Sometimes I guess we all have more questions than answers and that is a shame because we have a loving Father who loves to teach us and to answer us if we would only listen. He loves to drop revelation into our spirits or to whisper in our ears. If we would just get still and listen.
One thing that I've found that helps is to just sit quietly before Him and worship quietly. I usually sit with my laptop ready to type but sometimes I just drive out into nowhere and sit in my truck with a tablet. I've found that if I write a few questions at the top of the page and just sit and listen He will give me the answers.
I know that as you read these writings that it seems like I skip around and I do. It's because sometimes all the answers come so quickly. It's like they are just downloaded into my heart. I have to write the pieces as I see them and go back later and put them all together in order. So please bear with me.
This next post is one of those examples. I had some questions ready and once again the words just poured out onto the keyboard. I know a lot of my writings are personal and some it's hard to share because it allows you to see my weaknesses and failures. But at His request I put them out here anyway because I know many of you are going through the same problems as me.
So here are the words He spoke to me a few days ago. I hope it encourages you.
I want you to stand before me in that day and receive rewards. I want your success a million times more than you do. Which is worse? To fail personally or to see your children fail? Now you understand. There is a deeper hurt involved when you see your children fail than yourself.
There is also a much greater reward when you see your children succeed. Now you know your Father's heart. I want to see all of my children succeed greatly. There was never failure in my plans for any of my children but there is forgiveness when they do. So pick yourself up and dust the world off your backside and stand upright. These have been some terrible trials you've been through but now is the time for joy and the refreshing of my presence with you.
In all these things and through all this time have I not sustained you? Just wait until you get all of your water from my well and see how sweet it is. Keep pressing in. There is an abundance of riches in my grace and you have only cracked open the valve to let it flow. Take off all the limits and watch what I can do.
Inside of you is my incorruptible seed that will grow into an incorruptible tree that bears much fruit. Everything you need is already inside you.
When I said work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, I didn't mean the salvation of your eternal spirit. I meant all the things you need in this life are planted within you. All the things you need to save you from your troubles and your problems are deposited in your spirit already. Work them out like you would work out a diamond that you are digging out of the ground.
These treasures are hidden in earthly vessels. Didn't I say that my salvation was nigh you and in your heart? Quit looking for blessing from heaven and look inside. You are the windows of heaven. Do I not shine through you? You are the portals. You are the meeting place of God and the world. That's why I called you the temple. Others can meet me right in front of you. You can open your hearts and let me out and into them. They can see me in you and then I can be in them also.
All that you need was deposited inside you when you received my Spirit. But many might say, "All we got was the down payment. Trust me; the down payment of my Spirit is more than enough. Did not I say that in the last days I would pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh? I am pouring through you my people. You are the vessels that carry my Spirit. You are the pots that contain the water I turned into wine. Don’t you see the resemblance? They took containers made of earth and filled them with water which turned to wine in my presence. Then all at the wedding were made glad because they tasted of my presence.
You must have faith in who I am inside you. No more doubting. Don't doubt your calling, don’t doubt your choosing. Don’t doubt that the supply will be there when you need it. All you have to do is withdraw it. These things are inside you already. If I have thousands of angels standing by just in case you need them don't you think I have finances and vehicles and other tools waiting for you to call for them?
Quit asking me for what I've already given you. A small child begs their Father for everything they want. A mature son or daughter of my kingdom understands that they have left the world and gone into the business of their Father.
Oh you of little faith. Do soldiers buy their own bullets? Do ambassadors sent to other nations travel at their own expense? Don’t you know that before I planned you ministry that I sat down and counted all the cost? I counted everything you would ever need and deposited it right into your Spirit. Understand my ways. I have already provided all you need. With joy draw it out of the well of salvation inside you. Once you learn this then you will never lack again.
It is certain and for sure that I have called you and I am sending you on this mission called your life. Just so you understand I'm giving you your marching orders. Here is your calling. Go make disciples of all men, women and children. Go into all of the world and preach the Gospel. Be tender with my babies and bring utter destruction upon the wolves that terrorize my sheep. Encourage, teach and loose the burdens of sickness, disease and poverty off my people. Help bring my healing to the brokenhearted.
Restore the order to my churches. They must be built on my grace and no other foundation. Salvation by Christ alone and that was purchased and paid for by His blood and not by works. Those who think they can earn it are liars and don’t know the truth.
Understand that the miracles and wonders are my workings within you. All you have to do is give me room to work through your bodies. We are one Spirit. Understand what this means. We are not two any longer but one. You choose which one. Shall we be you, with a little of me mixed in or will you yield to me and be a little of you, with all of me mixed in? He that is joined to Christ is one Spirit.
In John chapter seventeen I spoke of this oneness. You will see as we become one that my heart becomes yours. The things I desire you will give your attention to. The things you desire I will give my attention to, and my Father’s desire we both give all of our attention to.
Now do you understand how this works? I laid my life down for my people. My Father laid his life down when He raised me from the dead and exalted me. Holy Spirit laid His life down when He left heaven to dwell in my people. We only become one by surrendering to each other. When you lay your life down for me then it completes the circle and we are all one.
I have many more things I want to teach you and teach my people through you if you will surrender to me your time and let me use your fingers to type with. I know that typing isn't a glamorous part of ministry, but ask my beloved Paul about the dim light in a prison trying to write on parchment. Or John about a lonely island by himself writing glorious visions that I gave him. Don’t you see they weren't just writing to teach you how to read and to teach you my ways? They were writing to teach you how to write what you hear and see.
It's all about letters. You write letters to me and I'll write them to you. There is much instruction in the letters but once you learn that I can teach you this way you will find your life much easier. Encourage all my people to sit down and write to me. I have longed to give them all this ability to hear my voice and write the vision down plainly on these tables.
Did not even I say it is written when I defeated the enemy? Once you receive this word from me and write it down it becomes a legal document recorded in the courts of heaven. Does not everyone on earth doing official business put it into writing? How will people ever know that there is an agreement unless it is written?
So keep writing and encourage all to do so. They may think it hard or boring at first but it will get easier as it has for you. Publish these things for free and put them for all the world to see. That which I give you in secret shout from the housetop.
Remember my beloved, time is precious. The days of this age are coming to a close. We must work while there is time. Did I not say that are six days when we can work? Time is running out and most of my harvest is still in the field. No more time for games, or doubt or excuses. Use every tool available to reach my little lost sheep.
Finally my beloved, strengthen yourself in my presence. Worship while you work, pray while you run. Above all, Love like it’s the last day, because it is. I love you my beloved as I also love all and would be delighted if all came to repentance and were saved. Tell my beloved lambs how much I love them. Sing to them my love songs and bind up their wounds. The day comes soon when all the sheep are in one pasture and safe forever. Remember my beloved: Love never fails...
Once again, I hope you find encouragement in these words,
Until next time,
Grow rich in His grace,
I love you all,
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