Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. I am on a mission to share the great love of Jesus Christ with all who visit this site. God has been so good to me and has blessed me so much that I can't help but share him with you. It is my hope that as you read these posts of visions, dreams, writings and teachings that you will listen with your heart and will hear his great love for you in the words on these pages. These writings come from spending time in prayer and listening to his voice. My desire for you is that you will learn to hear him speak to you and to know of his great love for you. He wants to save, heal and deliver you and to adopt you into his loving family. Be saved today! How you might ask? Just pray this prayer.
Lord Jesus, I believe you died for my sins and God raised you from the dead. I confess you as Lord of my life and ask you to save me and fill me with your Holy Spirit.
If you prayed this prayer please contact us and we will help you to begin this new life. Thanks again for visiting and God bless you.
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