Habakkuk Chapter 2: 1-3
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
2: And the LORD answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
3: For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
In verse one the prophet said he would stand upon his watch and see what He will say to me. Notice he was standing, watching, waiting and expecting to see what God would say to him. He didn't say hear what God would say but said he would see what He would say.
This is a very important step in hearing God's voice. You need to spend time listening and watching for the voice of God. Once you get the hang of it you can get to this place very quickly. It's really a matter of focus and then you can hear all the time.
God still speaks in dreams and visions but most Christians today don’t believe it, so they don’t experience it. Pictures and visions are a much more efficient way of speaking than words. For instance I could say to you: There are many wheels and portals all down the side. There are three sets of doors. There are small creatures inside looking though clear portals. This machine stops often and the small creatures depart from it. Or I could show you a picture of a school bus full of children. I know this is a little extreme but I did it on purpose to make the point, but seriously, would you rather read about your children or see a picture of them? Would you rather read about heaven or get to see it? God can show you a picture or a vision and you can harvest volumes of information from one picture.
Also there are times He can show you something in a vision and you can keep it private from those who don't need to know. For example, once at a church I was praying for a girl who said she had trouble reading the bible. She didn't tell me what kind of trouble. As I prayed for her I had a vision of the letters on the page being jumbled up and backwards. This was God's way of telling me she was dyslexic. The other people in the church didn't need to know about her problem. God is considerate and kind. He often shows us pictures so we can pray in private about things. He let me see what she sees when she reads. Believe me; I had much more compassion by seeing what she sees than I would have had by just hearing the word dyslexic. As I prayed again I saw all the letters go back into place in order. We handed her a bible and she could read perfectly now. God in his great grace and mercy healed her without anyone else knowing what was wrong.
It's the same way when maybe you are working or driving and all of a sudden you see someone's face in your heart. Maybe you haven't thought about them in years but their face flashes before you. This is the Holy Spirit wanting you to pray for them. It is a vision or picture from God and a direct communication from Him.
When you love someone you communicate with them in many different ways, not just by speaking. For instance you might communicate with your husband or wife with a smile or a touch or maybe with a gift or flowers. There may not be any words involved but the meaning comes through loud and clear. You might communicate with your child with a hug or a touch and never say a word but the expression is conveyed perfectly.
Why would we ever think that an unlimited God of love and grace would not use every means possible to communicate with us? If you don’t believe God speaks to you then you are missing out on most of your blessings. To hear His voice in word or vision is pure delight.
All throughout the bible we see that God spoke to His people in dreams and visions. From Abraham right down through the disciples the bible is full of examples of how God spoke to His people through dreams and visions. To have dreams and visions doesn't make you special. It makes you normal. God is speaking to you and showing you things in visions and pictures but are you watching and listening? If not you are missing out.
Now back to the scripture we just read. Do you notice how God said to tarry and wait for the vision? That’s our problem sometimes. We are used to getting everything instantly in this age and we don’t spend enough time with our Father. What I've found is that God is not trying to keep you from seeing; He is just trying to spend some time with you. He loves you and wants your attention. He wants you to linger in his presence awhile.
Here’s a clue. If you are in constant fellowship with Him then the dreams and visions come faster and you don’t have to tarry as long. Your Father loves you and He created eternity just so he could be with you forever. So don’t act like He’s a million miles away. He lives inside you so treat Him like He’s really inside you. Communicate with Him like He is your best friend standing right next to you, because in reality He is much closer than that. As you do this you will see that He loves speaking to you and you can have two way conversations that go on for hours.
I’d rather spend all day with Him than do anything else. He is my dearest friend and we can talk about anything. He is really interested in all we do. He is fun to be with and He will speak to you of things beyond imagination or He will tell you which side of the lake to go fishing on. It’s the fellowship that He wants.
One reason most people don’t expect to have visions and dreams is because they are afraid. They are scared our Loving Father is going to show them something that scares the socks off of them. Don’t worry about that. He knows what level you are on. Personally with me it started with simple things that pertained to what I was doing in life with my family and job. He would show me things that helped me and I learned to listen to His voice in words and pictures because it was just fun to visit with Him. Later on, when I was ready, He started showing me weightier things. Not that I’m some sort of seer or prophet. I don’t have anything that is not already in you if you have been born again and have the Holy Spirit living in you.
Dreams, visions and Father’s voice are just normal conversation but we have made it into something super spiritual. Just ask your Father to open up communication with you. Ask for your ears to be opened and your eyes to open to see what He is saying. You will be surprised how gentle He is and how He will lovingly teach you how to communicate with Him.
So remember lesson one. Learn to see Him and hear Him in nature. He is speaking through creation and creation is displaying His glory. See Him in the stars and the sky and hear Him in the song of the birds and the rumble of thunder. And lesson two; Look for visions. Get still before Him and ask Him to communicate with you through any means He wants to.
I am praying for each of you daily and I pronounce God’s blessings upon you and your families. Be strengthened with all might in your spirit by His Spirit. Don’t forget to spend time with your Father today. He’s expecting you and misses you. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
For more information please visit our website at:
Now back to the scripture we just read. Do you notice how God said to tarry and wait for the vision? That’s our problem sometimes. We are used to getting everything instantly in this age and we don’t spend enough time with our Father. What I've found is that God is not trying to keep you from seeing; He is just trying to spend some time with you. He loves you and wants your attention. He wants you to linger in his presence awhile.
Here’s a clue. If you are in constant fellowship with Him then the dreams and visions come faster and you don’t have to tarry as long. Your Father loves you and He created eternity just so he could be with you forever. So don’t act like He’s a million miles away. He lives inside you so treat Him like He’s really inside you. Communicate with Him like He is your best friend standing right next to you, because in reality He is much closer than that. As you do this you will see that He loves speaking to you and you can have two way conversations that go on for hours.
I’d rather spend all day with Him than do anything else. He is my dearest friend and we can talk about anything. He is really interested in all we do. He is fun to be with and He will speak to you of things beyond imagination or He will tell you which side of the lake to go fishing on. It’s the fellowship that He wants.
One reason most people don’t expect to have visions and dreams is because they are afraid. They are scared our Loving Father is going to show them something that scares the socks off of them. Don’t worry about that. He knows what level you are on. Personally with me it started with simple things that pertained to what I was doing in life with my family and job. He would show me things that helped me and I learned to listen to His voice in words and pictures because it was just fun to visit with Him. Later on, when I was ready, He started showing me weightier things. Not that I’m some sort of seer or prophet. I don’t have anything that is not already in you if you have been born again and have the Holy Spirit living in you.
Dreams, visions and Father’s voice are just normal conversation but we have made it into something super spiritual. Just ask your Father to open up communication with you. Ask for your ears to be opened and your eyes to open to see what He is saying. You will be surprised how gentle He is and how He will lovingly teach you how to communicate with Him.
So remember lesson one. Learn to see Him and hear Him in nature. He is speaking through creation and creation is displaying His glory. See Him in the stars and the sky and hear Him in the song of the birds and the rumble of thunder. And lesson two; Look for visions. Get still before Him and ask Him to communicate with you through any means He wants to.
I am praying for each of you daily and I pronounce God’s blessings upon you and your families. Be strengthened with all might in your spirit by His Spirit. Don’t forget to spend time with your Father today. He’s expecting you and misses you. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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