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Friday, December 29, 2017

Are You in Faith?

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Hebrews. Chapter Eleven

32. And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets.

33. who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,

34. quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight..

35. Women received back their dead by resurrection. Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, so that they might rise again to a better life.

36. Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment.

37. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword. They went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, mistreated

38. of whom the world was not worthy, wandering about in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.

39. And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised,

40. since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.

     I know many of you, just like me found this to be a challenging year. We had great victories but suffered great losses. We faced trials and hardship and although we fought and prayed with all our might we still lost loved ones who went home to heaven. We know they are not lost, but only have moved away to their reward, but we still feel like we fought hard and lost. Many of us have struggled in many ways but we are not forsaken. We were told that in this world we would have tribulation but to be of good cheer. So what happened? Did our faith fail?

     We as a church have fallen victim to a wrong idea of what faith is and what it isn't. We are told to ask for something and if we get it our faith worked and if we don't get it then our faith failed. This is left over garbage from the “name it claim it” nonsense that infected the church years ago. Yes there is truth in confession but I can confess a thousand times a day that I am going to be a trillionaire, but if that is not Father's will for me it will not come to pass.

     Confession is not taking a promise that belongs to someone else and making it my own. For example. God promised Abraham he would become the Father of many nations. He didn't promise me that. I can't take his promise and make it my own. There are promises made to all of us and those we can claim, but the more you believe it the less you have to confess it. I don't go around all day confessing that my name is Michael. I know that is who I am. I don't have to keep trying to convince myself that is who I am by confessing it.

     Our faith is not in situations and victory. Our Faith is in God. If you read all of Hebrews Chapter Eleven you will see great victory but also torture and torment, but if you notice it says that all of the ones in this chapter died in faith but didn't receive the promise that we have. The promise is the Spirit of God living within us. It's Christ in you the hope of glory.

     Battles will come and go. We will win some. We will lose some but even in losing we have the victory if our faith remains in him and not in the outcome. The trying of your faith isn't in if you win the battle or lose the battle. The trying of your faith is whether or not we get the outcome we hope for do we still have faith in God and his Christ? 

     If I pray for someone to be healed and they don't get healed does that mean that Jesus is no longer the healer? How silly? If you pray and the answer is yes then you win. If you pray and Father say's no you still win. The only way he would say no is if there is something better or a really great reason to say no. All the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ. He is the mediator of the New Covenant and all it's promises.

     He will never hold back anything he promised, but sometimes we don't understand the eternal plan. When Jesus spoke about being crucified Peter got all disturbed and had to be rebuked. Would we not think the same thing if we were in his shoes? He couldn't see past the temporary and see the eternal. He couldn't imagine any scenario where Jesus being crucified and taken away from them was a good thing.

     I don't always understand Father's reasoning but I am learning to trust him. I have prayed for loved ones who were dying and seen miraculous healing. I have prayed for loved ones who were dying and watched them die. I am not the healer. Jesus is the healer. When I pray I do so with all my heart and all my might, but if I don't get the answer I was expecting I have to trust him and keep believing in him. And I can't let condemnation make me feel like a failure.

     In Act's Chapter Twelve Herod cut off James' head with a sword. He arrested Peter and would have killed him but prayers were prayed and Peter was rescued. Was no one praying for James? Of course they were. 

     Why did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead but not his own cousin John the Baptist? Did he love one more than the other? Of course not. Could Jesus not have put his head back on his body and restored him? We know for certain that he could. Was John's blood necessary for the eternal purpose of God? Maybe so. Maybe some would not grasp hold of Jesus until John was completely out of the way? We don't know. We can only trust.

     I say these things that you might find encouragement. Just because what you wanted did not come to pass doesn't mean you are a failure. So many of you are discouraged and ready to give up because you prayed and didn't get what you prayed for. I have been there. I understand disappointment, I really do, but just because you pray and the answer doesn't come doesn't mean you didn't have enough faith. It doesn't mean you are a failure.

     Two apostles' mother wanted her sons to sit on either side of Jesus in his throne, but he said these things were his Father's business and he couldn't grant it. There are things we don't understand and we just have to accept the old saying “Father knows best.” Paul wanted to go to Asia to preach but Holy Spirit said “no.” There are plans and seasons that God ordained and we have to trust in his wisdom.

     As I was writing down these words Father's voice came to me and he asked me to share these words with you. Here are his words:

     My beloved ones, rest in me. Trust in my plan. Faith isn't about getting your way. It's about trusting me to make what is best for you come to pass. 

     Faith is like a little child who doesn't know how Daddy provides, but trusts him to do so. Little children don't try to work up enough faith for their parents to take care of them. They just trust and love and play. They don't go around quoting Dad chapter five where Dad promised them a new bike. They make their requests by asking but if they don't get everything they ask for they don't assume it was because they didn't have enough faith.

     I have an eternal plan. You didn't choose me. I chose you, I ordained you. I delighted in you before you were born. Because you are my children you are born for eternity. You have eternal purpose inside your destiny. If you will trust me and let me choose what is best for you.

     Don't be discouraged if you don't always get your way. That is the way a spoiled child acts. I promise you that I have eternal rewards for you and I have many gifts of my love waiting to lavish upon you. But please my beloved, know that you are in training. Hardships are necessary. Diamonds are not formed in marshmallows. Steel isn't forged in bathwater. Even Jesus became the perfect high priest because of the hardships he endured. We will rule and reign together and you are being trained for that purpose.
Please see yourselves as in training. Hardships are not punishment for lack of faith. They are just resistance to build your strength and trust. 

     Your time on earth is not about earth. The world you know will be changed for eternity. This is why I told you to set your minds on things above and not below. Don't look at your hardships as punishment. Look at them as challenges. Each situation can teach you something about my character and teach you how to trust me more.

     So many of you have learned through false teaching that you can take my word and drive your ship anyway you want it to go. You have free will and you can do that but it's not best for you. There is power in the scriptures that you can harness to have your own way, but these things will not be done in my name or my son's name. 

     These are the ones who will stand before him one day claiming they did all these wonderful works in his name and he will have to tell them that they didn't know him and he didn't know them. They didn't seek a relationship of trust with him. They only wanted his power to build their names in the earth. Always seek relationship and not power.

     Do you remember the greatest example of faith that my Son found on the earth? It was the Centurion who understood that the kingdom works because of the king. The king says go and one goes and he says come and one comes. They don't all go, they don't all come, each one does as he is told. Yes you are my children, my sons and daughters. Yes you have authority because of who you are. The true sons of God will always do my will, even at their own peril. They don't seek their own will but mine.

     So my loved ones. Will you trust me? If you ask me for something and I say yes and give it to your right away will you rejoice? If you ask me for something and I tell you that you can't have that yet will you rejoice? If you ask me for something as my Son did when he asked was there anyway that the cup could pass from him, and you are told no, will you rejoice?

     Oh my little ones, how I love you so. I told you to labor to enter into rest. Not to labor to prove you have faith. He that has true faith in me will rest in me. You will understand that faith is a gift I gave you. You will put that faith in me and trust me. My sweet ones, don't be discouraged if you don't get your way all the time. Keep trusting and keep singing. Know that I wrote your lives in my book long before you were born.

     You are safe in me. Don't let others convince you that you need to move a mountain to prove you have faith. You already moved the mountain that they are still circling. You moved that big old Mount Sinai with all of it's laws and fear and condemnation. You moved it out of your way so you could come to the heavenly city, surrounded by angels and those who are gone ahead of you into glory. You have entered into trust and rest and into Christ. You are safe in us and your safety is not your own doing. 

     The good fight of faith is to remain in rest and not to be discouraged. It is to know that no matter what happens you are in the middle of my love and my heart. He that believes that my son is the Christ has overcome the world. You may have failed at all you attempted to do but if you still believe that my son is your salvation then you are still in Faith. 

     Be at peace my children and share this peace with others. Encourage each other daily and love each other as your own soul.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me a few moments ago,
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Let Me Drive

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

As I was praying today I heard Father's voice and he asked me to write down these words and share them with you.
He said:

     My little children. Those whom I love more than you can understand at this time. I know many of you are disappointed and some have even given up. You look at hardship and trouble and you think that you have failed or done something terribly wrong. This is not the case. Jesus warned you that in the world you would have tribulation but also told you to be of good cheer because he had overcome the world. So how does this bring you cheer? It is because he is your representative. He overcame for you and as you. His victory is your victory. You must trust in him.

     The reason that so many of you get disappointed is because your hope is in things and events and not in a person. Just as you have faith in me your hope should also be in me. It shouldn't be in events that may or may not come to pass. It shouldn't be in bigger houses, better jobs and more money. All these things are gifts that I give you, but you shouldn't spend your life hoping for things. You should spend your lives in fellowship with a person. Yes, hope is a person. My son is the blessed hope. He is the hope and the desire of the nations. Put your hope in him and not in worldly events and things that pass away.

     I want you to have eternal hope. I want you to know that there is a place to rest your hope that never fails. If you put your hope in me and not in events and things then you will never be disappointed. For example. Some of you hoped that you will find great prosperity this year. When it didn't come you are now disappointed and ready to give up. You put all of your effort and all the faith you could muster into an event, and now you are upset because you think your faith has failed.

     Here is where many go wrong. All of the so called faith messages you have been taught are not accurate. Remember, the kingdom is a family, not a business and not a religion. These teachings tell you to pick out what you want and ask for it and go through all these rules and regulations and quote the correct scriptures and you will get what you asked for. The truth is I have already given you all things that pertain to life and godliness so what is there left to ask me for? You would do better to invest your prayer time in praying for others and not for things.

     The kingdom is a family and we run by family rules. You have an inheritance and all things are yours already. Just as in an earthly family the one who receives the inheritance doesn't get tho choose what he inherits. There is a will and there is an administrator who oversees the wishes of the one who gives the inheritance. I have freely given you all things along with my son Jesus. You lack nothing.

     So the key to having these things is to trust me. Have you ever considered that what I want for you may be better than what you want for yourself? Maybe you have been as they say “believing” for a new house. Maybe you picked it out already. Maybe you are investing all your effort and strength into making this come to pass. Maybe I don't want you to have that house because I have something better. Maybe my eternal purpose for you leads you to a different place. So you spend your time and effort in this struggle they call “believing” for a new house and the house you want gets sold and you feel like a total failure because you missed it. This is not the way a family operates.

     There is a much better way to live. It's called the kingdom. It's called being like a child. Having childlike trust knowing you have a father that loves you and wants what is best for you. Trust me to bring all the things I've already given to you along in their right time and order. This way you can just put your trust in me and your hope in me. Instead of hoping for things and events you can rest your hope in me knowing that I have your very best interest in mind. You can relax and spend all that time you once spent in trying to have faith and you can have real faith that leads to rest. Instead of quoting a hundred scriptures over and over to try to get something, maybe you could spend that time in thanksgiving knowing that I will get you what you need when you need it.

     My little loved ones, would you deny me the pleasure of giving you the gifts that I picked for you? Must you choose for yourself and deny your father the great pleasure of expressing my love for you in the ways and gifts that I choose? I have so many wonderful things to bring into your lives at the right moment and so many of you have your hearts set on something else and miss out on my best.

     I don't say these things to condemn you. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. I say these things to free you from a system of religion that has crept into my kingdom. You do not have to struggle and strain and jump through the hoops of the so called "faith system" to get what you want. I have already taken care of and fully funded your future. It is your choice. You can struggle and strain and try to steer your own life in the way you think it should go, or you can rest in me and enjoy the ride. So many of you didn't like the script I wrote for your lives, so you tore it up and are writing your own.

     There is a place of true faith to live in me in total trust so that you won't be disappointed. You can learn to rest in my love and know that no matter what events come or don't come you are safe in me and your future is secure. Instead of trying to calculate each and every move of your life you can just abandon yourselves to the joy of fellowship and let me take care of the details. You can laugh and be full of joy and hope because you know the details are in my hands. When you have hard times or struggles you know that all these things will turn out in your favor.

     So my loved ones? What will it be? Will you continue to put your hope in events and things or will you learn to rest in me and live by my faith. I have faith in myself and my ability to conform you into the image of Jesus. I gave you a measure of faith to believe in me and my son. You don't have to believe you can fly. You just have to believe you are in the one who can. You don't have to believe that you can heal the sick or raise the dead. You just have to believe the one who can lives in you.

     When you put all of your faith in my son and his ability you enter into rest and you hide your life inside of him. Rest in me. Trust in me. Hope in me. I have a glorious journey for you that is full of delight and glory. I can only take you there if you let me drive

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me a little while ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click on the links below:

Monday, November 27, 2017

Eternally Adorable

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Ephesians Chapter One

Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.

So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son.

He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.

He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.

     As I was praying today I heard Father's voice. He asked me to write these words and share them with his adorable children. That would be you. So, here are his words.

     My loved and lovely ones, do you know how long you have been loved? I didn't just decide to fall in love with you one day. I didn't just love you when you answered my call. I have loved you for eternity and will love you throughout eternity. You are not part of my plan. You are my plan.

     I am love and love needs loved ones to express itself. I don't just have love and feel love. I am love. I am a never ending supply of love and there is no limit to how many loved ones I can love. It's not something I run out of. Those of you who have children understand this. You have your first child and you can't imagine loving someone so much. And then you have another and your love for one is not greater than your love for the next one. Your love is not divided, it is multiplied by the number of children that you have. It's the same with me. The more children I have the more I am multiplied.

    You are my beloved children and you are a great blessing to me. You think your failures and your weaknesses make me smaller because you are mine? No way! I have complete confidence in my love for you. Love never fails and you will not fail. You may slip and trip and stumble but you will find my arms catching you when you do. Do you hear the scripture above? You are without fault in my eyes. Oh if only my children would see each other the way I see you. Perfect and holy.

     My loved ones, this is the mission I am calling you to. I am calling you to speak the truth to each other in love so that you will all know how much you are in my image. Tell each other how holy and righteous you are in Christ. Tell each other how faultless you are in my eyes. 

     Put this image before each of your eyes and in each of you hearts. This is most important because as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Whatever image you paint of yourselves in your hearts will steer your lives to become like that image. If you see yourselves and weak and sick then your physical world will follow the image it was given to portray. If you see yourselves as holy and blameless and perfect then your physical world will follow that image. This is why I give you visions and dreams. Once you see something you can become what you see.

     Think of it this way. I had an image in my heart and in my mind of how I wanted the heavens and earth to be. Then I created that image by speaking the truth. It's not the other way around. You must believe in your heart first before you speak the truth. Your heart knows the truth. It knows if you believe something or not. You can speak from a believing heart and create worlds. You can speak from a doubtful heart and create chaos.

     So how do you convince your heart so that you can confess the truth? There is one truth that is absolute and that is Christ. He is the way the truth and the life. He is your measuring stick. If it's not true about him then it's not true. You can believe the truth and be strengthened or you can believe the lie and destruction sets in. My son came and demonstrated who I am. He was the exact likeness of me. We are one and he modeled that oneness so that you could know an invisible God by seeing my visible Son. Take all the things you believe and measure them by him. As you do this you will expose many lies that you have believed that bring destruction into your world. You destroy the lie by embracing the truth.

     So here is the truth. I love you. I have always loved you and will always love you. I sent my Son to save you because I love you. When doubt creeps in and tells you that you are forsaken and not loved then just look at the cross. Would a God who went through so much pain to save you really leave you? There is never a moment when you are not loved and never a moment when you are alone.

     You are my plan. You were always my plan. Adam's body was just dust. The life came from my breath so even Adam had my life in him. . You are not born of Adam. You are born of the last Adam. You are one Spirit with me. We are one. We are not divided. The life that is in you has always been in me so in a way, you have always been with me. I know this messes up some peoples' religion but this is truth.

     Think of it this way. If you had children and they were kidnapped would they stop being your children? Would they not still be your children even though they were taken prisoner? What if while they were taken captive they were brainwashed and they forgot who they really were? Would that cause them to cease being your children? What if while they were brainwashed they did some really bad things. Would that stop them from being your children?

     Do you remember the parable of the lost sheep? Whose sheep did my son say he was seeking to find? Did he say they were the enemies' sheep? They were our sheep and they were led astray. This is why we seek to save that which is our own. When my church stops believing it's us versus them and realizes that those who are considered against you are just lost and brainwashed and have their identity in the wrong place, then they will see them as lost family and go after them.

     I love all my children. I sent my son to save that which was lost. You were not just lost but captured. You had to be bought back. The enemy had you so bound that we had to do a hostage swap. My son for all of you. Your enemy thought he won. He thought he had Jesus right where he wanted him. He didn't realize my plan all along was to save you along with him. He had no idea that my son is absolute truth and truth can't be bound by a lie. Your enemy tried the usual route. He tried to buy Jesus off with fortune and fame and power. After all it had worked with so many before including Adam. Once he realized he couldn't buy Jesus, he decided to kill him and take what belonged to him.

     But there is one thing your enemy knows nothing about and that is the power of my love. I was not willing to leave my Son in hell. I was not willing that he would perish. Your enemy does not know love and he would sell anyone out for any reason. He had no idea of the love bond between Jesus and me.

     He had no idea that my son would love you all so much that he would take your sin's, your sickness and your poverty upon himself just so he could destroy it. Your enemy didn't understand the power of unquenchable love. I was not willing to leave Jesus in death and I would not leave you there either. You were with him on his cross and his resurrection is yours. This is why before the cross men who died went to Abraham's bosom and after the cross my beloved Paul would say “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” All things became new by what Jesus did. His blood cleansed earth and heaven. All things are new again.

     So what am I saying to you my beloved? I am saying that you were loved from the beginning. Why would I create an earth? Did I need one? I made it so that you could dwell there and we could walk together. My plan was always for us to be together for eternity. I created eternity so there would be no limits to how many blessings I could give you. Millions of eons from now I will still be revealing to you just how much you are loved.

     My loved ones: This is truth. You are my plan. You are not accidental. I didn't just go wandering through the universe looking for people to save. The lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. I always knew what it would cost me to have a family and I paid it up front so that you would be safe. I want you to be so secure in my love that you learn to love others just as I love you. It's hard to give away what you don't have. Once you have full belief in my love for you then you can pour that same love into others until all can see just how much they mean to me.

     If you are having problems loving others then meditate on my love for you. Take another look at what my son Jesus paid to get you and place your own value there. Those of you with children understand that when a child is born they are helpless. They depend on you for everything. They can't work or create or make anything of physical value. But you would sell your whole world to protect them. Their value to you is not based on what they can create. There value to you is in love.

     Understand my dear children, I love you more than you can understand at this moment. But that's okay. Love has to be experienced. It can't be explained anyway. There are three things that remain, faith, hope and love and the greatest is love. In other words: There are three building blocks of the universe, faith, hope and love. The greatest is love.

     If you consider just for a moment how much I love you then your faith and your hope will return. There are times in your life when you have believed you didn't have these three, but I did. I always have faith in you. I always have hope for you and I am endlessly in love with you. I adored you when you were in my heart in the beginning. I adore you now while you live on the earth in the physical realm. I love you for eternity when we dwell together face to face. You my loved one, are eternally adorable to me.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me at this moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information, please click on the links below:

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Eyes on the Prize

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Philippians Chapter Three

12. I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.

13. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,

14. I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

     As I was praying today these scriptures came to my heart. I began meditating on them and Father's voice came to me. He asked me to write down these words and share them with you.

He said:

     My children, please put your eyes on the prize. I know some of you stumbled out of the gate and fell but your race is not over. It's not how you start that matters, its how you finish. Don't be looking back and wondering why you tripped or why you made this mistake or that mistake. You must set your eyes on the finish line and run with all your might.

     For so many of you your past mistakes have become like a deep scratch in a record. Your life is the album and it's full of beautiful music but all you hear is the scratch. Your lives are a beautiful blue sky with one cloud but all you do is stare at the cloud. You score 99 on a test and all you think about is the one you missed. 

     You can't succeed this way. You must look ahead and not behind. You must know that I am still with you. Who do you think helped you up when you stumbled? I am not counting your mistakes, I am cheering you on to finish and win the prize. I am eagerly looking forward to the day when I give you the crown of life for finishing so well.

     Stop looking back and look ahead. So many of  you spend your days wondering “what if” I had done this or that. How can you know that the outcome would be better or worse? If you had done things completely different the outcome may be the same or worse. Only eternity will tell if you made the right choices. So don't beat yourself up over what you presume are mistakes.

     I'm not saying that you shouldn't try. You should always make each choice with eternity in mind. But you are running a marathon and not a sprint. Here is a hint: Each of you has challenges and hurdles to overcome that are part of your training for your eternal destiny. 
Each of you will have different offices to hold forever. 

     No two races are the same. You are accountable for your race so don't worry about how others run theirs. Each of you is being trained for an eternal purpose and my training is specific to your call. So don't worry if others seem to skate through life with no difficulty while you are running through troubles daily. Rejoice that you are my champion and I am training you. 

     Look ahead to the finish line. There is a crown of glory and many eternal rewards waiting for you. I placed your rewards in heaven so that you could have them forever. If I gave them to you now you could only enjoy it while on the earth. 

     Don't be a spectator in your race. Don't stop and listen to the crowd cheer for someone else. Hear me cheering you on and hear the great cloud of witnesses who want you to win. Never expect to get your encouragement from the world. They have stopped running their race and are critiquing those who are running. They don't realize that they need to get back on track and run for themselves.

     My beloved ones, I tell you these things so that you will know that hardships build faith. I will never leave you and my son has overcome the world and you are in him. He and I and my Spirit are in you, encouraging you to run like the wind. Don't stop and don't be discouraged. 

     A new leg of your race begins each morning when you open your eyes. You may have gotten sore feet and bruises from yesterday's events but today is different. You must dig deep into your heart and say to yourself as David did when he said about me, “by you I can run against a troop and with your help I can leap over a wall.”

     I am your strength, I am your might. I will help you and be with you in trouble. When you feel you can't run one more day, I will strengthen you and give you hope and energy and you will run like a deer.

     No one can stop your race but you. You can decide not to run. You can decide the eternal prize is not worth contending for. You can choose as many have, to sit and be spectators in their own race. To watch others run as you sit and long for the days when you once ran so well. You could do that; But we both know that you are not that person. You may have stumbled or may have fallen. You may have grown weary and quit, but you can't quit forever. You can't because my Spirit is in you speaking to you now to give it one more shot. Get back in the race and run again. Let me wash your feet and put on clean shoes and get back in the race.

     Remember, the goal is not to win more toys or make more money. Christ is the goal. To grow up into the head is your challenge. To be as your master is the goal and the prize. 

     You are my champion and I chose you to run for me and I gave you a race because I believe in you. I empowered you with my love and my Spirit so that you would never be without power. I am cheering for you. I am so excited about your race that I got out of my seat and I am running along the track beside you and will be overjoyed when you win your race. So don't give up. The finish line is waiting. No more believing anything else but you are my champion. No more looking back. Get your eyes on the prize.

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

You Wouldn't Cry

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:


Second Corinthians Chapter Five

For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. 

We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing. 
For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies.

While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life. 

God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit.

So we are always confident, even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with the Lord. 
For we live by believing and not by seeing. 
Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord.

     Lately some people who are very dear to my heart have moved to heaven. I know they are in the greatest joy ever, but sometimes my heart still mourns for them and I miss them terribly. I know many of you also have experienced this in recent days and months. Sometimes when I am hurting and missing loved ones Holy Spirit takes me back to a song that He gave me years ago.

     It was a hard time. Our mother had passed away and I made it through the funeral and through a couple days after. It seemed that the event hadn't hit me yet. My emotions were suspended while I tried to show strength and tried to be there for my loved ones. I made it fine until Sunday came. 

     Every Sunday evening I would call Mama just to visit and to tell her I love her. As usual on that Sunday, without thinking, I picked up my phone and dialed her number. As it rang and rang and rang it finally hit me. Mama was not going to answer. She was gone to be with Jesus.

     Suddenly the emotion hit me and I ran to my prayer closet and fell on my knees crying. I cried out to God, I just missed her so much. I sat there crying for several moments and then sweet, loving Holy Spirit does what he does so well. He comforted me.

     I don't even know how to explain how he does what he does, but suddenly I heard Mama singing. This was not unusual while she was on earth. Seems like she was always singing. I remember following her around as a child. She would go from chore to chore singing “His Eye is on the Sparrow” I can still hear it until this day. But this night it was a different song. She started with the Chorus and then sang the verses. I know many of you may not believe me and that's okay. Whether you believe me or not, I hope that you will get your own songs from heaven sung by your loved one that has departed.

     I sat there and my tears of sorrow were replaced with tears of joy and amazement. I quickly grabbed a pen and wrote down the word to this song called "You Wouldn't Cry." I hope the words to this song comfort all of you who are missing your loved ones.

     Once again, thanks to all of you for your prayers and your encouragement to me. You are a great blessing to me.
I really do love you each and every one.

      I recorded the song and there is a link to it below where you can listen. Thanks for tolerating my homemade recordings.

Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     Here is the link to the song:

     You Wouldn't Cry

     For more information please click the links below:

michael's blog

michael's podcast

michael on iTunes

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Awaken to Love and Don't Be Afraid

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

First John Chapter 4

13. And God has given us his Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us.
14. Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.
15. All who confess that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God.
16. We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.
17. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.
18. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.
19. We love each other because he loved us first.

Philippians 4

6. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
7. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
9. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me, everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.

     Lately I have encountered so many believers who are afraid. They are afraid of death, afraid of life, afraid of things to come, and afraid of things that don't even exist. I try to comfort them and tell them that there is absolutely nothing to fear but so many want to hang on to fear. I asked Holy Spirit to help me and I prayed about these things He spoke to me and gave me some words to share to all who are afraid. He said:

     Are you afraid my children? And why would you be afraid? Do you not know that you have already passed from death to life and you will never die. You are not a body. You are a spirit. Spirits don't die. There is no fear in death because you died already. You were crucified with Christ and now you live by our faith. Do you think our faith will fail? Do you think that someone is strong enough to take you from us? Do you not realize that we live inside you and you are safe inside us?

     My children you are doing yourselves great damage by fearing. It's not okay to fear. When you were told to “Fear Not” it was not a suggestion but a command. Fear is the basis for all the destructive things that are in the world. Adam was afraid that he was missing something he needed to be like me so he partook of knowledge that brings forth fear and this fear brought forth death.

     There is only one cure for fear and that is love. Perfect love does drive out all fear and if you are afraid it's because you are setting your eyes upon things that created fear and not on the truth. 

     The truth is that you are a spirit created in my image. You are joined to me and we can never be separated. You must learn to see us as one and not two. There is no separation. You were baptized into Christ. You can't be removed from us. You are as much a part of us as we are a part of each other. 

     Jesus prayed in John Chapter Seventeen that you would each be made “one” with us. Please go read that chapter over and over until you understand just how much a part of us that you are.

     Here is the simple truth. You are our children. You have always been our children and will always be so. I formed you in your mother's womb so you were you mine even then? Yes you were. You are so safe that you belonged to me even before you knew me. You have always been safe in my hands. There is nothing that can separate you from my love so there is no need to fear.

     Here is the problem. My children believe what they see with their eyes more than what they read in their bibles and what they hear in their heart. Jesus said “I am always with you.” But you say “one day Jesus will be back and it will be good.” Who is correct? Is it Jesus that was mistaken, or is it you? One of you is mistaken and I'm quite sure we both know which one of you it is.

     Little children. Take your eyes off the world and look at heaven. It is your home. This world is not where you are from. You are from heaven and you are in heavenly places even now. As long as you see yourselves below and not above you will be afraid. 

     Your kingdom is not subject to this world. Your kingdom is within you and it is a spiritual kingdom. It is eternal and can never be removed. No one can take your Father off of his throne. So you have nothing to fear.

     Please my beloved. Turn off your news and your gloom and doom messages. It is called programming for a reason. They are programming you to be afraid. They are trying to scare the heaven out of you. If I told you not to fear and yet your news anchor or pastor tells you to be afraid then which voice should you hear? Remember that most of them have been programmed for fear also, so most who repeat the fear message are just confused. Although some of them know the truth and still use fear because fear sells merchandise. Either way they are wrong. 

    The kingdoms of this world have no power over you for they are run by fallen spirits working through men. You are safe because the all powerful Creator of all things lives in you and is never threatened by his creation.

     The creator is always more powerful than the creation. All power in heaven and earth is in Christ. The only real power working in the dark world is fear and deception. These are powerful weapons to a fleshly mind but not the Christ mind. 

     If you are in the flesh mind and someone tells you there is a snake in your bed, you may be afraid,  even if it was a lie and he is not there. Whatever you believe in has power in your mind. Once you see these fear mongers for who they are then you will not be afraid any more. They have no power over your spirit. Remember, you are not a body, you are a spirit.

     Look at what was spoken through Paul in Second Corinthians Chapter Five.

1. For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands.
2. We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing.
3. For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies. 
4. While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life.
5. God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit.

     My little children if you knew that if your worn out car broke down there was already a brand new luxury car waiting for you at the dealership and it was paid for in full,  then would you worry about your car? If you knew that if your home gets destroyed you already have a beautiful mansion already paid for and fully supplied waiting for you to move in, would you be fearful of losing your house?

     I hear many say, well it doesn't hurt to be afraid. Yes it does, it causes your light to be hidden. Those who don't know the truth need your light and you are covering it up with fear. 

     Do you remember that Jesus told you that if your eye is single your body will be full of light, and if it is not single it will be full of darkness? What if all my children only looked at the light and each of you were so filled with that light that you drove darkness out of the world? What if the world could no longer live in darkness because your light was the testimony of Christ living in you?

     Many in the world come into so called church to find hope and all they find is doom and gloom. They don't want what you have because you don't have anything better to offer than the world. Your eyes are so much on the world that you are full of the world and not full of faith. Set your eyes on Jesus and be filled with glory.

     When you awaken to my love and know just how safe you are then you will be the ones  Isaiah saw when he said:

1. Look, a righteous king is coming!
And honest princes will rule under him.

2. Each one will be like a shelter from the wind
and a refuge from the storm,
like streams of water in the desert
and the shadow of a great rock in a parched land.

     Did your righteous King come? Yes He did. Are you not a kingdom of kings and priests? Are you not a prince? Is your Father the King? 

     Please stop being afraid of the problem and be the solution. You don't need to seek shelter, you need to be shelter. You are hidden in Christ. You are the temple. Open up and let those who are afraid see me in you so they will no longer be afraid. My little children, wake up and see just how safe you are and experience my love and peace and you will never fear again.

     Soak your minds in my love and my truth. You can't lose anything. Even your hairs on your head are numbered and inventoried and charted onto a grid so that you can't even permanently lose those. 

     You will lose nothing while sojourning in this land you call earth. I keep your tears in a bottle, do you not think I keep your laughter in my heart? Do you not know that whatever you give to me is safe for eternity? Every precious moment of joy in your life is recorded and one day you can re-live those moments in real time as often as you like. 

     Just wait until you get a look at my living scrapbooks. I wrote books for your life so that every wonderful thing that happened to you can be remembered forever. Think of every time your child brought you joy. Every time you heard your mother sing, All the times you had fun with your Dad. Every time you laughed so hard you could barely breathe. Playing with your friends when you were children. All these moments saved for eternity to be experienced over and over again. And anything that ever brought you pain or suffering will be deleted and remembered no more.

    My loved ones, let these words sink down deep into your heart: I love you and you are safe in me. No more fear. Let my perfect love fill every part of your being until there is no room for fear because all your empty places are full of my love. Awaken to my love and don't be afraid.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me to share with you on this glorious day of resting in our Father's love. 
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time, 
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Monday, October 16, 2017

Return to Peace

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

First Corinthians 1
Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and our brother Sosthenes, To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ their Lord and ours:
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Colossians 3:15
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.

     As I was praying today I heard my savior's voice. He spoke to me these words and asked me to share them with you. He said:

     Little children, don't look at the world and expect to find your peace. I give you peace as a gift for I am the Prince of Peace. I am the Prince who brings peace. You will find true peace only in me. I am not afraid and neither should you be.

    I know you live in days when all you see is doom and gloom and you see fires and storms and you hear many false prophets telling you that these are signs of the end and of my wrath. My little children, I am not angry with you. Nor am I angry with sinners. I poured out my blood to save them. I reconciled them unto my Father.

     Those of you with children will understand that you may be angry with your children for a moment but you can't stay that way long. Your love for them overrules you anger toward them. And why do you get angry even for a moment? Is it not because you love them so much that you want better for them than what they are experiencing? Righteous anger is an outpouring of love because you want what is best for your children. I am not angry at you. In my jealousy for you I want only what is best for you. Your destruction is not my best. Your salvation and deliverance is much better. I seek only your salvation and what is best for you.

     If you had children and someone led them astray and told them lies and they became confused and went the wrong way would you be angry with them? Or would you instead have mercy on them and lead them back to the truth. Do you get angry at the deaf when they can't hear or the blind when they can't see? If you find a lost child wandering the streets do you beat them for running away or do you try to restore them to their family?

     Religion tells you that the world is full of sinners and I am angry with them and can't wait to destroy them. That is not the way I see things. When I was nailed to that cross did I curse the ones who nailed me to it or did I pray for them? If I can show mercy and compassion on the ones who nailed me to the tree then can't you show mercy on those who offend you? All were lost when I was nailed to that cross and yet I still gave my life there. Is my blood enough to save the world or isn't it? 

     I am the great shepherd who loves the sheep, even the ones who are astray. I seek to save that which is lost for all are mine? You were once lost. Were you not mine even when you were lost? You were lost and got stolen and I had to pay with my blood to buy you back from sin. You were a little lost lamb but you were my little lamb and I came to save you.

     Remember how I told you that I will leave the ninety nine in safety and search for the one that is lost, and will come again rejoicing when I have recovered my lost lambs? Those of you with children if you had five children at home safe and one child lost in the woods would you not go after them and find them to bring them home? Do you love your children more than I love mine?

     I tell you these things to bring you peace. Many of you have loved ones that are gone astray and loved ones in danger. I love them more than you love them and I am doing all I can do to bring them home safely. My Father loves the world so much that he sent me to seek those who are lost. I love each of you also and came willingly and gladly, to seek for you and find each of you. Holy Spirit loves you and came to dwell in you so you could never be lost again.

     I want you to look at the world differently so that you will have my peace. I don't want you to see what the world is trying to show you. They will pass up ten happy stories to report to you one evil one. The news you see and hear tries to make you afraid and cause you to lose your peace so that they can lead you astray also. 

     You will do things in fear that you would never do if you were in faith and resting in my peace. Think of the spies that Moses sent into the promised land. Joshua and Caleb saw the giants and the obstacles but understood they were no match for me. Because most of Israel was afraid they didn't enter the promised land at that time. 

     It's the same today. Usually ten out of twelve of my children will look at a situation and ten will see it as negative and fearful, and two will see it as an opportunity to bring me glory.
     You are in me. I am your promised land. Don't look at the giants of hate, poverty and anger that are in the world. Look into my eyes and stay in my peace. Do you really think there is anything in the world more powerful than I am?

     I am your peace. I am your safety. I told you that no one could pluck you out of my hand. You dwell in me and I dwell in you so you are always safe in me. The fear of death causes people to live in torment. My perfect loves casts out all that fear. If you are afraid you just need to focus on my love until your fear leaves. 

     You don't have to fear death. When you trusted in me you passed from death to life. You are already living in your eternity. You are living in two places at once. You are on earth in your body and you are already home with me seated in the heavenly realm far above all the chaos that you see on the earth. I am in heaven and I am in you. You will never be alone again. Not ever!

     The only thing the evil in the world can do is send you home. So why are you afraid my little ones? I have been given all authority in heaven and earth so those who think they are ruling the world are deceived. Pharaoh once thought he was in charge. Nebuchadnezzar thought he was in charge. Those who nailed me to the cross thought they were in charge. They just didn't understand the power of love.

     All authority that exists was made by me and for me. All these things will work out according to my plan so why should you fear? Did the powers in charge when I walked the earth stop my plan or did they execute my plan? They carried our what was previously ordained for them to do. In trying to destroy me they helped me save the world. So why are you afraid?

     Be at peace my loved ones, I know there are many evil things going on today, but there is also great wonder among you. Many are coming into the kingdom. Miracles are happening around you and you don't see them. If someone from the past stepped into the shower that you did this morning they would think it was a miracle. If they got on a plane or in a car they would rejoice at the things you take for granted. Do you know how many miles I walked in sandals? Look at the shoes on your feet. Are they not a gift from me? All good things come from heaven and so many of the things you take for granted or accept as man's inventions were gifts from me to you. So be glad and rejoice that you are so favored.

     Now I want to talk to you about the recent catastrophes. I am not the cause of the floods or the fires or earthquakes that devastated lives. Those of you who lost homes or loved ones or possessions need to know that I did not send this calamity to you. I am your deliverer, not your destroyer.

     I stop storms, I don't send them. What do I have to gain by such a thing? I told you in scripture that it's my goodness that leads men to repentance. Are these things good? When the storm arose on the sea and my disciples were afraid, did I tell them to accept the storm? Or did I stop the storm and ask them where was their faith? I was tired. It would have been nice if they had stopped it and let me sleep. Your enemy tries to deceive you and make you think these things come from me. That way you will continue to do nothing about it.

     I told you in my scripture that out of man's evil hearts these things are brought forth. I told you that there would be earthquakes and disasters but I didn't say I caused them. I saw these things and warned you. If you tell your children to take an umbrella because it's going to rain does that mean you made it rain or that you just saw it coming?

     If you really want to know where some of these things come from then look at your false prophets. The words of mankind are powerful and those who stand in your pulpits and sell you books about my wrath, speak of disaster after disaster. Your enemy takes their words and uses the power in them to bring things to pass. Yet you keep believing their words and adding power to them with your faith and bring about your own destruction. You help them destroy the earth by buying their books and sermons.

     Man's words are powerful. Man is in charge of the earth so you should choose carefully the words you speak to the earth. The good things in the earth that bring forth fruit should be blessed and the evil things that bring forth destruction should be cursed. There is no more curse on the earth. I took that crown of thorns and put it on my head. The blood that flowed from around those thorns cleansed the earth of it's curse and it is blessed again. It should bear fruit unto you and not thorns and thistles.

     Sadly these false prophets who speak destruction and doom are the ones who will stand before me and think they were prophesying in my name when they spoke destruction upon my children. They will tell me of all the curses and judgment they spoke against the children who were gone astray. I will have to tell then they we didn't know each other, and these were not my words. I wanted salvation and mercy and not destruction. If you truly “know” me you will know that I love mankind and my creation and I am saving both.

     All new testament prophesying is to edify and exhort. Yes, there are warnings, but they are for protection and not for destruction. If I warn you of a coning storm it is so you can prevent it or be protected from it. Stop believing the lies. I have come to save the world, not to destroy it.

     Do you really not know that if I didn't love the world it would be destroyed already? I want all to come to me and not perish. Even under the old covenant, repentance would have stopped all judgment. If Abraham had just kept on asking me about Sodom it would still be standing. If he had only said. “Please don't destroy Sodom for Lot is there?” I would have accepted that. Had the people repented then Noah's ark would have been a barn and not a boat. Had Pharaoh not sent his army after Israel there would have still been a place for him. It is my will that all repent and find salvation.

     My loved ones, I tell you these things so that you will have peace. Until you settle it in your heart that I am the savior of the world and not the destroyer then you will never have peace. Once you understand that I have come to save and not destroy, then you will work with me and not against me. You will have my heart for the lost and seek their salvation and not their doom. You will see storms and fires as works of the enemy and you will fight them will all your might and all your faith.

     Finally my loved ones, let my peace settle into your hearts. I am with you and will never leave you or forsake you. No matter what fire, or storm or disaster you are in right now, you are not there alone. Yes, your boat may be sinking, but I am with you and I can walk on water, so why are you afraid?

     I can still the wind and stop the storm. I can send rain and put out the fires so ask me to do so. Command the rains to come and the fires to cease. Command the destructive storms to stop and the wind to be still. I did what I saw my Father doing, so you do what you saw me doing.

     Have compassion on those who have suffered loss and pray for them and help them. Be merciful to each other. See each person as I see them. They are not evil, wicked sinners. They are lost sheep who are astray and think that I am hunting them to kill them and not to save them. 

     Do you remember the story of the prodigal son? I didn't run down that road to punish him, but ran to him to kiss and restore him. Did he squander all I gave him? Yes, he did. Did he commit sin against me? Yes, he did. Was I angry with him? Not even for a moment. What do material things matter compared to the life of a child? Money and possessions are just stuff. People are true treasure.

     Don't you see the cross? Don't you see my blood? Don't you understand I did this because I am eternally in love with each of you? If I loved you so much that I would die for you then don't you know that I want you to live in peace? Put aside your worry and rest in my peace. Don't forget little children to love each other as I have loved you.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me a few moments ago. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click on the links below:

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dance With Me

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

     As I was praying today I heard Father's voice and he asked me to take notes and share them with you. I hope you are as  delighted by his words as I am. Thanks for sharing this journey with me. He said:

     My children, it's time to know who you are and who I am. It's time to put away religion and join the family. Yes you are a kingdom, but we are a kingdom family. You are a royal priesthood, each and every one. The smallest is equal to the greatest and there is no favoritism except that each of you is my favorite.

     My children. I have given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. I gave you my son. His blood took away all your guilt and healed all your diseases. You are in me and I am in you. You lack nothing. You have inherited all things including my name. Religion teaches you that you are lacking and you need more. My Spirit teaches you that you are complete because of your union with us.

     This is what is lacking in the so-called faith message that has infected most of you. They teach you that you are lacking things and you must use your faith to gain the things you already received by birth. They train you to speak to things in faith, trying to use your own faith to produce, but that is not how it works. It works because you are one with us, and you speak as one joined to us, and not as one separate from us. True faith says there is not anyone or anything above that you need to bring down, or anything below that you need to bring up, but all you need is in your heart. That is because I dwell in your heart and I am all you need.

     Jesus walked in power not because of his faith but because of his oneness with me. That's why he didn't have to do the works: I did them through him. He only did what he saw me doing. He gave me control of his body to move as one. 

     Many of my children get discouraged because they try to do things that didn't originate with me and when they don't come to pass they feel condemned because their faith didn't work. Until you understand that you are one with me, faith will always be hit or miss. Jesus told you that believing in me was the work of God. Don't just believe in what I can do. Believe that you are one with me and I can do all things through you and you can do all things through me.

     My beloved, I don't long to rule over you, I want to dance with you. Those who are born of my Spirit are like the wind because they don't have to have a natural reason to go here or there. They are just dancing with me by my Spirit. My spirit is the breath inside you and you must learn to live and move as my Spirit moves within you. This was portrayed to you in the wilderness when they only moved when my cloud and my fire moved. At that time the cloud and the fire were external but today my cloud and my fire reside in you.

     So many people today take off on their own dance and expect me to follow. Yes, I go where you go but this dance will go much better if you let me lead. Those who are led by my Spirit are the sons of God. In other words: those who are mature in me will let my Spirit lead them. I want you to be led not by zeal, but by love. I don't want you to move or go because I am driving you but because I am wooing you.

     Saving this world is a family business. That business is to take over the world by love. My beloved son Jesus did the hard part when he came in and broke the power of the enemy. He destroyed his ability to rule by force. 

     Consider this. When Jesus went into the wilderness the devil manhandled him and set him on the temple and set him on a high mountain. Jesus told him to get behind him and rebuked him with holy scripture. From that day on the devil had to work through people to affect Jesus. He was no longer able to manhandle him. His power was being broken already.

     Now the devil can only rule over those who are willing. Jesus took the god who ruled the world and crushed his head. He bound the strong man so you could loot his house. Satan once ruled all the nations by force, but now, you just resist him and he flees like a scared cat. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and now its time for you to destroy the lingering effects of the devil's works.

     It's your turn to do your part in the family business. Each of you has a purpose. Our mission is to reach each and every soul on earth and adopt them. My Son's blood took away the sins of the entire world. Just as
Satan can no longer rule over them by force, sin can't either if they know the truth. It is your mission to display that very truth before their eyes. 

     You are on a mission to demonstrate my love to them and bring them to repentance. What is repentance? It is changing their minds that they are not under the devil's control anymore and all they need to do is turn to me and turn their back on sin.  My beloved Paul called this the ministry of reconciliation. They have been forgiven but are still running from me because they think I am angry with them. Just like the prodigal son, I want them to come home. What did the prodigal son find when he got home? A clean robe, a feast, music and dancing.

     So what does this have to do with dancing with me? Everything. As the world sees that I am not a destroyer but a lover they will turn to me. As they see your lives flow with me not in toil, but as a beautiful dance to the greatest love song ever written, then they will change their minds about me and come to me. As they see your eyes lost in mine and see the glory of our love they will want what you have. As they learn that they are no longer slaves but are free to dance they will join in.

     So put aside your well crafted plans for taking over the world by force. The world will be won by love not my force. Not by might, not by power but by my Spirit says the Lord. So what is my Spirit doing? The same thing he did in the beginning. My Spirit is hovering over the waters,( the nations) waiting on me to turn on the light in each heart, and inviting the world to dance. Arise and shine, your light has come. Now get up and dance with me. 

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today. 
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Healing is a Person

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

Matthew Chapter 9

18.While he was saying these things to them, behold, a ruler came in and knelt before him, saying, “My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.”
19. And Jesus rose and followed him, with his disciples.
20. And behold, a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment,
21. for she said to herself, “If I only touch his garment, I will be made well.”
22. Jesus turned, and seeing her he said,“Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.”And instantly the woman was made well.

23. And when Jesus came to the ruler’s house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion,
24. he said,“Go away, for the girl is not dead but sleeping.”And they laughed at him.
25. But when the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose.
26. And the report of this went through all that district.

27. And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David.”
28. When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them,“Do you believe that I am able to do this?”They said to him, “Yes, Lord.”
29. Then he touched their eyes, saying,“According to your faith be it done to you.”
30. And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them,“See that no one knows about it.”
31. But they went away and spread his fame through all that district.

     As I was reading this chapter today and praying Father's voice came to me and he asked me to write down the following words and share them with you. He said:

     My children, study the verses that you just read and heard. What do they all have in common? Each of these people in this chapter had faith, but what did they have faith in? Did they have faith in a formula or a five step program for healing? Did they have faith in confessing the scriptures until they were healed? No, they had faith in a person and in that person's ability to make them whole.

     Healing is a person. He is my son. We are healing. Healing is not what we do, it is who we are. We are health and our health is more contagious than your disease. All of these people had faith that Jesus would heal them and he did. All they had to do was have faith to get to him, or even have someone else who did. Healing is not an event. It comes from contacting the healer.

     The good news of the gospel is not a message about a new religion and new ways of connecting with me. It is good news that we became one with you so you could be one with us. It's not about formulas or plans or methods. It is about relationship.

     In the church today it seems every day someone is selling you a new plan about how to be healed. There are three, five, seven and even books full of steps and programs to get you well. I have a great plan for you and it only requires one step. My plan is called Christ. Receive him and you get all that we are. You received him as Lord and Master but have you received him as healer?

     In the old covenant healing was external. Power came from outside of you to heal you. In the new covenant the healer lives inside you and you are healed by fellowship with the healer within, You have no excuse for not touching him because he lives in you.  In the old covenant the power or anointing came upon you to heal you from outside. In the new covenant you are inhabited by my life-giving Spirit who is constantly quickening you and making you whole from inside out. 

     So many of you have been healed from things you didn't even know about because my life destroyed the sickness before you even had symptoms. The more you learn to rest and fellowship with the healer inside you the healthier you will become. You will get better day by day until you are completely whole. There will be a day as I spoke of through my prophet Zechariah when the feeblest among you will be like King David and the house of David shall be as God with the angel of the Lord going before you.

     This truth of my life-giving Spirit living in you is why Jesus told his disciples that it was better if he came back to heaven and sent Holy Spirit to you. Jesus became flesh and is still flesh. He kept his body. You can't be inhabited by another body, you can only be inhabited by a spirit. Holy Spirit is one with me and one with Christ so when he moves in you are filled with all our fullness. This was the purpose of all that Jesus did. We love you and wanted to be one with you.

     I hear you say "What about laying on hands." Yes people are still healed by the laying on of hands but what comes with the laying on of hands? Was not my Spirit received by the laying on of hands? This is why you get healed that way. It still doesn't come from outside. The person who puts their hands on you sometimes releases my Spirit from within them to contact you but most times it just stirs up my anointing within you to heal you.

     My church must start seeing me as the God who lives inside them and not the God far away. It's time to build on relationship and not religion. This is the new covenant. I live in you and walk in you, I write my love laws on your heart and on your mind, and in me you live and move and have your being. No longer separated by space or time or any other thing. It is Christ and Me and My Spirit in you and you in us. Not four but one. Let this sink down into your heart. Not four but one.

     So please my beloved ones, stop buying all the formulas and programs and searching for ways to be well and get healed. I am the God who heals you. Healing is not an event. Healing is a person. Christ in you is the hope of glory. 

     No more reaching out to get healed. Settle into my rest knowing that the healer is inside you. Rest in me and be well and blessed. Fellowship with me in spirit and in truth. My Spirit is within you, so fellowship with me inside. Let's sing together and make melody in your heart and mine. Be well my beloved ones and know that I am with you always.

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

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