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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Shepherd's Helpers

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John Chapter Ten:

     I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.

     As I was praying today, Father spoke to me and asked me to share with you the following words:

     My son, tell my little lambs that there is abundance coming. The days of struggle and trial will soon be replaced by days of plenty. Many of you who are older remember when my Spirit flowed like rain and you remember when miracles were common. It has been a long dry spell for many of you and many of the young ones don’t even know what these days were like.

     So you ask why has it been so dry? It is because many of those whom I called forgot that they are shepherd’s helpers and not the shepherd. My son shepherds my flock and there was a time when most of those whom I called to help understood that. In the last few years the shepherd’s helpers have taken the sheep to themselves and pretended that they had the answers and that the sheep should follow them.

    They have pre-programmed messages and timelines according to their schedule and have scheduled my Spirit out of feeding time because they don’t have time for us. There is no more time for all night prayer meetings and all day singings, there is only time for their twenty-minute services so they can run one flock out and another in. This is not the way it is supposed to be.

     A true shepherd’s helper will know that green grass and clear water belong to the owner of the pasture. They understand that their job is to assist their shepherd by being gentle and leading the sheep to the shepherd. They don’t see the sheep as their possession but see the sheep as the precious possession of the one who called them to help. They don’t treat them like their own sheep but treat them as who they truly are: the very children of God.

     The true shepherd’s helpers don’t judge the sheep or sheer the sheep. They know that their hands aren’t as skilled as the shepherd’s hands and they don’t want to risk hurting the sheep. They will however fight against wolves, bears and snakes and pests who try to injure the sheep, and if they aren’t sure what is wrong with the sheep they will go speak to the shepherd as often as it takes to get the answers they need to help the little lambs to grow.

     My children I am telling you these things to let you know that times are changing. Don’t follow any shepherd who leads you to themselves. Only follow those who lead you to me. It’s time for my sheep to be fattened and I am about to weed out the false shepherd helpers and replace them with those who will tend my flock in love. As this happens there will be an abundance of grace poured out through my helpers to strengthen my flock.

     I will need your help. As long as you are willing to follow those who devour you then you will be devoured. If the shepherd whom you are following is scaring you then you are following the wrong one. If the one you are following is taking too much of your wool and leaving you sore from shearing you then you are following the wrong one. The last thing a true shepherd wants if frightened sheep scattered all over the country side. This is not helpful in growing the flock.

     So stop following those who treat you this way and the ones who act like you were born to serve them. A true shepherd serves the sheep and will work day and night to protect them and feed them.

     So I am calling you my lambs. I will sing to you the song of joy so that you will learn my voice and follow me. You know my voice. It’s the voice that makes your heart dance and makes you full of joy. It’s the sound of laughter and happiness that makes you want to sing along with me. Learn my voice and don’t follow another.

   To those fallen shepherds: Yes, you were called to help me and assist me but you forgot that you were called to serve the flock. And you think the flock was called to feed you. I will give you a short space to repent and fall in love with my lambs again. I don’t want to take your place away from you but my lambs are my heart and I will not have them beaten any longer. I will not allow you to frighten them by telling them stories about them not being safe in my pasture. I will not have you telling them that they must fear the events of the world when my son told you that no one is able to snatch you out of my hand. I am the protector of my flock and I will not have you terrorizing them.

     I told you in Ephesians that I am gathering all things together into one, into Christ and if you keep scattering my sheep I will scatter you. Don’t let this happen. Fall in love with the lambs you were given to watch over and pray for them day and night. Restore them and feed them with the feed that you get from me and not that cheap stuff you get from the world. My lambs need food from heaven and not food from the dump. They are not scavengers so stop feeding them that garbage.

     To my true shepherd helpers. I know you have worked with little and have worked hard to keep the flock safe and together. I see your diligence and your love for my lambs. I understand that you have laid down your life for my lambs as I laid down my life for you. You have an eternal reward stored up but I will reward you with my presence. I will send those to help you so that you can rest and not be so weary. As your helpers come then I will call you to my table to eat and to be refreshed.

   Shout for joy my little lambs. Days of refreshing are coming and I have not forgotten you. Return to my voice and follow me into green pastures of my grace and drink the cool, clear water of my Spirit and be refreshed. I will watch over you and will keep guard. Yes, there are wolves and bears in the world but your protection is my job and not yours. Your job is to follow your shepherd’s voice and go where he leads you. Follow close my babies for I love you with all my heart.

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me a little while ago. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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