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Monday, January 6, 2014

Faith or Family?

     Second Peter 1:3 

 According as his divine power has given unto us 
all things that pertain unto life and godliness 
through the knowledge of him 
that hath called us to glory and virtue:

     Recently as I was praying our Father spoke some things to me that have been soaking into my heart and settling in over the last few weeks. It's a tough subject to deal with because so many people are invested into a system that sounded right when we heard it, and many struggled for years to make the system work only to become frustrated at the results that came from the system the church calls faith. It sounds great to the ear but when you compare the message that some call faith to the message of the kingdom family it falls short. 
     It is not my plan to offend anyone but to help those who have struggled to find freedom and purpose and to the know the love of a Father who loves us so much that He provided all we could ever need before we were even born. It is from the love that He put in my heart that I share the following:

     Father in my heart I hurt for those who struggle to know you as Father, as Daddy, as best friend. I want them to know of the great love you have for them. I want them to know that you have a plan for their life and their victory is in surrendering to your plan and their treasure is your love working in their lives and hearts as it does in mine. Please my Lord, your voice is sweeter than life itself and your correction more valuable than all the riches of the world. Please my Father, my beloved speak to us and instruct us. I will worship and wait for your voice. I will write what you speak and share it with my beloved brothers and sisters. I love you Father and will wait in delight for your instruction.

In only a moment he spoke the following words:

     My son, my beloved share these words with my beloved, my children, the glorious inheritance bought for me by my son Jesus: My holy ones, washed in blood and righteous and perfect before me in love. Those who have professed their faith in my son and all that he did. Oh my son, declare unto them my love and affection for them! Tell them of my great passion for them and how I adore them and have built an eternity just to show them the greatness of my love. 

     My heart is consumed with love for my children. Oh the joy they bring to me! One day you will all hear me sing the song of my beloved children. You will hear me rejoice over you with singing and we will dance together through the dawn of the new creation built for me and my children.

     My children; Do you know how much you are loved? You are the reason for all I do and it is for my great love for you that I have done all the things from the dawn of creation. It was for your benefit that all things were worked out by my wisdom and my knowledge so that you could spend eternity in the place of my love and would have no regret. 

     I know in your time it is a new year and you are hoping for better things this year than last. Many of you are frustrated and have given up hope that things would ever change. There is change coming to you, but not because of your calendar but mine. There is a timeline for the ages that is drawn out in the heavenly realm. It is written in the stars and in nature but not many see it.

     Do you remember when my son Jesus was on the earth he told the leaders that they didn't know what time it was? They couldn't see the change from the law to the age of grace and now many leaders are blind and they can’t see the change from the age of grace to the age of glory.

     Do you remember I told you that you would be changed from glory to glory by beholding my truth, the perfect law of liberty in a mirror? That truth was written inside your born again spirit when you were birthed by my Spirit.

     Many leaders still can’t get from law to grace much less from grace to glory. The law had a certain glory to it and grace is indeed much more glorious, but the age of my glory is beyond compare to anything you have ever dreamed.

     Many of you have noticed that the things that once worked in prayer and ministry are fading now. Many have gone back to traditions and to legalism and others have gone to extreme grace that leads to people doing fleshly acts that they know in their hearts are not correct.

     Many of you have been wondering about why these things aren't working anymore. Many have tried to make excuses by blaming it on a lack of faith or on sin or unbelief.

     Many sick people feel condemned because the preachers who preach healing by faith don’t have the power to make the sick well so they blame the sick for being sick. This has caused many to feel inferior and fall away. It’s time we put away all these things and understand how the kingdom works. As the kingdom is understood it will usher in the age of my glory.

     The kingdom is a family. You who believe in the sacrifice of my son have been born into that family. As a child it is not your responsibility to care for yourselves. It is my responsibility to care for you. A newborn child doesn't have to have faith that their parents will take care of them. A parent cares for their child out of love not because the child has faith in them and believes them for their needs. 

     Have your ever asked your child what are you believing me for? Doesn't that sound silly in a family relationship? Likewise a child with a loving parent doesn't have to memorize what the parent says and try to use their words to force them into doing what they already promised they would do. A child who has real faith in their parents would say “ I know my Daddy loves me and he will provide for me.”
     He wouldn't treat his or her parents as if they were some far away force that has to be appeased so they will provide the child’s needs. 

     How strange these thing sound when compared to an earthly family and even more so when compared to the ultimate Father who knows all of your needs for eternity and is working things out for your eternity and not for your temporal pleasure.

     These things that have been running through my churches for years are silly. Can those of you who have children imagine making rules and regulations that your children have to keep so that you will feed them? Can you imagine having a sick child and waiting for that child to bring you ten examples of how you promised to heal them and to stand and confess every day that you are going to heal them? And then blame the child because they didn't have faith that you could do it?

     All these doctrines of faith have become twisted. When you were born into my family it became my responsibility to care for you. All things that pertain to life and godliness were given to you when you took my name. When you were adopted into my family you became my responsibility. These rules that the so called people of faith have put into practice are silly to me.

     When a parent makes a promise it is the parent’s responsibility to make it come to pass. I will do what I promised whether you believe it or not. You can’t cancel my promise by unbelief. If you tell your child that you are going to give them a bicycle for their birthday and they don’t believe you do you take the bike back or do you give it to them to prove you keep your word?

     This is a relationship not a business. All these rules and regulations and stipulations put on my promises are not from me. When you believed in my son you acted upon faith and that was the act I needed to give you all things. It is good to believe in my word and believe in my promise but the power to make my word come true came from my integrity and not from your faith. The man that confessed to Jesus that he was in unbelief still got healed.

     Do those who do not believe in my existence cause me not to be God? Just because they don’t believe do I case to exist? This faith message in the church has destroyed many because they think when they fail it’s because they didn't have faith so I punished then by not giving them what I promised. They have become discouraged and have given up their inheritance because of that frustration. If they had enough faith to get born again why do they need more?

     Many have been belittled by those who claim to have faith because of their many possessions and many of those possessions have come from those who have given all they had to try to prove they had faith. Gain doesn't always represent godliness. The kingdom is a family. We live by family rules not business rules.

     At your birth you were given an inheritance and it will be given to you when you are mature enough to handle it. The heir as long as he is a child is no different than a servant. Maturity is reached when you come to the point that you realize that you didn't earn the inheritance; it came because of a death of the one who did deserve it and did earn it. 

     It was all his to hold on to. It rightfully belonged to Jesus who earned it and because of his death it was passed on to all the other children in the family. As long as you think you can earn it then you can’t have it. It’s the faith that all things were given to you by him that proves to me that you are mature and able to handle all that was promised to you

     In the kingdom, just as in life, some people mature faster than others. There are fifty year old babies and ten year old adults. As a good Father I know what is best and distribute to you what is needful and not harmful. You don’t give a twelve year old boy a sports car. But it’s not his lack of faith that keeps him from receiving a sports car, it’s your wisdom in action.

     I told you in scripture that all things work together for good for those that love me and are called according to my purpose. Doesn't being adopted into my family fit into being called according to my purpose? Do you adopt children and have no plan for them? When my people understand this then they can stop focusing on the events of life and focus on my love for them. When you learn this then every problem that arises isn't a crisis and isn't’ a failure of your faith.

     For instance; if you have a flat tire it doesn't mean you are being punished for a misdeed or under attack, or have a lack of faith. It could be that your tires are worn and I want to give you new ones. It could be that your car is worn and I want to give you a new one. It could be that you were driving dangerously and in my wisdom I slowed you down. Once this is understood you can give thanks in all things.

     Does that mean you give thanks when the enemy attacks? No way! It means that you know that you are my child and vengeance is mine and the enemy will not go unpunished. Just remember that your enemy is not a person. You are not wrestling against flesh and blood.

     You have to look at everything as a family. These rules that you learned from the so called faith teachers make you a servant. Servants don’t have an inheritance. They are paid according to works. The children sit at the table and servants serve them. You can enter in to the finished work that was done by Jesus and inherit because you are family.

     I didn't thunder that day at the river and say this is my beloved servant. I said He was a son and I was pleased because he was a son. He did the works because he loved me and not because he had something to prove.

     Many of those who preach faith today cling to what James says about showing me you have faith by your works. If you have faith then works of love flow from you naturally. Not because you have great faith but because you have a great nature living inside you. You do things because you love people and you love me. It has nothing to do with proving your faith. It has everything to do with proving you are a son or daughter with my nature living inside you.

     It is time for my children to learn what great inheritance that my love provided for them. It's time to learn of me, not learn rules about me. As Peter said I have already given you all things that pertain to your life and godliness. If I have given them to you then they are already yours and you don't have to "believe" me for them. Just believe in me and they are yours. You don't have to struggle in faith to obtain them. 

     Many people twist the scripture that says it is through faith and patience that you inherit the promises. It means to have faith in me and my goodness and be patient and all I promised you will come to you. You don't have to struggle for it. Enter into my rest and spend time with me and all these things will come your way. 

     Oh my beloved children. Have faith in my love for you. don't worry. Your Father loves you and it is my good pleasure to give you this kingdom. Giving you the kingdom was my plan and not yours. Rest in my love and spend your time in worship and fellowship not in struggling to build enough faith to get something that I already gave you. 

     Be ready my children: The age of my glory is upon the earth soon and my glory will cover the earth as the water covers the sea. 

     What is that glory my children? 
Don't you know it's you? You are my glory!
Didn't I say that man was the glory of God? 
This earth will be covered with my beloved sons and daughters! Oh happy day when I stand on the earth and dance with my children! 
Rejoice my beloved and again I say Rejoice!