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Friday, January 26, 2018

Not Your Day To Drown

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

Isaiah Chapter Twenty Six
Verses Three and Four

You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever,
for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.

     As I was reading these verses today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down his words and share them with you.
He said:

     My loved ones. Why do you worry? Why do you fret? Is it not because your minds are set everywhere but on me? I know you hear me tell you to focus very often but that is because it is easy to be distracted. You have so many voices and so many events and programs pulling your attention from me.

     You must learn to tune out the enemy and tune me in. You must change channels. Turn off the fear channel and tune in the peace channel.

     I know so many of you are facing struggles and it's hard to keep your minds from wandering there, but you must learn to do this. If you want to be a disciple then the first thing you must discipline is your mind. You must not let it wander into danger.

     For so many it's still the same thing. It's the fear of death that holds your thoughts captive. My son destroyed death. You are already passed from death to life. Your death was on the cross with my son. You are just camped in the hotel you call your body. Your real life is hidden with me in my son. You are not in danger. If you live you live for me. If you “die” as you call it you do not really die. You are in my presence immediately. You are really there now but the blinds in your hotel don't let you see out of the window into my world. It's time to open up the blinds and look into the eternal world that you already live in.

     I hear so many of my children say they don't hear from me or they don't have dreams and visions but it's because you are looking in the wrong place. You can look in your refrigerator all you want but unless your are really messed up your hammer is probably not in there. You can look at the news and into the programming of the world but you won't find my truth there. You must come to me for truth and then go change your world.

     I am the kingdom. The kingdom is inside of you because I am in you. I dwell in righteousness, peace and joy so if you are looking into darkness and gloom and depression you are not looking at me. You must learn to abide in my secret place at all times. My secret place never moves but your mind moves from safety to danger. You follow where your thoughts go. Whatever you think of most often will drive you into the direction of your thoughts. This is why the enemy tries to hijack your mind and your thoughts. You can learn to keep your mind on me and be at perfect peace.

     Consider when my Son and his disciples were in the boat and the sea grew angry. The disciples were focused on the wind and waves and drowning, yet Jesus was asleep in the storm. He had perfect peace. If you can walk on water you won't fear drowning. If you can walk on water then you can sleep on water also and will never sink. Jesus only did what he saw me doing. He knew he was going to the other side of the lake. He knew he had a command from me to do so. He knew he was not going to drown in a storm. He knew his mission was not finished.

     It's the same with you. You know your mission is not done. You know it's not your day to drown. You may be in storms and problems that are like howling winds, but you know you are going to the other side of these problems. You can get there in two ways. You can trust and rest knowing that I am taking you to the other side, or you can call upon the one who is at rest. He will use his peace to still your storm. He is the prince of peace and his peace is stronger than your storm. We would prefer that you would enter into our peace and watch your storm dry up.

     My loved ones. It's not your day to drown. You can learn to be at peace. What if the wind in your storm is not there to destroy you but to air up your sails so you can move forward in your journey? So please take your eyes off the storm and put them on me. Look at my greatness, not your weakness. I am all you need. You can set your mind on me and live in peace or you can look at the world and live in terror. There is nothing you should be afraid of. The most the world could do is send you home. What a horror to have to move out of your house on earth and into your mansion in heaven?What are you afraid of?

     Yet so many of my children think I am causing the storms when I have proved so many times that I am not. You listen to false prophets who tell you that I am judging you for the sins of your nation. They tell you I am destroying cities because of my wrath. Have you considered this? I told you in scripture that I was in Christ reconciling the world to myself not counting men's sins against them. I told you that my son was my lamb that took away the sins of the world. Do you not know that the only way I could hold your sin against you is to look my son in his face and tell him “sorry son, your blood was not enough.”

     Once again my enemy has deceived you. The wages of sin is death but my gift is eternal life. Who is death? When you do wrong you have an enemy who pays you for it. It's not me. How many of you who are parents got up today and decided that since your child told a lie that you will punish them by destroying them and all of their friends with them because they are all guilty? What kind of monster do you think I am? Jesus came that you may have life and that more abundantly. Not judgment and condemnation and punishment. These false prophets who speak the doom and gloom that you feast on are stealing your peace. Turn them off and look into my face and see if you are still afraid of the future.

     Bad days come and go but in every day there is a reason to rejoice. I am with you and never leave you. When my presence becomes real to you then you can live in heaven while going through hell. You can overcome the present trouble by looking into the joy that waits for you. You can build your life on the rock. Jesus is your rock. He came because he loves you. We love you and we are your future. So don't concern yourself with the evil in the world. It will soon cease to be. Look at me and forsake looking into the darkness.

     Consider what I said through my beloved David in Psalm Thirty Seven:

Fret not yourself because of evildoers;
be not envious of wrongdoers!
For they will soon fade like the grass
and wither like the green herb.

Trust in the LORD, and do good;
dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the LORD,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him, and he will act.
He will bring forth your righteousness as the light,
and your justice as the noonday.

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,
over the man who carries out evil devices!

Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!
Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.
For the evildoers shall be cut off,
but those who wait for the LORD shall inherit the land.

In just a little while, the wicked will be no more;
though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.
But the meek shall inherit the land
and delight themselves in abundant peace.

     My loved ones, don't keep looking at the world and expecting to find peace. You look at me and let me deal with evil. Keep your eyes filled with my light and my love and my goodness. Don't worry about things to come. Trust me. Never doubt that I have your best interest in my heart and I hold you in my hand. I will never, ever, ever let you go. Set your minds and hearts to live in me and my peace. I am with you. I am with you in your boat, in your storm. I am here to give you peace. It is not your day to drown.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Lose Your Mind, Find Your Heart

     An audio version of this message will be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Father spoke these words to me and asked me to write them down and share them with you.
He said:

     My children, you know me by heart. It's when your head tries to explain me that you get into doubt and trouble. You have been taught to be a learner and not a believer. You heart has a knowing device inside. You know me in that part of you. Your mind filters me by what the current situation is but your heart only knows me by love and trust.

     The problem my children face today is that they are in their minds and out of their hearts. You seek knowledge and wisdom but wisdom is not a mind thing, it's a heart thing. You haven't settled it in your heart that you are loved and that is the basis of our relationship. My love must be the rock that you build your life on. 

     You always look at situations and then try to see how they fit into my love for you. You think my love changes according to what you do. This is not the case.  Part of the problem is that you still judge yourselves by the law of Moses and not by the law of the Spirit of life. So you expect calamity and judgment because your mind thinks you deserve it. Your minds see weakness and failure while your true innermost heart sees the perfect work of the cross and the blood of my son. Your hearts are on the inside looking out and your minds always seem to be on the outside looking in.

     Many of you wonder how you could be so loved if you are in hardship? Think of your own friends and even some of you can look at your children. Are there those you love who are in trouble and you wish they weren't? You don't control their world so you can't help them. You love them but you can't force your will upon them. They have forgotten who they are and drift off into circumstances that are outside their true character. Only realizing the truth of who they really are will change them.

     My church is inside out. My living water flows from your innermost being. Not from your mind. Knowledge brought death into this world. It still does. Anyone who tries to find me with the mind and not the heart is looking in the wrong place. Everlasting salvation is knowing me and the One whom I sent. It's not in knowing facts and dates and scriptures. It's in childlike trust in the Father whose lap you sit in. The mind is not renewed from the outside, but it is renewed from being taught by your heart. Trust me, know me, fellowship with me in your hearts and let your hearts train your mind to trust also.

     There is a place of abiding in me that your whole life is locked away in me and not in the world. You must choose to abide in me. I wont force you to do so. You can keep abiding in fear and doubt and unbelief or you can rest in my love and abide in my protection. When you consider things in your mind and not your heart then you get out of abiding, and you wander back into the wilderness of doubt.

     It's time to come into the life of being in the secret place and knowing that I love you. I live in your heart, so where will you abide with me? You are perfect in me. You are complete in my Son. You didn't get there by rules and regulations and keeping the law. You didn't get there through knowledge. You got their when the faith I put in you woke you up to the truth. The truth is that my son baptized you into his death and I raised you into his life. This was my doing and not your own. Your mind tells you that you must do something or earn something to be accepted, but faith in my Son was all it took to please me.

     It's time to focus on light and get your minds off the darkness. Darkness is not removed by studying it. You can only destroy darkness with light. Studying the problem will not make you the answer. When my son walked the earth he kept his eyes on me and destroyed the works of darkness. Today my church sets their eyes on the darkness and is condemning and judging. This doesn't help. If you would all focus on me you would become the light that destroys darkness from people's lives again. Your job is not to look at the darkness but to look at me and shine until it's all gone.

     It's time to set your eyes on me and your hearts on my love. Don't filter what you see through religious eyes. Don't try to get there by knowledge. It's through love. Love is the door to all things of my Spirit. You were loved from the beginning and you are always loved. Abiding in my love builds trust in me and you can once again to live from your heart and not your head. 

     With the heart man believes unto righteousness. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. It's all about your heart because that is where you love from. Any work, whether you think it good are bad is a dead religious work if it wasn't born from a heart of love. I so loved the world that I gave my Son. I wouldn't have done it for any other reason.

    I told you that whatever you desire when you pray you will receive. Holy desire comes from the heart and not the mind. The power of prayer is not in the words you speak but in the desire that is within you. When Jesus stood before Lazarus' tomb he said” I thank you Father that you always hear me.” What did he say before that? He hadn't said anything. I heard the cry of his heart and that is the prayer I answered. He commanded Lazarus to come forth because he knew I already answered the desire of his heart. The words were just for the people to hear. Lazarus was coming out even if he had not said a word. Give it a try. Pray to me with your heart and not with words. You will see that  you get more prayers answered.

     You will find me when you seek me with your whole heart.
You will find answers when you seek me with your whole heart. Which is better, to know the answer or to know the one who is all the answers? I am your answer and I am in your heart. Living in you because I adore you. Not because I have to but because I want to. I chose you as my dwelling place because in my heart you are the one I desired.

     Will you look in your heart and fellowship with me there? Will you go out of your mind for me? Will you lose your mind so that you will find your heart again? Your mind has been programmed for unbelief. Your heart believes all things. Faith, hope and love abide in your heart long after your mind has given up. I long to share many things with you, but they are heart matters and not mind games. Please come to me and lets make melody together in your heart.

     I love you dear children. Please love each other and encourage each other. Discouragement comes from the dark realm. It shouldn't be in my people. Remind each other of the perfect work of salvation that my Son completed for and in you. Speak the truth in love. Tell each other just how holy and righteous you are because of what my Son did. Learn to live in this truth. This is the truth I put in your hearts. Go ahead. Lose your mind. Find your heart. You will love it.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me a few moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all

     For more information please click the links below.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

I Am Here

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     While praying today Jesus spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. 
He said:

     My children, so many of you seek wisdom and knowledge and you are still eating of the wrong tree. What you should seek is relationship with me. In me dwells all the wisdom and all the knowledge you will ever need. How long will you walk in this endless circle of learning and never knowing? Your thirst for knowledge for knowledge's sake is blinding you to the truth. This truth is Christ in you the hope of glory. It is me in you that you need to be learning by fellowship.

     There are millions of books that you can read and thousands upon thousands of sermons, and these are not bad things but they are not me. I created the scriptures and have protected them so you could study, but I don't want you to study about me. I want you to study with me. The truth is that my words are in the book but I became flesh and still wear the flesh I wore, although it has changed by the glory of the resurrection. I wrote a book, but I am a person. Some of you love the book more than me.

     Think of it this way. Suppose you heard about someone and you started reading about them. You fall in love with them because of what you read but then one day they move in with you. But you just ignore them and keep reading and reading when they are with you. Instead of fellowship with the one who moved in, you keep seeking them as if they never moved in. 

     See how strange this is? Do you remember that I told the Pharisees that they searched the scriptures trying to find eternal life but life is only found in me because the book is written about me? It's the same today. I live inside you but you have more fellowship with the book and with sermons and teachings than you do with the living, breathing, eternal one who lives in you. You go from meeting to meeting and conference to conference to try to find the one who already lives inside you.

     My loved ones, will you please believe the truth? I am in you and with you and yet you act as if you are speaking to someone a million miles away. I am right here. It's me in your heart? Wouldn't it be more fun when you read your bible if you read it and ask me what I think about that? Wouldn't it be fun if you came to the revelation that I am always with you? What if you get to the point that you can always see me at your right hand? What will this do for your faith? What will this do to your fear and doubt?

     This is the truth of Pentecost. The God who dwells in heaven now dwells in people. You are the habitation of Holy Spirit. You are my dwelling place but you don't see me. You see your problems. You see your bills. You see the chaos that is in the world but you refuse to see me.

     Please my beloved. See me. You have ears to hear and eyes to see. It's your unbelief that I am truly with you that is blinding you to the truth. Just because you don't see me doesn't mean I'm not here. Did you ever have someone sneak up on you and you didn't know they were there? Were they there? Yes they were but you didn't see. Your blindness to them didn't change the truth. 

     I am always with you. You can believe it or not. If you do believe it you can see me in every situation in your life working with you and through you to change all things. If you don't see me then you tend to try to fix things yourself and don't see where I am trying to help you. This leads to more unbelief and more problems.

     I want you to see me. I want you to know that I am with you. Many of you will quote the scripture that says it's more blessed to believe without seeing. Well too late. You already believe so you are past that now. So why don't you see me? It's because you let the darkness of this world blind you.

     Do you remember what I said through my beloved John in the letter you call First John?

If anyone claims, “I am living in the light,” but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is still living in darkness. Anyone who loves another brother or sister is living in the light and does not cause others to stumble. But anyone who hates another brother or sister is still living and walking in darkness. Such a person does not know the way to go, having been blinded by the darkness.

     There is so much of the world in my church. People walking in unforgiveness of others and not walking in love. So much jealousy and fighting for prestige among those who should be washing the feet of those they are trying to be lord over. My children have set their eyes on the world and their eyes have become filled with what they are staring at. Now they can no longer see me because they are blinded by the world.

     As long is your focus is the world or the things of the world then you are not seeing me. I am in your heart and can be plainly seen if you will look with the eyes of your heart. As Paul my apostle said in the letter to the Corinthians.:

“For God who said Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.

     My Father's glory shines in my face and my face is in you. You can see me in you when you look for me with your heart. When you look into my face then my face shines upon you and you transmit that same glory for all to see. This is why the righteous will shine like the noonday sun. You will learn to see me as I am, and my face will light your face, and my Father's glory will be seen by all.

     The secret is to look at me more than you gaze upon anything else. Don't look at the world and try to find truth. Look into my eyes and see the truth that makes you free. As long as I am a faraway God you will get faraway results. When I become the God who dwells in you then you will walk in my power and my might.

     This is another problem in the church. It is my Father's Kingdom, His Glory and His power. Many only seek us for that power and not for the sake of love. The only time they are intimate with us is when they are making requests. You have a term you use for those people. You call them gold diggers. They want my power and my might and my glory but strangely they don't want my holiness, my patience and my long-suffering

     I never used my Father's power for my own will. Yet this is common today as many want my power just to validate their ministries. This is why there is no power in what you call church. The real miracles and signs and wonders are in the earth being delivered from heaven by those who seek to be nameless and faceless. The ones who don't walk around with cameras to capture Father's glory for their own uses.

     This will change soon as my children learn to see me. When you all learn to see my face and to see into the realm called heaven you will no longer be gazing at YouTube. You will be amazed at who and what you see when your eyes are truly opened.

     So my loved ones. Look into my face and learn to see me. Look for me in your heart. I am in your heart. This is the New Covenant. I will walk in you and live in you and be your God and you will be my people. I will write my laws in your hearts and on your minds. Not on tables of stone but on beating hearts and loving minds. I took away your sins. They are remembered no more. So walk in my light and my love by seeking my face and not my hand.

     When I become everything to you then you will not be lacking anything. I want to be your all in all. I want you to love me as I love you. I want you to seek me because you love me. Why seek things that wear out and things that never satisfy? I am the drink you want. I am the food you desire. I am the wealth you seek. I am the joy you long for. When I become your health then you will no longer need healing. When I become your life then death can never touch you.

     I am the true love of your life. I have loved you from before the foundation of creation. I have adored you for ages eternal. You are my delight and my desire. I live right here inside you and yet you gaze into the sky looking for me as if I were that far away. I want you to love me for love's sake. Just as I love you. I don't want or need your money. I don't want or need your service. All I want is you and all of you. I want your heart. We can only be truly one if you give it to me.

     Please my beloved. I am love, I am life. I am hope. I am joy. I am might. I am eternal and I am not far away. I am here. Look inside your heart and see me.

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click on the links below: