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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Follow Me

Hebrews 13:13,14

Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.

     I have been praying and seeking answers to so many questions about what I see in my bible that I don't see in the church today. I have seen miracles and wonders but not to the same level that I see written in the book of Acts. It is through this seeking that I was praying last week and was given the following words from our Father. 

     My son, please speak unto my amazing children. To those who have the full attention of my heart. They are precious in my sight and I rejoice that they have not given up even though times have not been easy. Through all the troubles of this life they have remained faithful and have not given in to the pressure to quit. I am so delighted in them, so speak to them these words.

     My chosen ones, you are my plan for this age. You are my greatest desire. The earth has waited for ages for you to get here. You who will not follow religion but will set aside all the lies you have been taught and follow me into a realm yet to be discovered.

   Just as Abraham followed me into the wilderness and didn't know where he was going but walked with me into the unknown; so you also have left behind the safety of religious Egypt to follow me into the realm of the Spirit. There are great unknown treasures for you to discover in the realm of my Spirit. Just as Abraham followed me you are following also.

    This new realm is about to unfold to you. I told you in scripture to be spiritually minded is life and peace and this is where I am leading you. Not just into an earthly realm but into the heavenly realm. When you become fully awake unto this realm then you can rule over the works of my hands. This is why many of the things you see in your bible haven’t worked for the church in this age. They have tried to rule from Egypt and not come above for authority.

     Jesus correctly stated that all authority in heaven and earth was given unto him so there is only one place to get authority. Many have taught that this authority is already given but this is not the case. It is given to those who will forsake the religion of Egypt and follow me into the wilderness. This is why the early church walked in more power and authority than today’s church. Authority is given because of relationship. As you spend more time with me and give up the ways of the world then more and more power will become available to you.

     Just as Moses had to leave Egypt and be changed before he could go back and conquer Egypt, so it is with you. You must leave all the traditions of religion and be willing to follow me into the realm of the Spirit. Just as my Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness so you to have been led into the wilderness.

     You wonder why not many are coming yet and why things are not as you thought. It is for this purpose. You must be willing to leave the safety of the world church and come to me in the wilderness where you will be changed into people of great authority and power. After you have forsaken all and are willing to be ridiculed and to live a life different from the rest of the world church, you will be changed and this is where you will find your true identity.

     Let’s look at the world church for a moment. Are they doing anything different from your civic organizations? They hold meetings and have music for entertainment. They make plans and yes they help do things such as feed and clothe the poor, and those are good things but they need to be accompanied by signs and wonders and miracles and this is where I am taking you.

     I am delighted that you have a heart for those who are not fortunate. These are good things but don’t forget you are destined for power and authority and not just for another program. 

     The world church is focused on the politics and events of the day. They search the scriptures to find a way to gain all the things the world wants and call it blessing. They draw the people in but have no power to defeat the darkness which is the true problem in people’s lives. It’s good to feed and clothe people but until you have the power to break the spirit of poverty off of them you have only kept them and not changed them.

     Don’t forget you are my beloved. You are destined to reign in holiness. You are destined for great authority. If you will continue with me on this path into the unknown you will be given power to make a real difference in the world and not just to be a Band-Aid church.

     Now let’s look at the early church. They were all raised in a religious system and had a system in place of worship and sacrifice but they left that behind and followed me into a new realm. They faced death for their decision because the religious system didn't want to give up ruler ship. The system in place had no power but they didn't want to see their system replaced. Does this sound familiar?

     The apostles left all they had known and because their lives were wholly given unto me I gave them power. Resurrection power only comes to those who are dead to the world. You must be willing to leave the dead religion to walk in the power of resurrection. That’s why I told you to reckon yourselves to be dead to sin but alive unto me.

     Once and for all reckon the old ways of doing church to be dead and come alive to me my children. Follow my Spirit into the place of prayer and let me put to death the old ways by my Spirit. You can never put the old ways to death using the old ways. All the self-help practices in the modern church do nothing but keep alive the old man that I killed on a cross.

     Think about Jesus: He was baptized and my Spirit came upon him and my voice shouted in delight “this is my beloved son!” What happened next? He was led into the wilderness where he was given the temptation to use his authority to please himself. He was tempted to be given kingship over a dead realm but instead chose to die unto his own ways and come alive unto my purpose. Once he was dead to his own will he was given power over all. This is how authority comes. When you die to your own desires and are willing to forsake all that the world has, then you are given great power.

     My beloved look at the church of the world. Do they have any power? You see a miracle here and there by my grace but do you see anything that resembles the early church? Be honest and look at it. Do you see blind healed and deaf healed and a church that is so healthy that you have to ask if there are any sick among you? Do you see thousands added in a day in anyone's church? I put the desire in you to see those things restored and that is my plan.

     Follow me into the secret place and put away all the teaching of the world church and let me teach you. Did not I say in scripture that everyone would be taught of God? Separate yourselves from the teaching of the world church and come to me in the secret place and write down what you hear. I am teaching you by my Spirit and want you to be teachers yourselves. What you need to know will not come through books and sermons and studies. It will come through fellowship with me in Spirit.

     I seek those who worship me in Spirit and truth not in knowledge and learning. Do you see how Jesus took the disciples away from all the teaching of their day and taught them himself? When the day of Pentecost came did books and pencils fall out of heaven or did they receive a person called Holy Spirit? What came was not an “it”; it was me in Spirit form. I didn't bring books and learning; I brought an abiding relationship. I want you to learn from me and not about me.

    If you study all the books written by the world church you will only become what they are. If you study all the things that I am teaching you in the Spirit you will become like me. You are changed from glory to glory by looking into my face and not by looking into the latest book by the latest preacher pretending to have authority.

     Of all those who claim to have revelation and authority do any of them resemble what you see of Jesus in the scriptures? Do you see any of them who are so full of holiness and power that people are afraid to go near them as they were afraid of the apostles?

     It’s time to awaken to the reality of who you are my children. You become who you are supposed to be when you become awakened to the reality of your Father. It’s by spending time with me and focusing on my voice that you are changed. If you follow my voice it will lead you to my face where you can see me eye to eye and be changed into the glorious people I destined you to become. Don’t let the world church tell you who you are. Come to me and I will show you who you are.

     My beloved you followed me into this unknown wilderness now will you let me teach you while you are here so you can go back to the world and make a difference. As you come alive unto me you will die to all the ways of the world church and then you can return filled with the Spirit and with power to rescue others who are trapped in the world church system.

     The scriptures say that there would be a day when a church would arise that had a form of godliness but denied my power. It has arrived. The modern church claims to have authority but they can’t have resurrection power until they first die to the ways of the world. They want to have a resurrection without a cross. They want my power so that they can carve themselves out a bigger portion of Egypt. They want to use my power to claim authority for gain just as the heathen do. They claim authority over you by giving themselves names like bishop and apostle and elder. Beware of these and look instead for those who call themselves unprofitable servants, and bond slaves and those who don’t look to steal authority. If a man is truly an apostle he will not have to tell you he is. You will recognize him by my presence on his life.

     I am calling you out my beloved. I want better things for you than the world church has to offer. I want you to know me in the power of resurrection life and to be filled with my Spirit and my Power and given my authority to rule in my kingdom and not your own. I love you too much and you have followed me and left your homes and churches and your very lives to follow me. You have come too far to go back to the Egypt world church system of doing things.

     Let’s make the rest of the journey together. Come to me and die to your own agenda and let me fill you with my presence. Then you will be sent back into the world in power and might and can become more than conquerors. 

     What does that mean? It means that you will not just defeat the enemy and take his territory. That would make you a conqueror. To take that same territory and build into it my kingdom to replace the old system would make you more than a conqueror. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, you have come to enforce that victory and to replace the kingdom of darkness with the kingdom of light.

     So my chosen ones, will you forsake the world church and see yourselves as those who reign in holiness and not as those who are just another church in just another world system? I am so glad because I know you will. You have followed me this far and I know that you will make the transformation. I know these things because I believe in you. I chose you for this mission because I knew you would follow me.

     Continue in my word. My continuing, abiding word spoken to you by my Spirit and then you will be my disciples and then you will know the truth and then that truth you know will make you free. I ask you my beloved to put aside the teaching of the world church and let me teach you because it is my great joy to be your teacher.

     Keep abiding in my love and keep bearing my good fruit. I love you my beloved with an everlasting love. Rest in my presence and let my life become yours. You are glorious in my eyes and soon the world will see you revealed as the glorious ones on whom the fire has returned.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow rich in His grace,
I love you all,

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