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Friday, September 30, 2016

What Does God Dream?

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     I began today as I always do in prayer to my Father. I love to ask him personal questions so that I can get to know him personally. So here was today’s question and his answer:

     Father, I love you, thank you for the dreams you give me and for all the wonderful things you do. I know by the scriptures that you never sleep or slumber but I was wondering if you daydream and if you do what do you dream about?

     I wonder because I know you know all things past, present and future, so how do you dream and what do you dream? I know we are created in your image so if we dream then you dream. Please share with me your heart and your wisdom.

     He said:

     Oh my beloved one, please write these things down and share them with my loved ones. I do dream and you are the dream. I created you in my likeness and in my image. This means that you were created in my imagination before you were born in me.

     This is why dreams are so important. Dreams happen at a deep level in your heart and all that comes from your deepest heart is powerful whether it be good or evil. An evil person dreams of evil in their heart and it comes to pass in their lives. A pure heart brings forth great things into the earth.

     Your heart is the garden and dreams are the seeds. You water these seeds each time you rehearse the dream you are given and speak it over and over until it comes to pass. This is believing with your heart. I give you a dream but you must act on it to make it come to pass. Dreams are like blueprints. They are an image of what can be if you will use the tools you are given to build it.

     This is why you are here. We were self-sufficient and had all things we needed except one. We needed loved ones to share our wealth with. What good is having all the love in the universe and all wealth and all wonder and have no one to share it with?

     So we had a dream. We would create mankind in our image and in our likeness. We dreamed of all of you being the objects of our love and affection. We dreamed of filling you with our very own presence so that we could not only love you but could experience being one with you and watch through your eyes as you discover who you are and who I am.

     Can you imagine if you could dwell with your children and never be separated from them? Even though they go out into the world you would never have to leave them and could always be with them and love them from inside their heart and not just from outside.

     This is who I am. The reason I told you that I would never leave you or forsake you is because I love you too much to leave you. When you run away I am with you. You will never be alone. This why David said if he made his bed in hell I would be with him. He understood my love. He knew I would never leave him or forsake him and I will never leave you either.

    This is my dream for each of you. We had this dream and we created you in our imagination and then we watered the dream with love and then spoke it into creation. You should do the same with your dreams. See them as living things that you can love in your heart and then speak them into being. Don’t treat them as dreams but treat them as living things. All dreams that come from me have my life in them and like a baby they need nurturing to grow.

     So what about the dreams you dreamed and they never came to pass? All things are possible for the one who raises the dead to life. Think of Abraham’s dream. Did I not put him into a deep sleep and make a covenant with him while he was asleep? Did his dream come to pass? Even though his body was as good as dead he kept the dream alive by speaking his own name. He saw it in his dream and he spoke it with his words and it came to pass.

     This is where the church today misses it. They try to speak someone else’s dream into their lives instead of coming to me for their own dream. For example, you could say as Abraham did “I am the Father of many nations.” You can speak it all you want but if I didn’t make you that promise then it will not come to pass for you. If I didn’t give you the living dream inside you then there is nothing there to bring into existence.

     Come to me and ask me for the dream for your life and I will show you what I want to bring forth in you. I will show you what I dream for your life and how glorious your dream can be if you let go of what the world-church tells you to dream and dream my dream for you.

     My dream for you is for you to be one with me. My dream for you is for you to know that you are loved and you are no accident. I dreamed about you long before you became conscious of yourself. You are my dream and it is a sweet dream and will get sweeter as you turn loose of religion and open your heart for me to dream in.

    Many of you have become discouraged because the dream you dreamed didn’t come to pass when you thought it should. That’s okay. It’s not over. There is still this thing called “today” and you are still alive and well and all things are possible to the one who believes in me.

     I can take your old dead dream and bring it back to life and that is my job. You job is to dream that dream and rehearse it in your heart and to speak it out until it comes to pass. The vision will come and it will not tarry. It will come in its time. Dreams are like children and each has a birthday. Somethings are better delayed because you have matured enough to appreciate them more.

     So my beloved ones. Know that you are my dream come true. You were in my heart and imagination and now you are in me and I am in you and we are alive together forever.

    Now, come to me and let me give you my dream for you to dream. Love that dream and water it and feed it until it comes to pass. It’s never too late. This is why I said “Arise and shine for your light has come.” It came while you were sleeping and now you are awake and shining. Shine on my beloved candles. Light up my creation with your presence. You are my delight and you are my dream.

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me earlier this morning. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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