even if it’s in error. The money changers have been in the church a long, long time. There is a lot of pride involved. Remember to love those who persecute you. Love them and teach them and remember they are ensnared and need mercy and not judgment. Pray for those who don’t understand. Don’t be concerned by those who say you are crazy. People said Jesus was crazy too. Don’t forget to love them my son. Just because they are wrong doesn't stop my love for them. My love for them is endless just as it is for you.
I love this time of teaching you my son. Please keep coming away with me to hear my voice. You are learning many things and are a good student. There's nothing I love better than spending time teaching my sons and daughters while we fellowship together.
Come away with me later my son and we'll discuss this more. I love you.
I want to encourage you all to take time and get away with Dad. He has many things to speak to each of you. All He needs is a little time. He wants to communicate with each of you so very much. It only takes a little time to learn His voice. It is such unspeakable joy to hear his voice and to have Him teach you. Please don't neglect such a great part of salvation. Jesus paid the ultimate price for you to be able to see, and hear and to know of His love. Please don't squander His unspeakable gift. He longs for your fellowship and He loves you with all of his heart.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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