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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Giant Killers

     First Samuel Chapter 17 tells the story of David and Goliath. For forty days this giant had terrorized the army of Israel and mocked them every day challenging them to a fight. All the soldiers were terrified of him and would not go to fight him. After all, this giant was almost ten feet tall and wore over a hundred pounds of armor, and his spear weighed more than fifteen pounds. He was a monster for sure. Every day he cursed the army of Israel and called them out but all were too afraid to face him alone.

     Then along comes David. A shepherd boy whose father Jesse had sent him to the army camp to take his older brothers food and to check on their well-being  When he got to their camp he heard the giant run his big mouth and taunt everyone. He asked one of the soldiers what would be the reward for killing this giant. They told him the king would treat him nicely and reward him with wealth and even the king's daughter for a bride. He asked again another soldier told him the same story.

     David's older brothers feared for his life and told him that he didn't belong there and he needed to go back and tend to the sheep. But David was not afraid. He had already fought a lion and a bear to protect his father's sheep and he knew that God would deliver this giant into his hands also.

     David got permission from the king to face this giant. Although the king didn't believe David could win, he was desperate to try anything to get rid of this giant. The king tried fitting his on armor onto David and to give him his own weapons but they wouldn't fit, so the shepherd boy went out with his staff and five smooth stones from the riverbed and a sling.

     While the giant spewed filth from his mouth at David and taunted him, David ran toward the giant with all his might. He told the giant that he was coming for him in the name of the Lord and was going to cut off his head and feed him to the scavengers! As he ran he launched one stone from his sling and hit the giant right in the middle of his forehead. The giant fell with a thud and the army cheered. The rest of the giant’s cohorts scattered and the army of Israel pursued and defeated them.

     David took the head of the giant back to Jerusalem but took the weapons of the giant back to his own tent. When the king learned what had happened he took David into his house from that day on.

     While studying this story some interesting comparisons came to me. There was another giant called sin and death that reigned over all our hearts and minds for thousands of years. It taunted us and terrorized us and left us helpless and afraid. No matter how we tried we couldn't fight it. We were helpless and hopeless and at the mercy of the giant.

     Then one day there came a shepherd. He didn't fight with spears and swords but with smooth stone like words. He told us he was going to fight a great battle with the giant and even though it might seem hopeless he would win this fight.

     He like David would fight for the sheep and would defeat the enemy. Even when it seemed hopeless and He had been in grave for three days, it still wasn't over. He arose in victory and slew the giant with a crushing blow to his head. Sin and death could reign over people no more.

     The giant called the devil was defeated and then The Shepherd was received into the King's house for what He had accomplished and even received the King's daughter(the church) for a bride.

    Now it's our turn. We all have giants in our lives that must be defeated. They have been terrorizing us for years. Just like David those who are around you won't believe that you will be able to slay the giant. They may be older and stronger than you and think that you are too weak, but God has a plan. He gave you a sling and a rock. The rock is the truth of God's word that is sharper than any two edged sword. It will cut the head off the giant you are facing and chase away his armies. Maybe your giant is sickness, poverty, fear, depression, anger or jealousy. They are no match for the truth.

     Others may see you as a weak sheep herder but God see's you as a giant killer. He knows you can defeat your giant. He's just waiting on you to discover it for yourself. You see you've already killed the lion and the bear. It's time to face your giant. Don’t forget, there is great reward for slaying your giant and the very weapons he tried to defeat you with will be trophies in your tent.

     So rise up today and slay whatever giant is in your path. Use the truth in the word and declare unto the giant how Great your God is and how you are going to take him down and saw off his head! Be bold and courageous! What are you waiting for Giant Killer?

I hope you are encouraged by these words.

Until next time,

Grow Rich in His Grace,

I love you all,


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