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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Just Bartimaeus

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It’s Just Bartimaeus

Mark Chapter Ten:

46. And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging. 
47. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.
 48. And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. 49. And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee. 
50. And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus. 
51. And Jesus answered and said unto him, what wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. 
52. And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.

     As I was reading these verses today a sadness filled my heart. I got to thinking about this man they called Blind Bartimaeus. They didn’t call him Bartimaeus, they called him blind Bartimaeus. He had been blind for so long that blindness wasn’t just his disease it was part of his name. How sad that must have been.

     It’s the same with many of us. We have had the same problem for so long that we identify ourselves with our problem and not with our God. Just like they did with Bartimaeus many people tell us to give up and to stop troubling Jesus with our problems. They will tell you that God doesn’t heal anymore and that those days passed away with the apostles. They will give you a million reasons to give up but today I am going to give you one reason to never give up. The reason is Jesus.

     Many will tell you that you must have great faith to be healed and that you must fast and pray and quote a dozen scriptures on healing each day and confess the scriptures until you get what you want. I believe in quoting scriptures and confessing them but how many did Bartimaeus confess? Where was his great faith?

     It was right there in our story. Jesus told Bartimaeus “Go your way, your faith has made you whole.” So what did Bartimaeus confess? By calling Jesus the son of David he professed his faith that Jesus was the messiah of whom the prophets spoke of. The only other way he exercised faith was by crying out for help.

     Think about it; do you cry to someone for help if you don’t have faith they can help you? It’s knowing who to call that counts. If your house is on fire do you call a plumber? If you have a leak do you call the fire department? You have faith in the one you call on. The only thing Bartimaeus had faith in was that Jesus is the healer and that he is merciful.

     Just as the scribes and Pharisees added so many stipulations to the law so the faith teachers of our day have added so many rules and regulations to what is called faith. They have given us burdens we were never meant to carry. We think we have to do so many things in order to get what we ask of our Father or our savior. We have been given so many rules that Father never intended for us to have to adhere to.

     Think of it this way. What is the greatest miracle you will ever see? Is it not salvation? How many verses did you know when you got saved? Could you confess a dozen or so without reading them? Had you fasted and prayed until you were holy enough to call on him? Had you paid all your tithes and offerings and had you been in every church service and read every book on the reading list? Did you sow a miracle seed for your salvation? NO! You called on Jesus and he saved you. This is the gospel message. All that call upon the name of the Lord will be saved! That’s all. Nothing more.

    Children don’t have a ten, twelve or twenty step plan for getting their needs and wants. They have one plan. Ask until they get it. Jesus said unless you are humble as child you won’t see the kingdom of God in action. A child doesn’t know all the rules of faith. All they know is there is man they call Daddy and if they ask him they will get what they ask for. Sometimes they ask him over and over like Bartimaeus did until they get what they want.

     Those of you with children just imagine if your children treated you the way we treat our loving Father in heaven. Suppose they came to you with times and dates written down of all the times you promised them you would buy them some ice cream.

     What if they went all over the house quoting things like: Dad chapter one: August first, Dad promised me ice cream. Dad chapter two, would you children like some ice cream?: Mom, chapter seven: Mom said she would stop at the store and get some ice cream.

     Then imagine if they made it into a prayer and came to you and said. Oh holy one called Dad, three times this week you promised us that you would buy us ice cream. I have memorized all the times and occasions you have promised and I come to remind you that you promised to buy me some ice cream. Oh holy Dad, I have not eaten in a week because I am fasting until you get me some ice cream. I gave ten percent of my Kool Aid to the kid next door and I gave Brother Billy my candy bar as a seed offering so that you would buy me some ice cream.

     What would you do? Would you rush your child to the doctor immediately thinking they had lost their mind? See how sill all this is?

     It’s time to simplify the message. Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock, knock, knock until the door opens because our Father in heaven knows how to give good gifts to those who ask him. He already knows all you need before you ask and already wants to give you the kingdom but only created prayer because he loves you and loves the sound of your voice when you pray.

     He asked me one time why did he say to pray for daily bread and not monthly or yearly bread? I told him I didn’t know and he said it’s so we would pray every day because he loves to hear our voices and loves it when we come to his table every day.

     Blind Bartimaeus became just Bartimaeus by asking and not giving up until he had his sight. He only had faith in two things: He believed Jesus is Lord and he believed that Jesus has mercy. Doesn’t that simplify the message?

Second Peter 1:3

     His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.

     He already said yes. All we could ever need is already provided and in Father’s pantry. Just like when you buy ice cream for your children. You bought it with the intention of giving it to your children. From the moment you bought the ice cream it belonged to your children. You put it in the freezer and plan to give it to your kids after dinner. But they just keep on asking for it now and they don’t stop so you finally drop what you are doing and give them what they are asking for.

     When we get off our high horse called religious faith and come back down to the reality that we are his children and he is our loving father then we will see our prayers answered. The kingdom of God is not a system. It’s a family.

     Just imagine a couple days after Jesus healed Bartimaeus. He was walking down the street and someone shouted “aren’t you Blind Bartimaeus?” and Bartimaeus replied. “No, thanks to Jesus it’s just Bartimaeus.”

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Becoming One

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Hebrews 7:26

For such an high priest became us, who is holy, 
harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;
Matthew 12: 20-21

A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.

      I was praying today and thinking about how wonderful our Father is and how much he loves us. As I was doing this he spoke to me and said:

     My son please write down the following words and share them with my beloved ones.

     So many of you are starting to think with your hearts and not your heads. You are beginning to see the end of world religion and are seeing the relationship with the one who loves you. I want you to be free and to know your loving Father and to know the one who gave his life for you because of his love for you. I want you to know my love that passes all knowledge and be filled with my fullness. I want you to know that you are secure with me, and in me, and to know that I am harmless and gentle.

     This is the way to experience me as I am. You must be totally convinced of my love for you and then you will give me your whole being to dwell in. So many of my children only give me a little space inside their hearts. I fill that space and long for more because I want to pour myself into you because I love you. I want to live in your hearts and minds and bodies.

     I want to fill you with everything that is in me and in heaven but I will never force you to let me in. You have to choose. I will not make you love me. I want you to love me because I love you and for no other reason. I want you to know my love for you and respond to that love by loving me in return.

     There are some places within you that I really would love to live in. Places like your doubtful mind, your troubled thoughts and worries, your physical bodies and of course in your dreams and hopes for the future.

     So why would I want to live in these places? It’s because I love you and if you will just open these places to me then I will come in and fill you with my love until you have no cares or hurts or pains. My love is the cure for all of your problems.

     I am love and love and I are inseparable. You can’t have me without love and can’t have real love without me. If you open your being to my love then you also get all that goes with me. You get healing and deliverance and blessing. You get all that I am but you can only have me if you choose me by love.

     This is what is lacking in the church. People want me for my prosperity and my power but they don’t really want my love. They are afraid of falling too deeply in love with me and surrendering more of themselves than they are willing to part with. They want to still exist as two but if you want my love and power and blessing you must choose to merge with me and become one.

     This will require some changing and I can’t change so it will be up to you to change your mind about who I am. I know you have heard that I am an angry God that was only appeased because of the sacrifice of my son but this is not who I am. I am love and I only do what love does.

     I have never and will never rejoice in the destruction of anyone or anything. This is why Jesus told you that not even a sparrow falls without my being there to catch them. I know each one of them by name and I love and care for them. I don’t and never have rejoiced over anyone’s destruction or troubles. I am a liberator by nature and I rejoice in freedom and I am never pleased with bondage of any kind.

     This is why Jesus came to set you free from sin so that sin could not hold you hostage any longer. I didn’t want you trapped by sin so I washed it away so that you could walk in holiness and send sin back to hell where it came from.

     It has always been about love and never been about anything else. When Adam fell I went looking for him and called him. I didn’t want the shame of his nakedness to stop our fellowship.

     He ran and I ran after him. I created layers of skin to cover him in place of the glory. I did this for his shame and not mine. I was not ashamed of his nakedness, he was. That is why I asked him “who told you that you were naked?” I didn’t tell him because I love him and didn’t want to embarrass him. Yes I put him out of the garden in my fury but my fury was not at him but at sin itself. Once you see sin for what it really is you will understand. It’s like a disease that kills. Think of it this way. When someone you love gets a terrible disease are you angry at your loved one or angry at the disease?

     Also, I didn’t kill an animal and cover him with dead skin. I created layers of skin to cover him with and that is why you have layers of skin today. I made him a “coat” of many colors and that is why you have different colors of skin today. The different colors of skin reflect the different family colors in heaven. Jacob understood this and clothed his son the same way. The coat of many colors represented that he would rule over people of many colors as he did in Egypt.

     I was not ashamed of Adam and I have never been ashamed of any of my children no matter how much trouble they have gotten themselves into. Didn’t you hear the parable of the prodigal? Once again a child fell away and once again I went looking for him and met him with a righteous robe to cover him with. I always go to the end of the road looking for my children and always will until they are all home safe.

     Please my beloved, consider these things and think about how much you are loved. Think about it day and night and know that you are safe in me. You can open your whole being up to me for a home and I will move in.

     I love my children so much that I even moved into a box called the Ark of the Covenant just to be close to my people. I would rather live in a box with you than the palaces of heaven without you.

     This is who you are my beloved. You are loved so much that Jesus prayed that we would all be “one.” I don’t want us to be two any longer. My apostle Paul told you that in marriage two become one but he was speaking of Christ and the Church.

     I am living in you by faith, but only in your spirit because you haven’t surrendered your minds and bodies to me yet. I’m hoping when you understand this love letter that you are reading now you will open up and let me in. 

     Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Will you open to me?

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Monday, July 25, 2016

Bless The Lord

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Psalm 103:

1. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!

2. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,

3. Who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases,

4. Who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,

5. Who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.

6. The LORD works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.

7. He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the people of Israel.

8. The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

9. He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever.

10. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.

11. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;

12. As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.

13. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him.

14. For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust.

15. As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field;

16. for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.

17. But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children, 18. to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.

19. The LORD has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.

20. Bless the LORD, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, obeying the voice of his word!

21. Bless the LORD, all his hosts, his ministers, who do his will!

22. Bless the LORD, all his works, in all places of his dominion.

Bless the LORD, O my soul!

     As I was studying these verses today some things were highlighted in my spirit by Holy Spirit and I would like to share some of those things with you.

     Beginning at verse one. We read this but don’t realize exactly what it says. When it says bless the Lord we have this idea that it just means to say “bless you” like we do when someone sneezes. That is not what it means at all. The word bless means to bow down and worship, but how many time a day do we really take time to bend our knees and honor him with our hearts?

     Also to bless the Lord with our soul means that we bow down our thoughts and intents and all of our preconceived ideas about our Loving Father and we see him as he is described later in this chapter.

     For example. When I am hurting I don’t concentrate on the pain. I concentrate on bowing before the Lord and telling him how wonderful he is. We must learn to rehearse all the benefits in our time of praise. We must force our soul or our mind to bow before him and submit our thought patterns, worries and cares to his goodness.

     When I do this I don’t look at the pit that I am in. I look to the one who redeems me from it. I don’t look at the disease in my body. I look to the one who heals my diseases. I don’t look at lack, I look at the one who satisfies me with good things. I don’t look at my age and my weariness, I look at the one who renews my youth like an eagle.

     Another way we bless him is when we see just like the psalmist saw. Our Father does not judge us for our iniquities as it says in verse ten. He deals with us as a loving Father who is tender toward us and He redeems us from our sins. He takes them away as far as the east from the west and he shows compassion on us. It also says that his ways are higher than ours and that is what he is showing us. On earth we judge each other by our faults. We deal with each other according to our shortcomings and Father is not like that.

     Sometimes this is the hardest part because every time we have difficulty our enemy accuses us and tells us our Father is punishing us for our sins. Our enemy fill our minds with thoughts about how we deserve to be sick or deserve to be poor because we failed.

     This is not how our Father treats us and the reason for it is in verse fourteen. He knows that we are just dust. He knows our weakness and he understands that we are just children trying to learn in a few short years about a God who has existed for eternity. He understands we were born into a fallen world that was broken long before we arrived. He knows that we are like little babies just learning to walk and he will not be angry towards us for what we don’t know.

I absolutely love verses seventeen and eighteen.

17. But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.

     This is a wonderful promise for those of us with children. Our grandchildren will know his love because we choose to live in his righteousness and keep his commandments.

     His love doesn’t rise when we succeed or fall when we fail. It is for everlasting. He is good and he is always good and we should never forget that. If I fly God is good. If I fall God is good. My successes and failures have nothing to do with how good he is. If I fail it’s not because of a lack of goodness towards me from God. If I fail it’s because I am just learning to walk and sometimes I trip over my own feet because I am still in the clumsy stage.

     So please my loved ones. Take time today and wrap up all your worries and cares into a nice little bundle. Bow down before him and tell him how small your problems are compared to the greatness of his glory. How does a temporary problem compare to an eternal God who is higher than the heavens? Force your mind to look away from your cares and look into his loving eyes.

     Remember my beloved brothers and sisters, bless the Lord at all times and don’t forget how much he loves you. Your circumstances don’t prove how much he loves you. The cross stained by the blood of his only son is the proof of that love.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Another Look at the Cross

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While praying today and meditating on the cross Father's voice came to me and he asked me to write down the following words and share them with you.

He said:

     My little children I want to take you some places in me that you have never been. All these places are already within you spirit but you have not perceived them because your minds have been blinded by religion and these things are reserved as the inheritance of promise and not of works, so you can never obtain them through the works of the law, but can freely enter through the gates of my loving grace.

     The religion you have learned is not the glory of the cross that the first church knew. They understood that the cross was not the act of a vengeful God pouring out wrath upon his son to keep from pouring it on you. They knew it to be the act of love that defeated sin, sickness, disease, poverty, wrath and even death.

     The reason that you have believed in an angry vengeful God is because you have been misled and taught things about me that are not true. Those who would portray me that way have even twisted your scriptures by false translation, and did so because my enemy always wants you to feel guilty and unworthy of my love.

     How many times in scripture does it say that I am love and that I love you? I so loved the world that I gave my son. I didn’t send him to earth to pour out wrath on him. I sent him there to show you who I am. Jesus said “if you have seen me then you have seen my Father.” You must look at the life of Jesus too see who I am.

     My prophet Isaiah said in chapter 54 verses 3-5

3. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

5. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

      My prophet said that you esteemed him stricken by me but it was your burdens he carried and not my punishment.

     You have been taught that I am so angry that I must have somewhere to pour out my wrath but what I poured out in the blood of my son was my love for you. When you begin to see the cross not as an act of wrath by an angry God but as an act of love by your loving Father then you will begin to know me and I can show you some of the glorious liberty that has been prepared for you.

     I want you to go and read the gospels again through the eyes of this love and see who I am. In Matthew Chapter nine verse thirteen Jesus said 
“But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

     Do you remember Ezekiel Chapter Eighteen and verse twenty three?

Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? Saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?

     I am not the angry vengeful God that most of you have been taught that I am. Do you wonder why I am always tender with you even when you make a mistake? Is it not because I love you, and if I love you do not I love all?

     Please my beloved read the gospels again and see my wonderful, loving son and know that I am just like him. When you know me as a loving father you will run to me and I will heal your wounds and take away your fear by revealing to you my perfect love. 

     Here is what I said through my beloved John in First John chapter four:

Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

     As Jesus is so are you. You who are born again are perfect and holy. You are righteous in my sight and in no danger of being judged because you were already judged when you were crucified with my son. As long as you are afraid your love will never be perfected. You must cling to my love and drive away all thoughts that tell you I will ever harm you. If you are still afraid of me it just means you don’t know how much I love you or that fear would be gone already.

     I have never been anything but kind to you and I will always be kind to you. I am calling you to know my love for you and to drive away fear so we can have a pure relationship. You can’t truly trust me if you think that it would ever enter into my heart to destroy you. You who are born again are “one Spirit” with me, my son and my Spirit. We are not separate but are one. How could I cast you away without casting myself away?

     What I want you to do my beloved is to look at everything you have ever learned from religion and filter it by the life of my son. If it’s not true about my son then it is not true about me and it’s not true about you. You are in Christ so anything you say about you is not truth unless you can say the same of Christ.

     Religion tells you that I am angry at sinners but does the laying down your life for sinners look like wrath or love? I told you through scripture that while you were yet a sinner I loved you and I sent my son to save you.

     Religion tells you that I am sending judgment upon you but I said it was appointed unto man once to die and after that comes the judgment.

     Religion tells you that these are the last days and things have to get worse and worse but what does my scripture say?

It says in Isaiah that to the increase of my government and of peace there shall be no end.

It says in Revelation that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our God and His Christ and he will reign forever and ever.

     If you remember in Mark Chapter Four Jesus said the kingdom was like a mustard seed that was the smallest seed, but it would grow up to be the biggest plant in the garden. My kingdom will fill the earth and my power and plan will provide all you will ever need so there is no room for fear.

     If only my children would throw off this fear-mongering message of doom and gloom and have faith in my plan and in the message of the cross.

     This is why the early church had so much power. They believed that the cross was the end of the enemy’s power to rule. They believed that Jesus overcame the devil at the cross and not at some future event thousands of years away. This is why I told you through Paul in his letter to the Corinthians that the preaching of the cross is the power of God unto salvation. Not the picture of my wrath.

     They understood the kingdom was and is and is to come. They knew that the cross was me showing the world how much they are loved and not me showing the world how vengeful I am.

     Until you see the cross through the eyes of a loving father and not through the eyes of a vengeful God then you won’t really know just how much you are loved.

     Please my beloved. Look again at the cross. I told you through Paul that I was in Christ on that cross reconciling the world unto myself and not counting people’s sins against them. If Christ was on the cross and I was in Christ then who was pouring out the wrath?

     The gospel is the greatest message ever told. It’s not a message of an angry God pouring out wrath, it is a message of a loving Father wading into hell to rescue his lost children. Oh my beloved, will you wake up and know that you are loved?

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Looking To Jesus

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Hebrews 12:

     1. therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2. Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

     As I was reading these verses today Father’s voice came to me and spoke to me the following words and asked me to share them with you.
He said:

     My children, many of you are so discouraged because you are growing weary of running your race. The reason for this is because you are looking at the race and the obstacles and even the others running with you, and you do not have your faces pointed to the finish line. My son Jesus is your finish line. You must take your eyes off of everything and everyone else and look to him.

     Your race is not to be better than brother buzz saw and sister sledgehammer. Your race is to become like my only begotten son. So many of my people are looking at my ministers and trying to copy them and be like them. You buy their books and listen to their teachings over and over, but you are not hearing what I am saying. Jesus didn’t tell you to follow each other. He said, “Follow me.”

     So many people fall into the religious trap of thinking that just because someone can shout loud or speak eloquently that they are my messengers. I told you who my messenger is on the mount of transfiguration when I said “this is my beloved son, hear him.“

     Yes I speak through other people and I still have pastors and teachers and evangelists but if you are praying for ten minutes a day and listening to someone else for six hours then you have not understood my plan. I told you in Isaiah chapter 54 that all of your children will be taught of God and great will be their peace.

     If the only teaching you get comes from others then you are missing the things that I want to teach only you. Yes each of you is equal but there are things specific to your calling that you will only hear from me because I called you to do this particular job.

     You must get your eyes back on the finish line where my Son stands calling you to himself, cheering you on. Don’t look to the right or left or don’t look back. Forget what is behind you and press on.

     Do you remember how my Apostle Paul warned you of this in his letter to the Corinthians in what you call first Corinthians chapter three? One says “I am of Paul” and another says “I am of Apollos.” This is not who you are. You are of Christ. Yes it is good to listen to wise teachers and wise counsel but how will you know if what you hear is truth if you don’t hear my Spirit’s voice agreeing with it while teaching you the same thing in your heart.

     My people are wandering place to place trying to find the truth in another person when the truth is only found in me. Yes each of you has understanding and is given wisdom but all wisdom and all truth is in me and if you will spend the time with me I will teach you.

     Think of the day of Pentecost. When my Spirit came did he bring boxes of tapes and compact discs or YouTube videos? Or did He bring an abiding presence and a new language to pray in so that you could pray perfect prayers according to my will?

     Think about what this did for people. In the church you had great scholars who could read many languages and you had people who had never learned to read or write and didn’t know the scriptures. Now each person was equal because they drank from the same Spirit and the simple had the power to be wise because they got the same gifts.

     What I am saying my loved ones is to spend more time in your prayer closet looking into the face of the one who gave his life for you and less time searching the internet looking for shortcuts. The early church walked in more power because they spent more time in prayer.

     Learning from others is wonderful but it can never replace what happens when my Spirit breathes revelation into your heart and all of a sudden you understand. You know that feeling. The one where you realize that you learned something from me and no one else. The things you learn from others you sometimes forget but when something is revealed to you from heaven it is always yours.

     So please my children. Get your eyes off of each other. No more comparing yourselves with yourselves. No more comparing this preacher against that preacher. No more tearing others down to make yourself look taller. Just put your eyes on the finish line and see who it is that you are becoming. The shoes of peace are much lighter than the boots of envy. Put them on and run. Don’t worry about another person’s race. Run your own.

     I love you my children and speak all these things for your benefit. I want you to win your race. I want to give you the prize. No loving parent rejoices in the failure of their children. Each parent wants their child to win and to share in the delight of victory.

     So set aside past failures. The blood of my son will wash them away. Today is a new day. Spend time with me and let me teach you. Don’t forget to pray more and worry less. As always my loved ones. Love each other and encourage each other. Don’t forget all that I have ever done or will do is because I love you and I am delighted with you.

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me just a few moments ago. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

We Are Not Divided

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Ephesians Chapter Four
Verses four through six.

There is one body and one Spirit just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

     As I was praying for our nation and our world today Father's voice came to me and he said:

     My son please write down the following words and share them with my beloved ones.

     It’s time to change the hope in my church. For two generations the hope of the church has been set on escape in the event you call the rapture. This is not the hope of heaven. The hope of heaven is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

     It’s time to recognize that I am not building the greatest army of people who walk in love and power just to snatch them away when they are needed most. Haven’t you seen in your own current world events what happens when the army that is keeping the peace removes itself?

     I want you to know that it is my heart to save the world and not destroy it. All the things you see on your pre-programmed news and movies is your enemy’s plan to destroy your hope.

     It’s the same with all the division going on. I told you there is neither Jew nor Greek, male or female and there is no black and white. You are one in my son and I don’t want you divided. Those who would divide you are not helping you. Stand up to this lie and unite in faith. Yes there may be differences but you can meet at the cross. There is common ground there.

     There are rights and wrongs on both sides but choosing opposing sides doesn’t solve the problem. Speaking the truth in love will solve the problem. 

     I told you in the letter to the Ephesians that I am gathering all things together into one into Christ and this is why the world system is trying to separate you from each other. The only thing they don’t know is that you are joined in spirit and they don’t have the power to separate you in that realm. They can only work on your minds.

     Too many of my children are looking to government for help and not to me for help. Your government or any government that is of this world can never do what the kingdom will do when you realize that you are not from earth. You are born again from heaven. 

     In heaven we don’t have these disagreements because none of you are divided in the spirit realm. It’s only in mind and flesh that you are divided. In the heavenly realm you are all spirits and each of you has different personalities and bodies but those things are celebrated here because of their uniqueness. They are not an excuse to divide. They are a reason to worship.

     So please my beloved. Don’t be divided. Be united in one Lord, One Faith, and One baptism. One God and Father of you all who is above all and in you all and I will add in love with you all.

     Please don’t believe what you see on the news and read in the latest fear book printed by people who say they are mine but are not or they wouldn’t try to scare you to make money from you.

     I want you to set your hope on Christ in you and not in government. Not in any politician. Not in any movement. Your hope is in me and my hope is that you will join together as one. Black, White, Yellow, Red or whatever shade your dust suit happens to be at this moment, if you are in Christ you are one, like it or not. You are not divided.

     Please join together and bring my kingdom to the earth. Make earth just like heaven until the two are indistinguishable. Love each other and care for each other and heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, feed the hungry, restore the fallen. Do all the things that the government is trying to do because the church stopped doing what it was called to do.

     Understand that my plan is to take over the kingdoms of this world. Those in power right now know this and that is why they try to keep you in fear and division. Tear down their kingdom by loving each other and helping each other. Don’t give them any hateful things to show on their news. Give them only acts of love and kindness. 

     Don’t be looking to escape. Look to rule with me. You are not preparing for the funeral of the world. You are preparing for the wedding day of your King. Make yourselves ready in love, not in fear. The one who loves you so much that he gave his life and blood for you is coming to join you in ruling this earth.

     Please my loved ones, love each other and don’t forget that we are one, and we will not be divided.

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me just a few moments ago. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Monday, July 11, 2016

The Message is Love

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     As I was praying today I heard Father's voice and he asked me to write down these words and share them with you.
Here are his words:

     My beloved ones. I have loved you from eternity past and will always love you. There have been so many lies told to you about who I am. Scriptures have been twisted and turned to make you think I am a mean and vengeful God who can’t wait to destroy you. This is so far from who I am.

     I told you that I gave my only beloved son because of my love for you. I told you in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians that you were chosen long before there was ever a world to live on. I already decided that all who would believe in my son would be adopted as my dearly loved children.

     I made a way in Christ for all to be saved. This is why my son took away the sins of the whole world and not just the sins of those who loved me. I was not willing to let sin separate anyone who would cry out to me for salvation.

     I made it so simple that those who think themselves wise can’t see it. They think that surely there must be a complicated, thousand page legal contract of what you can do and what you can’t do and can’t imagine that I made it as easy as believing in my son and confessing him as Lord.

     The reason they do that is because they need to be needed. Most preachers who don’t understand the message of my love and my grace want you to think that you have to come through them to get to me. They don’t want you to hear my voice because then you wouldn’t need to come to them and make them wealthy and make them feel important. They know the truth and are holding it back on purpose because they think they are smarter than you and you are too simple to understand the complexities of the message. They are caught in their own trap. I love them and I am trying to get them free from their own bondage.

     Here is the simple message. I gave my only son and he died on a cross to take away the sins of the world and if you believe that in your deepest heart and confess it to be so then you are born again. At the moment that happens you know that something changed in you. You can feel my life inside you and you will know you are born of me.

     This is a spiritual birth and the moment it happens you are a new creation being. This spirit being called “you” is living inside a body. The spirit part of you is perfect and sinless and can never commit sin because it is born of me. The rest of you including your mind and your will and even your body must learn to subject themselves to the spirit within you as your spirit is subjected to me, and this is how you become one mind, one body and one life with me.

     Don’t let the religious crowd separate you from my love by telling you how you are just a dirty rotten sinner saved by grace. No that was the person who died on the cross with my son. When you accepted my son as your Lord then your old sinner self was baptized into the death of my son on the cross. Your new spirit is baptized into the life of my son’s resurrection.

     This is the biggest problem among my children. You have already been adopted and are now children by blood but most who preach to you try to convince you that you are that dead person hanging on the cross. They use guilt and shame and try to make you think that the temptations and struggles that come against you are because you are evil.

     But here is my truth. I loved you so much that I took you to that cross and killed your old nature because it separated you from me and I love you too much to allow that. I can’t have anything coming between us because we are one and I will not allow us to be divided. This is what Paul said about two becoming one flesh. It wasn’t just a man and wife he was speaking of. What I joined together do not let man put asunder. I joined you to my son and I will not allow those who would drag you away into bondage to have you.

     I promised you that where my Spirit is there is liberty. Not bondage, liberty. Anyone who tries to put you into bondage of the religious laws of man is not preaching my gospel. I have set you free for freedoms sake. I made you free so that you could choose me freely and not out of necessity.

     Those of you who are married did you take your spouse captive with rules and regulations or were they free to choose you because of love? If it is not of love then it is kidnapping and not marriage. This is not my way. Who wants anyone to love them because they have to? Do you want people to have to love you or do you want them to freely love you? Do you see how twisted the modern message has become?

     Here is the truth. My son took away all of your sins on the cross and he canceled every debt you owed me. Now it’s up to you to see that act of our great love, and want to be joined to us because you know we love you. I will never force anyone to love me. You have a free will and can look at the cross and say “no thanks.” I sure hope you wont.

     I will never take you captive by force. I will win your love by showing you how much you are loved. I already did this with the sacrifice of my son. I told you how I feel about you when he was nailed to that cross and I was in him not counting your sins against you. I was there reconciling the world to myself. I have canceled every debt you will ever owe me. You are free to choose.

    So which will you choose my loved ones? Will you see the cross as the greatest act of love any man ever did to win the bride he loves? Will you stop looking at my cross as a wrathful event where I poured out anger on sin and see it as a king coming to earth to enter into the realm of death to rescue the bride he loves more than heaven itself?

     Yes all sin was put on my son at the cross. He became sin so that he could leave sin in hell and raise again with nothing separating him from the bride he loves. There is power in his love for you to become just like him. You can be changed by his love because we are writing our love laws on your heart and in your mind. The old law could never do that. It only had power to condemn and had no power to forgive. Forgiveness is based on love and once you realize that we forgave you because we love you then you will be changed.

     Think a moment about the woman in scripture who was caught in adultery by those who wanted to kill her for her sin. They were so self-righteous and it never crossed their minds that watching her commit this sin was a sin in itself. All they wanted was her dead to prove they are righteous. Never think another person’s judgment makes you more righteous.

     So why was she committing this sin? She did it because her whole life she longed for a man to love her just as she is faults and all. The law only looks at the act but we look at the why the act was committed. So what did Jesus do?

     As he kneeled on the ground and wrote in the earth, one by one, they realized this was the same finger that wrote the commandments in the stones. They one by one left and left her alone there with Jesus. So what did he do? He looked at her without accusation or judgment and told her that she was forgiven and that because she is forgiven she can go and sin no more. Knowing you are forgiven gives you the power to go and sin no more. The law could never do that but looking into the eyes of your savior and knowing he has forgiven you because of his great love for you empowers you to live a holy life.

     Again those of you who are married, do you want your spouse to be true because they have to because it’s law, or because they want to because they love you?

     Always look at the gospel through the eyes of love. You can never find the truth any other way. When the end of the age comes all the works done in this age will be processed through the fire that is called love. When this occurs only three things will remain. Faith, Hope and Love and love is the greatest. Only those things within you that are based on these three things will still be with you on the other side. Judgment, condemnation, unbelief, hate and everything else that is evil will no longer exist.

     So please my loved ones build your lives on my love for you and for others. I love you and will always love you and my love is never changing. I don’t love you more on good days and less on bad days. I love you with all that I have all the time, and when you know that you will run to me and know that you are safe with me.

     Please pray for each other and pray that this message will reach my loved ones. I’m tired of others telling them they are worthless when I spilled the blood of my son to save them. The price I paid for them is immeasurable so how could anyone be worthless?

     Until you know me as you’re your loving Father and Jesus as your loving husband then you haven’t understood who we are. Wake up my loved ones and know that you are the reason for all we do. You are holy and blameless in my sight and don’t let anyone tell you any different. 

     When you know how much you are loved then you will live like the Bride of King Jesus and not like the widow of the law.

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me just a little while ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Sunday, July 10, 2016

What is in Your Hand?

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     John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

     As I was praying today Father’s voice came to me. All who know Christ know this scripture, but it seems so much different when God speaks it to you. When he spoke this verse to me he said ”I loved the people of the world so much, I gave all I had to get them. I gave them everlasting life in exchange for believing that I love them. You can’t separate me from my love for I am love. “

He then asked me to share these words with you.

     I gave all I had to give and yet so many are waiting on me to do something or give them something more.” So many are asking me to show them a sign when I gave them the cross as an eternal sign of my love for them.

     How much more do you need my loved ones? I gave you my son and poured out his blood upon the earth to save you from your sins and to remove the curse from the earth so that it would produce for you as it did before man fell. I took all your sins and nailed them to the cross. I took all the commandments that pronounced you guilty and marked them paid in full and nailed them to the cross.

     I sent my son into hell to overcome all the forces of darkness against you. He made an open show of your enemies. He defeated those who would torment you and took their power and ability away from them and gave you authority over them. He led out those who were captive before his day and opened their graves and sent them in a victory parade through the streets of Jerusalem to show that he has the power of life and death.

     After he did all these things he came to heaven and sat down at my right hand and he drew you into himself and seated you there with him in authority and might. We sent forth our Spirit to lead you and live in you and empower you with all you could ever need or want.

     So why am I giving you this history lesson my beloved? It’s because you have forgotten who you are and who I am. False shepherds have led you astray and told you that you are helpless and hopeless and without a shepherd in the earth. You have believed the lies that the enemy has told you and you have become fearful and have forgotten your purpose is to subdue this earth and make all my pathways straight so that my son can come from heaven and rule with you.

     This is why I told my beloved son to sit at my right hand until I make his enemies his footstool. I have no intention of sending him to you until you wake up and realize who you are and why you are here.

     I hear your cries come before me saying “I need, I need, I need” and you don’t realize that you have, you have, you have. When I called Moses all he had was a staff in his hand. He was tending his father in law’s sheep and didn’t even have his own. He once was in line to rule Egypt and now was living on the backside of a desert with no possessions of his own. He argued with me because he didn’t think he had what he needed for his mission. He didn’t realize that all you need for you mission is me.

     So many of you are called and yet you think you need more before you can make a difference. Each of you has a gift given by me for your calling. Each of you is part of a body and the whole body is the body of my son in the earth.

     Jesus was the firstborn among many brethren. If you are born again you are in his image and likeness. You have the same Holy Spirit that I anointed him with to do the same things that he did and greater. Why greater? Because there are more people and a greater need and because now my Spirit is not just on one man but on and in all believers.

     I have given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. These things are not in heaven and they are not down below. They are in your spirit and you are the master of your spirit. You decide whether to develop your talents and gifts or not. Even those who are gifted with art or music or wisdom practice with their gifts. Those who are gifted and talented only discovered their gifts by using them.

     For example. All great musicians don’t know all the notes when they first begin. They pick up an instrument and play with it to see if they can learn it. All great artists don’t just know they have a gift. They start painting or drawing and discover it by using it.

     It the same way in the spirit. You will only know what gifts you have as you try different ones on and see if you can do it. How will you know if you have the working of miracles unless you try to work a miracle? How will you know if you have gifts of healing unless you try to heal the sick? You will only discover what I have given you as you begin to walk it out.

     I have not withheld anything from you. I told you through my beloved Paul to desire the good gifts. I would not tell you to desire them unless I wanted you to have them. For example: If you were seeking how to hit a baseball how would you seek it? You would get a bat and have someone throw the ball and practice hitting it. My church has been paralyzed because they are waiting on the gifts to show up and then they will go, but if they will go their gifts will show up.

     Do you remember in Luke chapter ten that Jesus sent out the disciples without money, supplies or lodging or even extra sandals? He told them he was sending them as sheep among wolves. He told them to heal the sick and preach that the kingdom is at hand. They came back to him saying that even the demons were subject to them in his name. He didn’t tell them that when they left. They discovered it as they went. You will only discover who I am in you as you go.

     I am not saying that each of you is called to preach or evangelize in front of enormous crowds. I am saying that I am a Good Father who know how to give good gifts to his children. I didn’t leave anyone out.

     Just imagine if you treated your kids the way you accuse me of treating mine. Can you imagine coming home from work and handing one of your kids a gift and telling the other one that you didn’t get them anything? What kind of monster do you think I am? Who would do such a thing?

     I have given each of you many gifts and talents. If you haven’t found yours it’s because you haven’t tried enough. No one is left out. All saints are called into the work of the ministry. Each believer is called to share your faith and to share what you have learned with those behind you. Babies won’t learn to walk or talk on their own.

     So share what you have with others. Just share what is in your hand or in your ability. You are part of a body and each body part has a purpose. Each part of the body serves the rest of the body and doesn’t exist to serve itself. 

     Think of it this way: What if your heart only pumped blood to your heart? The rest of you would die. What if your feet didn’t serve your mind? Suppose you want to go somewhere but your feet don’t want to go? I know this is simple and sounds silly but wisdom is simple.

     What I am really saying to you my loved ones is that you serve me by serving each other. I need my body in the earth to be whole and if each member is only serving itself then the rest of the body doesn’t get what it needs to grow.

     So please my beloved, realize that you do have a purpose and I do have a plan for your life. Try on all the gifts until you find one or two or more that fit. If you went to the store and tried on one shirt and it didn’t fit you wouldn’t say “well I guess I’m not meant to wear a shirt.” You would try them on one at a time until you find one that fits.

     All these gifts are already in your Spirit because my Holy Spirit is master of all the gifts and He lives in you. He works all things out according to my eternal plan and he knows what you need for what you are called to do. You are not lacking and you are not limited. So don’t ask for what you need. Give thanks for what you have and use whatever you find in your hand for the purpose of loving others and bringing many into the kingdom.

     I love you my dear children. Please wake up and know that I have given you all I have and your only need is to know who you are and who I am in you.

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Monday, July 4, 2016

My Yoke is Easy

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     Matthew 11

28. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30. for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

     As I was in my quiet prayer time today I heard these words over and over in my heart. I know when this happens that Father is trying to teach me something. Most things that have been revealed to me from God have been this way. He loves teaching and he keeps repeating something he wants me to know until I give in and learn what he is wanting to teach me.

     I am so glad that our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit are patient and kind and keep teaching us. I love all the ways he teaches me and especially when he teaches me from scripture. I think we will forever learning the depth of all the scriptures. I know they still study the bible in heaven and even there it hasn’t been fully exhausted yet, and it probably never will be.

     When Father speaks scriptures into my heart I always look them up and study all the passages around them to keep them in context. I know that Jesus is our Sabbath rest and he is our hope and our strength so as I began to read these scriptures I began to understand just what we need rest from. If we go back just a couple of verses we can keep this message in its true context.

     If we go back up to verse 25 we find the following:

25. At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; 26. Yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. 27. All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him

     The laboring and the weariness come from searching for wisdom and searching for answers. It’s the same today. People search the scriptures trying to find wisdom and trying to find the way the kingdom works. People study their whole lives trying to find God when the only way to find him is by Jesus revealing him to us.

     Wisdom doesn’t come from hours of study although there is nothing wrong with studying. Wisdom comes from revelation and that comes from spending time with Jesus in fellowship and prayer. That is why he said to come unto me. We have all been guilty of searching the scriptures and listening to hours of teaching and asking every person we know with any prophetic insight trying to find answers, and yet it is so simple. Jesus said “come unto me.”

     In verse 29 Jesus tells us how we get that rest when we come to him. He says,

“29. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30. for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

     When we lay aside all of the habits we have learned by the western world’s way of learning. When we stop spending hours with our noses in books and just come to Jesus and ask him to teach us then it works much better. His “yoke” or his manner of teaching is easy and his “burden” is light. Meaning that it’s not hard to learn when you learn from him.

     The apostle Paul dealt with this same problem when he wrote the Galatian church as it written in his letter to them in chapter one. They had the same problem. They had learned about the grace and the cross of Christ and then some of them were falling back into legalism and Judaism. This happened because some teachers were teaching that Jesus wasn’t enough and they must still keep all the rules and regulations of the law instead of following the law written in our hearts. Let’s read what he had to say about it:

     Verse 6 says:

6. I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel. 7. Not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

10. For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

11. For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man’s gospel. 12. For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.

     This is the way of the true gospel. Those of us who are teachers are really only pointers. We can only share our experiences and teach you to go to Christ for your answers. Paul said he didn’t learn this gospel from any man but learned it by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

     Also if you remember he said that everything he learned before he had to throw away so that he could know Jesus. He was a brilliant scholar and studied the scriptures from the so called great teachers of his day, but all that learning didn’t bring him to know Christ. He only comes by revelation.

     This is what Jesus meant in the verses we just read. Yes he appointed apostles, prophets pastors, teachers and evangelists but they are no substitute for going to him and taking up his teaching and learning of him.

     As a teacher I can only teach you about him. I can’t transfer my fellowship I have with him to you. You must get your own. I can tell you all about my wonderful, glorious friend but that doesn’t make him your friend. You must go to him and become friends with him on your own. My goal is to let you know how wonderful he is so that you will start your own relationship with him. You can’t know him through me. You can only know about him through me.

     So here is a plan. It’s working for me so I’ll share it with you. Go to him first. Ask him to teach you. He is still called teacher in heaven. He still loves to teach because that is who he is. His yoke is easy. You don’t have to have a BS degree or PhD or even an E I E I O. You just have to have a heart that is teachable and be ready to learn from him. He bypasses those who consider themselves wise and teaches those who humble themselves as children.

     He makes learning easy and fun because he can reveal things to your heart and bypass your head. The important things in creation belong to the heart and not the mind anyway. He can teach us things we have never studied and give us wisdom far beyond our natural abilities.

     So go to him first and he will lead you to study if he wants to. Often with me he just speaks and I take notes. I know from personal experience that every little thing going on in life is a lesson. Oh if we were paying attention. God is the greatest teacher and the universe is his chalkboard.

     So pay attention to every little thing happening around you. All good things come from God and all bad things don’t but through the bad things we can learn of him also. The good things are him showing you he loves you and the obstacles are opportunities to know him.

     In this we can learn to always give thanks. In the good things because we are blessed and in bad things because he can reveal himself to us through them. 

     For example:
 If I had never been poor I would not know him as provider.
 If I had never been sick I would not know him as healer. 
If I had never been lost I would not know him as savior. 
If I had never been orphaned I would not know him as Father.
 If I had never been sad I would not know him as my joy.
 If I had never been dead I wouldn’t know him as resurrection life. In every situation in our lives, he is the answer.

     Please think on these things and thank you so much for walking with me down this road. It is my great joy to share this road with you and thank you to all of you who share what you learn with me.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all

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Friday, July 1, 2016

Because He Knows My Name

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     This is a well-known Psalm and one of my very favorite chapters in the bible. While reading it again today I decided to make some notes on some things that were revealed to me about it. There are many more things to say about these verses but I just listed a few.

Psalm 91 ESV

1. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

     We must choose to live in this shelter. It is up to us to stay in his safety by abiding in his presence. The same as when Jesus said “if you abide in me and my words abide in you then you can ask what you will and it will be done for you.” We make the choice to abide in his presence and stay in his shadow.

2. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

     We should say this every day. This is a declaration of our trust in him.

3. For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.

     Here the Psalmist begins to worship Almighty by describing his protection. He is declaring the goodness and the name of God as he continues speaking of the goodness of God.

4. He will cover you with his pinions, .and under his wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and buckler.

     As we learn to abide in his presence and his shadow then we will know his protection. I really believe if we daily and continually speak of his goodness and protection then we shall never be without it.

5. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,

6. Nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

7. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

8. You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.

     These are the results of abiding in his shadow and in his presence. We must learn to be completely conscious of his presence at all times. I believe the reason we suffer loss and are under attack is because we get distracted and lose consciousness of his abiding presence with us.

9. Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place, the Most High, who is my refuge.

    See in this verse, we make the LORD our dwelling place. God dwells in us but sometimes we lose focus and are partly abiding in him and mostly abiding in the world.

10. No evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.

11. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

12. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.

13. You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.

     All of these wonderful promises are to those who choose to stay in worship and stay in his presence at all times and then we go to the next verse where the Psalmist goes from worship to prophecy. In the previous verses the Psalmist was speaking to God and now God starts speaking through the Psalmist.

     These are God’s words:

14. “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.

     How did he hold fast to God in love? He worshiped him and declared his goodness to all who trust him. This act of love and worship is the way we hold fast to our loving Father who protects us. One translation says “because he has set his love upon me.” It’s training our heart and our affections on God that keeps us in this wonderful place of deliverance.

Verse 14 says I will protect him because he knows my name.

    It’s not just that he knows God’s personal name but he knows who God is. God is all the things listed in the previous verses, He is God, He is almighty, he is deliverer, and he is protector and our refuge and fortress. He is all this and more.

     When someone says a name to you the first thing that comes to your mind is not the letters of the name but the character of the person whose name was called. For example if I say the name Judas Iscariot you don’t think J U D A S and think of all the letters. You think of the reputation behind the name. When I say Judas Iscariot you probably think betrayer or traitor. This is what it means to know his name.

     This is why in the scriptures in the original language there are so many names for God. He is trying to show us who he is by the names he chooses. And yet there are still more promises to come.

15. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble;

I will rescue him and honor him.

16. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

     What salvation will he show us? Jesus is our salvation. In the original language that is even his name.

     There is yet so much more hidden in this one chapter and we should read it aloud every day. I would like for each of you to turn this chapter into a prayer of declaration to speak out loud every day. Write your own from your heart and here is an example to go by that I put together. Just be sure you do it from a thankful heart and set your love and your affection upon him as you read it.

     Here is my declaration:

Almighty wonderful God, I dwell in your shelter and abide in your shadow.

You are my refuge and my fortress and I trust only in you.

Thank you for delivering me from the snare of the fowler and the deadly pestilence.

Thank you for protecting me under you wings and your truth is my shield and buckler.

Because of you I am not afraid of the terror of night or the arrow that flies by day. Nor the pestilence of darkness or the destruction at noon day.

Thousands may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it will not come near me. My eyes behold the reward of the wicked.

I make you my refuge and my habitation. No evil shall befall me or any plague come near my dwelling.

For you give your angels charge over me and all my loved ones to keep us in all our ways. They bear us up in their hands so that we don’t even stump our toes or bruise our feet.

Because of you I will tread upon the lion and the adder, the young lion and that old dragon called the devil I will trample under my feet.

I know you will deliver me and set me upon the high places because I set my love and trust upon you.

I know who you are. You are My God, my deliverer, my fortress, my strength, my might, my salvation, and my rock. 

You are wonderful counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. You are above all, exalted and worthy of all worship and honor and glory for ever and ever.

I know you always answer when I call and help me out of trouble and you give me long life and I will know your salvation. Thank you for being who you are and for adopting me as your child. I love you Father.


     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until Next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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