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Saturday, December 15, 2012
Knowing Him
A few days ago I was in prayer and I was taken into a vision. When this happened I lost contact with my surroundings and it was like a dream but with my eyes open. All of a sudden I saw a fisherman walking down to the beach with a long fishing rod. While wondering and looking to see if it was someone I know I heard a voice ask me the following question: “Do you think there are enough fish for the fisherman?" My answer was yes of course there are, he's fishing in the ocean and there are multitudes of fish in the ocean. Then the voice asked, " Did I make the fish first or the fisherman?" I answered, "Lord, you made the fish first and plenty of them." At this point I was immediately carried away into another vision.
In this vision I saw one cow in the middle of the biggest pasture I ever have seen. It seemed like there were miles of green grass all around her. While looking around once again He began asking me questions. "Do you think she has enough grass to eat my son?" He asked. "Yes sir, more than she could ever eat." was my reply. "Did I make the grass first or the cow first?" he asked. "Of course you made the grass first." was my reply.
All of a sudden my senses were overwhelmed with multitudes of images flashing before me faster than I could imagine. I saw all the stars in the sky, all the trees in the forest, all the water in the oceans, all the grass in the fields, all the animals and all the things they eat. Once again I heard His voice. He said, “Before there were fish, I made the ocean. Before their were birds I made them trees to live in and berries to eat, before there was any grass eating creature I grew the grass, before there was a man to gaze into heaven I made billions of stars, flung them into the sky and named them after my children."
I was so amazed at all these things and then I found myself in a beautiful garden. I knew it was the Garden of Eden. Somehow I knew that I was seeing images of the garden before Adam was created. I saw all the trees with the fruit and remembered how God made all of it and then put the man Adam into it. It had everything he could ever need. I remembered the account in Genesis of how God made all these things and how he made mist to water the garden so that Adam could spend the cool of the day walking with Him. He provided everything that Adam would ever need. And then God gave Adam the perfect bride who was most beautiful.
Then in a moment that took my breath away I looked back through the garden. I knew that I wasn't just looking back in depth but back into time. Then through the mist that came up to water the ground I saw it at the beginning of time in the very beginning of the garden: There it was! A cross!
Immediately I wept. That's when once again He spoke to me and said, "Before there was a sinner, there was a savior!"
Then the scripture came to my heart of how the lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. Suddenly I realized that He really did do as the scriptures say. He counted the cost. Father, Word and Holy Spirit counseled together before the creation and counted every expense even down to the blades of grass required to feed the animals and how many berries to feed the birds. Then in His goodness He made more than enough for all.
Once again I was back to my normal world and wondering why I ever doubted Him. Why do I worry sometimes? It's obvious that He has everything that we could ever need and more. I sat and pondered these visions for about an hour or so and once again I heard His voice but this time there was no vision, just a quiet peaceful voice inside my heart. He said, "son, it's time for you to learn my ways, for my ways are not yours and my thoughts not your thoughts. You look at lack and I look at plenty. You look at failure and I look at victory. You look at famine and I look at bounty. If you will learn to see what I see then you can live in plenty and never lack again."
It’s been a few days now and I've been practicing what He taught me and learning to see Him as the great God of abundance that He is. I'll let you all know with a later post of my progress. I hope maybe you gained something from this too and I'll be glad to answer any questions I can. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow rich in His grace,
I love you All
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