Psalm 19: 1-3
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. 2: Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.3: There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
In this fast paced age it is so easy to get caught up in the cares and troubles of this world and not take time to hear what God is saying. We have TV, radio, internet and cell phones all getting our attention while the sky day by day is screaming in silence and no one listens.
Lately I have had many people ask me how to hear God's voice and asking me why does He speak things to me that they never hear? I'd like to tell them it's because I'm some great prophet or have a special calling but that would be a lie. The truth is He is speaking to you also but maybe you aren't listening or just don't understand His language.
Many people think you are crazy if you say God spoke to you. They are so accustomed to being deaf that being deaf to His voice is normal and being able to hear is considered rare. This saddens me. Can you imagine if your whole life you spoke to your earthly father every day and he never spoke back to you? Now why do people think that a loving heavenly Father who sent his only Son to die for them would be so rude?
Over the next few days I'll be posting some things that might help restore your hearing so you can have fellowship with your Father who loves you immeasurably and has longed for years to have two way conversations with you. He wants you to hear Him much more than you want to.
In this teaching it is a given that if you are a child of God then you understand that He often speaks through the scriptures and you can hear his voice speaking through you as you read your bible. To hear God's voice read your bible, to hear God's audible voice read your bible out loud. I love to read the bible and it’s very wonderful to do so but I also like to hear his voice speaking to me about personal things that aren't written in scripture. I very much encourage you to read the Bible, especially the New Testament. It’s God’s love letter to you.
Now, let’s get on to today’s teaching. Today we'll start with nature. It is full of His voice. As you read above the scripture says that the heavens declare the glory of the Lord and the sky shows off his handiwork. The sun, moon, stars, and sky have a voice and they are speaking to us day and night. If you will listen you will hear them say how much He loves you. You will hear them shout out His love and proclaim His goodness to all generations. If he took such great care to decorate the heavens how much more does He long to decorate your life with beauty? I like to think of the sky as God’s canvas that He paints on. I love to look at it day and night.
One night I stood beneath the night time sky in west Texas and I could see from horizon to horizon. The sky was full of beautiful stars and even though the moon was dark that night I could actually see where I was going by the starlight. I was in awe and stood there worshiping Him for His goodness and beauty. I was lost in time and could have stayed there forever.
After a few moments went by I asked Him why He made so many stars and why they are all different. It was very quiet that night and when He spoke His voice seemed to come from everywhere although I knew it was in my heart where I usually hear Him. As I fell to my knees in the glory of His presence His voice so sweetly said to me. "The stars remind me of my children. As I created them and flung them into space I was thinking of my children to come, and how I longed for each of my children to know that it was for them that I created all these things."
Then He reminded me of the scripture in first John chapter one that says it like this:
1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2: The same was in the beginning with God. 3:.All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. 4: In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5: And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Then He said "I sent the stars into the darkness of space to bring light to the universe, I also sent my children into a dark world to bring light into it. My life is the light that shines in all of my children. Just as the darkness of space does not understand the light of the stars so it is with the world. They don't understand the light that dwells in my children."
I stood there totally lost in the splendor of the moment and I thanked Him for the lesson of the stars, and since that night I have paid closer attention to the sky both day and night. I try to take time to look at every sunrise and sunset and I watch the clouds and listen to the wind. It's God's voice speaking to me, calling to me and proclaiming His love for me.
He is speaking to you also and you can learn to hear Him. I will go more into these lessons in the next post, but the first key to hearing His voice is to know that He is speaking through everything that exists, and if you want to learn to hear Him all you have to do is listen. Take time out today to get quiet before Him and ask Him to speak to you. You'll be amazed what He says and how encouraging it is to hear Him. You can do this! I pray you hear him today.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,