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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I AM Holy Spirit: I AM God and I love you!

     An audio version of this message will be available on my podcast at the link below:

     While praying today Holy Spirit spoke to me. I created a video of the message. You can click on the link right here to see it. video

     For those who prefer reading we will continue.
Here are the words I received.

     My little ones: beloved of your Father, beloved of all of heaven. Did you forget that I am with you? Yes your Father sits on his throne of glory and Jesus is beside him in the seat of honor but I am here and I am here to lead you into perfect love.

     Do you realize that I lead you into the prayers that are best for you, and when you don’t know what is best I pray for you in groaning that you can’t even possible utter. Your body is not capable of producing this frequency and it is beyond the capability of your mind to even fathom. Only with the mind of your spirit can you hear such things. 

     What I am saying is, how can you fail? If God is praying to God for you, how will you fail? Do you not realize that I am God here on earth? Here to help you and to lead you and to show you the way to become mature into your Father’s kingdom. 

     I want you to take time to fellowship with me. Talk to me; treat me like I am really with you because I am. I will never leave you. Our spirits merged when you believed the message of your salvation. We can never be separated. I am with you to take you into the glory to come. I will not let you fail. It is my job to get you there and I will not fail. Jesus came and completed his mission and I am here completing mine. You must learn to know me and to trust me.

     Imagine if Jesus appeared before you in physical form and he prayed for you. Would you believe that his prayer would be answered? I am here and I am praying with you and for you and I will see my prayers and wishes for you fulfilled. I am the rest of God. I am the rest you seek. I am the promise that was promised to Abraham. I am the promise that Jesus told you about. He told you that I would come and lead you into all truth and make you free. I take the truth that was his and reveal it unto you. I am delighted to do so for I love you and I chose this mission because I love you.

     When I arrived, the early church realized I was the cloud by day and the fire by night. They understood that the wind came with the cloud and I multiplied my fire and it rested upon each of them. No longer were they living under the cloud and the fire but the cloud and fire was living in them. This truth was lost over the generations and I am restoring it now. I am the fire and the cloud and I am living in you. In the days in the wilderness the church followed the cloud and now the cloud follows you. I go where you go for I am in you and can never be separated from you.

     So don’t be afraid my beloved. The same cloud that provided for the church in the wilderness is inside you. I give you food to eat and water to drink and give you shade and heat and all things you need are now inside you. I am not above that you need to bring me down or down below that you need to call me up. I am right here living in my temple within you. I looked for the most beautiful place in earth to build my temple and I chose you. You are beautiful to me and I am delighted to be living inside you.

     So now my beloved ones: No more fear. No more anxiety. I am with you. I am praying for you. I will teach you all things you need to know. I am the anointing and the truth that you need. I am the living water and you will never thirst. All you have to do is learn to abide in me as I abide in you. No more living like we are two separate beings. We have to live as one and think as one and become one. We are one already but you have been taught to be blind to this fact.

     Think of it this way. Would you ever say “here comes John Smith and his legs and arms? No, because you see a person as one. You must think the same way in the spirit. We are not two any longer. We are one. We will never be two again. You can learn to live with me as one.

     It’s the same in marriage. A man and woman can live together as two and never really become one. They may share a home and furniture and even children but they never learn to work together and become one. Each tries to rule their own lives and they don’t submit to each other in love. They don’t set common goals and learn to truly walk together as one. They never consult with me to see what I have chosen for them. As a result their lives may be full of possessions but they never reach their full potential. They never learn to live as one.

     This is the way the church has been for centuries. Never submitting to me and becoming one with me. The church wants to go the way of the world and I want to stay in the heavenly mind. I have to go with you into the world because I never leave you, but I can’t participate in sin because I am holy, so I have to go with you and watch you give the love that was meant for me to the world. How my heart is grieved when you choose temporary pleasure over eternal love. My way is life and peace and even though the world can only offer death and anxiety, many still choose to go that way.

     My little ones, it is time for an awakening of truth. It’s time that you get to know me. It’s time for you to understand the plan of eternity and how I am the only one who can lead you there. Only by me can you fulfill your destiny in life. Only by me can you find the truth that makes you free from sin and death.

     Just as the Pharisees searched the scriptures and didn’t recognize the true Word of God when he stood before them so it is today. You search for programs and seek for knowledge and formulas to live in the power of heaven. Yet I am here and so many don’t take time to get to know me. Some denominations think I only came to the apostles. Some think I am just a bird or a feeling that makes bumps on your skin. I am a person. I want you to know me as a person.

     I love you and long for fellowship with you. Can you imagine how it would feel to live in a house with someone who ignores you? They never speak to you or recognize you. They don’t know what you like or don’t like. They don’t know the sound of your laugh or the sound of your sighs. Imagine being invited into someone’s home and then being told to sit down and be quiet while they go about their lives as if you weren’t ever there? Now imagine what is like if you actually lived inside that person and was treated the same way.

     I am patient and kind. I keep wooing you from inside hoping you will hear me. Hoping you will fall in love with the one who has been in love with you forever. Hoping we can have this great fellowship: Hoping that I can teach you the ways of holiness and love and rescue you from depression and danger just because I love you.

     Oh how I love you my children. You are my children. I birthed you in the spirit realm. Your spirits are my offspring. You are not born by the will of the flesh but by my will. I wanted desperately to have a child just like you so I did. You are spirit born from Spirit. You only possess the body you walk in. Please learn to live as spirits and not as bodies with spirits. You can do this if you fellowship with me and let me teach you who you are and who I am. If you would let me reveal to you that I am the God who lives in you then your world would change.

     Sweet children, please spend time with me. Please don’t forget me. I am here waiting for you to get to know me. I know everything about you. I know what your desires are right now and what they will be a million years from now. I know you wants, your hopes your dreams. I want what is best for you. Will you please speak to me and fellowship with me? You don’t have to be lost in the world. Heaven is inside you.

     Let me remind you my loved ones. I Am God The Holy Spirit. I love you so much that I chose to dwell in you. Will you fall in love with me and become one with me? If you will look into my eyes of love the world will lose its hold on you. As you get to know my love you will never long for any other feeling or emotion again. You will be swallowed up by my love and you will never be sad or lonely again.

     I AM Holy Spirit. I AM GOD and I AM in love with you.

     This is the end of the words spoken to me this morning. I hope you are encouraged by them.

Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:




You Tube

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A King Chooses His Bride

I woke up yesterday with Holy Spirit encouraging me to re-post this message that I gave a while back. Instead of writing it again I decided to put it on video with some background music. I will put the link to the video  below and I hope you are encouraged by it. Thanks again to each of you for your prayers and your love.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

click on the link below for the message:
Link to: A King Chooses His Bride

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

I Am Able

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

Romans Chapter Four

18. Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping, believing that he would become the father of many nations: For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!” 19. And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead, and so was Sarah’s womb. 20. Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. 21. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.

     I went to sleep last night praying for the church as a whole. I say praying, but it could be more like whining. I minister to so many who are tangled up in the false gospel and the entertainment gospel. I said, “Lord I just don’t know how we will ever get them to see that they are trapped in a system of lies and I want them to see the truth. I keep preaching and preaching and no one seems to be listening.” He didn’t answer my whining and complaining so I drifted off to sleep.

     I I woke up early this morning with these verses repeating over and over in my heart. I have learned when this happens usually its Father trying to correct a wrong belief that I have fallen into or to restore my focus. So, as I prayed about it he began to speak to me and asked me to share the following words with you.

     He said,

     My loved ones, I am able. I am more than able. I know your situation looks hopeless but your situation is not God. I am God and I am able. I am able to do exceedingly; abundantly above all you can ask or think. I will do for you whatever I promise I will do, regardless of your circumstance.

     I told Abraham that I had made him the father of many nations. I did it. I chose him and I made him the father of many nations before he even knew me. It was my plan and my promise. He didn’t talk me into becoming a father. I made him that. When he believed the truth he partook of the righteousness of the promise but the promise was my doing. I didn’t do it because he believed. I did it because I chose to. He became righteous and inherited the promise because he accepted my plan and believed me.

     It looked hopeless. His body was worn out and old. Sarah was long past child bearing years and in the natural there was no way they could have children. But I am above the natural. What you call supernatural I just call normal. To me nothing is hard or impossible. As Jesus told you I could have raised up children to Abraham from the stones of the earth.

     So what I am saying to you my loved ones don’t give up. If I promised you something I will do it and you will see it come to pass. Here is where my children often miss it and get discouraged. They assume all promises are to them when the promise was made to the seed and not to the seeds. Christ inherited the promise and all the inheritance. He is head over all things to the church so it’s his will and his plan that is working all things together. He has a plan and promises for each of you.

     Do you remember that Jesus told Peter that when he was older he would be taken by a way he didn’t want to go? Peter asked about another disciple and was told “what is that to you if he stays until I come?” Christ is the head of the church and there are promises to be distributed to you but you must submit yourself to him. There are particular promises to each of my children but most are not walking in the destiny that was chosen for them.

     Do you remember in Acts Chapter Thirteen it said that there were many prophets and teachers in the church at Antioch? Yet as they worshiped and fasted my Spirit told them to separate Barnabas and Saul to the work for which they were called? I didn’t send everyone out. I didn’t make everyone stay. I have a plan and a destiny for each believer. Jesus is the head and each of you is a particular part and your part is needed desperately. However most of my children want to be the head or the eyes. Many are not willing to be the feet or the back or the hands.

     Even though these believers were prophets and teachers they didn’t know what to do until they were told. They worshiped and fasted and prayed and my Spirit spoke to them and told them what to do. 

     This is the way the promise works. Is this not what I gave Abraham? I gave him the plan. You shall live by every word that proceeds from my mouth. Most are trying to live by words written on a page to someone else. Yet my Son lived by my voice and spoke the words I gave him and only did what I showed him to do. This is the way it’s supposed to work.

     It’s the same with each of you. Instead of running all over the world trying to find your calling you should spend time in the secret place until I speak to you and you will be empowered to receive my promise and to live out your destiny.

     I have ordained good works for each of you to accomplish along your journey through life and you are empowered to accomplish the things I ordained for you. It’s when you try to get out of your calling that you find yourself in trouble and lacking what you need to accomplish the work.

     Think of it this way: Should each of you go fishing and try to catch a fish with money in its mouth to pay your bills? Should each of you go find a man with a donkey tied up and tell him the Master needs him? Should each of you walk around looking for a man with a pitcher of water? Should each of you get on a boat and go to the other side of the lake? Should each of you go out and buy a sword? Should each of you go to find a street called straight and find a man named Saul? 

     It is supposed to be simple and my Son only found one man in his day that understood. The centurion understood that Jesus was a man with authority and under authority. He knew that whatever Jesus said would be done. He told one to go and he went and another to come to him and he came. This is the simplicity of the kingdom. Just hear my voice and do what you are told.

     Holy Spirit will empower you to fulfill your calling; but you must hear my voice and follow the instructions I give you individually. The so called “faith message” has taught you that you don’t need my voice because you have a book. They don’t understand that the early church did great and they didn’t have the book. They had prayer and a voice to follow. On the day of Pentecost my Spirit came with a prayer language and with revelation. Without this revelation then even the scriptures are just a book. 

     My voice must be restored if the church is going to fulfill its destiny. My book is an introduction to me and my voice. It is a holy book but only because it came from me. Most people in the faith message put the book above me. They can’t hear me whisper in their hearts because they are too busy listening to Moses shout from the mountain.

     This is where the verses I gave you come into effect. You must believe that I am able to rebuild my church upon the foundation of revelation of my Son. 

     I know most of you feel like it’s too far gone and there is no way to wake up enough people to make a difference. Just like Abraham, Christ’s body seems dead and useless. But don’t stop. You keep sowing truth. There is a truth revival coming and my voice will be heard again. Once again my people will hear my voice and enter into my restful promise.

     I am able to do what I promised. I will complete my plan to fill the earth with my goodness. I will see my righteous ones shine like the sun. I will see the kingdoms of this world fall and be overtaken by my holy ones. I will see my Son’s name glorified in all the earth. I will see the government upon his shoulders and peace reigning in the earth. I have promised these things and they will come to pass.

     Now to each of you personally: Come back to my secret place and worship and get your instructions. You may have gotten off track but I will redirect you. You may have become discouraged but I will encourage you. You may be weary but I will give you rest.

     Come to me and get my precious promises that are just for you and you will have truth to build on. No more trying to steal someone else’s promise. Come and get your own. I have glorious promises waiting to speak to you to empower you to succeed.

     In the present, your dream may seem dead and it may seem like it will never be fruitful, but I am able. I am your God. I am your friend. I am your hope and salvation. Look into my eyes and your problems will become so small that you will laugh at them. I will fulfill every promise I make to you because I am able.

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below: