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Friday, September 2, 2016

The Truth Inside

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    While in prayer this morning Father’s voice came to me and he asked me to write down these words and share them with you.

     He said:

     My dear children. It’s time to practice in the spiritual as you do in the natural. There are so many lying signs and wonders going on right now. You have been deceived by many who would mislead you. This is why you must practice using your spiritual discernment in knowing good from evil.

     Your natural senses are being bombarded by the enemy. He floods your ears and eyes and senses with things that look good on the physical level but on the inside they are rotten to the core. It is very important to learn to judge things in the spirit and not in the natural. This is why I wrote through my beloved John in what you call First John Chapter Two.

     But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.

     You must look at all things through this anointing that you were given. In the world that you live in it is getting harder by the minute to tell real from fiction. Technology can deceive you into believing you are seeing real images when you are seeing computer generated images. Not to mention even my beloved children go to movies where they pay good money to be deceived and scared out of their minds by images that are not real.

     You have complete freedom to do and see what you want but some things are not good for you. It is never good to celebrate a lie. It is not good to allow your enemy to program your mind, and then have your mind war against the truth that is in your spirit, which leaves you feeling confused. Yes, I love it that you have freedom but I have much better things in store for you.

     As you begin to trust this anointing that abides in you then you will know if something is true or not by the leading of my Spirit inside you. Some people call it listening to their gut because your spirit is deep inside you and it seems like you are getting information from deep within because you are. You must practice this more often. I gave you my anointing so no one could deceive you.

     I told you in Hebrews Chapter Five that those who are mature have practiced using their spiritual senses and discernment and are good at it because they have practiced it. How will you ever master something unless you practice it? You must start today because there is great glory coming at the same time there is already great deception happening and you need to be in the truth so that you won’t be overtaken by the lie.

     So how do you practice? You try everything you hear and see by my Spirit that dwells in you. You learn to hear my voice better by paying attention. Imagine it this way. Your spouse can speak at one volume and you don’t hear them. But suddenly if you turn off the television and stop the other noise and focus you can hear perfectly. This is what the world tries to do. They can’t shut off my voice but they can create enough background clutter that you can’t hear me plainly. This is why it is so important to spend quiet time each day tuning in my voice and tuning out others.

     So how do you know what to tune out? It’s easy. I had it written down for you in Chapter Four of Paul’s letter to the Philippians where he wrote:

     Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

     Anything that is running through your mind that does not match up with this is clutter. In your time of meditation these are the things you should be thinking of. Now ask yourselves, if you turn on your minute by minute news cast do you hear any of these things? If you sit and listen to others gossip are you hearing any of these things?

     So many of my children are asking me to speak louder and I am asking them to turn down the noise. My children wouldn’t treat a house guest the way they treat me. You wouldn’t have a guest come over and ask to speak to you privately and then get up and turn on the television and start doing chores while they spoke would you? Or is it more likely that you would you turn everything off and find the quietest place in your home and sit and speak to them face to face?

    I love you so much my children and I need you to hear me and to know my truth for your own safety and your own well being. I want the absolute best for you and I don’t want you to live in fear and deception. Think of it this way. Suppose a burglar was going to break into your house while you are asleep and you don’t know if he is armed. Now imagine that you know when he is coming and what window he is planning to come through and you know for a fact that the only weapon he has is fear. How would it change the situation? Wouldn’t you have the police waiting inside your home and arrest him immediately.

     Now imagine your enemy the devil is trying to break into your life. You don’t know when or how because you haven’t been tuned into my Spirit who knows all things before they happen. All you can do is react and try to repair the damage. But now imagine in your prayer time you heard that he was coming and how he planned to get a foothold into your life. You know when where and how he is coming so now instead of being on defense you can just call on me to stop the attack before it happens.

     My children, this is why you must turn me on and turn off the world. Yes, all the things you focus on you are free to focus on but they are not good for you. A little wine with dinner is delicious but a case before breakfast is a problem. Keeping up with current events is good but believing everything the fear mongers try to sell you is destructive.

     I have a plan for the world. That plan is for my children to turn off the lies and turn on my truth. It is a plan for my children to listen to me until you know who you are and know that this earth is set aside to be inherited by the meek. Not the devil. Not the Antichrist. I said the meek would inherit the earth. Do you really think that I would promise it to them and then have it destroyed by nuclear weapons? What kind of inheritance would that be? Which of you would buy your child a toy and then run over it with your car before you give it to them? A little common sense goes a long way.

     So learn to test all things by the truth that abides in you. When you hear a news story compare it to the promises I have given you in scripture. If someone tells you a new doctrine about me then test it with your heart. Ask yourself if you could see me doing this? When my beloved son walked the earth he demonstrated my loving character enough for you to use as a model to judge by. He and I are exactly alike. We do not have any disagreement.

     For example, some have said the recent storms were sent by me to teach people a lesson. Well how does that compare with what Jesus did. He did just the opposite. He stopped a storm to teach people a lesson. See how people get confused? Judge all things by Jesus and you will always know the truth for he is the way and the truth and the life. Use him for your measuring stick.

    So I am asking you my sweet beloved ones. Try every voice. When someone tries to convince you of something take time to pray about it. Don’t believe everything you hear or see. Eyes and ears are easily deceived but your spirit knows right from wrong and good from evil. That is why I wrote the laws of the new covenant in your hearts and on your minds. You have a knowing inside. Some call it your conscience. You don’t have to read a sign that says you shouldn’t murder someone; you know in your heart that murder is wrong. It works the same for everything else. Try it all by the anointing that lives in you and walk in truth. The truth lives within you because I live within you.

     Love each other my children and encourage each other to walk in truth.

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me a few moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace
I love you all,

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